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One Chance (Hogan Brother's Book 1)

Page 6

by KL Donn

  “You’ve never been?” She gasped in mock horror.

  “Don’t get smart with me, woman.” She tried holding in her laughter and failed. The tinkling sound was music to his ears. The lightness on her face was a sight to behold. The freedom in her eyes was his goal.

  “Okay, okay, sorry.” The damn girl was gasping for breath through her laughing. He couldn’t be fucking happier than right in that moment.

  “Do your brothers share your same love of cars?” she finally asked.

  “No. Levi, he’s a little more secretive. He likes cars well enough, but that boy has got things going on in his head no one knows about. Loch hasn’t found what he’s passionate about yet. He goes through the motions, pretending so he can fit in. I have a feeling he’s likely to get himself in trouble trying to find what he wants to spend the rest of his life doing.” It’d be easier, less stressful if Loch and Levi could just focus on the cars. But they never had the same interest as Nox did.

  “Your mom said the same thing weeks ago,” she told him.

  “Really?” He perked up, “What else has Ma said?”

  She cleared her throat before answering. “That you were lonely.”

  “She did, did she?” He was, he just hadn’t thought he was obvious about it.

  “Are you?” Soph hesitated in asking him.

  Thinking about it, Nox knew he had to be honest. If he wanted her to give him everything she was, then he had to give her the same courtesy. Trouble was, he didn’t know how to explain why. It’s not as though he was hurting for having people around him. His brothers were always there, his Ma was constantly hounding him for one thing or another, and women flocked to him like birds. Whatever that meant. He just had no logical reason for being lonely when he was surrounded by everyone he loved daily.


  He wanted a reason to go home to at night. A warm body to keep him company. Someone to share his day with.

  Looking at Sophia, he saw all of those things with her and more.

  “I am,” he finally answered her. “I have everyone around me, but I’m missing someone to share it all with.” He knew if he said he was missing her at his side, she’d get spooked. So he kept his mouth shut.

  “I can understand that,” she responded. In her eyes, he saw that she really did. Maybe more than he did. She had more money than anyone he knew, yet she had to be the loneliest person he’d ever met.

  Cupping the back of her neck, he brought her closer to him. As their lips met, he told her, “We’ll work on that, together,” just as he claimed her mouth with his.

  She hesitated at first, only taking what he offered, not giving anything herself. Until he nipped her lip, and she came alive.

  Like a match to flame.

  Thunder to lighting.

  She exploded.

  She soared as he explored her mouth. A blend of sweet champagne and spicy food. She was the perfect mix. When she moaned into his mouth, his other hand went to her thigh, rubbing softly up her satin-smooth skin with his fingertips as they kissed.

  He didn’t push for more than she was ready to give, and she didn’t back away. They found a flawless harmony of give and take. Pulling his shirt over his head, a light touch on his chest alerted him to her soft, questioning contact. Her delicate fingers explored his hard muscles as his hand slid up her thigh, clutching her plump ass cheek and pulling her closer to him.

  She smoothed her fingertips up his chest tentatively until she reached his jaw, cupping him the way he’d done so many times to her before. He groaned in delight as she rubbed her dainty digits through his stubble while she explored his features the way he wanted to explore her body.

  Before long, they were laying side by side, eyes connected, fingers intertwined while the sun began to go down. When a shiver worked through her, he finally admitted it was time to take her home, no matter that he just wanted to lay there all night with her in his arms.

  Distance isn’t an issue because, in the end, I have you.

  The drive home was shrouded in intimate silence. Something Sophia never thought she’d experience. She’d read about those long, quiet silences in books, the ones filled with tension. A silence so deep neither time nor space could transcend the meaning of.

  The silence of two people who could read the other like open books.

  Familiar dread squeezed her heart and swallowed the happiness she’d been enjoying as they pulled up the driveway to her prison. She hated that house with every fiber of her being. It radiated with lies. Lies no one but the three people living there knew existed.

  A curtain on the top floor of the east wing fluttered as Lennox turned the ignition off, and she just knew it was her mother. She could almost feel the animosity being shot at her.

  “I had fun,” Lennox said, pulling her from thoughts of what was to come.

  Mentally shaking her head, she plastered a smile on her face, telling him, “It was really nice. Those wildflowers were beautiful, too.”

  “We could do it again,” he suggested, taking her off guard.

  “I think I would like that,” she responded, smiling.

  “Good. I’ll be back day after tomorrow.” The shock on her face was mirrored back at her as he climbed from the vehicle and she saw her reflection in the side window.

  As he opened her door, she squeaked out, “So soon?”

  “Can’t let you think too hard about me not coming back, now can I.” It wasn’t a question. She would doubt he’d want to return after everything she’d told him.

  “Is this… Are we…?” She didn’t know how to ask.

  “Dating?” he finished for her. Nodding her head, he told her, “No.” Disappointment slammed her like a ton of bricks. “Dating is for kids. We’re in a relationship, Sophia.”

  “Relationship.” She repeated. “I thought that came after the dating?” She had no idea about any of those things. She was such a novice.

  “For some, sure. I’m too old for that shit, Soph. I know what I want. And what I want, you’re not ready for, so compromising is what I’ll have to do.”

  “This is a compromise?”

  “Yup.” It was hard not to laugh at his smug smile.

  Shrugging her shoulder, she would try and go with it. “Okay.”

  Walking up the steps to her front door with his hand on her back, she felt cherished. A feeling she could definitely get used to.

  “Thursday, six o’clock, be ready, darlin’,” he told her as he leaned down to give her a kiss on the cheek. His lips left an imprint as he pulled away.

  “What will we do?” She wanted to know how she should dress. She loved wearing frilly dresses, but she had a feeling she wouldn’t always be able to with him.

  “Dinner and a movie, maybe,” he answered. “Goodnight, sweet Sophia.” He brought her hand to his mouth for one last kiss before opening the door for her to go inside. As it shut, she had the most amazing feeling of anticipation she’d ever felt before.

  Never in her life had she looked forward to another day. Never had she wanted the night to end sooner than it did. Never had she wanted to stay out all night if only to keep the euphoric feeling.

  All too soon everything came crashing down as her mother’s footsteps and snarled words entered the room. “I told you to stay away from him!” She grimaced from behind Sophia’s stance by the door.

  Wishing she could dart through the huge oak doors, she turned and spat out, “You haven’t been with him.” She believed him on that.

  “Oh, Sophia, so naïve. So dumb. When will you learn?” The false saccharine smile on her mother’s face had Sophia wary of what the woman would do.

  Taking a deep breath, she asked her mother, “Why do you hate me so much?”

  Breath held, she waited for an answer.

  The ugly look that crossed Rebecca’s face wasn’t what she had expected, nor were the words. “Because you ruined everything!” she yelled.

  “How?” The word barely made it past her tight throa

  “Anthony wanted to be the perfect family; he wanted what he couldn’t have. What I wouldn’t give him. Stupid child, you are nothing.” Sophia stood frozen as her mother ranted. “You should have been dead. You weren’t supposed to be born. But the idiot couldn’t keep it in his pants.” What was she saying? “I made do the best I could with the fool I was given, but Lord help me, you are too stupid to function.” That word again. “I wish he’d left you in the trash where he found you!”

  “What?” she whispered in horror.

  “Sophia!” Braxton’s voice could be heard from… The kitchen? she thought. She didn’t know where he was. She didn’t know anything.

  The trash?

  “I was garbage?” She was sure the pain vibrating through her could be heard in her voice.

  “Sophia!” Braxton called again, closer that time. She still couldn’t answer.

  “That was after you were choked, of course.” How could she be so smug?

  “I don’t understand.” The words were more for herself, but her mother caught them.

  “Of course, you don’t. You’re too damn stupid. You, Sophia, are the biggest mistake of my life. My ultimate failure. My regret. Stupid Sophia, always wanting to be loved. Stupid Sophia, always wanting what she can’t have.” She began walking closer as she sang about how dumb she was. “Stupid Sophia, always taking what’s mine. And have no doubt, Stupid Sophia, Lennox Hogan is mine.”

  Her heart was beating out of control, her mind was running a million miles a minute. And yet, it all made sense. The hate, the contempt, every painful memory and word.

  “I’m sorry,” she murmured meekly. Hating how weak she sounded but unable to do anything about it.

  “Rebecca!” Braxton’s voice was full of warning as he saw them.

  Leaning into Sophia, her mother whispered, “What do you say, should I take him for a ride, too? Make him hate you as much as I do? It worked with your father.” Before the woman could say anything else, Brax had pulled her away.

  But it was too late. The damage was done.

  Her feet carried her up the stairs before he could say a word.

  Laughter followed her, as did the cruel words.

  Stupid Sophia.

  Lennox felt like he was on cloud nine. The night with Sophia had gone far better than he could have imagined. He wasn’t too enthusiastic about dropping her back off at home with the wicked witch there, but he had no choice in the matter.

  Hearing about the way she’d been treated, he was amazed she was still so sweet and not bitter or jaded. There was a light in her that no matter how hard the older Bennett woman tried, couldn’t be dimmed.

  As he drove home, the night clear, moon high and full in the sky, he knew exactly what he was going to do for their next date. The Fort Collins Museum of Discovery had an amazing observatory he thought she would thoroughly enjoy.

  Soph was a woman of polish and prestige that enjoyed the littlest things, and that pleased him more than anything. While he was well off and his business was booming, he didn’t think he could give her the things she was used to without tanking himself. And not having her in his life wasn’t an option. Her smile and light were intoxicating. After the way she’d come apart in his arms earlier, he knew he was addicted. All the little aspects of her personality set her apart from any other woman he’d met or dated.

  She’d asked him inquisitive questions about who he was as a person as well as what he wanted from life. Not many men or women cared about the fundamentals anymore.

  Pulling up in front of his modest two story, four-bedroom house, he admired all the hard work he’d put into the structure. When he’d bought it, everything was in shambles. He was still renovating the basement, a bedroom, and one of the bathrooms.

  The master suite was his pride and joy. He’d spent the most time and money there, wanting it to be a perfect oasis for his partner when they finally connected. He’d wanted somewhere they could escape to when kids were down for the night.

  The garage door went up as he moved closer to the entrance. Slowly pulling in and parking, he locked the garage up and entered the house through the mudroom door that doubled as a laundry room. Tossing his keys on the counter, he saw the light on the answering machine flashing. Pressing play as he passed, his annoyance spiked.

  “Nox, baby, I miss you. Call me.” The nasally voice belonged to a woman he’d been on a handful of dates with. She’d wanted more than he was offering after getting to know her.

  Hitting delete, he made his way through the dining room and up the carpeted staircase, passing the first bedroom and guest bathroom as he did. The master suite was at the very back of the house, kept separate from the rest of the bedrooms. Shedding his coat, he tossed it on the lounge chair centered between the two big bay windows, next to the walk-in closet.

  Sitting on the end of the bed, he undid his boots, kicking them to the side as he pulled his t-shirt over his head. Next went his jeans as he walked to the master bath. Intent on having a hot shower, he shucked off his boxer briefs as he leaned forward to turn the water on.

  Hopping into the warm spray, he took a moment as he always did to admire the labor he’d put into the room. The glass-enclosed shower stall was in a corner so that he could see the entirety of the space. The huge clawfoot tub was under the Lucite crystal beveled window next to the shower. There was a vanity with a small bench seat between the his and hers sinks directly across from him. Everything gleamed with white marble. He’d wanted to leave most of the house as plain as possible, so when he did marry, his new bride would have a say in the décor.

  Drying off, he stepped out onto the shag carpet, thinking about how well Sophia would look laying in the white tub, her long blonde hair hanging over the edge. Or her ass hanging off one of the sinks as he loved her body.

  Walking back into his room, he could see her on his pillow as well. Body supple, waiting for him, hair fanned out on the white sheets. Yeah, that was an image he would most definitely like to see come true.

  Striding to his dresser, he opened the top drawer to grab a pair of boxers, slipping them up his still drying legs. Taking his towel to the hamper, he grabbed the jeans he’d tossed in there, searching the pockets for his cell.

  Climbing into bed, he decided to text Sophia. Tell her goodnight and how much he’d enjoyed their evening.

  Nox: I had a great time tonight. Thanks for taking a chance ;)

  Putting the phone down beside him, he didn’t expect an immediate answer, so he grabbed the remote for the small TV sitting on top of his dresser. Turning it on, he flipped through channels until he found a hockey game. Sports weren’t exactly his go to, but it’d do in a pinch when he was waiting to hear back from his girl.

  His girl.

  Something he was more than willing to get used to.

  His phone finally chimed as he was thinking of just how quickly he could convince her to move in. Disappointment settled in his gut as he saw it was Levi.

  Levi: Heard a few rumors about your girl…

  Nox: Such as…?

  Three bubbles popped up as his brother was typing.

  Levi: One is that she’s not even a real Bennett.

  With the way her mother treated her, he wasn’t shocked to hear that.

  Levi: Another is that Tony had an affair.

  Happened all the time.

  Levi: Third is he wanted an heir, she wants the money and will do anything to ensure she gets it.


  His mind was working overtime with the implications of the third rumor.

  Nox: You think Rebecca could be behind the threats?

  Levi: I wouldn’t be shocked. That bitch has her claws into a few wealthy men. Makes me wonder what she sees in you ;)

  Nox: Thanks for that. Let me know if you hear anything else.

  Levi: Anytime bro.

  Nox was reeling. It was hard to imagine a mother hating her child so much that she’d threaten her.


  Now he was even more worried about her.

  Nox: Sugar, you there?

  He watched the phone as though she would magically start typing.

  Nox: I’m worried about you. Please answer.

  He wasn’t above begging for what he needed from her. Especially about her health and well-being. He sat and stared, waiting for what felt like a lifetime before the little bubbles appeared that she was typing.

  “Thank God,” he muttered.

  When her phone beeped, Sophia wasn’t ashamed to admit she hid under her blankets. All she could think of was the threatening texts she’d gotten earlier. When it had gone off again, she chewed the nails off of one hand in record time. If her mother saw, she’d kill her.

  It was the third chime that had her finally grabbing it and daring a quick look. Lennox’s name flashed like a beacon across the screen. All the pain she’d been swamped with fell away as if it were never there. Seeing his messages, she was quick to answer.

  Sophia: Sorry! I was getting ready for bed. I had a good time too.

  He was quick to answer.

  Lennox: Good. I look forward to the next one. I have plans in motion already!

  Sophia: Care to tell me?

  For the first time she could remember, she felt carefree. The feeling was addicting.

  Lennox: It’s a secret…

  Sophia: Didn’t your mama tell you secrets aren’t nice? :p

  Lennox: She told me only the best ones are ;)

  Sophia: Ohhhh I wonder what it could be…

  Lennox: LOL nice try sweet Sophia. Get some rest beautiful, and I’ll see you soon.

  Sophia: Goodnight Lennox.

  Putting the phone on her night table, she pulled the blanket up around her chin, feeling warm instead of cold. Feelings of being wanted were so drastically different from what she normally felt that it was hard to come to terms with it.

  As sleep tried to take her, she heard her parents fighting from down the hall again. She couldn’t register the words exchanged, but the anger and hatred were just as telling. She could never understand why they were still together when they hated each other so much.

  Pushing them from her mind, she latched onto the way Lennox had made her feel coming apart in his embrace with only soft touches. The glow of his praise swept her off to see the sandman before long, and for the first time in years, she had a peaceful sleep.


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