Bound by Joy (Cauld Ane Series, #8)
Page 5
Kenna jumped out of her seat and hugged her brother around his neck. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
Nevin laughed. “Get off me, ye bampot.”
Gunnar reached for her, pulling her onto his lap. “I’ll take some of that.”
Kenna grinned, leaning down to kiss him. “I’m happy to give you whatever you need.”
Once dinner was ready, they sat down to eat and Kenna felt much more settled about future plans. She couldn’t wait for Christmas and everything they would be experiencing together.
Six months later...
KENNA WALKED TOWARD the library of Payton’s home in an attempt to find her mate. She and Gunnar were visiting for a couple of weeks so that Gunnar could work with Connall’s horses. It was the perfect opportunity to visit family and snuggle Killian who, at barely six months old, was the size of a small horse.
Walking into Brodie’s library, she stalled to find Gunnar and Brodie, heads down, studying something on Brodie’s desk.
“Here you are,” Kenna said, trying to keep her irrational exasperation from her voice and failing miserably. She’d been on edge for the past week or so and not sure why.
The men looked up and Gunnar smiled, waving her over. “We’re just looking at house plans.”
“For who?”
“What?” she asked as she joined them at the desk. “I thought you were just complaining about the fact we can’t find anything in Edinburgh.”
“But there is something here,” Gunnar said, wrapping an arm around her.
Were we going to talk about this before you surprised me?
He raised an eyebrow, but didn’t have a chance to answer because Brodie started in. “I have six acres at the edge of my property that I either need to build a home on or let go. Payton wanted to build a home on it to house family when they come... we’re all growing in numbers now, and even this house can’t accommodate everyone.”
Kenna nodded, her irritation easing a little bit. “You don’t still want to do that?”
“Not if you and Gunnar want it,” Brodie said. “He’s offered a more than fair price for the land and it means Payton will have you close when you come to visit. But it’s up to you, Kenna. I really don’t mind either way.”
“We’ll talk it over and let you know before we leave,” Gunnar said.
Brodie nodded just as Payton walked in with Killian. “Da!” he squealed.
“There’s my wee moose now,” Brodie crooned, catching his son as Killian pitched forward reaching for him. “You almost took yer mum out, Kill.”
“You’ve got that right,” Payton said. “You need to stop growing, love.”
Killian settled his head on Brodie’s shoulder and stuck his thumb in his mouth. Payton eyed Kenna as she shrugged away from Gunnar.
“Can I borrow you for a bit, Kenna?” Payton asked.
“Aye, lass,” she said, glancing up at Gunnar. We’ll talk about all of this later.
Gunnar nodded, leaning down to kiss her gently. What are you keeping from me?
Nothing, why?
“Go with your sister,” he said. “We’ll make some decisions when you get back.”
Kenna nodded and followed Payton out of the library. Payton grabbed her arm and dragged her into the bathroom.
“What are you doing?” Kenna squeaked.
Payton held up a pregnancy test. “You are going to pee on this stick.”
“What, why?”
“Because you’re irritable, snappy, and being an all-around bitch to your mate.”
Kenna scowled as she crossed her arms. “That doesn’t mean I’m pregnant.”
“Your ta-tas are also twice their size.”
“They are no’!”
“Pee!” Payton turned toward the door. “I won’t look.”
“Bloody hell, Payton, I’m no’ peeing with you in the room.”
Payton plugged her ears. “I won’t listen either,” she said in an almost shout.
Kenna let out a frustrated groan, but did as her sister ordered and set the test on the counter while she washed her hands. She tapped Payton’s shoulder and Payton turned to face her again.
“Have I really been treating Gunnar that badly?”
“Aye, love you have,” Payton said. “It’s completely out of character for you. You don’t even speak to Max like that, and he can be an arse.”
Kenna dropped her face in her hands. “I’m just a wee bit off at the moment.”
“I know, sis.” Payton leaned forward and let out a, “squee!”
Kenna gasped. “It’s positive.”
“Kenna?” Gunnar knocked on the bathroom door. “Are you all right?”
“I’ll leave you to talk,” Payton said. “Be nice.”
“Och, go on with you.” Kenna pushed her sister gently out of the bathroom and wrapped her arms around Gunnar’s waist. “I’m so sorry.”
He slid her hair away from her neck. “What are you sorry for, elskan?”
“I’ve been such a horrid shrew.”
“Who told you that?” Gunnar chuckled. “It’s not true.”
She smiled up at him. “You’re a horrible liar, but I love you for it.”
“So, we’re going to have a baby?”
Kenna grinned, nodding. “We’re having a baby.”
Gunnar pulled her close, kissing her gently. “I love you.”
“I love you too. I’ll try not to let my emotions overtake my normally sweet, agreeable self.”
Gunnar burst out laughing. “Sweetheart, you’ve been a little on edge, but you’re still sweet and agreeable.”
“Not according to Payton,” Kenna grumbled. “She said I’m being a bitch.”
“Ansans,” he hissed. “You are not.”
“Thank you for that, but I need to be nicer to you.”
He lifted her chin and stroked her cheek. “How about I decide if you need to be nicer to me? This is none of Payton’s business, Kenna. You and I are a team, já?”
“Don’t be mad at Payton, honey, she was on your side.”
“I’m mad at no one.” He tempered his annoyance with a smile. “But I also don’t want you thinking you’ve done anything wrong. I’ve known something’s been up with you for the past week. It’s not just the edginess. Your body’s also changing.”
“Aye.” She grimaced. “My boobs are huge.”
“And this is a problem, why?” She playfully smacked his chest and Gunnar laughed. He pulled her close again and kissed her temple. “Do you want to talk about the house?”
She nodded and leaned away from him. “But later, okay? Right now I want to process the fact I’m going to be pushing a human being out of my body in less than six months. And then all the scheduling around Christmas. And then—”
He cut off her rambling by covering her mouth with his and sliding his hand into her hair. She sighed as she relaxed against him and smiled against his lips. “Low blow, Gunnar.”
“You’re not going to worry about any of this, sweetheart. We’ll sort it out, and I know our families will help.” Gunnar cupped her cheeks, settling his thumb over her lips when she started to speak. “No. You will enjoy this baby. You won’t worry about details that will work themselves out. Hear me on that.”
She kissed his thumb and rolled her eyes. “When did you suddenly get so bossy?”
“The second you told me about the baby.”
“So you’re going to be like this for the entire six months?”
“Making you relax and doing my best to take away your worries?” he countered. “Hell, yes I am.”
She shivered. “Why does that make me so hot?”
Gunnar dropped his head back and laughed. “I have no idea, but I can cool you down right now if you like.”
Kenna bobbed her head up and down. “Yes, please.”
He grabbed her hand and led her up to their bedroom intending to soothe the desire she was swamping both of them with. However, he only managed t
o heat them both up again. Kenna wondered if her entire pregnancy would prove to always be this sexy.
Bíldudalur, Iceland
KENNA TOOK A deep breath and pushed herself up from the airplane seat. Gunnar was up talking to the pilot and Kenna needed off this plane. They’d had a pleasant and relatively quick trip from Reykjavik, even still, Kenna couldn’t wait to find a tub to soak in.
“Elskan,” Gunnar admonished. “Why didn’t you wait for me?”
“Because I have to pee,” she whispered. “Which is all I ever need to do these days anyway.”
She was five-and-a-half months pregnant with their little boy and, with less than one month to go, she was feeling anxious to get the baby out. She waddled down the aisle, grateful they were flying private so the bathroom was an actual bathroom. Just the thought of trying to stuff her huge body into a commercial airplane toilet made her want to hurt someone.
You’re not huge.
Kenna rolled her eyes. Humpback whales are smaller than me, Gunnar, so I disagree.
She washed her hands and opened the door to find her mate lurking. “I’m okay, love. You don’t have to follow me everywhere.”
“Humor me,” he said.
Gunnar was more and more protective the closer the baby came, and as much as Kenna loved him, she also felt a little crowded on occasion.
She smiled, kissing his cheek and wrapping an arm around his waist. “I’m ready.”
“We have to go down the stairs, so I’ll go first. Stay close.”
They’d done this before. Twice. She knew the drill, but didn’t comment. She knew he felt the need to say it out loud. If she were to slip going down the stairs, she’d slip into him. It’s why she went first going up. All to protect her.
Kenna followed him down the stairs and into a large black SUV. Someone else handled the luggage and she grabbed a bottle of water from the middle console. Gunnar climbed into the car beside her and pulled out his phone, firing off a text to Kaspar.
“How’s your breathing?” Gunnar asked.
“Good, baby, I’m just tired.”
Gunnar took her hand and kissed her palm. “Are you excited?”
“Definitely.” She grinned. “I’m looking forward to everyone being together this year.”
“Even Ari and Kaspar?”
Kenna giggled. “I like them.”
“Despite Kade’s opinion of my brothers, hmm?”
She giggled. “I’m pretty sure Samantha’s working on that.”
“True. I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to thank her enough for freeing Ari. Especially since Kade’s reasons for keeping him locked up were justified.”
“If Sam wasn’t a southerner with all that hospitality, she may have left him in prison, but she also understood his need to find and protect his mate.” Kenna squeezed his hand. “You probably would all do the same if in the same boat... not the freaking Pepper out part, but most of the rest.”
Gunnar chuckled. “Já. Ari’s relationship with Pepper has been the hardest to fix so far... mostly because Connall wants to kill him whenever they are in the same room.”
“Probably even when they’re not,” Kenna added.
“That too.”
The car began to wind its way up a very steep hill and Kenna felt a little nauseous.
“You’re a little carsick, hmm?” Gunnar laid his hand on her belly and the sick feeling went away.
Kenna let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you.” They drove over a drawbridge of sorts and Kenna couldn’t keep the awe from her voice as she said, “Wow.”
The huge house came into view, and it almost didn’t look real.
“It was built into the side of a cliff for safety purposes,” Gunnar explained. “It can’t be seen from the sky unless you fly right beside it.”
“It’s amazing.”
“Já. I think so too.”
Several other “residences” had been built around the main house, all connected to the mansion via underground tunnels. As the driver pulled up to the main house, Kenna couldn’t contain a gasp. “It’s so festive.”
“More so than normal,” Gunnar said. “Jesska’s been busy.”
The giant stone house appeared before them. The four white-washed pillars sat proudly in front, slightly obscuring the porch that ran the entire length of the house. The pillars had been wrapped with live ivy and holly leaves, little white lights artfully woven in between.
Gunnar helped Kenna from the car and they headed into the house. Two large wreaths hung on the front doors and a family of wooden reindeer decorated the front porch. The stone from the porch carried into the foyer; however, it was intermixed with river rock. Staircases up each side of the wall met in the middle and created a landing overlooking the open space. Lighted garland wove up the banisters, along with red and gold ribbon and white lights. To the left were tall double doors, and a matching pair to the right.
The door to the music room on the right was open and the baby grand piano held court in the spacious room.
“Will you play later?” Kenna asked.
Gunnar smiled. “Kaspar will insist on it. He always does when I’m home.”
“I’ll add to the pressure, then.”
“Okay, elskan.”
The room on the left was the formal parlor, but for now, Gunnar guided Kenna to the back of the house and into the kitchen.
“You made it,” Jesska exclaimed, and rushed over to hug Kenna, their bellies making it difficult. Jesska was due in just over a month, so they were both moving a little slower.
“Sit down, elskan,” Kaspar ordered, and hugged Kenna gently before guiding his mate back to the sofa.
Kaspar had blond hair and wide shoulders like his brother, but where the similarities ended were the eyes. While Kaspar’s were green, Gunnar’s were a bright blue.
Gunnar kissed Jesska’s cheek with a grin. “The house looks lovely.”
“Thank you. I would love to take all the credit, but I pretty much just directed traffic...” Jesska frowned at her mate. “...from a chair.”
Kaspar smiled. “Which is where you’ll do everything from now until the baby comes.”
Kenna sat on the sofa and smiled at her sister-in-law. “Perhaps we can convince the boys to take us shopping and wheel us around in wheelchairs.”
“Perhaps we can blow this joint and shop without them hovering,” Jesska countered.
“Perhaps we can stop grumbling and let our mates take care of us,” Kaspar retorted.
Kenna giggled, accepting the cup of tea Gunnar handed her before taking his seat next to her. “Thanks, love.”
“Are your parents coming for the holiday?” Gunnar asked Jesska.
“Yes. They get here next week. Cameron’s even coming, which is a surprise. I didn’t think he’d be able to get the time.”
Cameron’s her brother, Gunnar provided.
“When do Ari and Megan arrive?” Kenna asked.
“Tomorrow,” Kaspar said as he sat next to Jesska and wrapped an arm around her waist. “The MacMillans are coming as well. Pepper is the holdout from Ari’s children.”
“Translation: Connall is the holdout,” Jesska said.
Kenna smiled. “Those men have never spent Christmas apart from one another, at least, other than the time Brodie was in the air force, so I can’t imagine they’ll start now. Don’t take it personally.”
“We aren’t,” Jesska said with a grin. “Ari, on the other hand...”
“Will get over it,” Gunnar said. “Besides, I have a feeling we’ll all be in Scotland next year.”
“Oh, yes, Kaspar said you’re building a house there.”
Kenna nodded. “Gunnar wore me down.”
“And that was so hard to do,” he droned sarcastically.
Kenna laughed. “Yes, building a home less than a mile from my sister, getting to design it from the ground up, and spend gobs of money decorating it. Poor me.”
“Will you have sta
bles?” Jesska asked.
Gunnar nodded. “Definitely. It might not be right away, but Max has offered to assist me when I’m ready. I may export a couple of our horses and breed them in Scotland.”
“Are you going to take Kenna down to see your horses?” Kaspar asked.
“If she’s up to it,” Gunnar said.
“I’m up to it.” Kenna smiled even though she fought back exhaustion as she leaned against him.
“Not today though,” Gunnar said.
She giggled. “No, probably not today.”
“Why don’t you both get settled?” Jesska said. “We’ll plan on dinner here tomorrow night, but otherwise, we’re keeping the schedule really flexible.”
“That sounds perfect.”
“When do Nevin and his family arrive?”
“Day after tomorrow.” Kenna bit back a yawn. “Sorry. Flying always wipes me out.”
“Let’s get to our rooms and you can rest a bit.” Gunnar kissed her temple. “I have some e-mails to respond to anyway.”
“Don’t get up,” Kaspar ordered when Jesska shifted.
“I was going to walk them out.”
“I know where we’re going,” Gunnar countered. “You rest.”
“You know what, brother, how about you be on my side?” Jesska grumbled.
Gunnar laughed as he rose to his feet. “This is me being on my side.”
“Well, you suck at it.”
Kaspar leaned down and kissed Jesska, stroking her cheek and saying something obviously private... her blush said everything.
“Let’s get you into bed.” Gunnar helped Kenna off the sofa and then guided her through the back of the house and into a large room with several doors.
“I feel like I’m in a hobbit hole,” Kenna said with a giggle.
The walls were rounded, which gave the hallway a burrow-type feel.
“Já, it does,” Gunnar agreed with a grin, pulling out a key and opening the door directly in front of them.
“Where are you taking me, big man?”
“To my dungeon, young damsel.” He stepped back and guided Kenna through the door.
She clapped her hands. “Ooh, goody.”
He grinned, taking her hand and leading her through the lighted hallway.
“Did you blow through the mountain?” she asked.