The Story of Civilization: Volume VII: The Age of Reason Begins
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abdication of, 505, 538
and the Netherlands, 436, 437
Charles IX, King of France (1560–74), 11, 239, 260, 341, 344–55, 393, 395, 427, 428
accession of, 337
and Coligny, 347–50
death, 355
instability of, 346–48, 349, 351, 355
and mistress, 347, 369, 394
and St. Bartholomew Massacre, 70, 284, 350–55
verse by, 347
Charles IX, King of Sweden (1604–11), 498– 499, 500, 516, 575
Charles X Gustavus, King of Sweden (1654–60), 505–6
Charles Emmanuel, Duke of Savoy (r. 1634– 1675), 258, 262, 556
Charles Louis, Elector Palatine (r. 1648–80), 570
Charron, Pierre (1541–1603), 393, 413, 615
Chassaigne, Françoise de, m. (1565) Michel de Montaigne, 402
Châteaubriand, François René, Viscount of (1768–1848), 409, 434
Châtel, Jean (1575?–94), 364
Chaucer, Geoffrey (1340?–1400), 64, 77, 300
chemistry, 16, 167, 587, 588, 642
Chénier, Marie Joseph de (1764–1811), 281*
“Cherry Ripe” (Campion), 60
Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of (1694–1773), 65, 390
Chettle, Henry (1560?–1607?), 88–89
Chigi, house of, 238
Chillingworth, William (1602–44), 188
China, arts of, 483, 535, 536
European trade with, 531
missionaries in, 247–49, 589
Portuguese in, 248, 291–92
zoos in, 591
chocolate, introduction of in Europe, 396
chorales, 249, 253–54, 546
Christian of Brunswick (1599–1626), 556
Christian IV, King of Denmark and Norway (1588–1648), 496–91, 499, 558–60, 569
Christiania (Oslo), Norway, 496
Christina, Queen of Sweden (1632–54), 501–6;
abdication of, 409, 505–6
conversion, 504– 505, 647
and Descartes, 503, 644–45
and Grotius, 503, 634
peace efforts, 504, 569
Christlich Bedenken … von Zauberei, 576
Christmas tree, first recorded, 545
Chronicles (Holinshed), 66
Chronicles of England (Stow), 66
Church and state: separation of advocated, 133, 230
struggle between, in England, 139–140
in France, 374–75, 381
Scotland, 112–13, 132–34
in United Provinces, 458–60
in Venice, 228–30
church architecture, see architecture
Church of England, see Anglican Church
Church of Scotland, see Kirk
Chytränsin, Nathan (fl. 1578), 544
Cicero, Marcus Tullius (106–43 B.C.), 15, 146, 404, 406, 481, 531, 629
cicisbeatura, 252
Cid, El (Rodrigo Díaz de Bivar: 1040?–99), 422*
Cid, Le (Corneille), 310, 422–23
Cinq–Mars, Henri Coiffier de Ruzé, Marquis of (1620–42), 387–88, 391
Cinzio, Cardinal, 265
City of the Sun (Civitas solis, Campanella), 179, 625–26
Civil Wars, English (1642–48), 62–63, 212–221, 333, 415, 630
alignment of forces in, 212–13
battles, 213, 215, 218
causes, economic, 184–85
causes, religious, 186–94
First, 212–16
Irish in, 213–15
New Model Army, 215–19
Scots in, 210, 213–14, 216, 218
Parliament–King conflict leading to, 138, 201–212
Second, 218–19
Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of (1609–74), 205, 210, 212
classicism, in architecture, 61, 62, 227, 2 65–66, 426–27, 482
of Cervantes, 267
in French drama, 78, 99, 108, 109, 267, 398, 417, 420–26, 645–46
of Jonson, 147–49
in painting, 267, 432–34, 472
in poetry, 418, 419, 646
rejected by Elizabethan “romantics,” 66
in sculpture, 265, 271, 428, 429, 550
Clavius, Christopher (1537–1612), 594, 601, 605
Clement IV, Pope (1265–68), 173
Clement VI, Pope (1342–52), 594
Clement VII, Pope (1523–34), 278, 338
Clement VIII, Pope (1592–1605), 27, 30, 238, 243, 246, 253, 265, 513
and art of Rome, 267
and Bruno, 243, 623
and Henry of Navarre, 364, 367, 370
Clément, Jacques (1567?–89), 361, 628
Cleopatra VII, Queen of Egypt (51–30 B.C.), 96, 523*
clerical concubinage, 540
clerical marriage, 511, 541
Clive, Robert (1725–74), 49
clock, pendulum, invention of, 596, 601, 611
clothing, see dress
Clouet, François (1516?–72), 430
Clovio, Giulio (1498–1578), 316–17
coaches and carriages, 49, 396
coal and coke, 46, 589
Coblenz, Germany, French control of, 387
Jesuit institutions, 553, 559
coffee, in Europe, 58, 396
in Persia, 532
in Turkey, 526
Coimbra, Portugal, 291
University of, 135, 296
coinage, false, in England, 5; see also currency, debasement of
Coke, Sir Edward (1552–1634), 41, 42, 137– 138, 159, 202–3
Colbert, Jean Baptiste (1619–83), 273, 366, 382, 433
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772–1834), 108
Coligny, Gaspard de (1519–72), 284, 336, 337, 340, 352, 354
attack on, murder of, 349–50, 351, 448
in Religious Wars, 343–45
urges war with Spain, 347–49
Coligny, Louise de (1555–1620), 4th wife of William I of Orange, 438
Colle, Giovanni (1588–1630), 594
Collège de France, 617
Collège Royal (Paris), 635
Collegianten, 460
Collegio Romano, 269, 605
Colloquy of Poissy (1561), 341, 540
Colloquy of Seven Men (Bodin), 631–32
Colloquy of the Dogs (Cervantes), 302
Colmar, French control of, 387
Cologne, archbishopric of, 538, 542*, 551, 553, 568
Colombia, 34
Colombo, Matteo Realdo (1516?–1559), 168
Colonna, house of, 238, 241
Columbus, Christopher (1446?–1506), 33
Combalet, Marie–Madeleine de, 389, 423
comedias de capa y espada, 311
Comedy of Errors, A (Shakespeare), 85, 89
Comenius, John Amos (1592–1670), 503, 582–83
Commendone, Giovanni (fl. 1564), 511
commerce, see trade
Committee of Public Safety (England, 1642), 212
common lands, see enclosures
common law, Coke on, 137
Commons, House of: composition, 24, 50, 139, 184, 201, 204, 207, 212–13
denounces Charles I’s appearance in Lords, 210
elections to, 7, 25–26, 139, 201
and Elizabeth’s “Golden Speech” to, 43
Five Members indictment, 211–12
impeachment of Strafford and Laud, 208
Pride’s Purge (expulsion of members), 219
supremacy over Lords demanded, 217; see also Parliament, English
Commonwealth (England, 1649–60), 197
Communauté des Prêtres, 375
Commune of Paris (1871), 427
Communion, use of wine in, 18, 340, 498, 539, 541, 542, 557
communism, 625–26, 628, 630
Jesuit experiment in, 249–51
Compiègne, Treaty of (1635), 566
conceptismo, 305–6
Concini, Concino (d. 1617), 374, 378, 380
Condé, Henry I (
Henri de Bourbon), Prince of (1552–88), 351, 352
Condé, Henry II, Prince of (1588–1646), 371
Condé, Louis I (Louis de Bourbon), Prince of (1530–69), 335–37, 340, 342–45, 346
Condé, Louis II (Louis de Bourbon), Prince of (Duke of Enghien 1621–46, Prince of Condé 1646–86, known as the Great Condé), 397, 566
Condell, Henry (d. 1627), 107
Confederation of Warsaw (1573), 510
conférences de charité, 376
Confucius (551–479 B.C.), 248
Congregationalists, 25
Conrart, Valentin (1603–75), 397–98, 415
“Consolations” (Malherbe), 418–19
Constable, Henry (1562–1613), 76, 90
Constantine the Great, Roman emperor (306– 337), 521
Baths of, 269
Constantinople, 316, 519
architecture, 521
blockade of, 525
Contarini, Nicolo, Doge of Venice (r. 1630– 1631), 228
Conti, Princess of, 397
Contra–Remonstrantie, 459
Contr’un (La Boétie), 401
convicts, French, treatment of, 376–77, 394–395
Convocation, see under Anglican Church
Cooke, Mildred, wife of William Cecil, 5
Cooper, Samuel (1609–72), 476
Coornhert, Dirck (1522–90), 459, 480–81
Copenhagen, 495, 496
University of, 595
Copernicus, Nicolaus (1473–1543), 64, 180, 603, 614, 615, 647
De revolutionibus orbium coelestium, 608; see also astronomy
Copts, 519
copyright, 65
Corbie, France, in 30 Years’ War, 387
Corenzio, Belisario (1588?–1643), 236
Coriolanus (Shakespeare), 95–97
“Corisande,” mistress of Henry IV of France, 369, 375
Corneille, Pierre (1606–84), 109, 267, 310, 313, 388, 397, 414, 415, 420–26, 434, 435, 646
Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille (1796–1875), 435
Correggio, Antonio Allegri da (1494–1534), 232–33, 236, 237, 266, 467
corruption, commercial, 480
corruption, ecclesiastical, 244
Scotland, 112, 114
corruption, political: England, 14, 53–54, 137, 171
France, 365, 373, 374–75, 384, 394
Poland, 510
Portugal, 290
Spain, 276, 283, 286–88, 289, 331
Turkey, 525, 526
United Provinces, 481
Cortegiano, Libro del, see Courtier, The
cones, 283
Cortona, Pietro Berrettini da (1596–1669), 227, 268
corvée, 385
Cossacks, 512, 514, 516
revolt of, 508
Coton, Pierre (1564–1626), 245, 368
Council of the Army (English Civil Wars), 217
Council of the North, 206
Council of Trent, decrees of, 59, 230, 238, 241, 267, 375, 427, 440, 511
Council of Troubles, 445–48
Counter Reformation, 239, 241, 243–44, 534, 571
Austria, 541
France, 375–77
Germany, 553–54, 561, 570
Hungary, 541
Italy, 234, 243, 264, 267, 273
Poland, 511
Switzerland, 540; see also Jesuits
Counterblast to Tobacco (James VI of Scotland), 58
Court of High Commission, 18, 20, 25, 26, 189, 204, 209
Court of Star Chamber, see Star Chamber
Courtier, The (Libro del cortegiano, Castiglione), 63, 67, 70, 397, 510
Courtrai, religious disturbances at, 443
courts of law, see under law
Coutras, battle of (1587), 360
Covenant: National, 205
Solemn League and, 213–14, 216–19
Covenanters, Scottish, 206–7
Cowley, Abraham (1618–67), 154
Cracow, Poland, 509–12
University of, 509, 510
Cranford, James (fl. 1646), 186
Cranmer, Thomas, Archbishop (1489–1556), 17, 102
Cranstoun, Patrick (fl. 1563), 117
Crashaw, Richard (1613?–49), 154, 199–200
Crayer, Gaspar de (c. 1584–1669), 473
Cremona, Italy, 254, 255
Crescimbeni, Giovanni (1663–1728), 257
Crespi family, 226
Crete, 316
and Turks, 518, 526
Crillon, Louis Balbis de Berton de (1541–1615), 362
crime: England, 54–55
France, 395
Italy, 252–253
United Provinces, 479
Crimea, 515, 518
Criticón, El (Gracián), 296
Cromwell, Oliver (1599–1658), Lord Protector of England (1653–58), 63, 521
and beheading of Charles I, 219–20, 582
character, 192, 207–8
in Civil Wars, 214–19
heads army, 217–19
in Parliament, 202, 207, 208, 210, 211
religious discipline of, 215, 500, 562
and toleration, 190, 215
Cromwell, Sir Richard (Williams), 207
Cromwell, Robert, 207
Cromwell, Thomas, Earl of Essex (1485?– 1540), 207
Croy, Philippe de (fl. 1576), 450
Crusade, First, 260, 263
Cuevas, Doña Jerónima de las, 317
Cuius regio eius religio (“Whose region, his religion”—Augsburg principle), 551, 561, 571
Culemborch, Count of, 441, 443, 445
cultismo, see gongorism
Cumberland, George de Clifford, 3d Earl of (1558–1605), 74
Curia Romana, 241, 244
currency, debasement of, 48, 73, 297, 331, 333, 543, 559, 630
stabilization of (France), 365
Curzon, George Nathaniel, Baron (1859– 1925), 534
customs duties, see tariffs
Cuyp, Albert (1620–91), 484*
Cymbeline (Shakespeare), 106
Cynthia’s Revels (Jonson), 149
Cyprus, siege and conquest of, 228, 518, 522– 523, 525
Cyrano de Bergerac, Savinien de (1619–55), 636
Cyropaedia (Xenophon), 66
Dacres, Leonard, 126
Dafne (Peri), 255, 546
Dafne (Schütz), 546
Dalmatia, 518
Damascus, 518
architecture, 521
dance: England, 59, 60, 191
France, 396
Italy, 253
Poland, 509
Daniel, Anthony (1601–49), 251
Daniel, Samuel (1562–1619), 71, 76, 90, 104
Dante Alighieri (1265–1321), 103, 253, 264
Danton, Georges Jacques (1750–94), 401
Danube River, Turkish control of, 518
Danzig, 500, 506, 507, 508
Dardanelles, blockade of, 526
Darmstadt, 542*
Darnley, Henry Stuart, Lord (1545–67), 118–122, 123, 124, 130
DatKenus, Peter (fl. 1575), 452
Davenant, Sir William (1606–68), 105
Davies, R. Trevor, 282*
Davies, William (fl. 1681), 88
Davis Strait, 166
Davison, William (1541?–1608), 129
Davys, John (1550?–1605), 166
Day of Dupes, 384
De anima (Aristotle), 617
De augmentis scientiarum (Bacon), 173
Decameron (Boccaccio), 67
Decimal, The (Stevinus), 586
decimal system, 585–86, 647
Declaration of Rights (1689), 455
Declaration of Sports, 191, 208
De Coelo (Aristotle), 602*
De dits Syris (Selden), 194
Dee, John (1527–1608), 164–65, 576
De emendatione temporum (J. J. Scaliger), 581
Defence of Poesy, The (Sidney), 71, 72, 77–78
Defenestration of Prague (1618), 556
Defense of Tra
nsmutatory Alchemy (Libavius), 588
Defensio regia pro Carolo I (Salmasius), 582
Defoe, Daniel (1659?–1731), 313
De furoribus Gallicis (Hotman), 354
Degas, Edgar (1834–1917), 319
De generatione animalium (Gabriel Harvey), 591
Degler, Hans (d. 1637), 550
deists, 186–87, 614
De ture belli (Gentili), 632*
De ture belli et pacts (Grotius), 632–34
De ture regni apud Scotos (Buchanan), 135
Dekker, Thomas (1572?–1632), 143
Delacroix, Eugène (1798–1863), 319, 493–94
De la Vérité de la religion chrétienne (Duplessis–Mornay), 614
Delft, Netherlands: arts of, 483
Pilgrims at, 158
in revolt, 443, 447, 450
Delhi, India, 518, 533
della Porta, see Porta
Delle imperfezioni della musica moderna (Artusi), 252
Delorme, Marion (1611–50?), 387, 394
Delorme, Philibert (c. 1515–70), 427
De maculis solis (J. Fabricius), 605
De magnete (William Gilbert), 165–66
democracy: Bodin on, 631
in Calvinist churches, 132, 190, 192, 334, 458
and English elections, 201
factors against, 383, 458, 579
Levelers’ demand for, 217–18
Mariana on, 627
Democritus (fl. c. 400 B.C.), 177, 183, 616
De monetae mutatione (Mariana), 629
Demonologie (James VI of Scotland), 162
Demonomanie (Bodin), 579
Demosthenes (385?–322 B.C.), 66
Denmark, 495–97
Baltic ascendancy of, 495, 543
French alliance (1624), 558
Lutheran state church, 647
Rigsraad (Council of State), 495, 595
straits free–passage issue, 495, 496–97, 499, 500
in 30 Years’ War, 496, 501, 558–59, 567
Swedish–Danish wars, 496–97, 499, 500
De nova Stella (Brahe), 596
Dennis, John (1657–1734), 92
dentistry, 593
De officiis (Cicero), 15
deposing of tyrants, advocacy of, 20, 246, 354–55. 361, 367, 455, 626–28
De praestigiis daemonum (Wier), 163
De Quincey, Thomas (1785–1859), 108
De radiis visus et lucis … et hide (Dominis), 587
De rege et regis institutione (Mariana), 372, 627–29
De revolutionists orbium coelestium (Copernicus), 608
Desargues, Gérard (1593–1662), 586, 637
Descartes, René (1596–1650), 398, 407, 426, 594, 612, 635, 636–47
analytical geometry of, 586, 637, 641, 647
and Christina of Sweden, 503, 644–45
Cogito ergo sum, 639
death of, 645
Discourse on Method, 175, 638–40, 644–46
and free will, 643–44
on Holland, 460, 479
mathematical “system” of philosophy, 637, 638–41, 643, 646