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Sweet Sins

Page 2

by E. L. Todd

  That didn’t look good.

  “Can I crash here?” Cade asked.

  Wasn’t he rich? Why would he stay here?

  “Um…okay.” Flynn seemed just as confused as I was. “Why?”

  “I just need to stay somewhere,” he snapped. “Can I come in or what?”

  Rude as ever.

  I wasn’t sure what Flynn would do. The last time we saw Cade, Flynn wasn’t too happy with him. He stepped aside. “Sure.”

  Cade walked in then glanced at me. Annoyance spread across his face but he didn’t say anything.

  I knew he and I would never be friends.

  He stood in the center of the room and waited. “Can I have the spare bedroom?”

  “Sure.” Flynn locked the door and looked at him. “What’s going on, man?”

  “I’m tired.” He headed to the hallway then stopped when he saw all the pancakes on the ceiling. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “Why the fuck are you here?” Flynn countered.

  Cade glared at him then disappeared down the hallway.

  “I was not expecting that,” I whispered.

  “Me neither.” He turned to me. “Is it okay if he stays here?”

  “It’s your brother, Flynn. You can decide that.”

  “If he’s rude to you, I’ll throw him out on his ass.”

  I was glad he defended me, even against his own family. “Well, I can tell he’s going to be. Cut him some slack for a few days. Maybe something bad happened.”

  He rubbed his chin. “I have no idea what. He’s loaded with a great apartment. I can’t imagine why he would be here. Maybe they are fumigating it or something.”

  “Maybe he lives in my old building,” I joked.

  He smiled while he looked down at me. “Let’s finish breakfast then head to bed.”

  “There’s a sentence I never thought you’d say.”

  “I want to eat the pancakes off you.”

  I blushed. “I never thought I’d hear that one either. I’ll try to keep it down for you brother.”

  “No. Please don’t.” His eyes sparkled in mischief as he made the pancakes, flipping them into the air. He finally made one without it sticking to the ceiling. “Look who’s a pro now.”

  “After ten tries…”

  He put the pancakes on a plate and headed to the bedroom. “Let’s get this party started.”



  Monnique didn’t move to Seattle like I asked, but I promised her he would visit once a month so her brother didn’t feel so alone. I’d move back with her in a heartbeat, but I couldn’t leave my job. I’d never find anything else better. The pay was great, the people were awesome, and I could get away with pretty much anything.

  I didn’t want to rush into anything yet, so we were just dating…I guess. But I wasn’t seeing anyone and neither was she. So, we were back together, at least that’s what I would tell people if they asked. It was complicated, but she and I would work this out and become even stronger than we used to be. I wasn’t going to let her go, and I’d work hard to regain what we lost. Because she was the one.

  I’d never been so nervous to go on a date before. I was standing in front of her apartment with the gift in my hand. I’d been on hundreds of dates with her before, but now I knew she was going to be mine forever. We were starting over, but I already knew the ending. She was going to be my wife, and that suddenly made me anxious.

  I knocked then waited for her to answer.

  She opened the door wearing an olive green dress and a jean jacket. I loved the color on her. It highlighted her skin perfectly, making her brown eyes glisten. I swallowed the lump in my throat because I was speechless.

  I cleared my throat. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” She smiled at me, giving me a dazzling look.

  “You look beautiful.”

  She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the apartment. “You look hot.”

  I blushed at her words.

  She wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a sensual kiss. Her lips moved slowly, parting mine and giving me a small amount of her tongue. I sprang to life immediately then gripped her waist, loving her taste. I’d never grow tired of kissing her.

  She ended the embrace then rubbed her nose against mine, giving me a look of pure joy. I hadn’t seen her this happy in a long time, so long I couldn’t recall. It made me feel wonderful knowing that reaction was because of me.

  She looked down at my hand, seeing the gift. “What’s that?”

  “Oh.” I was so enchanted by her beauty I forgot everything else. “I got you something.” I held out the gift to her.

  “You don’t have to get me anything.” She smirked while she ripped open the paper.

  “I think you’ll like it.” My eyes lingered on her neck, seeing the necklace her father gave her. She wore it all the time.

  When the paper was off, her face broke out in a wide grin. Her eyes softened when she looked at me. “Cortland…thank you.”

  “I knew you would like it.”

  “I love it.” She stared at it for a moment before she placed it on the counter. It was the picture of us at the wax museum, hanging out with a Bill Gates figurine. It was the picture I stared at before I went to bed every night. That moment meant the world to me. It was when I fell in love with her again.

  She grabbed her clutch then came to the door, ready to leave. “What did you want to eat?”

  “How about brunch?” I asked.

  “Sure.” She smiled then stepped out.

  When we walked out of the building, I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. I felt right being with her again, claiming her as mine for the whole world to see. When men stared at her as we walked up the street, I didn’t care. I was the luckiest bastard in the world and I knew it.

  She walked close to me, her shoulder touching mine. “I’m going to get French toast.”

  “Good choice. Me too.” I opened the door of the restaurant and let her walk in first. After we arrived at our table, I pulled out the chair for her like I usually did then sat across from her.

  She stared at me for a long time. I averted my gaze then looked at the menu. When I looked up again, she was still staring.

  “Yeah?” I asked.

  She smiled then looked down. “I’m just happy.”

  Her words warmed my heart. I smirked then looked at the menu again. The nervousness I had disappeared. Everything was right with the world. I was back to being happy, being with the girl I loved. I felt stupid for ever trying to move on. That was a waste of time.

  “So, you got a hot date for the wedding?” she asked. Her hair was pulled back in a clip, revealing her perfectly sculpted shoulders and the curve of her breasts. The olive green color looked perfect on her. She could pull off any color and look stunning. I reminded myself not to stare so much. Even though I was her boyfriend, it probably still made her uncomfortable to be gawked at all the time.

  “Yep. And she’s smokin’.”

  She played along. “Well, this smokin’ girl probably wants you to wear a green tie so it will match her dress.”

  I smirked. Matching would annoy most guys but it didn’t annoy me at all. The more people who knew she was mine, the better. “We’re actually already wearing green ties.”

  “Oh. That solves the problem.”

  “But I can wear green boxers for you…”

  She smiled. “That won’t work because I’m going commando.”

  My cock sprang to life quicker than it ever had before. My throat was suddenly dry.

  The waiter approached our table. “What can I get you, sir?”

  Uh… My mouth was so dry I couldn’t find the words. Monnique chuckled lightly, pleased by my reaction. I cleared my throat. “Uh, I’ll have the French toast.” I handed the menu over, flustered.

  “How do you like your eggs?”

  Eggs? I kept thinking about Monnique wearing a dress with no panties. “Uh, surprise me.”

sp; He cocked an eyebrow. “Okay… What kind of toast?”

  “I don’t know. The kind with jelly on it.” I kept thinking about her legs wrapped around my waist while I held her against the bathroom wall.

  Monnique covered her face and tried not to laugh.

  “White, wheat, or sourdough,” he said with a straight face.

  “Oh.” My mind was in the gutter. “Sourdough.”

  “Bacon or sausage?”

  How many damn choices where there? “Bacon.”

  He turned to Monnique and took her order.

  I felt my face blush when I replayed that interaction. I made a total idiot out of myself. Couldn’t he have walked over just a moment later?

  When he left, Monnique kept grinning at me. “Sorry.”

  My cock was still hard. “That was just bad timing.”

  “Well, then I probably shouldn’t say anything else…”

  Now my curiosity was killing me. What did she mean by that? My skin prickled at the suggestion. My thoughts were running wild. “No, you should say.”

  Monnique’s cheeks tinted slightly. “I want you to get through your meal without the waiter thinking you’re dyslexic.”

  “Did you just hear me? He already thinks that.”

  She laughed then sipped her water.

  “Come on, baby. You can tell me anything.” I already suspected what she might say but I had to know.

  She played with a strand of hair before she tucked it behind her ear. “I’m commando right now.”

  I stuck my fist in my mouth because that was so hot. I stifled my moan so no one else would hear me. God, she was killing me.

  She had a playful look in her eyes. “See? Now you’re never going to get through breakfast.”

  “Let’s take it to go.” My mind was deep in the gutter. Deep. I wanted to take things slow with her, but she looked so damn gorgeous sitting across from me, and then she had to tell me she wasn’t wearing any panties. Talk about torture.

  “It can wait.” She had a mischievous smile on her face.

  Ugh, she was killing me. I was the one who wanted to wait, but she turned the tables on me. I tried to focus on something else so my cock wouldn’t break through my jeans.

  “Have you spoken to anyone since you got back?” she asked.

  “Just Scarlet.” Good, talking about the gang would calm me down.

  “I haven’t either. They probably want to leave us alone.”

  Which would be fine if I was fucking her in the bathroom. I shook my head, trying to shake the thoughts away. I wasn’t being a gentleman at all. “Excited about the wedding?”

  “It’s going to be so much fun. I’m happy for them. Those two are soul mates.”

  “They are.”

  “Did you miss the bachelor party?”

  I nodded. “But I understand. I didn’t expect them to postpone it for me. They really had no other option.”

  “I’m sure they missed you.”

  “According to Scarlet, it sounded like they were running away from women the entire time. I probably didn’t miss much, except Ryan getting slapped by some girl.”

  She laughed. “I wish I had seen that.”

  “That makes two of us.”

  The waiter returned with the food and gave me an apprehensive look. Yeah, he thought I was a douchebag, and he’d be right for thinking that.

  We ate quietly. I dipped my French toast into the syrup and tried not to think about Monnique’s ass, how curvy it was, and how beautiful she looked naked on my bed. I tried not to think about her in a sexual way when we were broken up because it was wrong, but now she was mine and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Why did she have to wear that dress? Why did she have to tell me she was commando? Unless she wanted me to become puddy in her hands. Well, mission accomplished.

  “What are you thinking?”

  Her question dispelled my thoughts. “This is good French toast.”

  She smiled. “Sure…”

  Damn, was she a mind reader?

  When we were finished, I paid the tab and she didn’t even bother trying. She understood me well enough to back down. I’d never change my mind about that. She was my girlfriend and she didn’t pay for anything. I knew her savings account was overflowing because of my stubbornness. Call me old-fashioned, but a guy took care of a girl. I wouldn’t be with anyone unless I could take care of them.

  Hand in hand, we walked back to her apartment.

  “I talked to my old boss. He said I could have my job back since I was only gone for a week.”

  “Good.” Not really. After I heard about her episode protecting a child, I wanted her to stay home. Maybe when she moved back in with me, I could get her to quit. I shook my head. That would never happen. She was way too stubborn.

  She watched my face. “But I can quit and stay home.”

  What? Did she just say that? “Sorry?”

  She kept her small hand in my mine. “If you prefer me staying at home, I can.”

  Was this the same Monnique? “Is this a trap?”

  She laughed loudly then shook her head. “No. I’m being serious.”

  “So, you would just quit and move in with me? Stay home all day and hang out with your friends?”


  This was too good to be true. “Why?”

  “I know it’s what you want.”

  “But what do you want, baby?”

  “I want to make you happy.”

  I should just take her offer because it sounded so thrilling. It was my dream to have her stay at home. I would know she was safe and no one was bothering her or gawking at her. She wouldn’t be tired at night, able to please me as much as I wanted. She could have my kids and raise them. But I knew that wasn’t what she wanted. And I would never take that away from her. “No, it’s okay.”

  She eyed me suspiciously. “Why have you changed your mind?”

  “I know you love your job.”

  “But I love you more.”

  I sighed. “My request is selfish. I just want to hide you from the world and keep you all to myself.” It was the truth.

  “But I want to make you happy.”

  “You do, baby. You don’t have to sacrifice your dreams for me just because of…everything we’ve been through.”

  “We can get a house in the country with Scarlet and Cassandra. I could go over there every day and help with the kids. When you came home, dinner would be on the table, and I would be dressed in slutty lingerie…”

  She was doing a good job of tempting me. “Go on.”

  She chuckled. “We could have our own kids and raise a family. I wouldn’t be around infectious diseases, working late hours, being in dangerous…it’s everything you want.”

  She was making this damn impossible to say no.

  “After everything I put you through, I want to give you everything you want.” She had a determined look in her eye. “I want a marriage and a happily ever after. Relationships are about compromise. I never negotiated anything with you in our previous relationship. I was stubborn and never saw your point of view. I want it to be different this time. I want to give you everything.”

  I couldn’t believe she made such an offer. “You’d be willing to sacrifice your career just to make me happy?”

  “You wouldn’t?”

  I’d sacrifice anything for her—in a heartbeat. “You’re sure you want to do this?”

  She nodded. “I’ve never been more sure of anything.”



  Sean came into my office, his hands in his pockets. The way he fell into the chair facing my desk told me he wasn’t there to discuss work. “So…you’re getting married in a few days.”

  “Thanks for reminding me,” I said sarcastically. “Totally slipped my mind.”

  He studied my face. “Nervous?”

  “Why does everyone keep asking me that?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. You’ve been playing house up to this p
oint. It’s normal to get cold feet. It’s not a big deal.”

  “My feet arm warm,” I snapped.

  “I’m not accusing you of anything or trying to start an argument, alright?” Sean crossed his legs. “This is just between us. Whatever you say to me stays between us.”

  “And your wife,” I jabbed.

  “I won’t say a thing to her. I don’t tell her everything, despite what you think.”

  “You’re full of shit.”

  “Okay…I do tell her everything. But I won’t tell her anything you say now.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t have anything to say.”

  He eyed me suspiciously. “Scarlet ran out on me.”

  I remembered the story. At the time, I had no idea what was going on. I was outside helping my mom. I didn’t see Scarlet leave or return. “I’m surprised she came back.”

  “My point is, even if you’re completely sure, there are still doubts.”

  “Cassandra and I aren’t like you. I would never change my mind about her. I’ve been waiting for her my whole life.”

  “Okay.” He seemed to back off. “Well, if you just want to talk it out, I’m here.”

  “I don’t need to talk anything out,” I snapped. “I’m just fine.”

  He held up his hands. “Okay. Sorry. Just trying to help.”

  I opened my drawer and poured myself a glass of whiskey.

  “Share the wealth.”

  I poured him a glass then slid it across the desk.

  He downed half of it in a gulp. “I can’t drink anymore because of Scarlet. I miss it.”

  “You planning on breastfeeding?” I jabbed.

  He glared at me. “I don’t want to remind her what she’s missing. I haven’t been drinking coffee either.”

  “Cassandra doesn’t seem to struggle with it.” I took a drink and felt the burn down my throat.

  “You’ve been a promiscuous guy your whole life and now you’re committing to one woman for the rest of your life.”

  I thought we were done with this?

  “It’s a big change.”

  “Yeah, I know. I realized that when I proposed to her.” Did he want me to change my mind or something? “Did you have doubts about Scarlet?”

  “No. But she’s perfect. I’d be an idiot to run out on her.”

  “And I’d be an idiot to run out on Cassandra.”


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