The Story of Civilization: Volume VII: The Age of Reason Begins
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Theologia naturalis (Raymond of Sabunde), 407
Theophrastus (d. c.287 B.C.), 581, 590
thermometer, invention of, 584, 585, 593, 647
Thesaurus temporum (J. J. Scaliger), 581
theater: England, 14, 52, 77–81, 86, 88–90, 99, 107, 142–46, 191–94, 307–8
France, 420–421, 425, 426
Germany, 109, 548
Italy, 257
opposition to, 78–79, 107, 132, 191, 192–94, 334, 629
Poland, 508
Spain, 307–8, 314
Théâtre d’agriculture, Le (Serres), 366
Theatrum orbis terrarum (Oertel), 590
Thebaid, monks of, 614
theocracy: Calvinist ideal of, 24, 113, 115, 134, 192
Jesuit, in South America, 250
Third Estate (tiers état), 339, 341, 374–75
Thirty-nine Articles, 18–19, 25, 187, 203, 583
Thirty Years’ War (1618–48), 159, 197, 243, 289, 331, 333, 390, 461, 496, 541, 556–71, 632, 634
devastation caused by, 563, 565, 567–68, 569
issues, 551–56
peace treaty, see Westphalia, Peace of
phases: 1st (Bohemian), 156, 552, 556–58, 637
2d (Danes-Wallenstein), 501, 559–62
3d (Swedish), 386, 562–65
4th (French-Swedish), 386–87, 565–68
religious issue gone from, 566, 579
Thomas Aquinas, Saint (c. 1225–74), 17, 27, 67, 297, 616
Thoreau, Henry David (1817–62), 153, 308, 414
Thorn (Toruń), debate at, 508
“Thorough” policy, 206
Thorpe, Thomas (fl. 1609), 90
Thou, Jacques Auguste de (1553–1617), 352, 388, 391, 417
Thrasymachus, Sophist (5th cent. B.C.), 101
Throckmorton, Elizabeth, m. Raleigh, 39, 157, 158
Throckmorton, Francis (1554–84), 127
Throckmorton, Sir Nicholas (1515–71), 7
Thuringia, in 30 Years’ War, 567
Thurn, Heinrich von, Count (1567–1640), 556
Tibaldi, Pellegrino (1527–96), 279
Tiberius, Roman emperor (14–37), 149
Tibet, Jesuits in, 247
Tibullus, Albius (54?–18? B.C.), 581
Tieck, Ludwig, (1773–1853), 108
tiers état, see Third Estate
tiles, 316, 521, 529, 535
Tilly, Johan Tserclaes, Count of (1559–1632), 557–60, 563–64
Time of Troubles (Russia, 1605–13), 515–17
Timon (5th cent. B.C.), 95
Timon of Athens (Shakespeare), 95–96, 97, 100
Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti (1518–94), 279, 316, 318, 323, 524
Tirso de Molina (1571?–1648), 310, 422
’Tis Pity She’s a Whore (Ford), 193
Titelman, Peter, 440
tithes, 113, 194, 335
Titian (Tiziano Vecelli: 1477–1576), 160, 231, 232, 279, 280, 323, 432, 472, 474, 524
Assumption, 317, 470
and El Greco, 316–319
Paul III, 326
Titles of Honor (Selden), 194
Titus Andronicus (Shakespeare), 89
cobacco, 58, 526, 531–32
Toledo, Spain, 274, 279
architecture, painting, 314, 317–20
coleration, edicts of (France), 341–44, 345, 354, 358–59; 367, 377–78, 382, 417
coleration, religious: advocated, 40, 140, 188, 190, 216–17, 358, 440, 446, 450, 481, 629
practiced by the Chinese, 248
by Cromwell, 215
by Gustavus, 562
in Holland (1660), 478, 479
in Islam, 519–20, 529
by the Jagellons, 506, 508, 510–11
by Maximilian II, 539
by Richelieu, 390
in Venice, 228–30
by William of Orange, 446
tonnage and poundage dues, 201–4, 209
Torquato Tasso (Goethe), 259
Torricelli, Evangelista (1608–47), 585–87, 612
Torrigiano, Pietro (1472–1522), 272
Torstensson, Lennart, Count of Ortala (1603–51), 565, 566, 569
Tory party, origin of, 210
Touchet, Marie (fl. 1570), 347, 369, 394
Toul, bishopric of, 570
Toulouse, France, 617
Huguenot massacre, 352
Parlement heresy, treason trials, 384, 624
University of, 376
Tournai, province, 436, 437
religious disorders in, 440, 443
Tourneur, Cyril (1575?–1626), 143
Tournon, François de, Cardinal (1489–1562), 342
Tours, France, Huguenot massacre, 352
Tractatus de legibus (Suárez), 632*
trade: balance of, 49
free, 213, 630
trade routes, 49, 67, 159, 166–67, 273, 519, 531, 543
Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, The (Marlowe), 64, 81, 83–84, 267
Traité de la sagesse (Charron), 615
Traité de l’homme (Descartes), 638*
Traité des passions (Descartes), 638*, 646
Trajan, Roman emperor (98–117), 173
Transylvania, 507, 519, 525, 541
Travers, Walter (1548–1635), 24, 26
Treatise of the Rosie Crucean Secrets (Dee), 164
Tremblay, Barthélemy (1578–1629), 428
Trent, 228
Council of, see Council of Trent
trial by jury, England, 7, 54, 192, 203, 204
Trier, archbishopric of, 538, 542*, 553, 578
Trieste, 228
Tripoli, 518
triumvirate, Catholic (France, 1561), 340, 342–43
Tromp, Maarten Harpertszoon (1597–1653), 461
Troubetskoy, Dmitri, Prince (fl. 1612), 517
Troyes, France, 427
Huguenot massacre, 352–53
True Chronicle of King Lear (Anonymous), 94
True Law of Free Monarchies, The (James VI of Scotland), 133–36
Tübingen, University of, 548, 597
Tudor, Margaret (1489–1541), 110
Tudor, Mary, see Mary I
tulip culture, 479, 480
Tulp, Nicolaes (1593–1674), 484*, 488
Tumult of Amboise, 336–37
Tunis, battles of, 285, 296, 451, 525
Tunisia, 518
Turenne, Henri de La Tour d’Auvergne, Viscount of, Marshal (1611–75), 367, 382, 566–67, 569
Turin, Italy, 226, 258, 262
Turkey, see Ottoman Empire
Turku (Åbo), University of, 504, 583*
Turner, Joseph M. W. (1775–1851), 433
Tuscany, grand duchy of, 225, 226–27, 274
grand dukes of, see Medici
Twelfth Night (Shakespeare), 79, 92, 164
Two Gentlemen of Verona (Shakespeare), 85, 89, 91*, 96
Two Noble Kinsmen, The (Shakespeare and Fletcher), 143
Tyndale, William (1492?–1536), 152
tyrannicide, advocacy of, 20, 246–47, 359, 361, 364, 367, 373, 555, 627–29, 631; see also deposing of tyrants
Über die wahre und falsche Magie (Loos), 578
Uceda, Duke of (fl. 1618), 287
Udall, Nicholas (1503–56), 77
ulema, 519
Ulm, Treaty of (1620), 557
Ulster, Ireland, 29
revolt of, 210
ultramontanists, 246, 381, 386
Unfortunate Traveller, The, or The Life of Jack Wilton (Nash), 69
Uniat Church, 511
Union of Evangelical States, 555
Unitarians, 18, 140, 190, 509, 510, 519, 541, 551–52, 614
Unitas Fratrum, see Bohemian Brethren
United Provinces, see under Netherlands
unities, classic, 77–78, 147, 148, 420, 425, 481, 646
universal gravitation, see gravitation, universal
universities, 51, 52, 113, 245, 295–96, 501, 503–504, 509, 579, 583–84
medical schools, 167, 591, 593
Upper Hesse, 552
Upper Rhine administrative circle, 542*
Upper Saxony administrative circle, 542*
Uppsala: Synod of (1593), 498–99
University of, 501, 503
Urban VIII, Pope (1623–44), 187, 238, 271, 508, 577
and Campanella, 626
and Galileo, 608–11
and 30 Years’ War, 243, 558, 568
Urbino, Francesco Maria della Rovere, Duke of (1549–1631), 241
Urbino, Italy, 235, 238*, 243, 523
Urfé, Honoré d’ (1568–1625), 416–17
Urfi of Shiraz (16th cent.), 533
Ursulines, 376
Ussher, James, Archbishop of Armagh (1581–1656), 187
Usury Bill (England, 1571), 50
Utopia (More), 179, 250
Utraquists, 542
Utrecht, 436, 478, 483
Calvinist supremacy in, 437, 443, 453, 459, 460
in revolt, 446, 455, 457
Union of, 454
University of, 480, 583*, 644
Uylenborch, Saskia van (d. 1642), wife of Rembrandt, 488–90
Vaenius, Otho (fl. 1595), 466
Valencia, province, 236, 307
Morisco revolt, expulsion, 284, 286–87, 371
Valenciennes, in Netherlands revolt, 437, 443, 445, 448
Valladolid, Spain, 276, 278, 307
cathedral, 314
sculpture, 315
Valois, house of, 335, 357
Hapsburg rivalry, 333, 339
union with Bourbons, 346, 348
Valtelline passes, 289, 370, 386, 558, 559
Vandyck, Sir Anthony (1599–1641), 61, 316, 322, 330, 462, 471, 473–77, 493
English court portraits, 107, 200, 475–76
Genoese portraits, 474
religious paintings, 473, 474
and Rubens, 473–74
self-portraits, 473, 476
Vanini, Giulio Cesare Lucilio (1585–1619), 624
Varin, Jean (1604–72), 429
Varin, Quentin (1575–1627), 431
Vasa, house of, 497–500
Vasari, Giorgio (1511–74), 226, 268, 354, 484*
Vasili IV Shuiski, Czar (1606–10), 513, 515–16
Vassy, Massacre of (1562), 342
Vatican Palace: Belvedere Room, 260
Capella Paolino frescoes, 268
Library, 241, 579
Sala Regia, 268, 354
Scala Regia, 271
Sistine Chapel ceiling (Michelangelo), 234, 323
Stanze (Raphael), 234, 236, 265
Vaugelas, Claude Favre, Seigneur de (1585–1650), 397–98, 416, 417
Vaughan, Henry (1622–95), 200
Vauvenargues, Luc de Clapiers, Marquis of (1715–47), 414
Vega, Lope de (Lope Félix de Vega Carpio: 1562–1635), 159, 293, 304, 306, 307–10, 311, 314, 422
Velázquez, Diego Rodríguez de Silva y (1599–1660), 237, 267, 273, 279, 314, 315, 316, 319–21, 322–28, 330, 494
as court painter, 322–25
in Italy, 323, 325–26
portraits of Baltasar Carlos, 290, 323, 328
of Charles Stuart, 159
of Góngora, 322, 323, 328
of Innocent X, 272, 319, 325–26, 328
of Olivares, 288, 323, 324, 328
of Philip IV, royal family, 288, 322–23, 326, 471, 475
and Rubens, 323, 471
Surrender of Breda, 325, 328, 460
Vélez de Guevara, Luis (1579–1644), 310
Vendôme, César de Bourbon, Duke of (1594–1665), 372
Venice, Republic of, 225, 227–31, 252, 412, 592, 621–22
architecture, 62, 228, 230–31
commerce, 227, 228, 273, 477, 522, 524
glass industry, 61, 228, 463, 535
and Henry of Navarre, 228, 229, 362
in Holy League against Turks, 284, 522
and Lepanto, 227–228; 523–24
music, 254–56
Osuna plot, 306
painting, 230–32, 316, 323, 325, 431, 467, 474
papal interdiction, 229–30
and 30 Years’ War, 558, 559, 569
war, peace with Turks, 525, 526
Veniero, Sebastiano (fl. 1571), 524
Verdi, Giuseppe (1813–1901), 256, 470
Verhaecht, Tobias (fl. 1591), 466
Vermeer, Jan (1632–75), 483
Verona, Italy, 227, 228
Veronese (Caliari), Paolo (1528–88), 70, 279, 316, 428, 431, 474, 524
Versailles Palace, 62, 314, 591
Vesalius, Andreas (1514–64), 168, 281, 591
Vetter, Conrad (fl. 1594–99), 555
Viau, Théophile de (1590–1626), 418
Vicenza, Italy, 228
architecture, 62, 227
Vico, Giovanni Battista (1668–1744), 629
Victoria, Tomás Luis de (1540?–1611), 277
Vida es sueño, La (Calderón), 311–13
Vienna, 542
repulse of Turks from, 535
University of, 541
Viète, François (1540–1603), 586
View of the Present State of Ireland (Spenser), 76
Vignola, Giacomo da (1507–73), 266, 269–70
Villemain, Abel François (1790–1870), 108
Villon, François (1431–C.1480), 154, 418, 419
Vincent de Paul, Saint (1581?–1660), 244, 357, 375, 376–77
Vinci, Leonardo da (1452–1519), 168, 232, 428, 429, 473, 601, 604, 612
Vindiciae contra tyrannos, 359, 360, 626
Virgil (70–19 B.C.), 66, 68, 75, 259, 264, 265, 291, 292, 404, 548
Visitation of Our Lady, Congregation of the, 376
Visscher, Roemer (d. 1620), 481
Vita del pícaro Guzmán de Alfarache (Alemán), 298
Vitelleschi, Mutio (1563–1645), 246
Vitelli, Cardinal, 324
Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus (1st cent. B.C.), 61, 62
Vittoria, Alessandro (1525–1628), 231
Vives, Juan Luis (1492–1540), 297, 404
Viviani, Vincenzo (fl. 1654), 601, 612
Voetius, Gisbert (1588–1676), 644
Voiture, Vincent (1598–1648), 397–98, 418
Volpone, or The Fox (Jonson), 149
Volta, Alessandro, Count (1745–1827), 612
Voltaire (François Marie Arouet: 1694–1778), 108, 180, 250, 263, 310, 410, 636
on Christina’s conversion, 504
“écraser l’infâme,” 619
on education, 179, 245
and Montaigne, 409, 414, 415
and religion, 438*, 613, 615
Volterra, Daniele da (1509–56), 267
Vondel, Joost van den (1587–1679), 479, 481–82
Vos, Cornells de (1585–1651), 464
Vos, Paul de (c. 1600-c. 1654), 467
Vossius, Gerard (1577–1649), 480
Vossius, Isaac (1618–89), 503
Vouet, Simon (1590–1649), 431
Vriendt, Cornells de (1514–75), 463
“W. H., Mr.,” 90–91
wages, real: England, 47–48, 185, 204
France, 333
Germany, 544
Spain, 274
Walker, Robert (d. 1658?), 476
Wallenstein (Waldstein), Albrecht von (1583–1634), 501, 558–65, 566, 576, 600
Waller, Edmund (1606–87), 199, 422
Wallington, Nehemiah (fl. 1642), 213
Walloons, 452, 454
dialect of, 436
Walsingham, Frances, m. (1) Philip Sidney, (2) 2d Earl of Essex, 40, 72
Walsingham, Sir Francis (1530?–90), 7, 13, 24, 32, 38, 74, 81, 126, 127, 129
Walton, Izaak (1593–1683), 156
Walwyn, William (c. 1648), 216–17
Wandsworth, England, Puritan parish, 24
Wan Li, Emperor of China (1573–1620), 248
War of the Mantuan Succession, see under Mantua
Ward, John (fl. 1662–81), 107
Ward, Samuel (d. 1643)
, 208
Warner, William (1558?–1609), 104
Warsaw, Confederation of (1573), 510
Warwick, Ambrose Dudley, Earl of (1528?–90), 80
Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, see Rich, Robert
Webster, John (1580?–1625?), 67, 143, 145–46, 147, 252
Weekly Newes, The, 152*
Welser, house of, 543
Welser, Markus (1558–1614), 605
Wentworth, Peter (1530–96), 26
Wentworth, Sir Thomas, see Strafford
Wesley, John (1703–91), 553
West India Company, Dutch, 478
West Indies, 31, 37, 274, 461
West Pomerania, duchy of, 542*
West Prussia, conquest of (1626), 500
Westminster Abbey, 4, 76, 130, 146, 151, 152
Westminster Assembly, 194, 214
Westminster School, 51, 59, 146
Westmorland, Charles Neville, 6th Earl of (1543–1601), 6, 21, 125–26
Westphalia, 542*
Peace of (1648), 289, 333, 390, 461, 504, 567, 568–72
Whigs, 210, 359
White Devil, The (Webster), 145, 252
White Mountain, battle of the (1620), 557, 637
Whitgift, John, Archbishop (1530?–1604), 24–26, 44
Wier, Johann (1518–88), 163, 578
Wiesbaden, 542*
Wight, Isle of, 36, 218–19
Wilbye, John (1574?–1638), 60
Wildens, Jan, 467, 473
Wilhelm Meister (Goethe), 109
Wille, Ambrose (fl. 1566), 442
“Wilhelmus van Nassouwen” (Marnix), 447
William I the Conqueror, King of England (1066–87), 4
William I of Orange and Nassau (William the Silent: 1533–84), 280, 282, 347, 437–57, 480, 483, 539
vs. Alva, 445–48
assassination of, 128, 284, 456, 629
and Huguenots, 348, 354, 446, 448
marriages, 438, 456, 466
vs. Parma, 453–56
stadholder, 455–56
toleration policy, 440, 446
William IV, Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel (r. 1567–92), 596
Williams, Roger (1604–84), 188*
William Shakespeare (Chambers), 107*
Wilno, Poland, 511
University of, 509, 510, 583*
Winceby, battle of, 215
Windsor Castle, 61
Winter, Thomas (1572–1606), 141
Winter’s Tale, The (Shakespeare), 97, 106
witchcraft: belief in, 136, 162, 575–79, 599, 631
persecution, 54, 111, 132, 162–63, 195, 571, 576–79
Wittenberg, University of, 619
Wittenweier, battle of (1638), 567
Wolfgang, Count of Isenburg-Ronneburg (fl. 1585), 552
Wolfgang Ernest, Count of Isenburg-Ronneburg (fl. 1601), 552
Wolsey, Thomas, Cardinal (1475?–1530), 5, 61, 99, 388
Wood, Anthony à (1632–95), 16, 198
women, status of, 51–53, 276–77, 397–98, 479–480, 509, 520, 532, 583, 630
woodcarving, 315, 329, 534, 550