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The Maverick Cowboy

Page 9

by Kate Pearce

  “Definitely. One of the things I’ve noticed is that if a woman thinks a man is already taken, sometimes she’ll be more relaxed and more her true self.”

  “That’s certainly true for me.” Jenna raised her cup and clinked it against Nate’s. “To fake love and no happy ever after.”

  “Amen.” Nate grinned at her. “And to making BB Morgan sweat.”

  * * *

  “So basically Red Williams is a scumbag.” Blue finished reading his notes out to Chase. “We can’t rule him out because despite that he definitely had enough charm to convince a lot of women to step out with him.”

  “Do we know where he is right now?”

  “I spoke to his mom, and she said he was in jail up in Sacramento penitentiary for nonpayment of child support, defrauding Social Security, and other small crimes.”

  Chase nodded. “We could probably visit him there. What about the other two guys?”

  “Larry Paquino went back to Colombia a year after Mom and Rachel disappeared. I think he was here illegally, so he probably won’t be coming back.”

  “Unlikely to be him, then, but I’ll get the private investigators to check him out and make sure he traveled home alone. What about Big Mike?”

  “He’s living in San Diego.”


  Blue shrugged. “That’s as far as I’ve got.”

  “Well, it all helps.” Chase tapped away at his keyboard and then stretched. “I’ll send this along to Trevor and see what he makes of it.”


  Chase closed the lid of his laptop. “Is Jenna around?”

  Blue tilted his chair back on two legs so he could look out of the window into the yard. “Her truck’s still here, so she might not be back yet.”

  “That’s right. Ruth said she went out with Nate for lunch.”

  “Did you know she was seeing him?”

  Chase grinned. “Didn’t everyone?”

  Blue heard Nate’s truck before he saw it and slipped out of the door and headed for the barn. He was just in time to see Nate get out and walk around to open the door for Jenna. The pair of them were laughing, and Nate wrapped a casual arm around Jenna’s shoulders and hugged her. Jenna didn’t seem to mind.

  “That was fun.” Nate’s voice carried on the quiet afternoon breeze.

  “It was awesome.” Jenna looked up at him and he cupped her cheek. “See you Friday, then?”


  Nate dropped his head just as Jenna raised hers, and his kiss ended up on her chin, which made them both laugh even more, and attempt it again.

  Blue stayed where he was until Nate got in his truck and drove away with one last wave to Jenna. She was still grinning like a loon when she came into the barn and saw him standing there.

  “Hey, Blue. Is Chase around?”

  He placed the coiled rope on the hook and wiped his hands on the back of his jeans. He’d done some thinking while she was away about Nate and the Turner clan in particular. “He’s in the house.”


  “Did you have a nice lunch?”

  She half turned toward him. “It was a really great meal. You should try it.”

  “I promised Ruth I’d take her some day.”

  “You should.”

  “You and Nate are definitely dating, then?”

  “We have been for a while.”

  Blue shook his head. “You need to put in some work on that kissing, then. That looked really amateurish and more like a first date.”

  She stopped moving. “You were judging our kissing?”

  “Couldn’t help it when you were right in front of me.”

  Her hands went to her hips, which was never a good sign with a woman. “You’re an expert about that as well, are you?”

  He shrugged and closed the gap between them. “I’m not gonna lie. I’m pretty damn good at it.”

  She stayed put as he cupped her chin.

  “First lesson is to make sure you have your woman just where you want her, like this.” He leaned closer. “Second is to kiss her right on the lips.”

  “Wow, how profound.”

  Her words were sarcastic but the breathy delivery was a bit of a giveaway.

  Blue smiled down into her eyes and licked a smooth line between her slightly parted lips until her mouth opened under his. He took advantage of that and then forgot all about strategy as the kiss turned crazy hot and all he could think about was never letting it end.

  Her hand slid into his short hair, her fingernails scraping his scalp, and he just kept kissing her, one arm wrapped around her hips bringing her up close and personal with his extremely interested cock. She bucked her hips against him as if trying to get even closer, and he groaned into her mouth.

  Within a second she eased away, leaving him feeling like a fish out of water gasping for breath. She wiped a hand over her mouth.

  “Not bad. But Nate was definitely better. Not quite so rehearsed.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “As you said, you’re the one with all the experience. Perhaps too much experience. Maybe I prefer to be kissed by someone who actually means it as opposed to someone who’s just trying to prove a point.” She gave him a sunny smile. “But hey, don’t feel bad. I’m sure it works with most women.”

  Even as she was turning away, he reached for her, bringing her back against his body. Her breath exploded as he kissed her again. This time, he was the first to step away. He only did it out of pride because otherwise he would have thrown her over his shoulder, taken her into the nearest empty stall, and stripped her naked.

  He didn’t like feeling so out of control.

  He didn’t like it at all.

  “That wasn’t fair, Blue.”

  He inhaled a much-needed breath and let it out again. “Life’s not fair. I’m not apologizing.”

  “I didn’t expect you to. But you can’t have it both ways. You can’t say a real relationship is not on your agenda and then kiss me like that.”

  He shrugged. “As you said, maybe I was just trying to prove a point.”

  Even as he said the words, he regretted it. The hurt that flashed in her eyes made it even worse.

  “Then consider your point proved.”

  He shoved a hand through his hair. “Jenna . . .”

  She walked away, leaving him standing by the barn wanting to slap himself silly. First for kissing her, second for enjoying it so much, and third—the worst sin of all—for panicking and hurting her feelings.

  She didn’t look back as she got in her truck and drove away.

  Somehow, Blue couldn’t blame her.

  Chapter Seven

  “He’s an ass,” Jenna repeated as she helped Chase carry the drinks back to their table at the Red Dragon. It was a typical noisy Friday night at the only bar in town with guys playing pool, watching the big TVs, and generally letting off steam before the upcoming weekend.

  “Sure he is.” Chase grinned. “But I think he knows that already. He’s been in a foul mood all week. I was glad he went back to the base.”

  “So, what’s your point?”

  Chase considered her. “You unsettle him. I like that. He tends to get all caught up in his lists and schedules, and you put him off.”

  Nate clinked his beer bottle against hers. “Are we talking about BB?”

  “Yup.” Jenna sat and took a gulp of beer. “He’s an idiot.” Who kissed like a god, but Nate and Chase probably didn’t need to know that. She might tell January later.

  “He’s just not used to having to do all the work. Women tend to fling themselves at him. God knows why.” Chase set his beer on the table. “He’s nowhere near as good-looking as I am.”

  January snorted. “Or half as conceited.” She made up for the remark by kissing Chase’s cheek. “He might not be as pretty as you, but he’s damn fine all the same.”

  Jenna could only nod in agreement. To her secret relief, Blue had returned t
o the Marine base and wasn’t expected home until late Friday or early Saturday morning. She’d gotten on with her work at the ranch and at the clinic without having to worry about bumping into the best kisser in the universe.

  Not that she’d ever tell him that.

  Nate’s radio buzzed and he stood up. “Excuse me, guys, I’m on call this evening, so I’ve got to take this.”

  He made his way out of the bar, leaving Jenna to pick at her fried shrimp and beer-battered onion rings. Nate was good company, and seeing as he’d flat out decided she wasn’t The One, she could have a good time and not worry about impressing him at all. It was quite relaxing.

  He came back in and headed straight for Chase.

  “We’ve got a situation over at Maureen’s. Would you mind coming with me?”

  Chase frowned. “What did I do?”

  “I’m not sure.” Nate was all business. “But I need a Morgan, and you’re the only one around.”

  “Then I’ll come, too.” January rose and took Chase’s hand.

  “Seeing as you’re taking me home, Nate, I suppose I’ll need to tag along as well.” Jenna finished her beer and stuffed the last of the shrimp in her mouth. The four of them left the bar to a chorus of good-byes and walked down Main Street to the general store, which sold everything and was always open until ten.

  Light shone through the windows and the door was open, letting out all the air-conditioning.

  “Hey, Maureen, what’s up?” Chase called out a greeting as he went through the door, nodding at Jill who was manning the checkout.

  “Chase, darlin’, is that you? Come out back!”

  Nate and Chase went through to the private quarters of the store where the original owners had once lived, leaving Jenna and January to follow along behind. Jenna couldn’t see much behind Nate’s broad back and had to strain her ears to even hear what was going on.

  “So, dear, is this who you expected to see?” Maureen was obviously talking to someone.

  “I want to see Mr. Morgan.”

  Nate murmured to Chase. “She got off the bus and came into the store. That’s when Maureen called me.”

  Chase crouched down in front of the girl and took off his hat. “I’m Chase Morgan. How can I help?”

  “I’m Maria.”

  Chase held out his hand. “Nice to meet you, Maria. Are your parents around?”

  The girl’s lip trembled. “My mom’s dead.”

  “I’m so sorry, honey. How about your dad?”

  There was a long silence as Maria considered him. For the first time Jenna noticed what blue eyes she had.

  “My real dad’s last name is Morgan.”


  Beside Jenna, January stiffened, but Chase didn’t seem too bothered.

  “Do you remember what his first name is?” Chase’s smile was sweet. “There are a lot of us Morgan brothers.”

  “I know he was in the military. That’s where my mom met him.”

  “Okay, then I’ll find him for you.”

  Chase slowly stood up and took out his cell, punching in a single number.

  “BB? You’d better get your ass back here double quick.”

  * * *

  Blue pulled into the parking lot that fronted the Morgantown Sheriff’s Department and turned off the engine. He was already on his way home when Chase’s call came through, so he’d just driven faster, his heart in his mouth as Chase had refused to elaborate on the phone. By the time he reached Morgantown, a thousand scenarios, each of them worse than the previous one, had crowded into his head.

  He practically ran down the hallway into Nate’s office and then pulled up short as he surveyed the unexpectedly peaceful scene in front of him. January and Jenna sat either side of a young girl, and Chase and Nate leaned against the desk talking intently on their cells.

  “What’s going on?” Blue said. “Is Ruth okay?”

  Chase put his cell in his pocket. “She’s good. I’ll leave Nate to tell you what’s going on.”

  Blue touched his brother’s arm. “Chase, what’s up?”

  “Nate will explain. I’m not sure I have the words right now.” He nodded at Blue. “We’ll wait outside.”

  In fact they were all looking at him as if he’d done something heinous—except the child, and who the hell was she anyway?

  January lingered, her anxious gaze moving between Chase and the girl. “Maybe I should stay—”

  Jenna patted her arm. “I’ll stay. Nate might need my help.”

  January and Chase went out, leaving Blue facing Nate.

  “What’s up?”

  “This is Maria. She just arrived on the last bus.”

  Blue nodded at the girl. “Hi, Maria.”

  Nate was watching him intently. “Do you know her?”

  “Should I?”

  Jenna cleared her throat. “Perhaps I should take Maria to sit outside as well.”

  “Hold up,” Blue said. “Why should I know her?”

  The girl pulled out of Jenna’s grip and came over to Blue. “Because you’re my father.”

  As if from a long way off, he became aware that he was shaking his head. “Hell, no.”

  “Yes, you are. My daddy, I mean the man I thought was my daddy told me.”

  “That can’t be right.”

  She fixed him with a glare that reminded him forcefully of Ruth. “My mom was sick and my dad got sick, too, but his was because of drinking and he told me the truth.” Her voice faltered. “He told me to get out.”

  Blue sank down onto his haunches in front of her. “Like out of the house?”

  She nodded solemnly. She had very blue eyes. “He gave me some money and put me on the bus.”

  “That’s . . . terrible.”

  She nodded again.

  Blue stared at her. “What was your mom’s name, sweetheart?”


  Blue stood up again and turned to Nate, lowering his voice. “I don’t know what’s going on here. I have no idea who or what she’s talking about.”

  “Are you quite sure, BB?”

  “Yes, I’m damned sure,” Blue snapped and instantly reined in his temper. “I’m sorry, Nate. This is just a bit of a shock.”

  A yawn shuddered through Maria, and she raised her hand to cover her mouth.

  “Do you have your dad’s cell number, Maria?” Blue asked.

  “He says he’s not my dad, and I don’t remember his number. He took my phone away from me before he put me on the bus.”

  Blue looked up at Nate, who shrugged. “So far I haven’t been able to get any information out of her.”

  Jenna put her hand on Maria’s shoulder. “She needs to get some sleep. Can Blue take her back to the ranch for the night so that Ruth can keep an eye on her?”

  Blue stiffened. “I’m not sure if that’s a good idea—”

  The searing look Jenna gave him made him shut up real fast.

  “CPS aren’t going to be able to get back to me until tomorrow, so she needs a safe environment.” Nate straightened up. “I’m quite happy for Ruth to take care of her if that’s okay with you, BB?”

  Blue looked at the forlorn figure and slowly nodded. “Sure. We can sort everything out in the morning. Shall we go?”

  “Who’s Ruth?”

  Jenna answered before Blue. “She is Blue and Chase’s grandmother. I bet she will be thrilled to meet you.”

  Maria didn’t look convinced but she stood up, grabbing her backpack, which was covered in cartoon ponies with freakishly long manes and tails.

  “I’ll call Ruth and let her know you’re on your way.” Jenna nodded at Blue, her gaze distinctly unfriendly.

  “Thanks.” Blue didn’t have time to sort out what was going on with Jenna; his attention was totally fixed on the little girl. He held out his hand to take the backpack, but instead she grabbed his fingers and squeezed hard. “Let’s go and find Chase.”

  “I’ll be round first thing, BB.” Nate accompanied th
em to the door. “I’ll talk to the bus company and to CPS.”

  “Cool.” Blue saw Chase and January sitting in the front office. “We’re taking Maria home for the night, okay?”

  Chase frowned. “So you’re admitting it now?”

  Blue held his gaze. “She needs somewhere to sleep, Chase. That’s it.”

  He looked down at Maria. “You’re too old for a car seat, right?”

  “Yes. I’m almost eleven.”

  Blue had thought her younger than that because she was quite petite. But then so was Ruth . . . He pushed that thought away.

  “Maybe Maria would prefer to ride with me and January.”

  Blue slowly exhaled. What the hell was up with Chase? “Maria? Who do you want to go with?”

  She tightened her grip on his hand. “You.”

  “Then that’s settled.” Blue gave his brother a short nod. “We’ll see you at home.”

  * * *

  Blue glanced over at his passenger as the ranch house came into view. “We’re here.”

  Maria wrinkled her nose. “It smells bad.”

  “It’s a ranch. You’ll get used to it.” He had no idea how to talk to kids. None of his friends were married, so he’d avoided having to deal with any ankle biters for years. He got out of the cab and came around to lift Maria down. “Come and meet Ruth.”

  His grandmother was already opening the door as they walked up the steps onto the porch. She flicked a glance at Blue and then smiled at Maria.

  “Well, what a lovely surprise! Come on in, Maria, are you hungry?”

  Maria allowed Ruth to lead her into the kitchen with Blue following along behind. Ruth helped Maria out of her bulky ski jacket and sat her at the table.

  “You want something, BB?”

  “I’ll just have some coffee, thanks.” His stomach was too knotted up to eat. The coffee would at least keep him awake while they attempted to get to the bottom of this world-class clusterfuck.

  “You like grilled cheese, Maria?”

  “Yes, please.” Maria yawned again and politely covered her mouth. “Excuse me.” Whoever had brought her up had done a good job on her manners.

  Within a few minutes Ruth placed a sizzling sandwich in front of Maria and a tall glass of milk. “Eat your fill and then I’ll take you up to bed. You look worn out. How long were you on that bus?”


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