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One Taste of Love (A One Taste Novel Book 2)

Page 2

by Amanda Siegrist

  Zeke turned to the bed. Susan busily worked at collecting her evidence, taking pictures of the scene, unaware of their current tension.

  Zeke shrugged. “I’m not—”

  “Rina. She looks like Rina. I think I’m going to be sick now,” Ben muttered as he walked out of the room.

  Chapter 2

  Zeke shut the front door, the loud click gaining a stern voice to prick his ears.

  “If you so much as wake that little girl up with your loud ways, you’re gonna get it.”

  Smiling wide, he held his arms open as he walked over to her. “Oh, what am I going to get?”

  “Not what you’re thinking, that’s for sure. I just put her down.” She pressed her head against his chest and wrapped her arms tightly around him. “I don’t want to go back to work.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “We talked about this. You don’t have to.”

  She lifted her head and grabbed a quick kiss. “You work too much as it is. If I quit, you’d have to work even more. It just isn’t feasible.”

  “For you, I’ll do anything. Just say the word. If you want to take time off, then do it, sweetheart. I want you happy and I want our little Brina happy.” Savoring another sweet kiss, he walked her backwards toward the wall. “Now, how about a little some-some while our angel is sleeping.”

  She laughed against his lips. “I have to fold the laundry, look over some bills, and everything else on my list that I didn’t get done while she was awake. Or bedtime would be good, too.”

  “I’ve been denied a long time. You’re finally free to engage in sex anytime you freely want. I want to start engaging in that. I feel very deprived,” he said, nibbling on her neck.

  She opened her neck to give him better access. “You shouldn’t. You got plenty last night, and if my memory serves correctly, this morning. I have no idea how we managed that either. I’m dead on my feet, Zeke. Bedtime seems like it should move to the top of the list.”

  He peppered small kisses up her neck until he reached her lips, shifting his body closer as she moaned delightfully in his mouth. “I will always manage to find time to love you. Make no mistake on that.”

  “And while I want to right now, I need to get stuff done before she wakes up,” she whispered regretfully, pushing him away.

  “This feels wrong,” he teased, following her into the kitchen. “Can you keep a secret?”

  She turned around holding the refrigerator door handle, raising a brow in disbelief. “Since when can’t I keep a secret?”

  “Hmm, let’s see, darling, you have a weakness divulging things to Dee and Rina.” He snatched a kiss to lighten the truth of his words and grabbed a plate from the cupboard.

  “If you want me to keep it to myself, I can. Honestly, that hurts you think I can’t.” She gave him a sly smile, telling him she was kidding, but her voice held a hint of pain.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. Dish already.” She opened the lid to the container and scooped some of the chicken dinner onto his plate.

  “Ben’s been in a funk lately. I kinda needled him about it. Did you know he asked out Rina a few months ago?”

  Zoe dropped the spoon as her jaw dropped.

  “Yeah, that was my reaction, too. He’s crushed. I could hear it in his voice.”

  He crossed his arms as he blew out a breath. Talk about the worst friend on the planet. He had teased Ben up and down almost every day to ask her out. Not once had Ben given the impression he had. Just laughed at it or ignored him. They had been friends for a long time. He should’ve seen through it.

  “Crushed? What did she say? There’s no way she said no.”

  “She shut him down. She never gave you any indication he asked her out?”

  “Hell, no. I would’ve told you that. He has to be giving you a line so you stop teasing him. I bet that’s what this is.”

  He shook his head, wishing it were true. The devastation on Ben’s face hadn’t been faked. “I’m telling you, he asked her out and she said no.”

  Zeke dropped his arms and took a step toward Zoe when she started to wipe her hands on a towel. “What are you doing?”

  “Calling Rina,” she said, her voice trailing as she walked away.

  “I said to keep it between us, Zoe.”

  “Fat chance on that. She’s one of my best friends and he’s one of yours. I refuse to believe she would tell him no. She likes him.” She turned around with her hands on her hips as she stood in the threshold of the hallway. “I’m calling her. I think I heard Zabrina. You hollered, your turn.”

  Zeke watched her walk away, his daughter’s beautiful cries perforating the air. Well, that didn’t go how he expected.


  Ben pulled a beer out of the fridge, twisted the cap, and took a long swallow. The cool liquid did nothing to soothe his nerves. After downing half the bottle, he stared at it, his eyes blurring until he only saw Rina’s face. Not in the way he wanted to either.

  That damn crime scene.

  The body laid out on the bed, almost as if she were posed. The bruises lining up and down her body, showing the brutality she experienced. The red scarf wrapped around her neck, almost in a loving way. And her face. No matter how many times he tried to see the victim’s face, he only saw Rina.

  The entire drive home he had the insane urge to drive to her house and make sure she was okay. Insane, he knew. She wasn’t the victim or involved in the case in any way, but the worry had formed the minute she swapped faces with the victim. His stomach coiled every time the image appeared. Which, since it happened, was every few minutes. He couldn’t erase it.

  Why would the case be easy either? Nope. Nothing had been easy. He should’ve known by the pristine look throughout the house. No sign of a struggle or how the perp got in.

  Beth’s parents had been unhelpful, to say the least. Neither could form coherent thoughts. Blind numbness had taken over. Losing their daughter in such a horrible way tore the spirit right out of them.

  Timothy, the one person to prick their senses as a good suspect by what Susan told them, was still at the house when they arrived. He had been trying his best to console Beth’s parents. It hadn’t worked well for him.

  He had answered their questions without an issue and very straightforward. Nothing about him had seemed to rub him or Zeke the wrong way. He was a pretty boy, dressed in khaki pants and a blue polo shirt with his blonde hair combed back, not a strand out of place. He had worn glasses that fit his face perfectly and gave him an air of intellect. He looked like he was pulled from a GQ magazine, ready to win the ladies over with a thousand-watt smile.

  Ben leaned against the counter as the conversation with Timothy rolled around his mind. Looking back, revisiting every angle always helped. He would do it until they found their killer.

  “How well did you know Beth? I’m assuming pretty well since you wanted to tell her parents what happened,” Zeke had asked.

  “She’s been best friends with my sister since they were eight. She’s part of our family. Her parents lost their son about two years ago in a car accident. The cop who showed up to relay the news wasn’t very delicate about it. So forgive me if I wanted it to go better this time. As you can see, they didn’t take it well regardless.” Timothy had looked at the couple sitting on the couch hugging each other tightly as the tears spilled down with despair. “But I think it went better than some jerk of a cop relaying the news.”

  “We aren’t jerks when we do it,” Ben had said as nicely as possible.

  “Maybe you’re not.”

  “Is she seeing anyone? Have you ever dated her?” Zeke had asked

  “She broke up with her boyfriend, Steven, a few weeks ago. I don’t know the reason why. I haven’t seen her as often as I did when we were kids. I’ve never dated her. She’s my sister’s best friend.”

  “When’s the last time you saw her?” Ben had asked.

  “About two weeks ago. I saw her downtown at a coffe
e shop. She was shopping with Diane. She seemed happy. That’s when I found out she wasn’t dating Steven anymore. She didn’t seem heartbroken or anything.” Timothy had smoothed a hand through his hair, messing up the perfect strands. Yet, it had still fallen down looking almost perfect.

  “Did Beth have a problem with anyone? Is there someone you think that would hurt her?” Zeke had asked.

  “Beth was a sweetheart. She wouldn’t hurt a fly or a spider,” Timothy had said with a sad laugh. “I killed a few spiders for her.”

  “Here’s my card. If you think of anything else. Give us a call,” Ben had said, handing Timothy his card. “Where were you last night?”

  Timothy had taken the card and answered the question without appearing insulted. “I was at home. And yes, by myself. I live alone. Beth was like family. I just can’t get over the fact she’s gone.”

  Ben took a swig of beer. He knew he wouldn’t get a phone call from Timothy. Beth was a sweetheart. The entire night did nothing to bring them closer to an answer. Not even her boyfriend had been helpful. He had been distraught, almost to the point as her parents when they interviewed him. He said the breakup had been amicable. They had split just three weeks ago, the relationship dying because they were better friends than lovers. Steven couldn’t think of a single person who had a problem with Beth.

  Her co-workers had relayed the same information. She rarely had problems with people. A few disgruntled customers, but women, not men. Almost immediately, they discredited a woman to have committed the crime. Preliminary results indicated she was raped. Despite defensive wounds marring her body, someone held her down with brute strength. The person didn’t have to tie her up to violate then kill her with the scarf. The person did it by simply holding her down with their body weight. Someone heavier than her, stronger than her. Someone like a man.

  Susan had informed them a window from the bedroom closest to the living room had been unlocked. She dusted for fingerprints, but came up empty. Every other window, including the doors, was locked when Diane came to her house and found her. She had a spare key. They were like sisters; even Beth had a key to her house. The first thing Ben told Diane was to change her locks. They had no idea if the killer searched the house and found the key. Better to be safe than sorry. Like an insensitive jerk, he actually said that to her. The fear that lit up her eyes made him regret saying it so matter-of-factly. He had no excuse. And if he did, it’d be the sight of Beth’s body. The way she reminded him of Rina.

  Taking another swallow, he clutched the bottle tightly. He wanted to get that image out of his mind. Thinking about the case wasn’t helping. His fingers itched to grab his keys from the hook on the wall and drive to Rina’s. She’d probably politely smile and say she was fine, then dismiss him with ease. Like always.

  The only solution to the problem would be to solve the case immediately. It wasn’t looking good. Neither voiced it, but a bad sensation had swirled around them as they worked. This case wouldn’t be simple. This killer had watched, waited, planned, and carefully attacked Beth.

  Damn this case.

  He chugged the remainder of his beer and grabbed the fridge door handle. It tasted good, settling his stomach a little. He couldn’t drown his sorrows earlier, but he could now.

  Is that what he should do?

  Food didn’t sound appealing and he didn’t think he could eat one bite if he tried. He nearly got sick in the victim’s house.

  But beer, that sounded good. It just might take the edge off. Maybe even put him into a stupor so he could sleep tonight. Because the way his day was going, he wouldn’t get a wink of sleep. Instead of having sweet dreams of Rina, he’d have terrifying nightmares of her body bruised and strangled. Not going to happen.

  He yanked on the handle and grabbed another beer. Only five more left. Would that be enough to make him forget? Probably not.

  Clenching the cap, he twisted it sharply as another image of Rina floated by.

  That’s all he ever thought about. Since the day he met her.

  Over the course of the year, with Zeke marrying Zoe, she slipped further and further into his mind. If there was a party, she was there. If he went out for a drink with Zeke, Zoe showed up with Rina and Dee in tow. If he decided to hang out at Zeke’s, Rina suddenly showed up. He couldn’t escape her. He also couldn’t turn away from her beauty, her sweetness, her perfection.

  He knew she was too good for him. Too beautiful. Too high class for a guy like him. He had nothing to offer her. He was nothing but a cop, who worked too much and didn’t get enough pay. Yet, Zeke managed just fine. He found a beautiful, amazing woman, juggling his new life with ease.

  So why couldn’t he have the same thing? That’s why he had decided to ask her out. He thought he saw the same desire mirrored in her eyes. The small, tentative glances she would give him, displaying a yearning as strong as his own. Boy, had he been wrong.

  She turned him down flat. In her sweet, soft way that she always spoke with. It broke his heart worse than if she would’ve sneered in disgust. He almost would’ve preferred that reaction instead of her gentle words. “I’m so sorry, Ben. I can’t. Thank you for asking, though.”

  He couldn’t believe when she turned him down, or that he read her so wrong. Too embarrassed, the pain still fresh in his heart, he had kept her rejection to himself. Now he wished he still had. It bugged him knowing Zeke knew.

  A loud ringing echoed throughout the house. He jerked, the beer almost slipping through his fingers as his heart pounded from the interruption. Who the hell was ringing his doorbell at ten o’clock at night? If Zeke stood on his porch, Ben almost had the temptation to punch him in the face. Maybe he would. Maybe that would take some of his pain away. Not that any of this was Zeke’s fault, but he just needed someone to take it away. That’s what friends were for, right? Or was he here to talk about Rina again?

  He stalked to the door, ready to lay into him. He wanted to drop the conversation about Rina in the car. What made Zeke think he wanted to start it back up again? Maybe punching him wasn’t solely about taking the pain away. He just wanted to unleash his anger for all the teasing he endured the past three months. No more. He had it.

  Whipping open the door with a biting retort on his lips for Zeke, he staggered back. All of his anger swept away instantly.

  “Rina, what are you doing here?”

  She stood rigid, her hands clenched tightly by her sides. Not a normal look for her. Then she spoke in her sweet, delicate voice he loved hearing every time he saw her. “I hate you, Ben. I could slap you right now.” She raised her hand to do just that.

  He caught her wrist with a strong, yet gentle grip before she connected with his face. Her soft words cut him deeply, as if she yelled fiercely.

  I hate you, Ben.

  What in the world did he do to garner such words? He left her at Zeke’s with a beautiful smile on her face. As usual. Even when he had asked her out, she smiled so beautifully at him.

  He had hoped to anger her, and now, apparently he had.

  “I think I deserve an explanation of why you want to slap me and then maybe I’ll let you.” He said it just as softly as she expressed her biting words.

  “Let me go, Ben.” She glanced at her wrist.

  “You come over to my house, you knock on my door, and then you try to slap me. Tell me why, Rina.”

  Her soulful eyes lifted again toward his. “It’s embarrassing when my friend asks me why I told a man no after he asked me out. I just figured that would be something between the two of us, not everyone else.”

  A deep tremble escaped from her. Did she really think he would hurt her? He softly rubbed his thumb over the rapid pulse beating on her wrist. She hated him. He hated Zeke at the moment. Damn him! He just had to tell Zoe. Now, not only did Rina not want to date him, she hated him.

  She had asked him to let her go. He couldn’t find the strength. He couldn’t find any words either. Her silky skin tortured him even more than he ached befo
re. The only thing he wanted to do was remove the hatred she had for him by pulling her into his arms and kissing it away. Soothe them both in a torrid embrace. What would she do if he did that? Probably follow through on that slap. That’s the last thing he wanted. He dropped her wrist as if she burned his hand and tried to banish all thoughts of kissing.

  “Go ahead and slap me. I told Zeke not to tell Zoe. What’s the big deal?” he said, trying not to sound bitter as a deeper pain formed in his heart.

  “You should know better. They never keep secrets from each other. Ever.” She grabbed her hand, rubbing her wrist lightly.

  “Did I hurt you?”

  She glanced down at her wrist again. “No.” Glancing up at him, her eyes sprinkled with sadness. “I can’t believe you told Zeke.”

  That sadness. Couldn’t she see his?

  He didn’t hurt her. Thank goodness. Because that’s the last thing he’d ever do. But damn, she was tearing him apart.

  “Is this where I feel sorry? Maybe I just got sick and tired of Zeke telling me I had to ask you out. Why haven’t I done it yet? She’ll say yes, buddy. Right, she’ll say yes. Boy was he wrong,” Ben muttered, then took a sip of beer. The flavor, unlike before, went down with a rancid taste. He never spoke like this to her and he hated himself for it, but he couldn’t stop the words from leaving.

  “I’m sorry, Ben. I can’t date you.”

  “Stop saying can’t, Rina. Just why in the hell can’t you?” he asked with his jaw clenched tightly. She wouldn’t holler, then neither would he.

  “You…you’re not right for me. It’s better this way. Please, don’t get mad at me.”

  “This day just keeps getting better and better. Hey, while you’re at it, speaking these lovely words to me, why don’t you dig that knife just a little further into my heart. I don’t think it made it all the way through yet. Why don’t you slam the door in your own face, Rina, I’m done here.”

  He turned around, leaving her staring wide-eyed and shocked at his words. Yeah, well, she shocked him rushing over here, telling him she hated him. Telling him, she can’t date him. He wasn’t right for her. Well, who in the hell was right for her then? That’s what he wanted to know.


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