The Story of Civilization: Volume VII: The Age of Reason Begins
Page 105
Every Man out of His Humour (Jonson), 148
Évora, battle of (1663), 294
Exercitatio anatomica de motu cordis et sanguinis in animaiihus (Gabriel Harvey), 167
Exercitationes de generatione animalium (Gabriel Harvey), 168
Exercitationes in … Solini Polyhistora (Salmasius), 582
explorations, 39, 57, 157–58, 166, 249, 292, 477–78, 589–90
Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast, The (Bruno), 619*, 621
extraterritorial jurisdiction, 524*
Ezpeleta, Gaspar de, 302
Faber, Peter (Pierre Favre: 1506–46), 553
Fabricius, Johannes (1587–1615), 605
Fabritius, Carel (1624?–54), 484*
Fabrizio d’Acquapendente, Girolamo (1537–1619), 167, 168, 229, 591
Fabry, Wilhelm (1560–1624), 594
factories: England, 184–85
Persia, 531
Faerie Queene, The (Spenser), 29, 67, 75–75, 77, 264
faïence, 483, 529, 535
Fain, John (d. 1590), 162
Fairfax of Cameron, Ferdinando Fairfax, 2d Baron (1584–1648), 215
Fairfax of Cameron, Sir Thomas Fairfax, 3d Baron (1612–71), 215–16, 218, 220
faith, salvation by, see salvation
Faithful Shepherdess, The (Fletcher), 144–45, 257
Falkland, Lucius Cary, Viscount (1610–43), 210
Falkland Is., discovery of, 166
Fallopio, Gabriello (1523–62), 591, 592
Famagusta, Cyprus, fall of, 522–23
Farewell to Folly (Greene), 69
Farnese, house of, 225, 238
Farnese, Alessandro, Cardinal, 233, 316–17
Farnese, Alessandro (1545–92), Duke of Parma (r. 1586–92), 557
and the French, 363, 457
in Netherlands, 36, 227, 453–57, 462
Farnese, Odoardo, Cardinal, 267
Farnese, Ranuccio, Duke of Parma (r. 1592–1622), 227
Faro, Portugal, raided by Essex, 65
fashions, see dress
Faust (Goethe), 267
Favola di Orfeo (Poliziano), 254
Fawkes, Guy (1570–1606), 141–42
Felton, John (1595?–1628), 203
Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe-(1651–1715), 645
Feodor I Ivanovich, Czar (1584–98), 513, 514
Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor (1556–1564), 10, 274, 538, 541, 542
Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor (1619–1637): as Archduke of Styria, 597
accession as King of Bohemia, 542, 556
accession as King of Hungary, 541
elected Emperor, 540
in 30 Years’ War, 157, 160, 386, 556–62, 564–66, 571
and Poland, 508
Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor (1637–1657), 560, 5 66–67, 569
Ferdinand, Archduke of Styria, see Ferdinand II, Emperor
Ferdinand, Cardinal Infante, 323, 463, 472
Ferdinand the Catholic, King of Aragon as Ferdinand II (1479–1516), of Castile as Ferdinand V (1474–1504), 278, 400
Ferrara, duchy of, 225, 232, 238*
art, 323
and battle of Lepanto, 523
dukes of, see Este
music, 253, 254
Tasso at, 259–65, 412
Festin de pierre, Le (Molière), 310
Fetti, Domenico (1589–1624), 268
feudalism: Denmark, 495, 497
England, 184–185
France, 335, 365, 374, 382–83, 416
Germany, 544, 560
Netherlands, 437
Poland, 497, 506–9
Russia, 512
Scotland, 112
Fiammetta (Boccaccio), 67
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb (1762–1814), 646
Ficino, Marsilio (1433–99), 76
Fielding, Henry (1707–54), 304, 313
Fiji Is., discovery of, 589
Filipstad, Sweden, 499
Filmer, Robert (1590–1653), 247
Filocopo, II (Boccaccio), 67
Finland, 500, 570
Firdausi (Abu’l Qasim Mansur: 940?–1020?), 534
Fischart, Johann (1546?–1590?), 548, 579
fishing industry, 46, 477
Fitton, Mary (fl. 1600), 14, 90
FitzGerald, Edward (1800–83), 311–12, 533
Fitzgerald, Gerald, see Desmond
Fitzgerald, James Fitzmaurice (d. 1579), 29
Flacius Illyricus, Matthias (1520–75), 547
Flanders, province of, 35, 339, 436
and Act of Abjuration, 455
and France, 347, 349
religious troubles in, 443, 445, 452
pillaged, 450–51
Spanish rule restored in, 457
Flanders (present Belgium), see Netherlands: Spanish
Flemish arts, 430, 462–76, 483
Fletcher, John (1579–1625), 143–44, 257
flogging, in education, 66, 399
Florence, Italy, 225, 226–27;
architecture, 227, 232, 268, 270, 316, 431
Galileo at, 604–5, 608
and Lepanto battle, 523
literature, 256
music, 255
painting, 227, 232, 316, 431
Tasso at, 261
Florio, John (1545–1625), 59, 64, 67, 97, 413, 618
Floris, Frans (1518–70), 464
Florus, Lucius Annaeus (2d. cent.), 582
Fludd, Robert (1574–1637), 167
Flushing, Netherlands, 33, 73
Foix, Lady Diane de, 399
Folengo, Teofilo (1496?–1544), 300–301
Foligno, Italy, 238*
Fontainebleau, France: Palace of, 337, 340, 342, 366, 427
tapestry factory, 429
Fontana, Domenico (1543–1607), 241, 242, 269–70, 589
Fontana, Giovanni (1540–1614), 242
Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de (1657–1757), 636, 645
Ford, John (1586?-after 1638), 67, 192–93
forks, first use of, 56, 396
Forli, Italy, 235, 238*
Formosa, 478
Fort St. George (Madras), India, 159
Fotherby, Bishop (fl. 1622), 186
Fotheringay Castle, 128–30
fountain pen, first, 589
Four Hymns (Spenser), 76
Four Letters (Gabriel Harvey), 69
Fourment, Helena, 2d wife (m. 1630) of Peter Paul Rubens, 471–72
Foxe, John (1516–87), 15
France, Anatole (1844–1924), 414, 636
France, 333–435
Anglo-French alliance (1624), 160, 558
Anglo-French war, 185, 202, 559
army, 17th cent., 386
art, 358, 426–35, 646
centralization of government, 335, 382–83, 384
Church subordinated to state, 374, 381
Council of State (1561), 341
(1562), 342
(1563), 343
(1571), 347
(1572), 348, 350
(Henry IV’s), 365, 367
(Louis XIIIs), 380, 385
economic and social conditions (1559), 333
(1589), 362
(1594), 364–65
(1609), 373
extension of frontiers, 371, 373, 571
Fronde (1648–53), 377, 384, 569, 644
governmental reforms (Henry IV), 365–67
Hapsburg encirclement of, 278, 339, 370–71, 385, 386, 390, 555, 558, 562
literature, 78, 99, 108, 109, 313, 347, 397–98, 399–426, 645–46
navy, 386
regional, class, and religious groupings, 334–36, 360
Protestant alliances, 347, 553, 558, 559, 562, 563, 569
Religious Wars, see Religious Wars, French
Scottish alliance, 8
Spanish domination of, 347–48, 300
Spanish-French peace (Pyrenees), 289, 327, 569
Spanish marital alliance, 374, 378, 386
Spain, wars with, 275, 278, 289, 293
States-General, 354–55, 359
(in 1560), 337, 339–40
(1561), 341
(1588), 360, 413
(1614–15), 374–75, 380
in 30 Years’ War, 386–87, 390, 558, 559, 565–68
Turkish friendship, 371, 522, 524
Westphalia Peace awards, 570–71
wins ascendancy over Spain, 289, 332, 374, 380, 381, 571
Franche-Comté, 274, 370, 538, 571
Francis I, King of France (1515–47), 334, 336, 356, 367, 390, 395, 399, 427, 429
Francis II, King of France (1559–60), 110–112, 120, 333–37, 394, 428
Francis of Sales, Saint (1567–1622), 243–44, 376, 377
Franciscans: in America, 251
China, 249
Japan, 247
Russia, 515
Spain, 275, 311, 320–21, 330
Francisco a Victoria (1486–1546), 632*
Franco-Gallia (Hotman), 354
Francon, Sieur de (fl. 1617), 624
Franconia, 542*
Franeker, University of, 480, 583*
Frankfurt am Main, 542*
book fair, 543, 547, 553
calendar riot 595
plague in, 592
Salzhaus, 549
Frankfurt an der Oder: capture of (1631), 563
plague in, 592
Frankfurt Oberpostamzeitung, 579
Frederick II, King of Denmark (1559–88), 123, 495–96, 596
Frederick II the Great, King of Prussia (1740–1786), 570
Frederick III, Elector Palatine (r. 1486–1525), 551
Frederick IV, Elector Palatine (r. 1592–1610), 552
Frederick V, Elector Palatine 1610–23), King of Bohemia (1619–20), 157, 160, 552, 556–58, 570
Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange and Nassau (r. 1625–47), 461, 472
free press, first, 479, 480
free thought, 16, 82, 250, 410, 614
free trade, 217, 630
free will, 246, 459, 643–44
Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, 553, 592
French Academy, 256, 390, 398, 415–16, 419, 435
“Sentiments” (on Le Cid), 423
French Fury, 456, 462
French language, purification of, 397–98, 416, 419
French Revolution, 182, 212, 220, 373, 390, 420
Frescobaldi, Girolamo (1583–1643), 254
Freud, Sigmund (1856–1939), 101
Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (Greene), 81
Friesland, province of, 436, 443, 446–47, 452, 454
Frischlin, Nikodemus (1547–90), 548
Frizer, Ingram, 85
Frobisher, Sir Martin (1535?–94), 166
Fronde (1648–53), 377, 384, 569, 644
Froschauer, Christopher (d. 1597), 579
Froude, James A. (1818–94), 17
Fugger, house of, 543
Fuller, Thomas (1608–61), 105
Funck, Johann (d. 1566), 552
furniture: baroque, 429
Elizabethan, 56, 62
German, 550
Fuzuli (Mehmet Suleiman Oglou: d. 1572), 521
Gabirol, Solomon ibn (1021–58), 616
Gabriel, Peter (fl. 1566), 442
Gabrieli, Andrea (1510?–86), 254
Gabrieli, Giovanni (1557–1612), 254, 546
Gaetani, house of, 238
Gainsborough, Thomas (1727–88), 476
Galatea (Cervantes), 299, 301, 303
Galen (2d cent.), 167
Galigaï, Leonora, wife of Concino Concini (c. 1571–1617), 374
Galilei, Galileo (1564–1642), 180, 225, 227, 232, 264, 508, 584, 591, 597, 600–612, 614, 647
astronomical discoveries, 164, 604–5, 611
Copernican astronomy upheld by, 572, 606–10
Descartes affected by, 642–43
Dialogue banned, 609
Inquisition edict on, 608
inventions of, 585, 601, 603, 611
Leaning Tower anecdote, 602
vs. Jesuits, 605–609
philosophy of, 605
as physicist, 587, 591, 601–3, 611
recantation of, 610
Galilei, Vincenzo (fl. 1560), 255
Galli, Tolomeo (fl. c. 1579), 21
Gallican liberties of French Church, 381
Galvani, Luigi (1737–98), 612
Gama, Vasco da (1409?–1524), 273, 291, 292
games, see sports
Garasse, François (fl. 1623), 614
gardens, 46, 56, 429, 482
botanical, 591, 593
Gardic, Jacob de la, Count (1583–1652), 500
Gargantua (Rabelais), 300
Fischart “translation,” 548
Garnett, Henry (1555–1606), 141–42
Gamier, Robert (1534–90), 421
Garrick, David (1717–79), 108
Gascoigne, William (1612?–44), 165
Gassendi, Pierre (1592–1655), 503, 506, 587, 595, 635–36, 643
Gaston of Orléans, see Orléans
Gauguin, Eugène Henri Paul (1848–1903), 320
Gazette, Amsterdam, 480
Gazette de France, 416
Gcddes, Jenny, 206
Gelderland, province of, 436, 447, 449
Gembloux, battle of (1578), 453
General History of the Turks (Knollcs), 66
Geneva, 23, 24, 334–36, 540
Academy of, 581
Consistory, 540, 617
University of, 583*, 617
Venerable Company, 540
Genoa, Republic of, 225, 226
and Lepanto battle, 523
maritime commerce of, 226, 273, 275
Vandyck’s portraits, 474
genre painting, 464–65, 472, 483–84
Gentileschi, Orazio (1563–1647), 200
Gentili, Alberico (1552–1608), 632*
Geoffrey of Monmouth (1100?–54), 94
geography, science of, 16, 49, 96, 164–67, 249, 295, 589–90, 629
geometry, 589, 643, 646
analytical, 163, 586, 637, 641, 647
George William, Elector of Brandenburg (r. 1619–40), 559, 563
Gérard, Balthazar (1558–84), 456–57
Germany, 538, 542–44
administrative “circles” of, 542*
arts, 548–51
Calvinism and Lutheranism in, 551–57, 571
Catholic-Protestant distribution, 551, 571
economic conditions (16th cent.), 543
(1648), 567–68
literature, 548–49
population growth and decline, 543, 567
Protestantism saved in, 647
Renaissance and Reformation in, 63
serfdom in, 543–44
Thirty Years’ War in (1618–48), 333, 501, 557–68
witchcraft persecution in, 578
Gerusalemme liherata (Tasso), 67, 260–65, 479
Gesualdo, Carlo, Prince of Venosa (c. 1560–1613), 254
Ghecraerts, Marcus (1507?–90?), 61
Gheeraerts, Marcus, the Younger (1561–1635), 61
Ghent, 278
Calvinism in, 437
captured by Parma, 457
Pacification of (1576), 450–52
Spanish rule restored, 454
Gibbon, Edward (1737–94), 256, 415
Gibbons, Orlando (1583–1625), 60
Giessen, University of, 583*
Giglio, Luigi (1510–76), 594
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey (1539?–83), 166
Gilbert, William (1540–1603), 165–66, 588, 598
Giorgione, II (Giorgio Barbarelli: c. 1478–1511), 474
Glasgow, Scotland: in Church-state dispute, 133, 206
University, 113, 133
glassmaking, 61, 228, 315, 366, 463, 535, 589
Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604–68), 588
Globe theater, 79, 105, 143, 147, 149
Glorious Revolution (England, 1688), 220
Gluck, Christoph Willibald (1714–87), 433
Goa, 291, 29
Gobelin, Jean (d. 1476), 429
Gobelin tapestry works, 366, 521
Godfrey of Bouillon (1061?–1100), 263
Godunov, Boris Feodorovich, Czar (1598–1605), 508, 512, 513–15
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749–1832), 108–9, 259, 267, 599
Gogh, Vincent van (1853–90), 320
gold: American, 48, 274, 286, 314, 333, 458, 461, 544
search for, 157–58, 166, 167, 331
goldsmithery, 50, 429, 550, 551
Goletta (La Goulette), Tunisia, 299
golf, origin of, 479
“Go, Lovely Rose” (Waller), 199
Gomarus, Franciscus (1563–1641), 459
Gómez de Mora, Juan (fl. 1617), 314
Gondomar, Diego Sarmiento, Count of (1587–1626), 157–58
Góngora y Argote, Luis de (1561–1627), 154, 258, 267, 305–6, 319, 322, 323
gongorism (gongorismo, cultismo), 305–6 311, 313
Gonzaga, house of, 225
Gonzaga, Aloysius, Saint (1568–91), 244
Gonzaga, Guglielmo, Duke of Mantua (r. 1550–87), 229
Gonzaga, Vincenzo I, Duke of Mantua (r. 1587–1612), 227, 255, 265, 466
Gonzaga, Vincenzo II, Duke of Mantua (d. 1627), 227
Gonzague, Louise Marie de (1612–67), m. (1648) Ladislas IV, King of Poland, 387, 509
Good Hope, Cape of, 32, 292, 477
good works, salvation by, see salvation
Gordon, Lady Jane, m. Earl of Bothwell, 120, 121
Gornicki, Lukasz (fl. 1588), 510
Gosson, Stephen (1554–1624), 52, 71, 78–79
Göteborg, Sweden, 499
Gothic style: architecture, 61, 62, 265–66, 315, 426
painting, 467
sculpture, 428
Gotland, 495, 497
Goujon, Jean (1510?–68?), 428
Gournay, Marie de (1565–1645), 402, 404*, 413
Goya y Lucientes, Francisco José de (1746–1828), 331, 429
Goyen, Jan van (1596–1656), 484
Gracián, Baltasar (1601–58), 296
Granada, Luis de (1504–88), 154
Granada, Spain, 307, 329
province, Morisco revolt in, 282, 284
“Grand Design,” 370
Grand Remonstrance, 211
Granvelle, Antoine Perrenot de, Cardinal (1517–86), 439–40, 447, 523
Grassi, Orazio (fl. 1620), 608
gravitation, universal, theory of, 165, 597, 598, 600, 636
Graz, Styria, 549, 597
University of, 583*
Great Protestation (1621), 159
Great Rebellion, see Civil Wars, English
Great Renewal, The (Bacon), 172–76
Greco, El (Domingo Teotocópuli: 1548?–1614?), 266, 275, 279, 280, 314, 317–20, 325, 328, 494
Greece: under Ottoman rule, 518, 520
Periclean, 109, 273
Greek Orthodox Church, 506, 508, 511, 519
Green, John Richard (1837–83), 17
Greene, Robert (1550?–92), 16, 68–69, 81, 82, 86, 96
Greene’s Groatsworth of Wit, 69, 88–89