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One Chance (Hogan Brother's Book 1)

Page 11

by KL Donn

  As he moved slowly but surely down her body, removing the last of her remaining garments, his light kisses and soft touches had her at such a fevered pitch that she could no longer contain herself.

  “Please, Lennox,” she begged, “I need you.”

  His smile, so cocky, so sure, held a thousand promises as he stood before her, eyes locked on her own as he stripped the rest of his own clothing off. His thighs were filled with more muscles than she could comprehend. When his boxers dropped to the ground, the thought was forgotten. He was so hard. Large.

  “It looks painful.”

  “It is,” her gaze skittered to his when he spoke. She hadn’t meant to speak out loud. The rueful grin he had betrayed his amusement.

  Crawling back up her body, his hand tickling the insides of her thighs as they searched out her sweet spot. When he finally touched her, when the callouses on his fingers grazed her nether lips she couldn’t help the ecstasy-filled cry that left her lips.

  She felt him open her up, his heated eyes looking down for one quick second before meeting hers again. “So fucking beautiful.”

  He made her feel that way. With him, she was everything.

  Warmth hit her hard and heavy as his body sunk into hers. He hadn’t penetrated her yet, he was savoring the feeling of them together. Their skin touching.

  “I’ve never felt this way before,” Sophia whispered into his neck as he nibbled on hers. His lips were soft, his bites added a painful stimulation she found she enjoyed.

  “This. Us. It’s so fucking right, baby.” He didn’t move from his position as her legs wrapped around his hips. “This need I have clawing inside of me for you, it’s strong. I’m afraid it’s going to break you.” He did pull back then, his brows etched with worry, his deep bottom of the ocean blue gaze was so intense it stole her breath. “I swear on everything I am though, I’ll fucking put you back together.”

  She felt his cock throbbing against her clit, pounding like a drum. His words played through her mind. Confused her, turned her on.

  Placing both of her hands on his sides, she told him, “It’s okay, Lennox.”

  Simple as that. This man, he wanted her. He wanted her for everything she was or wasn’t. Bad or good.

  He wanted her.

  She could handle anything else.

  “It’s not, though.” He sounded almost angry about it. “I want to be buried so deep inside of you, you won’t know who we are. I want to own every fucking inch of your soul, Sophia. I want to be so embedded in you that every time you move, every breath you take, you’ll think of me. I want you as consumed with thoughts of me as I am of you.”

  She smiled. She knew what he wanted because she wanted it, too. The uncertainty in his eyes had her speaking up. “When I wake up, it’s you on my mind, Lennox. When I fall asleep, it’s to the dream of having you wrapped so tightly around me that I can’t breathe.” The indecision was gone from his gaze, replaced by full obsession. “I want you every bit as much. I just don’t know how to show it.”

  Her body squirmed as he began sliding up and down her slit. The heat coming from his body almost her undoing as each stroke hit her nub.

  “I’m gonna enter you now, sweetheart. It’s gonna be the sweetest pain you’ll ever feel.” She could only nod her head as he slid one finger in, stretching her walls. A slight burn ensued when a second joined the first.

  “You’re burning up,” he groaned.

  “Nox.” Her breath hissed out as he touched something deep inside of her.

  “Oh, yeah, baby, we’re gonna light it up.” She didn’t know what he meant until she felt the head of his cock begin to push inside of her.

  He was thick, hard.

  Sweet mercy. The pressure as he slowly intertwined their bodies.

  The burn turned to agony as he thrust completely inside of her. “I’m fucking sorry, Soph.” His words were just as pained as her body.

  “I know,” she croaked.

  His hands had somehow managed to delve into her hair, pulling with each labored breath from his body. His lips rained kisses on her neck, soothing her overwhelmed mind. When he adjusted his body so his knees were on either side of her hips, forcing her legs higher on his, he tapped that spot inside her again, and bliss zinged through her entire being. A gasp of surprise left her when he slowly began moving.

  His obsession was growing. This driving force within Lennox that screamed he had to dominate and own every fucking inch of her body and soul was overwhelming. When he’d told her what he wanted, he didn’t think for a second she would reciprocate. He thought for sure she’d run off. Push him away.

  She didn’t.

  She confessed to feeling the exact same way.

  Seeing her naked body had done something to his mind, the caveman in him had burst forth, demanded they have her. Love her. Now, as he moved slowly inside of her, giving her all the pleasure he could while she gasped for breath, he was glad he’d let that piece of him out.

  Nox’s body surrounded Sophia so completely there was no space between them. His arms bracketed her shoulders and head, his knees were pressed tightly to her hips. Their bodies were connected from shoulder to thigh, sweat coated them as his thrusting picked up speed. Their gazes stayed connected, heat and fire blasting between them. Her pupils were dilated with desire. She was his. Her feet dug into the backs of his thighs, urging him to go faster and deeper while her fingers stroking up and down his sides had a shiver of ecstasy racing through him.

  The slow slide in and out of her tight little pussy allowed him to feel every wave of rapture as it tore through her. When she tightened, he would move the same way again. Her squirming had him pumping in just a little bit harder. As her breaths stalled in her chest and her body tensed, he knew she was about to come apart.

  Leaning the rest of the way down, his lips took control of hers as his hands moved down to grip the tops of her thighs, keeping her in place as he took her over the edge into a frenzy of carnality. He devoured her screams of pleasure as her hands tightened on his shoulders while he felt her walls explode with the force of the orgasm ripping through her small figure. One more deep stroke inside of her as she continued falling apart before him, and he was exploding his life’s force into her willing body.

  “Fuck, Soph,” he groaned into her mouth, nipping her bottom lip as he lost power over his own massive release. A surge of pleasure detonated through him like a rocket when her body arched beneath him, tightening around his cock as the last of his cum emptied inside of her.

  As the rush of bliss left his body, his muscles turned to jelly. Collapsing on top of her, he felt a new spark of hope while her limbs moved along him. A purr of contentment worked through her as he turned them on their sides to face each other. The look on her face, pure delight, was enough for him to know she’d enjoyed their lovemaking.

  “That was incredible,” she murmured, her eyes heavy with sleep.

  Pushing the hair back from her face and tangling his fingers in the gold locks, he told her, “I like you like this.” He kissed her forehead. “Sated.” He dropped another on her cheek. “Happy.” Another on the tip of her nose. “Mine.” Before finally taking her lips with more passion than he thought himself capable of after such an intense coupling.

  Falling asleep with her in his arms, the scent of their loving surrounding them, Nox had never felt so complete in his life.

  He found her.

  The one woman to make him love stupid.

  She’d be his everything.

  Looking down at her sleeping face full of love and life, Nox couldn’t be happier than he was in that moment as she let out a contented sigh.

  Sophia was life.

  Stop trying so hard for people who don’t care.

  Sophia awoke the next morning deliciously sore in all the right areas. For once, she didn’t feel an ounce of uncertainty about what they’d done the night before. Giving Nox her body was one of the best choices she’d ever made.

  The w
ay he’d held her as they made love, the protection from the world as he devoured her body made her heart crack wide open. She was falling in love with him and heaven help her, she wanted to. She wanted him to be the one person in the world that belonged to her.

  Fairytale love had never been an inkling of an idea for her before. She’d never believed in the all-consuming, mind changing emotion. Seeing Lorraine’s love for her husband and then her sons had her mind opening up to the idea.

  Meeting Lennox and his over-bearing personality, she was definitely a believer now. She still had her hectic life to work through. She had to find out why someone wanted to hurt her before she could even think about letting her emotions develop into full-blown love. She couldn’t give him a false promise if she didn’t know what the future held.

  Hearing his groan next to her, a huge smile worked across her face. He was still there. For some reason, she thought she’d wake up alone. Feeling his fingers work across her belly to grab her hip, he pulled her into his body. He was warm, relaxed as he kissed her shoulder.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” His husky words followed by his swollen member digging into her butt made her giggle.

  Before she could say a word, his alarm clock and phone started going off simultaneously causing him to groan with frustration while nipping her shoulder where his lips had been. “Hey!” she admonished him as he stood from the bed.

  Her eyes nearly bulged from her head seeing his naked body in the sunlight streaming through the curtain. His butt had to be sculpted from marble with its perfection. The ease with which he walked around, uncaring that she could see every imperfection in his body, not that she’d found any, made her green with envy.

  One day she would have the confidence, she hoped.

  The shower starting was her cue to leave the bed in search of her clothes. Seeing her tattered dress on the floor, she grabbed Nox’s shirt beside it. As she slipped the garment over her head, she walked into the bathroom.

  “Care to join me?” he asked from the open shower door.

  Blushing profusely, she admitted, “I’d like to keep the aches a little longer. Makes it real.”

  The heated look and enormous grin on his face showed his immense satisfaction at her answer. She listened to his smug whistling while she brushed her teeth and hair. As he climbed from the shower, her eyes were glued to his reflection in the mirror. Watching him dry off, the water dripped down his muscular chest. Sophia had the urge to lick every drop free before it could be absorbed from his skin. She was lost in a trance as the rivulets worked their way down his body to his muscular thighs and all the way to his strong feet.

  Feet that were moving.

  Towards her.

  “Oh,” she gasped as his front hit her back. His hands held hers on the counter. When their eyes finally clashed in the mirror, she was putty in his hands.

  “Like what you see, Soph?” he groaned into her neck.

  Coherent thought wasn’t something she could process. He was taking over her mind, hitting every pleasure sensor in her body without even trying.

  “I like how you watch me, baby.” His hips pushed into her from behind as he nibbled on her ear lobe.

  Her eyes closed of their own volition when his hands roamed up her arms and across her chest. Pulling her much smaller frame back into him, he gripped her shirt in both fists, whipping it over her head before she was aware of it happening.

  “Open your eyes,” he hissed into her ear.

  She struggled to do as he commanded, knowing it would be her nude body in the mirror rather than his. “Open ‘em, Soph.” His hands tightened around the ribs where he held her.

  When she finally gave in, the heat of his gaze as he met hers stole her breath. An intense fervor of passion blazed back at her. He didn’t care that she wasn’t a tight, compact package. His hands grazed her ribs as she shivered in his embrace. He loved every plush curve of her body.

  When she was about to say something, the doorbell rang, startling them from their intimate moment. His hands gripped her belly, forcing her further back into him as he placed a kiss on her shoulder. “I’ll go get that.” The air left the room with him.

  She could breathe again, only she didn’t think she wanted to. When Lennox held her, it was the only time anything made sense to her. She made sense. The feelings he brought forth in her were so real and turbulent she didn’t think she’d be able to function without them any longer.

  Lennox was an addiction she didn’t know existed.

  Sophia left Nox breathless more often than not for so many different reasons. The uninhibited passion she had locked away inside of her was his favorite, though. The way she’d come apart for him when they’d made love still left his mind blown. She had a fire deep inside. An inferno so consuming that he knew he would fight to keep it stoked for the rest of his life.

  Leaving her naked in the bathroom so he could answer the door left him frustrated on so many levels. The primary annoyance right now was the erection he was trying to convince to disappear as he slowly made his way to the door.

  Just as he opened it, a fist nearly came crashing down on his face. “Jesus Christ,” he cursed, seeing Levi, once again, beaten to shit. “What the fuck is going on, Levi?” He had caught his little brother’s pain-filled form before he collapsed in the doorway.

  “I can’t, Nox.” The grief in the other man’s voice was soul deep. Whatever was going on with his life, Nox recognized that the younger man still had some working out to do.

  “You can’t keep showing up like this, bro. Has Ma seen you?”

  “Haven’t been there since the weekend.” His voice was scratchy like he’d been smoking a pack a day for twenty years.

  “Oh my gosh!” Sophia’s shocked voice had them both spinning to face her. “What happened? Are you okay?” He watched, fascinated as her motherly instincts kicked in while she fussed over Levi.

  “I’m fine, Soph,” he wheezed out, nearly doubling over in pain.

  “Sit your ass down before you fall down,” Nox told him.

  “I’ll go make coffee and get ice.” Sophia skittered off.

  “Why are you so bitchy?” Levi asked him as he sat on the couch.

  Nox levelled him with a look that only another man would ever understand.

  “Sorry, man.”

  Sitting beside him, Nox struggled with how to handle this situation. He needed to know what was going on with his brother, but he didn’t want to push so hard that Levi started pushing back.

  “Tell me you have things under control, at least?”

  He shrugged. A fucking shrug.

  If the man didn’t look so damn beat up, Nox would have kicked his ass.

  “You got someone to talk to? Something, Levi.”

  “Yeah, I got someone,” he answered quietly as Soph came into the room with a bag of ice. Worry etched every line of her face.

  She had enough shit to worry about, she didn’t need to worry about his dip-shitted brother, too. As soon as she walked out of the room after handing him the ice pack, he told Levi, “She’s got enough on her plate.”

  “I know.”

  “Don’t fucking make her worry about you, too,” Nox warned, punching his shoulder hard enough to have him cowering away.

  “Fuck, man, I got it.”

  “Let this shit heal then go see Ma,” he instructed his brother.

  “Why you pushing that?” he asked Nox with the ice against his eye.

  “Because even if she doesn’t know what’s going on, maybe she can still talk your dumb ass into some common sense before something worse happens to you.”

  Leaving the room, he went in search of his girl. Finding her in the kitchen with a cup of coffee in hand and eggs on the burner, he knew she was concerned when she didn’t so much as look up at his entrance.

  “Hey, baby,” he cooed in her ear. Having her body dwarfed by his was such a turn-on. He couldn’t get enough of the sight they presented together. Watching her in the mi
rror after his shower, seeing the astonished look on her face when he made her open her eyes had him hard enough to pound nails.

  And he would have, if not for fucking Levi.

  “Is he alright?” she asked him, cuddling into his hold.

  “Not a clue.” Breathing her scent in was far more appealing than talking about his battered sibling.

  A loud pop had Sophia racing from his hold to check the food she had on the burner. Turning, he took a sip of her coffee, grimacing at the sweet taste. “Way too much sugar,” he commented as she plated the eggs she made and some toast. “You’re allergic to eggs,” he pointed out needlessly as she walked to the living room. “Where’s mine?” he called after her.

  “That was yours,” she laughed.

  “Bastard brother,” he cursed again.

  “They’re burnt,” she told him when she saw he was sulking. “You’ll get more.”

  Having her in his home, cooking his food, was a sight he could get used to. If he had his way, they’d remain like this forever.

  His phone ringing broke him from admiring her yet again. He was beginning to think living in the pre-technology era wouldn’t be so bad.

  “What?” he snapped into the receiver.

  “Yo, boss, that bitch is back,” Mac greeted.

  “What bitch?” He was confused.

  “Your girl’s mom. She’s going at Asher. This shit ain’t gonna end well.” Mac sounded like he was fighting off laughter.

  While Asher was a pretty quiet guy, his intensity told another story. All was not well in his world, and as much as he’d like to let the man go at the bitch Bennett, his conscience wouldn’t allow for it. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Hanging up before Mac could respond, he looked at a curious Sophia. “I’ve gotta get to work, baby.”

  “Give me five, and I’ll be ready.” She gave him a bright smile.

  He hated what his words were going to do to that radiance. “I need you to stay here today, Soph. Something is going on I have to deal with.”

  “Oh.” Her smile faded. “What is it?”


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