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American Eden

Page 51

by Victoria Johnson

  work as inspiration for Elgin, 132, 133, 143–44

  Custis, Eliza, 62

  Custis, Peter, 198–99

  Cutbush, Edward, 300

  Daphne odora (sweet-scented daphne), 179

  dark flowering catchfly (Silene ornata), 234

  Darlington, William, 210

  date palm (Phoenix dactylifera), 234

  Declaration of Independence, 28–29, 299

  Delacoste, Monsieur, 151–52, 159–60, 166, 168

  De Lancey, James, 121

  Delile, Alire Raffeneau, 184–87

  and Columbia herbarium, 334

  Hosack and, 186–87, 190–91

  Alexander Hosack (son), and, 329–30

  Alexander von Humboldt and, 225

  and Linnaean system, 330

  medical studies at Columbia, 190, 205–6

  medicinal plants collected by, 196

  and New-York Horticultural Society, 294

  on plants at Elgin, 194

  Democratic-Republicans, 64, 71–72, 115, 128, 228, 252

  Dennison, Michael, 246, 248–49, 253, 257–59, 271–73

  DeWitt Clinton (canal barge), 289

  Digitalis purpurea (foxglove), 190

  Dioscorides, 35

  Diospyros virginiana (persimmon tree), 307

  dogwood (Cornus sericea), 142

  Dorsey, John Syng, 380–81n197

  Douglas, David, 112n, 288–89, 330

  Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), 330

  doum palm (Hyphaene thebaica), 185

  Downing, Andrew Jackson, 12, 310, 312, 314, 331, 332

  Drosera rotundifolia (roundleaf sundew), 189

  Duane, James, 24, 121

  Duncanson, William Mayne, 62

  Durand, Asher Brown, 161, 226, 297, 316

  Dutchman’s pipe (Aristolochia macrophylla), 161

  Dyckman, Jacob, 279–80

  dyers’ chamomile (Anthemis tinctoria), 208

  Eacker, George I., 124

  eagle fern (Pteris aquilina), 142

  Earle, James, 55–56, 81

  Eaton, Amos, 195, 240, 280–82, 331

  Eddy, Caspar Wistar

  death of, 304–5

  and Elgin, 141–43, 161, 183, 334

  and Flora of North America project, 240

  medicinal plants collected by, 189, 196

  and War of 1812, 255

  Eddy, John

  and Elgin, 141–43, 161, 183, 334

  and Flora of North America project, 240

  herbarium work, 316

  and Literary and Philosophical Society of New-York, 261

  Mohawk River expedition, 241–43

  and New-York Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 301

  on steamboat travel, 225–26

  Eddy, Mary, See Hosack, Mary Eddy

  Edinburgh, Scotland, 32–39

  Edinburgh New Dispensatory, 35

  and Bartram’s pharmacopoeia, 97

  William Cullen’s classification structure for, 33

  William Curtis and, 45

  Jacob Dyckman and, 279–80

  Hosack and, 97, 188

  on Laurus cinnamomum, 182

  sudorifics compared in, 76–77

  elderberry (Sambucus canadensis), 189

  elecampane (Inula helenium), 281

  Elgin, Scotland, 38–39

  Elgin Botanic Garden, 5–10, 219, 231

  agricultural crops, 133

  catalogue of specimens (1806), 196–97

  DeWitt Clinton’s advocacy for New York City funding, 209

  DeWitt Clinton’s advocacy for state funding, 113–15, 228, 231–32

  and College of Physicians and Surgeons, 246–48

  and Columbia’s real estate interests, 286–87

  Michael Dennison and, 246, 248, 253, 257–59, 271–73

  David Douglas’s visit to, 288

  Caspar and John Eddy’s collecting of specimens for, 141–43, 161, 183, 334

  Embargo Act’s effect on, 208–9

  forest trees and shrubs, 133

  former site of, 326

  founding of, 5–12

  John Francis and, 183–84

  after funding by New York state legislature, 233–36

  Andrew Gentle and, 172, 272–73

  greenhouse, 144–46, 179

  Hosack’s Columbia lecture on vision for, 144

  Hosack’s early work on property of, 127–29, 132–35

  Hosack’s funding appeals to New York state legislature, 171–72, 227–32

  Hosack’s gathering of pledges of support for, 217–18

  Hosack’s initial land purchases for, 120–23

  Hosack’s initial proposal to Columbia College, 2–3, 108, 113

  Hosack’s later negotiations with Columbia, 304, 305

  Hosack’s letter to John Warren about, 209–10

  Hosack’s plan to grow produce, 175–78

  hothouse, 179–81, 233, 234, 258

  letters in Albany newspaper opposing, 229–31, 244

  Morgan Lewis and, 172–75

  lobbying of state legislature by supporters, 221–22

  medicinal plants, 182–83, 187–90, 193–94, 235, 256

  Samuel Latham Mitchill and, 219, 221, 256–57

  naming of, 5–6, 146

  New-York Horticultural Society and, 292–93

  orchard, 178

  Frederick Pursh and, 219, 220, 245–46

  sale to developers, 323–27

  as scientific institution, 195–96

  second catalogue of specimens (1811), 239

  state’s appraisal process, 233–34, 244–46

  state’s payment to Hosack for, 282

  surveying of, 253–54

  transfer of ownership from College of Physicians and Surgeons to Columbia, 271–72

  War of 1812 and, 255–56

  Elizabeth (princess of Great Britain), 57

  Embargo Act (1807), 208, 218

  Embuscade, L’ (ship), 72–73

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 9–10

  Endeavour (ship), 57

  English Botany (Smith), 123

  English yew, 324, 325

  Enlightenment, the, 7–8, 21, 32

  Erica arborea (tree heath), 179

  Erie Canal, 278, 289, 298–99

  Eryngium aquaticum (water eryngo), 235

  Erythrina herbacea (coral bean), 139–40

  estragon (Artemisia dracunculus), 239

  Eupatorium perfoliatum (boneset), 111, 132, 141, 190, 243, 256, 263

  Eustis, William, 214, 216

  Expulsion from the Garden of Eden, The (Cole), 306–7

  Eyre, Sally, 84

  Federalist Papers, 23


  and election of 1800, 115

  and election of 1812, 252

  and Great Britain, 26

  Alexander Hamilton and, 26–27, 104, 115

  and political polarization in 1790s NYC, 72

  and ratification of the Constitution, 23

  support for Elgin, 228

  Fellow of the Royal Society

  Benjamin Franklin as, 71

  Hosack as, 12, 269, 279, 303

  proposal to elect DeWitt Clinton as, 279

  James Edward Smith as, 57

  femoral artery ligation, 195

  Festuca fasciculata, 196, 197

  flame lily (Gloriosa superba), 181

  flax (Linum usitatissimum), 201, 208

  floating foxtail grass (Alopecurus geniculatus), 46

  Flora Americae Septentrionalis (Pursh), 259–60

  Flora Boreali-Americana (Michaux), 131, 259

  Flora Londinensis (Curtis), 43, 47, 50, 188, 331

  Flora of North America (Hosack), 222, 240, 246, 260, 271, 281–82

  Flora of North America (Torrey and Gray), 332

  Floy, Michael, 288

  Floy, Michael, Jr., 321

  fool’s parsley (Aethusa cynapium), 47

  foxglove (Digitalis purpurea), 190

  Francis, John Wakefield, 183
–84, 184

  DeWitt Clinton and, 302

  and Dennison’s note on Camellia japonica, 258–59

  Jacob Dyckman and, 280

  and Flora of North America project, 240

  Hosack and, 186, 225, 227, 296, 300

  and Hosack entry in encyclopedia of notable Americans, 317

  on Hosack’s funeral, 321

  and Hosack’s stroke and death, 320–21

  on Hosack’s tirelessness, 262

  and Literary and Philosophical Society of New-York, 260, 261

  in London, 267–69

  and New-York Horticultural Society, 290, 294

  and relocation of New-York Historical Society, 265

  and strawberry festival, 196

  on Thouin’s shipment of seeds for Elgin, 239

  and War of 1812, 255–56

  Franklin, Benjamin

  as Fellow of the Royal Society, 71

  and ginseng, 188

  Mary Eddy Hosack and, 108

  Medicina Britannica update, 98

  and medicinal plants, 95

  and Peale’s Museum, 74

  Benjamin Rush and, 29

  Freeman, Thomas, 198–99

  Freeman–Custis Expedition, 198–99

  French Revolution, 63–64, 71–73, 115, 131

  fringed gentian (Gentiana crinita), 190

  Fuchsia coccinea (scarlet fuchsia), 49

  Fulton, Robert, 225, 261

  Galen, 18, 35

  Gallatin, Albert, 157

  Garden, Alexander, 95

  Garden of Eden, The (Cole), 305–6

  General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, 71

  Genêt, Edmond-Charles, 147, 198

  Gentiana crinita (fringed gentian), 190

  Gentle, Andrew

  assumption of Elgin lease from Dennison, 272–73

  and Elgin advertisement, 206

  as Elgin head gardener, 172, 175–77, 180

  and medicinals, 187

  removal as Elgin leaseholder, 282

  replacement by Frederick Pursh as head gardener, 219

  Gentleman Farmer, The (Kames), 48

  George III (king of England), 57, 101, 104

  Gilmor, Robert, 306

  Gleditsia sinensis (honey locust tree), 234

  Gloriosa superba (flame lily), 181

  Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice root), 235

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 224

  Gordonia lasianthus (loblolly bay), 134, 134

  Gossypium herbaceum (cotton), 133, 208

  Government House (New York City), 265

  Governors Island, New York, 66–67

  Grace Church, New York City, 321

  Gracie’s mansion (New York City), 204

  Grange, the (Hamilton’s country home), 138–40, 140, 154–55, 158

  Gray, Asa, 332–33

  great blue lobelia (Lobelia siphilitica), 46, 59, 188

  Great Britain

  Embargo Act, 208

  Hosack’s fame in, 330

  Hosack’s medical studies at University of Edinburgh, 32–39

  influence on NYC, 25–26

  Leander incident, 207

  Linnean botany in, 42–43

  Great Depression, 325

  greenhouse, at Elgin, 144–46, 179

  Greenleaf, Thomas, 110

  Greenleaf’s New York Journal, 110

  Greville, Charles Francis, 50

  gum arabic tree (Acacia nilotica), 235

  Hamilton, Alexander

  assault by Jay Treaty opponents, 83

  birth of daughter Eliza, 112

  blocking of Rush’s Columbia appointment, 107

  botanical/horticultural interests, 12–13, 139–40

  Aaron Burr and, See Hamilton-Burr duel

  and Cabinet of Natural History, 159

  death of, 164–68

  election of 1800, 115–16

  estate’s payment for Hosack’s medical services, 174

  and Federalist Papers, 23

  and Federalists, 26–28

  funeral procession, 166

  at Grange, 138–40, 154–55

  Hosack and, 103–9, 139

  monument at duel site, 236–37

  and Peale’s Museum, 75

  and political polarization in 1790s NYC, 71

  and Robert Randall’s will, 136

  Maria Reynolds affair, 105–6

  Benjamin Rush and, 107

  as secretary of the treasury, 30

  and son Philip’s death, 124–26, 138

  and son Philip’s illness, 1–2, 104–6

  statue at Merchant’s Exchange building, 312, 319

  tomb of, 210–11

  and Washington’s Farewell Address, 103–4, 363n103

  and Whiskey Rebellion, 66

  and yellow fever, 85

  Hamilton, Alexander (professor of midwifery), 34

  Hamilton, Alexander, Jr., 103

  Hamilton, Angelica, 103, 155

  Hamilton, Eliza (daughter), 112

  Hamilton, Elizabeth Schuyler “Eliza” (wife), 27

  and birth of daughter Eliza, 112

  family life in 1790s, 103

  and Grange, 139, 154–55

  and Hamilton-Burr duel, 160

  and Alexander Hamilton’s death, 163, 167–68

  and Maria Reynolds scandal, 106

  and orphanage, 203

  and son Philip’s illness, 105

  and son Philip’s death, 124–26

  and son Philip 2nd’s birth, 138

  and yellow fever, 85

  Hamilton, James, 103, 155

  Hamilton, John Church, 103, 167–68

  Hamilton, Philip (1782–1801), 103, 125

  death of, 125

  duel with George Eacker, 123–26

  fever treated by Hosack, 1–2, 104–6, 364n104

  Hamilton, Philip (1802–1884), 138, 167

  Hamilton, William (botanist), 145, 180, 192, 200–201, 269

  Hamilton, William Stephen (son of Alexander Hamilton), 167

  Hamilton-Burr duel, 160–63

  aftermath of, 163–66, 168, 169, 212

  Burr’s issuing of challenge, 155, 158

  disagreements leading to, 155–56, 374n156

  Hamilton’s preparations for, 158

  Hosack as attending physician, 3, 160–64

  Hosack’s relationship with Burr after duel, 4, 13, 212

  Harvard College, 197, 332–33

  Harvey, Jacob, 308

  Hawkins, Matthew, 272, 273

  hemlock, 102

  Hippocrates, 18, 92

  History of Funguses Growing about Halifax (Bolton), 48

  History of the American Oaks (Michaux), 131, 193

  hollow-leaved violets (Viola cucullata), 122

  holly tree (Ilex cassine), 97

  Home, Henry, Lord Kames, 48

  Hone, Philip, 310–11, 318–21

  honey locust tree (Gleditsia sinensis), 234

  horehound (Marrubium vulgare), 190

  horse weed (Collinsonia canadensis), 95

  Horticultural Society of London, 285–86, 288

  Horticulturist, The, 331

  Hortus Elginensis (Elgin Garden catalogue), 239–40

  hortus siccus, 80, 99

  Hosack, Alexander (brother), 206

  Hosack, Alexander (father), 15

  Hosack, Alexander (son, b. 1792), 32, 37, 69, 89

  Hosack, Alexander Eddy (son, b. 1805), 174, 210, 295, 318, 320, 329–30

  Hosack, Catherine Warner “Kitty,” 31–32, 69, 76, 89

  Hosack, David, 6

  birth of, 3, 15

  botanical garden plans, 120–23

  childhood, 15–16

  death of, 321–22

  and death of Kitty Hosack, 89

  and death of Mary Eddy Hosack, 290–91

  establishment of medical practice in NYC, 76–77, 80–81

  first encounter with botanical gardens, 36–37

  legacy of, 330–35

e to Magdalena Coster, 295–98

  marriage to Mary Eddy, 108–9

  marriage to Catherine Warner, 31–32

  medical studies at University of Edinburgh, 32–39

  medical studies in London, 39–56

  medical studies in NYC, 16–25

  medical studies in Philadelphia, 28–29, 31

  Hosack, David, Jr., 262–63, 290, 321n

  Hosack, Eliza Bard, 210, 321n

  Hosack, Emily, 225, 321n

  Hosack, James Edward Smith

  birth of, 143

  death of, 305

  and New-York Horticultural Society, 290, 294

  James Edward Smith and, 268

  and yellow fever, 169

  Hosack, Magdalena Coster, 295–98

  and Hyde Park estate, 307, 308, 310

  inherited wealth, 320

  and Kip’s Bay estate, 297–98

  marriage of youngest daughter, 318–19

  marriage to Hosack, 295

  sale of Hyde Park, 322

  in Washington, D.C., 300

  Hosack, Mary (daughter), 117, 290, 321n

  Hosack, Mary Eddy (wife)

  birth of Emily Hosack, 225

  birth of Alexander Eddy Hosack, 174

  birth of David Hosack, Jr., 262–63

  birth of Eliza Bard Hosack, 210

  birth of James Edward Smith Hosack, 143

  birth of Samuel Bard Hosack, 112

  burial place of, 321n

  civic engagement in New York, 203

  death of, 290

  and Thomas Eddy Hosack, 263, 264

  marriage to David Hosack, 108–9

  and yellow fever, 109–10, 169

  Hosack, Nathaniel Pendleton, 210, 321n

  Hosack, Samuel Bard, 112, 117

  Hosack, Thomas Eddy, 263–64

  Hosack, William, 4, 155–56, 213–14, 223, 224, 237n

  Hosackia, 330

  Hosackia Louisiana, 269

  hothouse, at Elgin, 179–81

  Hudson River School, 12

  Humboldt, Alexander von, 158, 172

  Ansichten der Natur, 224

  Aaron Burr and, 225

  and Hosack, 3, 157, 234

  Jefferson’s correspondence with, 259

  and New-York Historical Society, 284, 285

  Charles Willson Peale and, 152–54, 156–58

  Humboldt, Wilhelm von, 224–25

  humoral framework, 18–19, 31, 45, 92

  Hunt, Freeman, 322

  Hunter, John, 52, 53, 305

  Hunter, William, 52, 53

  Hyde Park estate, 11–12, 226, 307–17, 309, 311, 322

  hydrocele, 55–56, 81, 194–95, 275

  Hymenaea courbaril (locust tree or stinking toe), 182

  Hypericum pentagyna (St. John’s wort), 242–43

  Hyphaene thebaica (doum palm), 185

  Ilex cassine (holly tree), 97

  Illicium parviflorum (yellow-flowered anise), 234

  Inderwick, James, 240, 255, 266, 267

  Indian arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea), 182

  Industry (ship), 63

  Inga microphylla, 234


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