The Story of Civilization: Volume VII: The Age of Reason Begins
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Persia, 535, 536
Russia, 512
Spain, 274–75, 331
state regulation of, 47–48, 366
Sweden, 501
30 Years’ War disrupts, 568, 571
Venice, 228, 463, 535
inertia, law of, 587
Infanta, dau. of Philip II, see Isabel Clara Eugenia
Infanta, dau. of Philip III, see María
Inferno (Dante), 103, 253
Ingolstadt, Jesuit college at, 553, 605
Ingria, 500, 517, 570
Innocent X, Pope (1644–55), 249, 571
Velázquez portrait, 272, 319, 325–26, 328
Innsbruck, Austria, 551
battle of (1552), 281
Inquisition, 239, 248, 412
Bolognese, 261
and Bruno, 229, 243, 618, 619, 621–23
and Galileo, 605–12, 642
Neapolitan, 235, 625
in Netherlands, 436–43, 448, 462, 638
Portuguese, 293
Spanish, 35, 38, 135, 273, 275–76, 282, 283, 289, 295, 305, 307–8, 329, 575, 577, 583, 647
Venetian, 229–30, 622
and witchcraft, 576, 577
Instauratio Magna (Bacon), 172–76
Institutes (Coke), 138
intendants, 384
interdiction, papal, 5, 229–30
interest on money: Calvinist sanction of, 24
Church opposition to, 185, 335
legalized in England, 50
interior decoration, Elizabethan, 55–56
German, 549–50
Louis Treize, 429
International Peace Conference (1899), 635
intolerance: by both Catholics and Protestants, 340–41, 377–78, 410
German Protestants, 539
Huguenots, 341, 377–78
Netherland Calvinists, 452–54, 458–60
inventions, mechanical, 589, 601
Iran, see Persia
Iraq, 527
Ireland, 28–30
Catholicism of, 28–29
and English Civil Wars, 213–15
Essex in, 41
rebellions, 29–30, 38, 74, 76, 210–11
and Spain, 5, 32, 36–37
“Thorough” policy, 206
Ireton, Henry (1611–51), 217, 220
Ironsides, 215, 562
Isabel (Elizabeth) of Bourbon (1602–44), Queen of Spain as 1st wife of Philip IV, 290, 323, 374
Isabel Clara Eugenia, Infanta (b. 1566, dau. of Philip II), Archduchess of the Spanish Netherlands (1599–1633), 11, 42, 281, 285, 316, 364, 458
patron of Rubens, 463, 470–72
Isabella of Portugal (1503–39), m. Emperor Charles V, 278
Isenburg-Ronneburg, county of, 552
Isfahan, Persia, 528–29, 531, 534–35
Isle of Dogs, The (Jonson and Nash), 69, 147
Ismail I, Shah of Persia (1500–24), 527
Isocrates (436–338 B.C.), 66
Italy, 225–73
arts, 225–27, 230–38, 265–73, 315–317, 323, 325–26, 330, 428, 431–32, 434, 467, 474, 483, 534
commercial decline of, 225, 273, 543
literature, 256–65
music, 253–56
Spanish domination of, 225, 273, 295; see also Holy League
Ivan III the Great (Ivan Veliki: r. 1462–1505), 512
Ivan IV the Terrible, Czar (1533–84), 507, 512, 513, 516
Ivry, battle of (1590), 362
Izmir, see Smyrna
Iznik (Nicaea), 518, 521
Jagellon, house of, 506
Jagellon, Anna, wife of Stephen Báthory, King of Poland, 507, 509
Jagellon, Catharine, m. (1561) John III, King of Sweden, 497–98
James I, King of England:
AS JAMES VI OF SCOTLAND (1567–1625), 37, 42, 44, 62, 121, 129, 131–36
absolutism of, 132, 133, 135–36
birth and childhood, 119, 120, 123, 131
dispute with Kirk, 132–34
marriage, 162
writings, 58, 135–36
AS JAMES I OF ENGLAND (1603–25), 51, 60, 136–43, 154, 155, 156–60, 163, 167, 191, 474, 482, 581, 599
absolutism of, 138–139, 160, 178, 200, 204, 220, 627
accession, 94, 136
appearance and character, 136–37, 160–61
and Bacon, 170–79
and Buckingham, 156–160
conflict with Parliament over privileges and prerogatives, 139, 159
death, 160
and France, 160, 370, 371
and Frederick V, 157, 160, 552, 557
and King James Bible, 152, 161
peace policy, 157, 159–61, 286
and Spain, 157–60, 201
James II, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland (1685–88), 220, 359
James V, King of Scotland (1513–42), 110
James VI, King of Scotland, see James I, King of England
James, William (1842–1910), 642
Janissaries, 519, 525–26
Jansen, Cornells (1585–1638), 246
Jansenists, 377
Janssen, Zacharias (fl. 1590), 584
Janszoon, Willem (fl. 1606), 589
Januarius, Saint (3d cent.), 236, 237
Japan: missionaries in, 247
European trade with, 247, 477
Jarnac, battle of (1569), 345
Jaureguy, Jean (d. 1582), 455
Java, 32, 477–78
Jemmingen, battle of (1568), 446
Jena, University of, 583
Jenkinson, Anthony (fl. 1560), 49
Jenner, Edward (1749–1823), 167
Jerome, Saint (Eusebius Hieronymus: 340?–420), 241
Jerusalem, 518, 519
Jerusalén conquistada (Vega), 308
Jesuits, 176, 234, 238, 244–51
in America, 249–251
Austria, 540
Bohemia, 542, 557, 559, 561
China, 247–49, 589
and Descartes, 645
doctrines and educational methods, 244–47, 421, 422, 427
in England, 20–22, 54, 141–42, 154, 187, 188, 214, 244
expulsion of, 250
in France, 244, 250, 333, 344, 353, 360, 363–64, 367–68, 372, 377, 417, 421, 422, 427, 636–37
and Galileo, 605–6, 608
in Germany, 244, 548, 549, 553–55, 568
Hungary, 541
India, 247
Ireland, 28–29
Japan, 247
at Lepanto, 523
in Netherlands, 456*, 464, 469, 474
Poland, 500, 509, 514
Portugal, 250, 290, 510–11
Ratio studiorum, 244–45
in Rome, 244, 266, 270
Russia, 515
schools and colleges, 126, 226, 239, 259, 296–97, 311, 314, 509, 553, 605, 636–37
in Scotland, 132, 142
Spain, 243, 250, 275, 280, 296–97, 311, 314, 539
Sweden, 497–98, 505
Switzerland, 540
Venice, 229–30
views on tyrannicide and dethronement, 626–29
Jesuitenbütlein (Fischart), 548
Jesus and Mary, Congregation of, 376
Jew of Malta, The (Marlowe), 84, 85
Jewel, John, Bishop (1522–71), 33, 53
Jews, 188*
in Bohemia, 283
converted (Marranos), 276
expulsion from Spain, 275, 287, 617
in Islam, 519, 527, 531
in United Provinces, 477, 478, 487–91
Joan of Arc (1412–31), 96
Jodelle, Étienne, Sieur de Lymodin (1532–1573), 420
Jogues, Isaac, Saint (1607–46), 251
John of God, Saint (1495–1550), 376
John of the Cross, Saint (1542–91), 275
John III, King of Sweden (1568–92), 497–98
John IV (John of Braganza), King of Portugal (1640–56), 293
John Casimir, Count Palatine (Regent of the Palatinate 1583–92),
John George I, Elector of Saxony (r. 1611–56), 546, 557, 563–64, 566, 567
Johnson, Dr. Samuel (1709–84), 65, 108, 135, 151, 154
Jones, Inigo (1573–1652), 62–63, 137, 148, 257
Jonson, Ben (1573–1637), 9, 69, 71, 76, 89, 136–37, 143, 146–52, 155, 196, 413
and Shakespeare, 88, 89, 96*, 104–5, 107, 147, 151
Jordaens, Jacob (1593–1678), 465
Joseph, Father (François Le Clerc du Tremblay, “Éminence Grise”: 1577–1638), 386
Josephus, Flavius (37?–100), 66
Joyeuse, François de, Cardinal (1562–1615), 229–30
Juan of Austria, Don (1547–78), 281, 298, 525
at Lepanto, 284, 523–24
in Netherlands, 450–53
Juana la Loca, Queen of Castile (1504–6), 278
judiciary: England, 47, 54, 171
France, 333, 367, 375
Spain, 283
Julfa, 529, 535
Jülich-Cleves, William, Duke of (r. 1539–92), 590
Jülich-Cleves, duchy of, 542*, 555
Jülich-Cleves-Berg, John William, Duke of (r. 1592–1609), 371
Julius II, Pope (1503–13), 326
Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), 93, 94, 97, 98, 100
Juni, Juan de, 315
Jupiter, satellites of, 164, 181, 604
jurisprudence, see law
jury trial, see trial by jury
justification, see salvation
Justin of Nassau (fl. 1625), 325
Jutland, 560
Juvenal (c. 60—c. 140), 149, 419
Kalmar, Statute of, 498
Kalmar War (1611–13), 496–97, 499, 500
Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804), 407, 613, 641, 646
Karelia, 570
Karlstad, Sweden, 499
Kashan, Persia, 535
Kattegat, strait of, 495, 499, 500
Keats, John (1795–1821), 75, 76, 143, 429
Kemble, John Philip (1757–1823), 108
Kent, England, in Civil Wars, 218
Kepler, Johann (1571–1630), 180, 539, 575–76, 585–87, 596, 597–600
and Galileo, 603, 604
laws of planetary motions, 164, 166, 598–600, 612, 642, 647
Key, Lieven de (1560–1627), 482
Keymis, Lawrence, 16
Keyser, Hendrik de (1565–1621), 483
Keyser, Thomas de (c. 1596–1667), 484*
Khuzistan, 527
Kilian, Bartholomäus (1630–96), 550
Kilian, Lukas (1579–1637), 550
Kilian, Philipp (1628–93), 550
Kilian, Wolfgang (1581–1662), 550
King John (Shakespeare), 96, 102, 103
King Lear (Shakespeare), 54, 94–95, 97, 99–102, 104, 409
King’s Bench, 137
King’s Men, 94
Kircher, Athanasius (1601–80), 588, 591
Kirk of Scotland, 112–13, 162
and James VI, 131–35
and Mary Stuart, 114–19
rejects “Laud’s Canons,” 205–6
Kiusinski, Father (fl. 1702), 530
Klesl, Melchior (1553–1630), 540
Klushino, battle of, 508
Knight of the Burning Pestle, The (Beaumont and Fletcher), 144
knitting frame, invention of, 46, 589
Knolles, Richard (1550–1610), 66
Knollys, Sir Francis (1514?–96), 7, 24
“Knott, Edward,” (fl. 1630), 188
Knox, John (1505?–72), 9, 23–25, 133, 135
forms Kirk of Scotland, 112–13
and Mary Stuart, 114–18, 120, 121, 126, 342
Kober, Martin (fl. 1583), 509
Kochanowski, Jan (1530–84), 510
Kolberg, battle of (1644), 496
Königsberg, East Prussia, 552
Königsmarck, Hans Christoph von, Count (1600–63), 567
Koran, 152, 519
Krell, Nikolas (1551?–1601), 552
Kronborg Castle, Helsingör, 496
Kuno, Johann (fl. 1579), 544
Kurdistan, 528
Kyd, Thomas (1557?–95), 16, 81, 86
La Boétie, Étienne de (1530–63), 401–2
La Brosse, Gui de (d. 1641), 591
La Bruyère, Jean de (1645–96), 414
La Coruña, Spain, 34, 35
Ladislas IV, King of Poland (1632–48), 508, 509
La Fayette, Marie Madeleine, Countess of (1634–93), 397
La Flèche, College of, 637
La Goulette (Goletta), Tunisia, 299
La hermosura de Angélica (Vega), 308
Lala Mustafa (fl. 1571), 522
Lalemant, Gabriel (1610–49), 251
Lamb, Charles (1775–1834), 108
Lament of Tasso (Byron), 259
La Mothe Le Vayer, François de (1588–1672), 614–15
Langside, battle of (1568), 124
Lane, Sir Ralph (1530?–1603), 58
Lanfranco, Giovanni (1580–1647), 237, 268
Lang, Andreas (fl. 1576), 554
Lang, Andrew (1844–1912), 121*
Lange, Carl Georg (1834–1900), 642
Languedoc, province of, 340–41
revolt (1632), 384
Languet, Hubert (1518–81), 70
La Renaudie, Godefroi de Barri, Seigneur de (d. 1560), 336
La Rochefoucauld, François, Duke of (1613–80), 397, 414
La Rochelle, France, 31, 344, 345, 367, 379, 427, 447
Buckingham’s expedition to, 202, 559
Peace of (1573), 354
siege of (1572–73), 354
(1625), 637
(1627–28), 381–82
Las Casas, Bartolomé de (1474–1566), 31
Lastman, Pieter (1583–1633), 487
Latitudinarian Anglicans, 460
La Tour, Georges de (1593–1652), 431
Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury (1573–1645), 62, 188–90, 191, 193, 204, 207, 210
execution of, 214
impeachment, 194, 208
“Laud’s Canons” (changes in ritual), 189, 205–6, 211
Laurel of Apollo (Vega), 304
La Vieuville, Charles, Marquis of (1582–1653), 368
law: codifying of, Spain, 283
common, 137
courts and procedures, England, 54–55, 163, 171, see also Court of High Commission, Star Chamber
Hooker’s theory of, 27
international, 32, 632–34
maritime, 632–34
“natural,” 633–34
Persian, 536
schools, England, 54, 61, 97; see also lawyers; parlements
Law of War and Peace, The (Grotius), 632–634
Lawrence, Saint (3d cent.), 279
Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity, Of the (Hooker), 27
lawyers, 50, 142, 483
in government, growing importance of, 61, 184, 185, 366, 374–75
Montaigne’s view of, 400; see also law
Laynez, Diego (1512–65), 244, 427
Lazarillo de Tormes, 67, 298
Lazarists; 244, 376
League, Catholic or Holy (France, 1576–93), 242, 285, 359–65, 390, 413, 618, 629
League, Catholic (Germany, 1609), 555–56
League, Holy, against the Turks, see Holy League
League of Arras (1579), 454
Learned Council, English, 41, 42
Le Brun, Charles (1619–90), 431
Lecky, William Edward Hartpole (1838–1903), 243
Le Diable boiteux (Lesage), 310
Lee, William (d. 1610), 46
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, Baron (1646–1716), 182, 586, 613, 620
Leicester, Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of (1532–88), 6, 24, 32, 72, 618
death of, 38
and Elizabeth, 9–12, 14, 23
and Essex, 40
in Netherlands, 33, 73, 457
patron of actors, authors, 14, 65, 70, 74, 80
Leiden, 26, 437, 443, 591
482, 483
News, 480
siege of (1574), 583
University of, 457, 459, 480, 581, 582, 583, 593, 644
Leighton, Alexander (1568–1649), 189–90
Leipzig, 542*, 591
capture of (1645), 567
Leiser, Polycarp (fl. 1593), 554
Lemercier, Jacques (1585?–1654), 426, 428
Lemon, Margaret, 476
Lemos, Count of (fl. 1613), 302, 304
Le Nain brothers: Antoine (1588–1648) Louis (1593–1648), and Mathieu (1607–77), 431
Lenclos, Ninon de (1620–1705), 389, 636
Lennox, Esmé Stuart, 1st Duke of (1542?–83), 131
Lennox, James Stuart, 4th Duke of (1612–55), 475
Lennox, Matthew Stuart, 4th Earl of (1516–1571), 118, 120–21, 131
Le Nôtre, André (1613–1700), 431
Lens, battle of (1648), 569
lenses, development of, 584–85, 642; see also optics
Leo X, Pope (1513–21), 273, 337, 594
Leo XI, Pope (1605), 272
Leopold, Archduke of Austria (fl. 1609), 371
Leopold William, Archduke of Austria (1614–62), 567
Lepanto, battle of (1571), 227–28, 239, 263, 282, 284, 295, 298, 348, 451, 453, 5 23–24
Lerma, Francisco Gómez de Sandoval y Rojas, Duke of (1552–1625), 286–88, 466
Lesage, Alain René (1668–1747), 304, 310, 313
Leslie, John, Bishop of Ross (1527–96), 125, 126
Less, Father (fl. 1585), 246
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim (1729–81), 108
Le Sueur, Eustache (1616–55), 43
Lethington, William Maitland of (1528?–73), 114, 116–17, 120–22, 124–25
Letter of Consolation (Plutarch), 402
lettres de cachet, 385
Levelers, 216–17
Leviathan (Hobbes), 632
Lewis, Elector Palatine (r. 1576–83), 552
L’Hôpital, Michel de (1507–73), 111, 337, 339–45, 395, 410, 629
Libavius, Andreas (1550–1616), 588
“libertines,” Netherlands liberals, 459–60
libertins, 614
Liberty of Prophesying, The (Taylor), 188
libraries, 65, 226, 279, 283, 501, 579, 581; see also Bodleian Library, under Oxford University
Vatican (Palace) Library
Libro del cortegiano, see Courtier, The
Life Is a Dream (Calderón, tr. FitzGerald), 311–13
Life of the Renowned Sir Philip Sidney (Greville), 73*
Lilburne, John (C.1614–57), 217
Lille, 454
University of, 583*
Lima, Peru, 321
University of, 583
Limburg, province of, 436
Limousin, Léonard (c.1505-c.1577), 429
L’incoronazione di Poppea (Monteverdi), 256
Linnaeus, Carolus (1707–78), 590–91
Linz, Austria, 598–99
Lippe, county of, 552
Lippershey, Hans (d. c.1619), 585
Lipsius, Justus (1547–1606), 466, 480, 580
Lisbon, Portugal, 34–35, 290, 291, 292, 477