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Erins Alien Abductors pdf

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by Becky Wilde

  Erin gave a squeal of delight as she spotted Honey and Rhiannon. They both echoed her squeal as they ran up to Erin and both embraced her at the same time. Even though they weren't tall women, Erin was so small, she felt as if she was being smothered, and she loved every minute of it.

  The three women began talking all at once and then gave a laugh as none of them had heard what the other had said.

  “Erin, my God you are a sight for sore eyes. We've missed you so much,” Honey stated with tears in her eyes as she kissed Erin on the cheek.

  “I've missed you too,” Erin stated with tears coursing down her face.

  “Erin,” was all Rhiannon said as she once again enveloped her in her arms for a fierce hug. “I'm so glad you're finally here.”

  “Me too. Oh my gawd. I have missed you two so much. Can you believe this shit?” Erin asked her friends.

  Honey and Rhiannon looked at each other then back to Erin. They burst out laughing as they nodded to Erin.

  “I mean, who would have thought aliens existed? Let alone they think we are their mates for gawd sakes?”

  “Uh Erin, don't you believe you are the mates of Jord, Biel, Tiem and Miga?” Honey asked worriedly as she bit her lip.

  “Well, yeah I suppose I do. But come on, do you guys really want to stay here with these people?” Erin asked in a whisper, so her mates wouldn't here her.

  “Well actually, yes.” Honey answered.

  “Yeah,” Rhiannon replied.

  “Okay. We have a lot to talk about,” Erin stated as she looked behind Rhiannon and Honey to see six other blue aliens besides her four mates.

  Even though the aliens had all the same skin, hair and eye color, their facial features were all unique and easy to discern their differences.

  “Um, who are the other guys?” Erin asked curiously.

  Rhiannon and Honey each took one of Erin's hands in theirs and led her over to the men.

  “Erin these are my mates, Sven, Cail and Igor Vlog,” Honey stated.

  Erin could hear the love and pride in Honey's voice so she made sure not to say or do anything to upset Honey. “Pleased to meet you,” Erin stated shyly.

  “We are honored to meet the mate of our friends, little Erin,” Sven stated as he kissed her hand. What happened next totally blew her mind. She felt her pussy clamp down and she shook uncontrollably as she orgasmed.

  “Oh my gawd. What did you do to me? Stay back don't touch me,” Erin stated as she backed away from the men.

  Honey and Rhiannon gave a giggle as they looked at the fear and bewilderment on Erin's face.

  “Hey girlfriend, it's alright. We know what just happened to you. You just had an orgasm right?” Rhiannon asked with a smirk on her face.

  Erin gave a slight nod as she looked from Rhiannon to Honey and back again. She could feel the heat in her cheeks and knew she was the color of her red hair.

  “It's okay Erin, every time a Caltese male touches a human female, if the human female knows their mate they have an orgasm,” Honey stated with a smile.

  “You have got to be shitting me?” Erin asked rhetorically.

  “Well I don't think I want to touch any other male on this planet then. Who are the others?”

  Rhiannon and Honey took Erin by the hand and led her back to the men. “Erin these are my mates, the High Chancellors, Adarm, Gram and Thed Malay.”

  “Pleased to meet you,” Erin stated as she clasped her hands behind her back and gave a nod of her head.

  “The honor is ours little Erin. You are such a tiny little thing,” stated HC Adarm.

  “Hey, I can't help it if I've landed in the land of the giants,” Erin stated with a scowl.

  “I was not insulting you, Erin. It was a compliment. All the women born of our planet are nearly as tall as the men. We are unused to such delicate little females. We find your size enchanting,” stated HC Thed.

  “Well, that's alright then,” Erin stated as she wiped the scowl from her face.

  “We have arranged to have a celebration at Honey's place,” Rhiannon stated as she looked over Erin's shoulder and informed Jord of their plans. “We thought it might help Erin to feel more at home.”

  “As you wish, little Rhiannon,” Jord

  acknowledged. “Erin please come and we will take you to our transport bubble.”

  “Don't freak out Erin, you won't even know you're moving,” Rhiannon yelled over her shoulder, as she followed her mates to their own transport bubble.

  Erin let Jord and Biel lead her to a transport bubble. She felt as if she had just sat down, when her men began to exit again.

  Well, maybe she shouldn't have blinked. Erin stared around her in awe as she followed her men out of the bubble. She had never seen anything like it in her life. Their sun was pink, their footpaths were a spongy blue and the grass was purple. She opened and closed her mouth a few times as she started to speak, then closed it again with an audible snap as words eluded her.

  Honey and Rhiannon moved up next to Erin and grabbed her by the hands. They led her through a door of a strange looking house and found herself in the kitchen of Honey's place. Honey pushed a few buttons on the food simulator in her kitchen and brought out a bottle of Mur with three glasses. By the time the men entered the kitchen the three women were laughing their heads off and chatting a mile a minute.

  “Oh boy, here we go again,” Sven stated with grin.

  “Honey you know you're going to get a hangover don't you?”

  “So. It's not like we don't have a cure,” Honey said with a giggle.

  “You know we can't resist the delectable taste of Mur, Sven,” Rhiannon slurred.

  “Jord does your mate drink as much Mur, as Rhiannon and Honey do when she gets started?” Sven asked.

  “No, she has only ever had one drink of Mur at a time, but then we didn't show her how to retrieve Mur from the food simulator,” Jord stated quietly hoping the women didn't hear him.

  “I heard that, Jord. The first thing I am going to teach Erin is the hangover cure, the second is how to get coffee and the third will be how to get Mur,” Honey giggled.

  She watched as the men rolled their eyes and left the kitchen, dining room and made their way to the living room, giving the women time to renew their friendships.

  “So, how was your first joining?” Rhiannon asked deadpan.

  Erin spewed Mur from her mouth, and began coughing as she choked. Honey and Rhiannon laughed at Erin's reaction they had tears leaking from the corner of their eyes.

  When they had themselves under control once more Rhiannon said, “That good huh?”

  Erin wiped her eyes and mouth of the remaining Mur and asked Honey for a cloth to wipe up the mess she made. As she cleaned she became serious.

  “Are you two really happy here with your mates?”

  “Yes, Erin. I love my mates more than my own life. I couldn't survive without them. I would never leave them. I want to spend the rest of my life with the men I adore and they want the same from me.”

  “Do you feel the same about your mates, Rhi?”

  “Yeah, I do.” Rhiannon stated with a sappy look on her face.

  “So if you had the chance to go back home, to Earth, you wouldn't even think about it?”

  “No,” Rhiannon and Honey answered at the same time.

  “What's wrong Erin?” Rhiannon asked as she saw the frown on her friends face.

  “Don't you feel as if your mates are with you out of duty?”

  “Why would you ask that Erin? No, our mates love us very much. We are not a duty to them and they aren't a duty to us.

  We have what we have always wanted, unconditional love. We were lucky enough to get that from more than one man. They would never say loving us was a duty,” Honey stated.

  “Okay, thanks for answering that. What do you guys do here?” Erin asked.

  Honey and Rhiannon burst out giggling again. Erin couldn't help but smile and then laugh along with her friends, even though she had
no idea what she was laughing at. She had always found Honey and Rhiannon's laughter contagious, so she sat back and laughed with them and waited until they were once again under control.

  “Well, you know how you had an orgasm when Honey's mate, Sven touched you?” Rhi asked.


  “That's what we do,” Honey stated, then burst into uncontrollable laughter again.

  “Do what?” Erin asked again. She watched as Rhiannon held up a hand, halting Erin's questions, until she could answer.

  “We let UN-mated males of Calt touch us to see if we have been in contact with their mates. If we have, we get an orgasm; and if we haven't, we counsel them into not giving up on finding their mates, so they don't turn rogue with mating fever.”

  “You're serious?” Erin asked as she stared at her friends.

  When they nodded in confirmation, she stared at her friends with her mouth gaping.

  “You'll catch flies, Erin,” Rhi stated as she pushed on Erin's chin and closed her mouth. Rhiannon and Honey burst out laughing again at the incredulous look on their friends face. When they were under control once more Erin turned back to Rhiannon.

  “What happens if I don't want to do this type of work?

  And what the hell happens if a male turns rogue with mating fever?”

  “Well, you don't have to do the same job as us Erin. It was our choice to do what we do. As for rogue males, well, they will try and kidnap you and join with you without your consent,” Honey stated seriously.

  “You mean they try and rape you?” Erin asked.

  “Yeah,” Rhiannon replied.

  “Oh. So does this happen much?”

  “Well, both Honey and I have come up against a couple of rogues. Honey was actually kidnapped, but fortunately was able to escape. Then there was the time when two rogue males tried to kidnap me while Honey and I were working, but I was able to hold him and his cohort off until our mates came to the rescue,” Rhi advised.

  “You should have seen her Erin, it was an awesome sight.

  Rhi flipped that mother right over her shoulder and had him on the floor in seconds. Don't know how she does it? She's tried to teach me how, but I just can't seem to move them an inch. What a woman,” Honey stated as she glared at Rhiannon. The two women burst into uproarious laughter once more.

  “Oh my gawd, you two are as crazy as the rest of the people on this planet,” Erin stated and gave a grimace as they started laughing again.

  Erin downed the rest of the Mur in her glass in one gulp.

  She wasn't much of a drinker, but she couldn't bear to see Honey and Rhiannon so happy, when she felt so depressed. So she decided she may as well join them in their alcoholic binge.

  Chapter Six

  Erin woke up to a pounding headache and nausea so rife, she was scared to move. She opened one eye to a mere slit and slammed it shut again as a piercing pain permeated through her skull. Even the groan of pain she gave, hurt her head.

  “Don't move little Red. I have just given you the hangover cure, you need to give it a few minutes to work,” Jord stated quietly as he cuddled up to Erin's back.

  She was feeling too sick to ask why he was in bed with her. She breathed deeply a few times and hoped the hangover cure worked quickly. She must have drifted back to sleep because when she awoke once more she found herself alone in a large bed.

  She opened her eyes and gave a sigh of relief when she noted she was no longer in pain or felt ill. She slid from the bed and gave a gasp when she realized she was naked.

  She meandered her way over to the hidden doorway on the other side of the room hoping to find a cleansing unit. She gave a sigh of relief and closed the door behind her. She gazed in the hologram screen and gave a grimace as she saw her appearance.

  She looked like something the cat had dragged in from the garden.

  At least she felt better than she looked. She used the facilities and stepped into the cleansing unit. She gave a sigh of relief as the unit turned out to be similar to an Earth shower. She let the green rata, run over her head and sighed as the last of her tension left with the warmth of the rata. She picked up a bottle of scented liquid and hoped it was shampoo. She washed her hair and then picked up another scented bottle and washed her body. She felt almost human again when she stepped out of the unit, clean and dry. She grabbed a weird looking toothbrush and brushed the remnants of alcohol from her mouth and then went back into the bedroom to find some clothes.

  She gave a gasp of surprise as she opened a hidden closet door to find lots of tops and skirts in any color imaginable hanging in the cupboard. She pulled out a shimmery green outfit and pulled it on, then made her way out of the bedroom. She wandered through the house hoping to find one of her mates to talk to. No one was home. She went back to the kitchen and saw a note next to the food simulator in Earth English. One or all of her mates must have learned to read and write so she would be able to understand. The note explained her mates had gone to do their duty of counseling and policing of the single male Caltese. It also told her how to get a cup of coffee from the simulator. She gave a sigh of appreciation when the simulator dinged, indicating her coffee was ready. She opened the unit took the mug out and gave a sigh of relief as the first taste of coffee hit her taste buds.

  Erin wandered the house getting herself acquainted with the place and hoped like hell one of her friends would come and rescue her from boredom. She didn't know what she was going to do on this planet and even if she wanted to stay, but she was the type of person who needed to be occupied. She couldn't stand to be idle. By the time Erin finished her second cup of coffee, neither of her friends had shown up, so she decided she would explore on her own. She made her way to the front door and pushed the yellow switch. She watched as the door slid open and stepped through. She hoped like hell she could remember where the house was and she could get back in when she wanted to. Too late now.

  Erin made her way along the blue spongy foot path. It felt like she was walking on fake grass with a layer of carpet underlay beneath it. It was such a weird feeling. She made her way through the small village and noted that most of the houses looked the same. She wondered where Honey and Rhiannon lived.

  Shrugging her shoulders, she continued on and made her way up a slight slope as she took in the sights, scents and sounds.

  Everything was so strange, but the strangeness didn't detract from the beauty of the planet. The colors of the flora were so vibrant; she knew she wouldn't be able to look at them if she had still been suffering from her hangover.

  Erin stopped when she realized she was in the center of the village, and gave a sigh of appreciation as she stopped and looked at the beautiful fountain in the middle of a stone pedestal.

  She sat down on a bench seat and gave a sigh as she let the sound of the bubbling water soothe her.

  What the hell was she going to do with herself? She didn't want to let her mate's near her out of a sense of duty. She wanted them to want her for herself. Honey and Rhiannon's mate's seemed to be different from her own. She believed her friends when they told her they loved their mates and that they were loved in return. What was so wrong with her that her mate's couldn't love her?

  “Hey, how are you feeling?” Honey asked quietly as she sat down beside Erin.


  “You look sad, Erin. What's wrong?” Honey asked her friend.

  “I don't know if I want to be here Honey. It's obvious you and Rhi are happy, which I think is wonderful. But I want that too.

  I don't want my mates to think I am a duty to them. I want them to love me for who I am.”

  “What makes you think you're a duty to them Erin?”

  “Jord told me.”

  “What? Are you sure you didn't misunderstand girlfriend?

  Tell me what he said,” Honey stated.

  “He told me it was their duty to love and protect me. Don't you see Honey, I don't want to be a duty, a burden to anyone. I just want to be loved, for me.
No, I can't stay here. I want to go back home to Earth. Do you know of anyone willing to take me?


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