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Page 6

by Viola Grace

  Alice’s stomach flipped. “All right. Good.”

  Kadenz kept his arm around her waist until he pulled out her chair for her.

  He sat at her side and kept his right hand over her left.

  The judge smiled and returned his attention to his data pad. “Daughter, they delivered your shuttle this morning. You will be able to gather what you need.”

  Alice was surprised. “Thank you. I didn’t think that the Kalian would let the vehicle go.”

  Judge Roarcroft smiled, “None of them can fly it. I subpoenaed it on behalf of the imperium judge. They may need it, and it would be more convenient in the Oefric settlement. We just happen to have the most secure compound in the area.”

  “Sound logic. Thank you, Judge Roarcroft.” She smiled at the older man.

  “Please, call me Karoon. You look lovely this morning, by the way.”

  Alice smiled brightly and turned her hand to squeeze Kadenz’s. “Thank you; it is a Weefin day dress. It covers most of the bits that your race is a little too fascinated with.”

  Kadenz grinned. “And yet has slits in the legs that allow you to move freely. Very practical.”

  She wrinkled her nose and blinked as a full breakfast was put in front of her. The server patted her shoulder and said, “Welcome to the clan, Lady Roarcroft.”

  Alice rubbed the bridge of her nose. “Please tell me that I didn’t just gain another title.”

  Kadenz chuckled and started in on his meal. “Get used to it. Titles are the key to life on Dyango. My mother has five, my father four and I have three.”

  “Kadenz, when are you going to return to work as a judge?” Karoon sipped his caf and flicked his gaze up and toward his son.

  Kadenz sighed. “In a week. I will need help with the winery, the harvest is imminent.”

  “I will send the regular workers back this afternoon. When are you going to resume full duties as Alpha?”

  Kadenz made a face. “In about a week.”

  Karoon laughed. “Fair enough. We have missed you, and to think, it only took a little thing from an alien world to bring you back to present day.”

  Alice made a face and kept working on her breakfast. She ate as much as she was comfortable with and set the rest aside.

  Kadenz grinned and lifted her plate from in front of her, pushing his own empty plate away.

  She sipped at the caf and offered Kadenz some. He nodded, and she poured until his cup was full.

  He drank some of the caf and gestured with his chin toward the door opening.

  Denitha swirled in and stopped next to Alice. “Did you mean what you said about giving instruction to young ladies?”

  Alice felt the affirmation running through their clasped hands.

  Kadenz gave her fingers a squeeze in case she missed his mental urging.

  “Yes, Denitha. I did indeed mean that I have given instruction. Would you like me to engage in something of that nature right now?”

  Denitha inclined her head. “Please. I have a deportment class in the atrium. The ladies would love a little musical instruction, but I lack the skills.”

  Alice got to her feet, kissed Kadenz and nodded to her new mother-in-law. They left the Judges Roarcroft to finish their breakfasts.

  Outside the breakfast room, Alice asked, “You ate earlier?”

  “I eat at dawn. Karoon is normally with me, but he waited until you and Kadenz woke before taking his meal. I am guessing he wants to ask my son a few questions.”

  Alice smiled, “He did.”

  “You and he have bonded?”

  “If that is what you call it here.” She chuckled at Denitha’s grimace. “Yes, we linked minds and the link is growing stronger.”

  “I am sorry to take you away during your bonding time, but you have a full day ahead and this won’t make a difference.”

  Alice laughed. “Fair enough. I am guessing we get some alone time after my life is settled?”

  “You will have at least five days together, but after that, he must resume his duties and you have to begin yours.”

  “I have duties?”

  “As Alpha female, you do indeed. You are responsible for the education and wellbeing of all women in the clan.”

  “Wow. That is unexpected.”

  “You will have a hard road of it as well, not being Oefric and all. I will be here to help you during your adjustment.”

  That was all the warning she got before Denitha opened two doors into a large atrium. A gathering of teenagers in long gowns greeted her. Several instruments were also waiting for her, surrounding the outer edge of the room.

  Denitha made the introductions quickly. “Ladies, it is my pleasure to introduce my new daughter, Lady Alice.”

  Alice inclined her head as the girls curtseyed. “It is my honour to meet you. What instrument shall we learn first?”

  Several arms lifted in the air. Alice pointed to one young woman with dark brown hair. “Yes?”

  The girl smiled, “Angitia Weatherscore, age ten. I would like to learn the harp.”

  “Angitia, that is a good place to start. Would anyone care to work on rhythm?”

  Two more girls were given percussion blocks and they were able to hold a solid beat. “Surprisingly, there are many practical applications to learning to keep a beat. You can use it for dancing, housekeeping, walking and keeping time.”

  Once the girls had all taken turns with the percussion blocks, Alice sat at the harp and played a quick tune. When she finished, the girls applauded.

  “Angitia, have a seat. Put your fingers in the following places and pluck, don’t pull the strings.”

  The first few notes were more buzzing than anything else, but when she managed to make a clear sound, the group applauded.

  “Keep trying that until your fingers sting. It takes time to build up callouses and you can’t use your claws.”

  Her pupil tucked her tongue between her teeth. “Why not?”

  “You will slice the strings and they can be wicked if they snap.” She extended her hand and showed them scars on her forearm. “When I was training, they tried to teach us while we wore metal nails on our fingers. It turned out that it was better to let us have the rough skin.”

  The other girls looked at the scars and a few touched them. Angitia began to explore the range of her reach and that meant that the stringed instruments could be tried.

  The atrium was arranged in a series of archways, and each arch created a sound bubble of its own.

  Angitia was pinging away at the harp, Loria and Whenican took the stringed instruments, some girls practiced the rhythm blocks and one shy girl in the corner didn’t look like she was happy to be there.

  Alice walked over to her. “Hello, miss. Is there an instrument that you would like to learn?”


  “You seem unhappy to be here.”

  “My mother said that you were a bad woman and you had ensnared our Alpha.”

  Alice looked around and found a bench. She gestured for the girl to have a seat and the quiet girl followed the order.

  “I am a woman who met a man who was unattached. He found me attractive and we got along. We are two adults who each chose to be with each other for the rest of our lives. I didn’t ask him about the women in his life and he didn’t ask me about the men in mine.” It wasn’t precisely the truth, but it was the best bet when dealing with a child.

  The girl nodded. “It sounds fair.”

  “Tell your mother she can address all questions to me. Now, may I know you name?”

  “Telia Crowsong.”

  “How old are you?”


  “Well, Telia, what would you like to learn?”

  Telia looked at the remaining instruments. “What is that?”

  Alice grinned. “Stay here.”

  Alice picked up the holochime and took the half-sphere back to Telia.

  She put the instrument between them on the bench. “Now, think of some
thing happy and touch the surface.”

  Telia closed her eyes and stroked the surface. A chime rang out and shimmered in the air and the young lady opened her eyes wide, seeing a picture of a fat baby chick hovering in midair.

  Telia gasped and the image dissolved. “Can I do that again?”

  “You can, but the image is never the same twice. Watch.”

  Alice focused and ran her fingertips across the surface. A beam shot out and covered the ceiling of the atrium with stars moving and shifting in blinding waves of light.

  She let the notes flow as she concentrated on the holochime. All muted sounds came to a halt as she played and showed the girls stars that marched above them and sights that would never be seen by anyone again. A moment in time was caught in her thoughts and it would never happen to anyone else.

  When she had finished her trip through her memories, she let the chimes fade as she pulled her fingers back into her lap.

  The light brightened, and when Alice looked around, awed faces surrounded her.

  Telia was looking at her in amazement. “Can I learn to do that?”

  “You will see your own memories. This brings it out and uses sound to tap into your thoughts and keep them resonating. Like humming one note for a really long time.”

  Telia smiled and stroked the surface again and the image she saw was of her mother.

  One of the older girls asked, “How is that music?”

  Alice smiled, “You can hear the chime and enjoy it with your mind. It is personal music, designed to entertain the person playing.”

  The older girl said, “We saw what you were playing, and it wasn’t personal.”

  “It was to me. It was my first time in deep space and I was amazed at the march of light.”

  Denitha appeared in the doorway, and she clapped her hands. “That is all for today. Ladies, your Alpha is needed elsewhere.”

  The girls bowed and filed out. It finally struck Alice that she had just become den mother to a bunch of shifter girl scouts. Weird.

  Denitha whispered, “The judge has arrived. As your testimony is all that is required, the judge is in Karoon’s office.”

  Alice got to her feet and set the holochime back where she had found it.

  Denitha laughed, “They will put the instruments away tomorrow. Quit stalling.”

  Alice shrugged. “Well, the worst thing that will happen is that I get my savings back. I hate not being able to shop.”

  “Would you spend all of Kadenz’s credit?”

  Alice snorted as they walked through the halls. “No, I would use mine. I have quite a bit accumulated, more than enough to provide me with a wardrobe that would let me blend in.”

  She couldn’t be sure, but she thought she saw Denitha’s cheeks colour with embarrassment.

  The judge’s office was open and Alice sat down in the chair that was available and faced the shadow.

  “Good morning, Judge.”

  “And to you, Alice Pinkerton Horilian Roarcroft, Companion, Duchess Kalian and Alpha of the Oefric. Are you prepared for judgement?”

  “If it will get my funds freed up so I can by a pair of pants, yes.”

  The judge chuckled and the shadows went motionless.

  Alice felt the lightest prickle on her mind. The judge didn’t move.

  An hour ticked by as every inch of her mind was measured and weighed. When the judge was done, the prickle dissipated.

  Slumping back into the chair, Alice waited for the verdict.

  The judge activated a dictation transmitter. “The judge and jury find in favour of Duchess Kalian. She did not use subterfuge, guile or seduction to gain marriage to Hecor Horilian, and he acted in full awareness of what he was about to put her through. By my authority, I release her accounts and forward to her all entitlements of her station. The Kalians are ordered to cease and desist all actions against her.

  “Any future actions will create a financial drain on the offending parties with all funds going to the Duchess Kalian’s designated heirs.”

  Alice nearly wept with relief and rose to her feet.

  “The case is concluded, registrations are filed.” The judge got to its feet and inclined its shadow.

  “Thank you.” Alice gave the judge the most formal bow she could.

  The shadow left the chamber, leaving Alice shaking with exhaustion. She took a few steps and slumped against the doorframe.

  Kadenz was at her side seconds later, and he lifted her in his arms, carrying her through the halls until he reached their chamber.

  When he tucked her into bed, he asked, “Do you need a medic?”

  “No. I was just mind-fucked by a judge for an hour. Couldn’t you feel it?” She put her hand to her forehead.

  “No, the judge must have been in your past. They are skilled at going around links.” He disappeared into the lav and came out with a cold cloth that he pressed to her forehead.

  “The judge ruled in my favour. I get to keep the title.”

  Kadenz stroked her cheek. “Do you want the title?”

  “I like it, but I think I will return the house to the family. They all have money, so they can afford the upkeep. I want a fresh start for the future.”

  Her head stopped throbbing when he kissed her. “Do that again.”

  He raised his head and smiled. “Is it working?”

  She grabbed his head and pulled him into contact with her, wrapping her leg around him to pull him down to the bed.

  When she had him on his back, she pulled her head away and grinned. “How much time do we have to make a new start?”

  “Five days. Shall we pace ourselves?” He ran his hands over her back and buttocks.

  “I am thinking that we should just figure out what we can handle and then get a snack.” She nipped at his chin.

  “Ah, but you are the tastiest thing in the room.”

  She laughed as he rolled her over and she felt the touch of his mind inside hers. Soon, his body would join with hers or hers with his. She was up for some experimentation.

  They had all the time in the world…and now she could shop.

  Author’s Note

  We met one of their daughters in Joined, and it seems like Alice and Kadenz are just getting started.

  The next book will be the final book in the Terran Times Series*. Jury is a tale of a gladiatorial coach/trainer who lives a dual life. When she is needed, she sits in a chair and becomes part of a psychic jury that reaches across the stars to advise one of the imperium judges.

  Leaving her body leaves her vulnerable and her job is suffering. How is she going to balance both jobs and do each equally when her gladiator wants some personal time?

  Thanks for reading,

  Viola Grace

  *Oh, and I was just teasing. The K series begins the Terran Times Second Wave. We will see the women leave Earth and enter basic training where the stars are the limit.

  About the Author

  Viola Grace was born in Manitoba, Canada where she still resides today. She really likes it there. She has no pets and can barely keep sea monkeys alive for a reasonable amount of time. Her line of day job tends to be analytical which leaves her mind hopping to weave stories. No co-worker is safe from her character analysis. In keeping with busy hands are happy hands, her hobbies have included cross-stitch, needlepoint, quilting, costuming, cake decorating, baking, cooking, metal work, beading, sculpting, painting, doll making, henna tattoos, chain mail, and a few others that have been forgotten. It is quite often that these hobbies make their way into her tales.

  Viola’s fetishes include boots and corsetry, and her greatest weakness is her uncontrollable blush. Her writing actively pursues the Happily Ever After that so rarely occurs in nature. It is an admirable thing and something that we should all strive for. To find one that we truly like, as well as love.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Author’s Note

  About the Author




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