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Dragon's Curvy Assistant

Page 5

by Annabelle Winters



  I open as wide as I can, but I don’t think I’m gonna be able to take him. He’s long for sure, but he’s also thick beyond belief. It’s not like I’ve seen a whole lotta cocks in my life, but I know I’ve never seen anything like this.

  “Arthur, I . . .” I stammer, closing my mouth and looking up at him, not sure what else to say.

  “Open again,” he says softly, looking tenderly down at me as he straddles my chest and looms above me like a giant. “Don’t worry, Addie. We are mates, and we are designed for each other. Nature does not make mistakes. Come. Open for me, Addie.” He pauses and takes a breath. “Please,” he mutters, like it was hard for him to say the word.

  Just one simple word, but so meaningful.





  And so I reach up and hesitantly fist his massive cock, pulling him close and opening up again for my mate.

  And this time it works.

  I don’t know if something changed or if I just wasn’t open wide enough the first time. But I can’t think anymore, because the feeling of Arthur sliding inch after inch into my mouth, pushing himself down my throat until his heavy balls are resting against my chin is just too much to handle.

  I come without being touched as Arthur groans and slowly starts to pump back and forth while straddling my boobs. I’m squirting all over the kitchen island as he holds my head and fucks me in the mouth with a controlled power that’s more dominant than any show of force. He comes down my throat in a gush, letting out a guttural roar as he fists my hair and holds me down so he can finish. It’s dominant, but I don’t mind. In a subtle way I feel like I was in control.

  I look up at him, and almost melt when I see the love and joy written in every line on this man’s face, etched into every scar, every year of his existence.

  I nod, and he nods back.

  No wisecracks.

  No making light of the moment.

  Nothing but the moment on its own, naked like our hearts.

  Silently Arthur pulls out of my mouth, his cock still connected to my lower lip with a long line of semen. I wipe it off, and he leans in and gives me a sloppy kiss all over my sticky mouth.

  I place my hands flat by my sides to prepare to sit up. I just secretly came all over the tabletop, but my pussy is throbbing for what I just tasted and swallowed. Still, after the deluge of semen my beast of a mate just poured down my throat, I’ll figure it’ll be a while.

  But then I gasp when I feel Arthur’s cockhead push past my slit and hold for a moment as he gets in position. He’s still hard—shit, even harder than before, even bigger than before!

  I stare down along my body in shock, but clearly he isn’t letting up, isn’t slowing down, certainly isn’t finished.

  No, he isn’t finished, I realize when I look into his eyes and see his Dragon blazing green like an alien sun. He’s just beginning.

  I’m about to say something, but Arthur takes my words away the moment he takes me.

  Takes me all the way.

  With power and glory and fire and fury.

  He takes me.

  By God, he takes me.



  I take her deep and hard, so deep I see her Dragon scream in her eyes, so hard I hear her heart almost explode as I claim her. With every thrust I feel our union consummated in a fresh burst of white-hot flame that shatters my world, breaks my body, sears my soul.

  She’s screaming like the she-Dragon she is, thrashing and wailing as I pound my hips into her, ramming into her mound with a force that would break any woman.

  But she is not any woman.

  She is a Dragon-Woman.

  My Dragon-Woman.

  She comes so hard I feel her squirt her nectar all over my driving cock, coating me until I’m dripping down my balls. Still I keep going, my second climax building in the distance like an avalanche rumbling on a mountain peak, getting ready to roll downhill with unstoppable power.

  I grab Addie’s breasts and squeeze them so hard she screams. Then I pinch her nipples raw, and smack her boobs before sliding three fingers into her mouth. She comes again as I flex inside her, curling my cock up and tapping her fibrous little spot that’s only for me.

  We go for what seems like hours, and with every stroke I feel her getting stronger, sense her Dragon rising, understand how she’s building up to the point where she will truly match my power, balance my power, and if necessary, stop my power from running wild.

  “I love you, Addie,” I whisper down to her just as I push back in and hold, my balls slapping against her and seizing up in the most magnificent way, like a wind-up to an explosion that will split all of time into before and after, past and present, a single moment and forever.

  “Forever,” I add, finishing in her with the last of my seed, all of my seed, all of my commitment.

  And then I pull her into me, cradle her against me, promise to love her and protect her until my bones turn to ash, until the sun burns itself out of the sky.

  “I love you, Addie,” I say again as she burrows into my broad chest and I lift her into my arms and walk to the open balcony overlooking the Dead Sea which is looking uncharacteristically bright today, like something’s changed.

  “I love you too, Arthur,” she whispers back. “And I think I’m yours now.”

  “You think? Didn’t I tell you to stop thinking?” I say with a grin, kissing her on the forehead and walking to the edge of the balcony. I lean over the edge and glance down at the jagged rocks that make this little island a natural fortress. “Here. Watch how I do it.”

  And before she can get a good hold on my neck or arms, I grin and toss her off the balcony like a feather to the wind.

  She screams, but in a blinding flash of brilliant red and vibrant purple, long, slender, perfectly formed wings burst out of her soft back.

  The wings of her Dragon.

  The wings of her forever.

  And with a scream that sets my heart on fire, her Dragon carries her up and away . . .

  Away but always back to me.

  Always and forever.




  “It feels like forever since I was able to Change,” I grumble as I cradle my massively pregnant belly and lower myself to the grass so I can spread out the picnic blanket. Whose dumb idea was it to go on a picnic when I’m nine months pregnant with a set of dragon-babies? Mine, of course. Because I needed to get the hell off that rock island in the middle of the Dead Sea and feel some grass beneath my feet. “It’s really annoying. I want to fly again, Arthur! Feel the wind on my wings! The sun on my scales! I want to smell Dragonfire and Dragonsmoke in the air like barbecue.”

  “Well, all we have is boiled Phoenix,” Arthur says, dropping the picnic hamper next to me and standing at the edge of the checkered blanket I’ve somehow managed to lay out for our picture-perfect picnic.

  But lame-ass picnic aside, the last nine months have been picture perfect. We married in the Spring, and although it was a very small, private wedding (since Arthur has no one other than his brother Brogan and I wasn’t even allowed to invite Bonnie . . .), it was perfect. Just perfect.

  “Perfect,” I say with a smile as our babies kick inside me. “I love Phoenix soup. How did you know?”

  Arthur grins, but he’s faking it. He’s uneasy. We’re so close to me delivering that his protective instincts are off the rails right now. He won’t let me out of his sight. Won’t let me even bathe myself, he’s so freakin’ obsessed with my safety.

  “What if you slip in the shower?” he’d said grumpily.

  “You have no showers in your castle,” I’d reminded him. “Just these vast tubs which I could do laps in. Drowning is a definite concern, though.”

  Big mistake, because after I put the fear of me drowning in a bubble bath out there, Arthur went to all the baths a
nd fixed it so the massive tubs would only hold about an inch of water tops.

  Finally I’d had enough, and although it made sense to hold off until I gave birth, I simply needed dry land and some freakin’ grass! Not to mention a trip to America. Bumblefuck, America of course, since we have to keep a low profile, but still home.

  And the first thought that popped into my hormone-crazed mind was: Picnic!

  “Are you going to sit? You’re making me nervous standing there like a bodyguard,” I say up to him. “Come on. We’re in a green meadow. The sun is shining. Let’s take a moment and relax, Arthur. Let down your guard. See how it feels to give up control.”

  He whips his head toward me and glares. “This isn’t the time to see how it feels to give up control, Addie. You’re due any day. Any moment, in fact. We should already be in a hospital. We should have parked ourselves at the hospital a week ago just in case.”

  “I already told you, I feel I can have the baby on my own, maybe even without your help. I feel strong enough, Arthur. Women in the old days gave birth at home all the time. Animals just pop out their young like it’s nothing.” I pat my hips and smile. “I was born with these hips for a reason, buddy.”

  Finally I get a genuine smile from my fearsome protector who I can tell would like nothing more than to Change to his Dragon and patrol the skies above his mate and unborn child so he could scan the horizon for miles around. Scan for what, I don’t know.

  “Seriously, what do you think is going to happen to me that you’re so tense and protective right now?” I say. “Like, do we have enemies I don’t know about or something?”

  “No,” says Arthur stoically. “We destroyed our enemies centuries ago.”

  “Cool,” I say nonchalantly. “Destroyed enemies? Check. Done. Nice job.”

  He glares at me again. “Are you mocking me?”

  I snort. “I would, but you wouldn’t even notice.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Never mind,” I say. “You know what? This picnic was a dumb idea.”

  “Agreed,” says Arthur. “Can we fly back to the castle now?”

  “I think I’ll walk,” I say firmly, not sure why I suddenly got grouchy.

  “You will do no such thing. Stand back while I Change.”

  “I wish I could Change to my Dragon,” I grumble, slowly trying to get up but wincing when I feel the babies move inside me in a disconcertingly intentional way. “Seriously, what’s the harm?”

  “It puts too much stress on your body,” Arthur says. “Your Dragon will not come forth even if you command. Ordinarily it would obey your commands, but it knows that its offspring trumps all right now.”

  I sigh and slump back down as I groan from the weirdness that feels like something is off. Or like something is coming.

  “So that’s why you’ve been on guard day and night for nine months,” I say. “You think since I can’t Change to my Dragon while pregnant, I won’t be able to protect myself if something happens.”

  “Correct. Can we go now? I don’t like this place. It’s too open.”

  “Fine!” I say, trying to get to my feet again but not able to. I frown in surprise, and then decide maybe it’s just a cramp. I know I’m due, but I was totally confident I knew my body well and it would be at least another week.

  “What’s wrong?” he says, finally looking at me and not some imaginary enemy ready to pounce on his wife and eat her unborn babes right out of the fucking womb.

  “Foot’s asleep,” I say, not sure why I’m lying. “Give me a minute.”

  He grunts and continues his vigilance, grim-faced like a sentry at the gates. “Fate always throws one last twist, Addie,” he says softly. “Just to make sure you are truly ready for what’s coming, truly worthy of your destiny.”

  “You’re crazy,” I say through another wince. Now I know I’m close, but I think there’s enough time to get home. I’m sure as hell not walking, though.

  “There!” Arthur suddenly shouts, pointing into the distance at some movement. I can’t tell what he sees, but it’s late, because in a flash of green, black, and gold, his Dragon explodes out of him and goes screaming towards its target—which is probably some poor rabbit or deer that’s already high-tailed it out of there.

  “Ohmygod, Arthur, are you crazy? Stop! Someone will see you flying this close to the ground! It’s just some poor animal! Leave it alone, Arthur! Listen to me and come—”

  But suddenly my water breaks in a flood from between my legs, and I gasp in shock when I realize I’m about to give birth!

  I start to panic but I take quick and deep breaths to get myself under control. I can do this. I always planned to do this. I’ll be all right. The babies will be all right.

  Another breath and I prop myself up on my hands, spread my legs, and push like I’ve been preparing to do for nine months.

  I push again, and then once more.

  Then I stop.

  I cock my head.

  I frown.

  And I almost pass out when I hear the healthy squeals of three (three!) newborns with their father’s eyes and their mama’s hair.

  Instinct takes over as I gather my babes into my arms. I kiss them each, but they’re already clawing at my boobs, and I giggle and open my top so they can drink.

  “OK, there’s three of you and only two of these,” I say to my hungry little dragons as they all try to grab the same nipple. “You’ll have to share.”

  Then I hear a chuckle.

  And I sense movement.

  And I smell man.

  Unwashed, filthy, unhealthy man.

  Not my man.

  “Fuck, we’d like to share some of that cream too, Mama Bear,” comes the voice, and I pull my top closed and hug my newborns as I remember what Arthur just said about how fate always throws in one last twist, one last test, one last chance to perhaps send things barreling down a totally different path, a darker path.

  I turn towards the voices, and I see that it’s three middle-aged dudes with beer-bellies and beards, beers in their hands, rifles slung over their shoulders. I’m not afraid of them. I’m not afraid of anyone.

  “Hi, boys,” I say, calmly but in a no-nonsense voice. I ignore the filthy comment—and the way they’re staring at my cleavage.

  “Oh, don’t cover up on our account, Ma’am,” whines the second guy, slugging down his beer and wiping his mouth. “Them babies gotta eat.”

  “You don’t eat milk. You drink it, dumbass,” adds the third douchebag.

  “Well, I’m kinda thirsty,” says the first guy again, taking another step towards me.

  His last fucking step.

  Arthur fries the man where he stands, shooting a perfectly aimed, supremely focused streak of Dragonfire that’s so white-hot it’s invisible in the sunlight.

  The man turns to ash before he even drops, and his remains simply disintegrate like he never existed.

  The two other men stand like zombies for a long moment, gaping and gasping like fish plucked from the pond. Then they’re off and running, moving faster than that jackrabbit that distracted my edgy protector of a mate.

  Two more streaks of white-hot flame, and the runners and now floaters—their dust floating in the air until they’re just vapor.

  I watch in muted horror as Arthur’s Dragon circles above me, almost blowing me and the kids all over the place with his massive black-and-gold wings. He’s beautiful in this form, and I can feel how overwhelmed he is at seeing his newborns in the light of day, under the heat of sunfire.

  It’s beautiful moment even though I know my husband just killed three men.

  But the moment doesn’t last . . .

  And when I look into my husband’s eyes, I see that he’s still consumed with rage, the Dragon’s need to destroy. The sight of a threat to its mate and offspring is about as serious as it gets for an Alpha Dragon, and only now do I realize that the random appearance of some drunken dickheads wasn’t the final twist fate threw at us:<
br />
  This is the final twist.

  This is what Arthur was worried about when he decided that he needed to Turn me, to give me a Dragon, to make sure that I was a being powerful enough to match up with him, to even overpower him if the time ever came.

  Because this tiny incident has sparked his Dragon’s rage.

  Sent my husband spiraling into a rampage.

  Slowly I get to my feet, amazed at the power and poise being a Dragon has given me. I hold my babies close to my bosom, knowing instinctively that they’re safest with me, that my Dragon would die before hurting its own offspring.

  “You, however, Dear Husband,” I mutter as I take a breath and feel my Dragon burst forth at my silent command. “Might get a teeny bit hurt.”



  The rage burns so bright I can barely enjoy the blissful memory of my newborn babies. I’m screeching through the skies, shooting flames this way and that, burning down trees, knocking over anything and everything in my path. I know I need to get back in control, but this is the first time my Dragon has killed in centuries. Every Shifter is an animal, and the blood-lust runs deep and clear in the animal.

  Too deep sometimes.

  And maybe not so clear.

  But my Dragon is seeing red, and I rise high and prepare to come back down in a screaming dive. I’m hovering far about a small town now, and my Dragon screeches as I feel its need to destroy overwhelm everything. It needs to work through the energy that was unleashed from the threat and the three kills. And this is the only way to do it.

  “Nature’s a beast,” I snarl as I feel my Dragon turn in the air. The man inside is still conscious, but I know I cannot Change back now.

  And I know there’s a dark part of me that doesn’t want to Change back now.

  A part of every Dragon that flies through the sunburned skies.

  “Yup, nature’s a beast,” I say again as I make the turn and prepare to annihilate this no-name town. “What can you do.”


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