The Story of Civilization: Volume VII: The Age of Reason Begins
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Mocenigo, Giovanni (fl. 1591), 621–22, 624
Mogul dynasty (1526–1707), 247, 518, 533, 534
Mohammed (570–632), 527
Mohammed III, Ottoman Sultan (1595–1603), 525
Mohammed Sokolli, Vizier (1566–79), 522, 525
Mohammedanism (Islam), 518–37
customs of, 520, 532
extent of, 518–19
religious art of, 521, 529–30
schism in, 527
Molière (Jean Baptiste Poquelin: 1622–73), 310, 313, 414, 416, 421, 426, 636, 645
Molina, Luis (1535–1601), 246, 627
Molmenti, Pompeo (1852–1928), 229, 231
Moluccas, 32, 477–78
Mommsen, Theodor (1817–1903), 93
monasteries: closing of, 28, 167, 499
Spanish, 275, 321, 332
Moncontour, battle of (1569), 345
Monde, Le (Descartes), 643–44
Monita secreta, 247
monopolies (patents): Bèze on, 540
in England, 14, 43, 48, 61, 137, 159, 171, 185, 192, 204, 209, 217
in Sweden, 501
Mons, Belgium, capture of, 353, 448
Monsieur, Peace of (1576), 358
Monstrous Magician, The (Calderón, tr. FitzGerald), 311–12
Montagu, Edward, 1st Baron Montagu of Boughton (1562–1644), 137
Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de (1533–92), 77, 101, 135, 153, 180, 194, 297, 396, 398, 399–415, 435, 646
“Apologie,” 407, 639*
birth and education, 399–400
on burning of heretics, 410
on calendar change, 595
death of, 413
on duels, 395
Essais, 64, 67, 357, 404–15, 615, 632
on himself, 405–6, 413
on library and solitude, 403–4
and La Boétie, 401
on law, 400
on love and marriage, 402
on instinct and reason, 407
marriage of, 402
as mayor of Bordeaux, 412–13
“Of Cannibals,” 97, 409, 414
“On Coaches,” 404
“Of Education,” 399–400, 414
“Of Experience,” 413
“Of the Lame or Crippled,” 578
“Of Vanity,” 406
philosophical thinking of, 406–10, 413
on politics, 411
on quackery, 593
on religion, morals, 97, 407–10, 413, 414, 614, 615, 639*, 643
on science, 407–8
on Socrates, 406
on temperance, 400, 406
travels and impressions, 230, 238, 239, 251, 262, 272, 411–413, 593
Monralván, Juan Pérez de (1602–38), 281*
Montañes, Juan Martínez (1564–1649), 314, 315, 324, 329
Montauban, France, 340, 367, 379
Montausier, Charles de Sainte-Maure, Duke of (1610–90), 397
Monteagle, William Parker, 4th Baron (1575–1622), 141
Montebello, Federigo Cesi, Marquis of (fl. 1603), 584
Montemayor, Jorge de (1521?–61), 67, 257, 417
Montes Claros, battle of (1665), 294
Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron of (1689–1755), 629
Monteverdi, Claudio (1567–1643), 225, 255–256, 273, 600
Montgomerie, Robert (d. 1609), titular Archbishop of Glasgow, 133
Montigny, Florent de Montmorency, Baron of (1527–70), 442, 445, 447
Montmorency, Anne de, Constable of France (1493–1567), 340, 342–44, 429
Montmorency, Charlotte de, m. Henry II, Prince of Condé, 371
Montmorency, Henri II, Duke of (1595–1632), 384
Montpellier, France, 340, 367
University of, 581, 593
Montpensier, Catherine Marie de Lorraine, Duchess of (1552–96), 361
Montrose, James Graham, 1st Marquis and 5th Earl of (1612–50), 215–16
Mook, battle of (1574), 450
Mor, Anthonis (1512?–76), 316
Morales, Luis de (1510?–86), 279
Moralia (Plutarch), 403
morals: American Indian, 409
Bacon on, 177
under Calvinism, 113, 335, 540
in England, 52–54, 58, 189, 191, 192
France, 334, 336, 338, 340, 365, 373, 393–95
Geneva, 540
Germany, 544–45, 548, 568
Ireland, 28
Italy, 226–27, 241, 251–53
Jesuit doctrine, 245–46
Montaigne on, 407
in Netherlands, 479
Ottoman Empire, 520, 525
Poland, 509
Shakespeare’s view, 101
Spain, 276–77
Moravia, 538, 540, 541
More, Sir Thomas (1478–1535), 178, 179, 250
Morel, Bartolomé (fl. 1568), 314
Morgagni, Giovanni Battista (1682–1771), 612
Morgante maggiore, Il (Pulci), 300
Moriscos: expulsion from Spain, 274–75, 287, 331
rebellion of, 282, 284, 371, 522
Morley, Thomas (1557–1603?), 59, 60
Morocco, 518
invasion of, 290
Morton, James Douglas, 4th Earl of (1525?–81), 119, 121, 122, 124–25, 131
mosaics, see tiles
Moscow, 512, 516–17
motets, 59, 253, 277
Motley, John Lothrop (1814–77), 440*, 456*
Mountjoy, Charles Blount, 8th Baron, (1563–1606), 30, 42
Moussorgsky, Modest Petrovich (1835–81), 515
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756–91), 310
Much Ado About Nothing (Shakespeare), 56, 92, 100
Muesinade Ali (fl. 1571), 523
Muhammud Salih Tabrizi (17th cent.), 535
Muiderkring, 481
Mulcaster, Richard (1530?–1611), 51
Muler, Geleyn de (d. 1561), 440
Mülhausen, meeting of electors at, 560
Munich, Bavaria, 542*, 564, 568, 578
architecture, 549–50
Munster, Ireland, revolt of, 29–30, 76
Münster, Westphalia, 553
peace negotiations, 461, 568–71
Murad III, Ottoman Sultan (1574–95), 525
Murad IV, Ottoman Sultan (1623–40), 521
Muratori, Lodovico Antonio (1672–1750), 251
Murray, James Stuart, Earl of (1531?–70), Regent of Scotland (1567–70), 114–16, 118–120, 124–25, 131
Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban (1617–82), 237, 266, 310, 314, 315, 321–22, 328–31
Murtola, Gasparo, 258
Musaeus (5th cent.), 66, 85
Muscovy Company, 49
music: baroque, 256, 267
chamber, 60
chorales, 249, 253–54, 546
church, 59, 60, 253, 277, 463
Elizabethan, 13, 14, 59–61
Dutch, 479–80
Flemish, 463
French, 397
German, 545–47
instrumental, 60–61, 545
Italian, 61, 253–56, 273
Jesuits and, 249
opera, 249, 253–56, 267, 273, 397, 546
organ, 60, 253–54, 480, 546
Passion, 254, 547
Puritan opposition to, 191
Spanish, 277
musical instruments, 60, 254, 397, 546
Mustafa I, Ottoman Sultan (1622–23), 526
Mutahat, Sheik of Arabia Felix (fl. 1571), 524
Muziano, Girolamo (1528?–92), 268
Myron (5th cent, B.C.), 265
Mysterium cosmographicum (Kepler), 597, 603
Mystery of Mary Stuart, The (Lang), 121*
mysticism, 275, 278, 377, 504, 553, 616, 621
Naarden, massacre of, 449
Namur, 436, 437
Nantwich, battle of (1644), 214
Napier, John (1550–1617), 135, 163–64, 180, 585
Naples, Kingdom of, 235–38, 252, 257–59, 265, 525
architecture, 272
/> painting, 225, 233, 234, 236–38, 323, 431
rebellions, 235–236, 289, 625, 626
Spanish domination of, 225, 235f, 274, 278, 331
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French (1805–14; 1815), 321, 331, 334, 390
Napoleonic Wars, 328
Nas, Johann (fl. 1565), 554
Naseby, battle of (1645), 215
Nash, Thomas (1567–1601), 26, 68–69, 71, 147
Nassau, county of, 542*
National Covenant, 205
naturalisti, 269; see also realism
Nau, Claude, 123
Naudé, Gabriel (1600–1653), 614
naval warfare, change in, 35–37; see also Lepanto, battle of
Navarino, Greece, 299
Nederlandsche Historien (Hooft), 481
Nefi of Erzurum (d. 1635), 521
Nelson, Horatio, Viscount (1758–1805), 73
Neri, Saint Philip (1515–95), 243–44, 375
Nero, Roman emperor (54–68), 242
Nerva, Marcus Cocceius, Roman emperor (96–98), 173
Netherlands, 436–93
REVOLT OF: 8, 28, 256, 436–61
aided by English, 33, 38, 73, 285, 446–47, 457
by Henry IV, 371
by Huguenots, 347–48, 352, 371, 446, 447
commerce during, 33, 273, 275, 437, 441, 447, 457, 519, 543
Council of State, 440–42, 450
Council of Troubles, 445–48
Inquisition in, 436–43, 448, 462
regional, class, and religious groupings, 454
Pacification of Ghent, 450–51
religious disturbances in, 442, 443, 447, 448, 452–53
States-General, 436, 438, 443, 446, 451–53, 455
truce, 286, 458–60, 471, 558
United Provinces’ secession, 454–58
SPANISH (southern provinces—Flemish), 30, 370, 647
art, 462–76
UNITED PROVINCES (northern provinces—Dutch), 275, 441, 454–62, 476–94, 589, 590, 647
Anglo-Dutch wars, 205, 478
art, 482–94
Church-state struggle, 458–60
commercial ascendancy, 461–62, 477–78, 480, 482–83, 559–60, 589, 632
economy, 476–79
freedom in, 479–80
French alliance, 558, 569
literature, 480–82
music, 479–80
and Portuguese revolt, 293
States-General, 458, 460, 583, 585
Turkish treaty, 477, 524*
wins independence, 37, 289, 461, 569–70
Netherlands, Kingdom of the, 436, 635
Neubrandenburg, capture of (1631), 563
Neustadt, Germany, 568
Neville, Edmund (fl. 1584), 128
New Amsterdam, 478
New Art of Making Plays (Vega), 308
New Atlantis, The (Bacon), 176, 179, 180, 182
New England, 204
New Model Army, 215–19
New Netherland, 478
New Way to Pay Old Debts, A (Massinger), 192
New Zealand, discovery of, 589
Newcastle upon Tyne, England, 207, 216
Newe Attractive, The (Norman), 165
Newfoundland, 158
Newmarket, England, in Civil Wars, 217
News, Leiden, 480
News from Ipswich (Prynne), 190, 193
newspapers, 480, 578, 579
Newton, Sir Isaac (1642–1727), 482, 575, 588, 598, 600, 612, 636, 647
and calculus, 586
laws of motion, 602, 611
universal gravitation, 165, 597
Nicaea (Iznik), 518
Nicene Creed, 521
Nicholas of Cusa (1401–64), 616
Nicosia, Cyprus, fall of, 522
Niéswiez, Poland, 509
Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844–1900), 101, 178
Nijmegen, 457
Nile Valley, 589
Nîmes, France, 340, 344
Nineveh, 518
Nishapur, 527, 534
Nivander, Pastor (fl. 1582), 552
Nizhni Novgorod, 517
Nobili, Roberto de’ (1576–1656), 247
Noble Numbers (Herrick), 197
noblesse de la robe, 367, 375
Noort, Adam van (1557–1641), 466
Nördlingen, witchcraft persecution in, 577, 578
Norfolk, Thomas Howard III, 4th Duke of (1536–72), 125–27
Norman, Robert (fl. 1576), 165
North, Sir Thomas (1535?–1601), 66, 93
North Sea trade, 495, 543, 559–60
Northbrooke, John (fl. 1577), 78–79
Northeast Passage, 477
Northern Seven Years’ War (1563–70), 497
Northumberland, Sir Henry Percy, 9th Earl of (1564–1632), 74
Northumberland, John Dudley, Duke of, Earl of Warwick (1502?–53), 6, 10, 70
Northumberland, Sir Thomas Percy, 7th Earl of (1528–72), 125–26
Northwest Passage, 165, 166, 478
Norway, 496
Norwich, England, 46
Nostradamus (Michel de Notredame: 1503–66), 346
Notable Discovery of Cozenage, A (Greene), 69
Nottingham, England, in Civil Wars, 212
Nova et acuta terrae descriptio (Mercator), 590
Nova Scotia, 590
Novarmes, Philippe de (fl. 1572), 448
Novaya Zemlya, 477
Novelas ejemplares (Cervantes), 302–3
novelle, 67, 91, 102
novels, 66–67, 69, 297–304
Novgorod, 516
Novum Organum (Bacon), 173, 174
Numa Pompilius (715–673 B.C.), 614
Numancia, La (Cervantes), 303
numerology, 162, 621, 631
Nuremberg, Germany, 228, 549, 550
oath of supremacy (England), 18, 22
Obberger, Anthonis van (d. 1611), 496
Oberammergau Passion Play, 547–48
Oblates of Saint Ambrose, 244
Ockham, William of (c. 1300–1349), 177
Octavian, see Augustus
“Ode to the Armada” (Góngora), 305
Oder River outlet, control of, 570
O’Donnell, Hugh, Lord of Tyrconnel (1571?–1602), 29–30
Odyssey, The (Homer), 143, 264, 481
Oeconomicus (Xenophon), 66
Oertel, Abraham (1527–98), 590
Of the Diseases of Melancholy (Du Laurens), 93
Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity (Hooker), 27
Of the Right Noble Knowledge … that Nothing Is Known (Sanchez), 617
Office of the Revels, 13
Ogier, Roger, 440
Ogilvie, John (1580–1615), 142
Oldenbarneveldt, Jan van (1547–1619), 457–460, 632
Oldenburg, Count of (fl. 1594), 545
Olier, Jean Jacques (1608–57), 375
Olivares, Gaspar de Guzmán, Count of (1587–1645), 159–60, 288–89, 293, 306, 314, 322, 329, 390
Velázquez portraits, 323, 324, 328
Omar Khayyám (d. c. 1123), 311
Omodeo, Cardinal, 432
O’More, Rory II (d. 1578), 29
O’More, Rory III (fl. 1620–52), 210
O’Neill, Hugh, 2d Earl of Tyrone (1540?–1616), 30
O’Neill, Sir Phelim (1604?–53), 210
O’Neill, Shane (1530?–67), 29
On the Coinage of the Realm (Mariana), 297
On the Improvement of the Understanding (Spinoza), 646
On the Magnet (William Gilbert), 165–66
opera, 249, 267, 273, 397, 253–56, 546
optics, 587–88, 641–42
Opus majus (Roger Bacon), 173
Oráculo manual y arte de prudencia (Gracián), 296
Orange, house of, 437, 456
Oratorians, 244, 375
Öresund (Sound), 495, 497, 559
Orfeo (Monteverdi), 255
Organon (Aristotle), 173
Orinoco River, 39, 158
do Furioso (Ariosto), 67, 300
Orlando innamorato (Boiardo), 67
Orléans, France, 339–40, 426–27
in Religious Wars, 342–441, 352–53
Orléans, Gaston, Duke of (1608–60), 379, 384, 387–88, 428
Orléans, Philippe I, Duke of (1640–1701), 379
Ormonde, Thomas Butler, 10th Earl of (1532–1614), 29, 74
Orsini, house of, 238, 241, 397
Orzechowski, Stanislas (1515–66), 509
Ösel, 495, 497
Osnabrück, negotiations at, 569–70, 578
Osorio, Isabel de (fl. 1546), morganatic wife of Philip II of Spain, 278
Osorius, Jerome, Bishop, 65
Ostend, 33, 457
siege of, 458
Ostade, Adriaen van (1610–85), 484*
Ostade, Isaac van (1621–49), 484
Ostia, Italy, 238*
Osuna, Pedro Téllez y Giron, Duke of (1574?–1624), Viceroy of Naples (1616–20), 228, 237, 306
Otello (Verdi), 256
Othello (Shakespeare), 94, 100, 104
Othman II, Ottoman Sultan (1617–22), 526
Otrepieff, Grishka, 514
Ottokar II, King of Bohemia (1253–78), 96*
Ottoman Empire, 518–27
army (1566), 522
arts and crafts, 521, 536
“capitulations” with West, 477, 524*
economic conditions, 525
extent (1566), 518
French friendship, 371, 522, 524
literature, 520–21
maritime expansion, 226–28, 518, 522–23, 525
naval power (1571), 523–25
peace with Venice, 525
religion in, 518–20
revolts of Janissaries, 525–26
tributes from Hapsburgs, 522, 541
wars: with Austria, 525
Persia, 525–28
Poland, 508; see also Lepanto, battle of
Otway, Thomas (1652–85), 108, 281*
Oughtred, William (1575–1660), 164, 585
Overbury, Sir Thomas (1581–1613), 542–43
Overijssel, province of, 436, 454, 457
Ovid (43 B.C.–A.D. 17?), 66, 90, 96, 291, 472
Oxenstierna, Count Axel Gustafsson (1583–1654), 501–2, 504, 564–66, 634
Oxford, England, 153, 212, 213, 591; see also Oxford University
Oxford, Edward de Vere, Earl of (1550–1604), 12*, 74, 80
Oxford University, 19, 51, 54, 59, 135, 583
Bodleian Library, 61, 65, 136, 153, 579
Bruno at, 64, 618
Elizabeth’s visit, 503
Magdalen College, 233*
Parliament representation, 136
Pacheco, Francisco (1564–1654), 316, 319, 322, 329
Pacification, Act of (Netherlands, 1576), 450
Pacification of Ghent (1576), 450–51
Paderborn, Germany, 549, 553
Padua, Italy, 228
Padua, University of, 259, 376, 583, 590
and Galileo, 232, 585, 601–4
medical school, 167, 591, 593
Paes, Pecho (fl. 1588), 589
Painter, William (1540?–94), 67