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One Chance (Hogan Brother's Book 1)

Page 18

by KL Donn

  When her foot grazed his hardening cock as she moved to sit up, he couldn’t avoid the groan that passed his lips. Throwing his head back, he closed his eyes as he felt her getting up, hoping to gain some composure. That went out the damn window when she crawled into his lap, her knees flush to his hips. Her sweet little pussy pressed against his now fully erect cock as he throbbed behind the zipper of his jeans. Her heat could be felt through the denim, making him thrust his hips up into her.

  “Touch me, Lennox.” Her murmured words in his ear had his hands going to her thighs and brushing up to her ass.

  His eyes popped open in shock when he discovered she was completely bare. Nothing covered her pretty little pussy under her dress. She was wide open for him. Ripe for the taking.

  “Fuck me,” he groaned when she began kissing his neck. The onslaught of sensations between her heated core and her kissing his jaw now made him crazed. Hauling her up in his arms, he carried her up to their room, fully intending on taking her fast and hard. Once she was spread out on their bed, it was a whole other story.

  Her soft smile and supple body combined with the scent of her arousal had him stripping first his clothes free of his body and then hers.

  Her bruises had nearly completely faded, and she moved her arm more freely with the cast on, thankfully. Seeing her luscious body laid out for his devotion, her legs crossed and twisted to the side. Arms above her head, shallow breaths made her chest rise and fall slowly. What sucker punched him, though, was the look in her eyes.



  Complete trust that he’d treat her right.

  Smoothing his hands up her legs, he slowly pulled her knees apart, spreading her wide before him. No resistance from her whatsoever. He grinned.

  He lightly ran his fingers up the insides of her legs, tickling her slightly to wake up her senses. Soon his tongue followed the same path.

  “Oh my,” she breathed out as his tongue flicked her little nub. “Lennox,” her voice was barely above a whisper.

  “Sophia,” he sighed against her folds, his warm breath making her shiver. Goosebumps popped up on her skin.

  “I love the way you touch me,” she cried out when he kissed her lower lips, playing with his tongue. Pushing it into her tight little hole, he softly licked up every dewy drop of her cream that he could.

  Pulling back, he gripped her ankles in each hand letting them slide up his forearms to the crook in his elbow as he slid his hands to her ass cheeks. With a firm grip, he lifted the lower half of her body up to his where he lined up his cock for penetration.

  “I love the way you taste,” he muttered, lowering his head to meet her lips as she rose up to him. Sucking his tongue into her mouth, he knew she tasted her own juices, and he groaned in pleasure. His cock throbbed and begged for him to take her. To make her theirs again.

  In one slow move, Sophia felt all his strength, love, and loyalty as he pushed deep into her depths. Owning a piece of her she never knew existed.

  Her soul.

  It was his. With everything in her, she belonged to him. From now until the end of time.

  Lennox was as deep inside of her as he could get as he slowly began moving his hips in small thrusts. Every withdrawal pushed on her g-spot. Every inward thrust brushed against her overly sensitized clit. Every move had her moaning with more lust and love than she thought she was capable of.

  In, out. In, out. In, out.

  It never stopped. He took her over the edge time and again, barely giving her enough room to breathe after each orgasm. Never allowing her the chance to pull away from the emotional overload.

  “It hurts,” she whined at one point. Each brush from the shaft of his hard cock against her petal soft clit made her cry out from the pain which quickly transformed into pleasure.

  “Want me to stop?” he asked, out of breath, and she nearly cried when he went to pull away.

  “Please don’t,” she begged like a hussy.

  Sweat poured off their bodies, pooling in every little crevice it could find, but he didn’t stop. His pace slowed whenever he was close to his own release. She quickly learned that when he picked up the pace again, he had fought it off for a little bit longer.

  “Lennox,” she cried when she felt a stirring deep in her belly beyond anything she’d felt to date. “Something’s happening,” she moaned when he thrust deeper than he had before.

  “Let go, baby, give it to me,” he groaned harshly in her ear, sucking the lobe between his teeth. “I need everything you have, Sophia.”

  How she wanted to give it to him. But she didn’t know what it was, what was happening. Her clit throbbed, her pussy pulsed as his thrusts slowed yet somehow deepened. Stars lit her mind as it finally exploded, her entire body tensed. Her ears rang as she cried out with the pain pulsing through her system. Then sweet pleasurable elation stole every slice of discomfort from her body, making every touch, every hair, every fiber of her being light up with nothing but euphoria. She was on cloud nine as she heard Nox come with her, his seed splashing her insides with each pulse of his dick. She felt it when he hit her cervix with the head of his cock, and she knew this could be the moment he got her pregnant. This could be the instant they joined as one person and created something so beautiful and sweet nothing would tarnish it.

  “I fucking love you, sweet Sophia,” Nox growled as he rolled them to the side. Not once did his cock move from inside of her.

  With one leg tossed over his hip, she murmured, “I love you more, Lennox,” as she buried her head in his chest and fell fast asleep.

  The best gift in life is a second chance.

  “Hot damn, who’s the babe?” Joey whistled from beside Sophia as she went through the bookings for the day. Knowing he said that about every beautiful girl around, she didn’t bother looking up until the bell jingled above the door.

  “Sophie girl!” Elianna called, pure joy in her voice.

  “Elianna!” She was beyond excited to see the woman, half afraid she might not have come. Rounding the counter, she went to give her sister a hug but paused, unsure of proper protocol for their situation.

  A pout formed on her thick red lips when Soph stopped. “Don’t stop now, ‘lil sis, gimme a hug.” She pulled Sophia into her, and an overwhelming feeling of family and love swamped her. Tears formed in her eyes as she closed them to savor the moment.

  “Uh, boss man,” she heard Mac call from his position beside Joey. “There’s tears.” He sounded both amused and scared.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Sophia could just picture the scowl on Nox’s face as he walked out of his office.

  She didn’t care, and it didn’t seem like Elianna did either since neither made a move to step back from the tight embrace.

  She could feel the heat of Nox’s body as he walked up on her, she was that in tune with him. His hand ran through her wavy hair as he whispered only loud enough for the girls to hear. “You’re scaring the boys, ladies. They don’t know what to do with tears from one woman let alone two.”

  The sisters pulled away laughing at his comment because knowing Mac and Joey as well as she’d gotten to, she knew it to be true.

  “Can’t handle a woman in tears, you can’t handle her in bed, boys.” Elianna smirked at them.

  Nox chuckled as he told her, “This way.” Curious, Sophia followed them.

  She had no idea about cars and wondered what interested her sister. Seeing Nox get his hands dirty was a massive turn on, nevertheless.

  Soph watched from Nox’s bench where he usually sat her as he showed Elianna around the shop and told her what he wanted to be done and how long she had to do it in. The woman just smiled and nodded like she’d been born in a shop. Who knew where she’d grown up, she might have been. Maybe she knew more about cars than all these men put together. Sophia would love to know that.

  Nox walked up to her looking amused and shaking his head. “She’s going to run circles around these guys,” he sa

  “So, she’ll be okay?”

  “Oh yeah.” He bent forward to kiss her like he always did, every chance he got.

  The taste and feel of him against any part of her always sent a shiver racing through her body. When his hands gripped her waist, it was no different.

  Pulling away, he helped her off the bench. “Come with me.” Dutifully following him, she grabbed her purse from Mac as he handed it to her, knowing full well if Nox were dragging her into his office, they might be a while. She was not even embarrassed about it either.

  Closing the door behind him, Nox made his way to his desk where he sat and pulled open the bottom drawer. Reaching in for what he was looking for, he straightened back up, utterly stunned at the vision before him.

  He’d known when Soph put on the corset top dress that morning he would be in trouble. After making love all night, she’d been more confident in herself and the way she moved as she got ready for their upcoming day.

  Now, fuck…now, the laces of the top were pulled open, her gorgeous breasts spilling through the open top, and her rosy nipples were screaming at him for a taste. The cherry on the cake was the bright cherry red lipstick she was applying to her lush lips. A seductive look in her eye.

  Sitting back in his chair, he watched as she moved toward him, an extra sway in her hips as she rounded his desk. Her beautiful tits bounced with each step.

  “Goddamn, you look fuckable, sweetheart.” He groaned, adjusting his hardening dick as her eyes glazed over.

  “I’d like that,” she whispered, kneeling in front of him. Her hands reached for his zipper, and his breath stopped halfway to his lungs. “But first I’d like a taste.” Her words were tentative but held no less impact on his libido.

  His hands moved to the arms of his chairs to grip the edges so hard his knuckles turned white. Her fingers stroked his cock as she pulled it free of his pants. He shivered when she ran a nail across the crowned head. Swiping the small drop of pre-cum from the tip, she brought it to her lips, sucking her finger into her mouth and moaning deep in her throat as she swallowed.

  Sweet merciful Heaven.

  She was a goddess.

  His eyes closed as she continued her torturous tease on him. When he felt a warm puff of air just before his cock head was sucked between her lips, his eyes popped open, and he had to force his body to remain still.

  She kept sucking him into the cavern of her warm mouth. Her cherry red lips wrapped around his angry looking cock was killing him. Beautiful torture of the best kind. They were a bright contrast to his tanned skin. Her tongue flicked along the pulsing vein on the bottom of his shaft, and his hands shot to her hair, digging into her scalp as he fought to let her keep the control she had.

  “Jesus, darlin’,” he grumbled, trying to relax back into his chair as she worked her magic.

  Her hands were free to roam his body as her mouth and tongue worked him into a frenzy at an alarmingly fast rate. He could feel his balls ready to explode if she didn’t let up soon.

  “Soph, baby, I’m gonna come soon.” He tried to warn her.

  She moaned, taking him to the very back of her throat and swallowing around him.

  “Ah fuck!” He gave in to the rush of feelings pulsing through him as she continued working him. His spine tingling was the only warning he had as cum shot from his cock and into her willing mouth.

  At the first splash to the back of her throat, her gaze flew to his. He knew what she would see on him. Hooded eyes, a smirk, relaxed yet tense. The lust and pleasure she reflected back at him were a pleasant surprise. She’d enjoyed it just as much as he had.

  Slowly pulling away from him, she gave one last lick to the tip before cleaning her lips with her tongue and crawling into his lap. Her breasts still on display. His cock still pulled free of his pants, stained with her red lipstick.

  With her head on his chest, happy and content, he knew there was no better time to ask his question, even if it was fast. Grabbing the small box from his desk where he’d put it when she kneeled in front of him, he slid the contents free from its slot.

  Looking down at his girl, her eyes closed, he slipped the princess-cut solitaire on her left ring finger. She barely stirred when he spoke. “I love you, Sophia. From now until forever.” She finally looked up to him, her face glowing. “Will you marry me?”

  Tears immediately overtook her eyes as she sat up, and her hands flew to her mouth. He knew the exact second she felt it. Her entire body froze, and she slowly pulled her hands from her face, turning them over to see better.

  Her eyes were wide and fixed on him when she finally looked down to see what he’d slipped on her hand. “Oh my goodness,” she cried quietly. He waited. “Yes,” she murmured so low he didn’t quite hear her. “Yes, yes, yes!” she screamed, throwing her arms around his neck.

  He’d never had any doubt.

  In his arms was his whole world.

  “I love you so much, Lennox,” she cried in his ear. “Thank you for picking me.”

  Love, laughter, and happily ever after.

  Three months later.

  Sophia sat stunned in the front seat of Lennox’s car as he spoke to her father outside. Rebecca had just been sentenced for her crimes. Not just the threats and assault on Sophia, but she was also charged with the murder of Sophia’s birth mother.

  Unbeknownst to her or her father, the police had been investigating that death as well. Rebecca had been feeding the woman rat poison for days before she gave birth. She was being sent to a maximum security psychiatric facility for the rest of her life.

  Sophia figured she should feel relief, but she didn’t. She was sad for the older woman. She was sad for her father. She was just at a loss with the whole situation.

  It had taken some time, but her life with Nox was finally moving forward. He made it his mission to have her smile and laugh as often as possible. He’d encouraged her to enroll in a few online courses for administration as well. She didn’t want some fancy education when she knew that as soon as they were married and started having babies that she would want to stay home with their children. She wanted to be the soccer mom, go to PTA meetings, carpool on Mondays. She wanted the simple life, and Nox did as well.

  When she saw him move away from her father, she smiled at the man who’d raised her, knowing he was finally getting the closure he needed. Nox climbed in the car and told her, “He wants us to come to dinner tonight and bring Ma.” He was frowning as he spoke, and she knew that was never a good thing.


  “I figure he’s going to try and convince us to let him pay for the wedding again and use Ma to do it.” Lennox had a hard time saying no to his mother.

  She laughed. “You know you’re going to lose, right?” As soon as her father had asked if he could help and Nox had said no, she’d known Anthony would use any means necessary to get what he wanted.

  Nox sighed as he answered, “I do now. Doesn’t mean I have to like it.” He grumbled as he drove them to his shop. Elianna was supposed to be back by the time they arrived.

  She had to leave a month ago when a close friend of hers had gotten sick. She’d kept in touch with Sophia but not as often as she’d have liked. She was half afraid Elianna wouldn’t come back.

  “She’s coming back,” Nox told her. He read her so easily.

  “I know,” she murmured. Her words were not nearly as confident as his.

  The rest of the drive was short and quiet. When they rounded the corner of the street that Nox’s shop was on, a huge grin appeared on Sophia’s face when she saw the mudded-up jeep in the parking lot.

  “Told you,” Nox quipped as he parked.

  Jumping from the car, she ignored him as she ran for her sister. Rounding her jeep, she saw Elianna and Asher in a standoff with him looking ready to strangle the much smaller woman.

  “Umm, hi.” Her voice squeaked. She jumped when they both whipped around to face her just as Nox appeared behind her.

Asher pointed at Elianna and said to Nox, “Control her, she damn near ran me over again.”

  “If I wanted to run you over, I wouldn’t have missed!” Elianna smirked.

  “Seriously, you two?” Nox groaned. “We’re starting so soon?”

  From the moment they met, they’d fought like cats and dogs. Soph swore it was attraction. They grumbled and snapped anytime she suggested it. Nox generally just shook his head at their antics.

  Asher growled at Elianna when she stuck her tongue out at him, and he walked away.

  “You gonna stop trying to run over my best employee anytime soon?” Nox asked once Asher was out of earshot.

  “Don’t you mean second best?” she smart-mouthed back.

  “Christ.” He grabbed the bridge of his nose and shook his head. Obviously done with the entire thing, he left them alone to go inside.

  “How did it go today?” Elianna asked her. Her usually boisterous attitude was gone, and in its place, was the scared little girl she had been all her life.

  “She’ll never see the light of day again, Eli,” Soph told her. Their eyes met with a mutual struggle over whether to be relieved or upset.

  Pulling Soph in for a hug, she cried. “Thank you, Sophie girl. For going, for being strong enough to watch and stand up to her.”

  This, this was the closeness Sophia had been searching for all her life.

  Nox watched Sophia all day, expecting sadness to creep in over her mother, but when not a single tear was shed, he felt relieved. The older woman didn’t deserve a single moment of Sophia’s guilt. He was both surprised and elated when she’d told him she was really alright with the sentencing and Rebecca’s subsequent outburst cursing Soph and Anthony to hell and back.

  When Anthony had stopped him in the parking lot of the courthouse before they’d left, he’d been pissed, only wanting to comfort Soph. Which was how they’d been looped into sitting at the fancy table they were currently at in the mansion’s informal dining room.


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