In a Stranger's Eyes

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In a Stranger's Eyes Page 3

by Evans, Gabrielle

  His heart pounded, his cock ached, and every fiber of his being burned for the gorgeous man atop him. In all of his many, many long years, October couldn’t remember a single time he’d ever wanted someone like he wanted Raith—with one exception. He wouldn’t think about that, though. It wasn’t fair to either of them for him to wallow in the past when the present afforded so much pleasure.

  He’d never hoped to find another mate. Not many were given a second chance, and he was determined to do everything in his power to make it work this time. He couldn’t force Raith to accept their bond, but with time, hopefully the man would come around on his own.

  The sound of bottle cap opening vaguely registered, but he was too busy attacking his lover’s mouth to investigate. It wasn’t his first rodeo, and he knew what to expect. Sure enough, only a second later, a thick, lubed finger eased into his entrance with firm, steady pressure.

  The guarding ring of muscles protested momentarily, but October sucked in a deep breath and willed his body to relax. The burn was minimal, the pressure not uncomfortable, and once he stopped fighting it, his opening yielded readily to Raith’s probing digit.

  “That’s not necessary.” He wouldn’t admit it to anyone except his mate, but he craved a bit of rough handling every now and then.

  “Hush,” Raith whispered against the side of his neck as he nipped at thedamp skin. “I’m guessing it’s been awhile, and I’m not going to hurt you.”

  It was sweet, but completely unnecessary. “I like the burn,” he admitted. He didn’t consider himself masochistic, and it wasn’t as though he had asked Raith to tie him up and whip him raw. A bite of pain with his pleasure was more than enough for him.

  Raith’s lips paused at his shoulder, but his finger continued to saw lazily in and out of October’s channel. There was clearly an internal debate going on inside the man’s head, and October regretted that he’d unsettled the guy once again. Just when he was about to tell Raith to forget it, however, the witch extracted his finger, replacing it with the slick head of his cock.

  “You’ll tell me if I hurt you.” It wasn’t a request, nor was it a question, and October shivered at the command as he nodded.

  Raith’s long, thick length surged into his depths and stretched his inner walls. The burn radiated outward, zinging straight to his dick so that it throbbed madly between their sweat-dampened bodies. A lustful cry spilled from his mouth, unchained and uninhibited, as each fractional movement of his lover’s rigid cock spiked the clawing need inside him.

  With his face pressed against the side of October’s neck to muffle his own groan of pleasure, Raith braced his hands on the mattress and began a slow, sensual tempo. He didn’t thrust but rolled his hips, flexing every firm muscle in his powerful body, while his cobblestone abs rippled in waves, creating an enticing friction over the flared helmetof October’s cock.

  Heat like he’d never felt enveloped his body, scorched his skin, and sizzled his nerve endings until he felt he would go up in flames at any moment. Ruthless and unrepentant, his instincts betrayed him. His gums ached as his fangs elongated, and his mouth watered with the desire to embed his canines into the succulent, fragrant vein that pulsed along the side of Raith’s neck.

  Battling back his natural urges, he held tight to his mate’s shoulders, rocking his hips upward in rhythm to Raith’s increasing pace. There was something very intimate about the way they held one another, something that had been missing from his love life for far too long—something he hadn’t even realized he wanted.

  No words were spoken, because no words were required. Heavy breathing, groans, and grunts were the only communication they needed as the tempo grew more demanding. Their hands didn’t roam or grope. There were no kisses, licks, nips, or nibbles. They simply held on in a tight embrace as though neither could get close enough to the other.

  Being inRaith’s arms didn’t just feel right, it felt familiar— familiar as in the way of longtime lovers. October anticipated his mate’s moves and inexplicably connected Raith’s thoughts or emotions to those actions. As the pressure built in his sac and his balls drew close to his body, he slid one handinto Raith’s short hair, knowing if he tugged just slightly it would drive his man wild.

  Lightning zipped up his spine, his head began to spin, and his heart thundered, kicking hard against his sternum. Pre-cum leaked more generously from his slit, and each plunge into his eager hole pushed him closer to the brink of orgasm. Refusing to tumble over the edge alone, October fisted his fingers tightly in Raith’s ebony locks and jerked his head back on his shoulders.

  As predicted, the man growled, his hips jerked erratically, and a violent shudder rolled through him as he unloaded a volley of semen into October’s channel. The fiery wetness splashed against his inner walls, causing a strangled groan to erupt from his lips at the sensation.

  It was the beautiful mixture of pleasure and pain on Raith’s handsome face that finally pushed him headlong into orgasmic bliss. His body went rigid, his muscles tightened, and his mouth fell open in a silent cry as endless ropes of sticky cream jetted from his cock to paint his clenching stomach.

  Raith grunted once more and collapsed on top of him so that they sprawled together in a gasping, sweaty heap. Though bigger than him, Raith’s weight was comforting rather than crushing, and October smiled at nothing in particular as he drew lazy circles on his lover’s back with his fingertips.

  The feelings of familiarity didn’t dissipate with his orgasm, either. If anything, he felt more connected to Raith in a way that had nothing to do with spectacular sex. Of course, he would feel drawn to his mate, but it was beyond that. He didn’t believe in love at first sight, and that didn’t accurately explain his feelings anyway. No, it was so much deeper, but he just didn’t understand why or how.

  The great thing about being immortal, however, was that he had ample time to dwell on it later. “Feel better?”

  “Gods, yes,” Raith answered with a groan as he rolled off of October and on to his side. Unfortunately, he had his “serious” face on, which couldn’t mean anything good. “I’m willing to resign myself to the fact that you’re a grown man and know what you’re getting yourself into. As your mate, however, it’s my instinct to want to protect you. Right now, the only thing you need protecting from is me.”

  “Raith.” He reached out to touch the witch’s face, but Raith stopped him, holding his wrist in a firm grip.

  “Listen to me. I don’t want to fight with you, because frankly, it’s exhausting.” A sexy smirk tilted one corner of his lips. “I’m willing to give it a shot, to see if we can make this work, but I have one rule.”

  “Only one?”

  “For now.”

  “Okay, what’s your rule?” He’d play along until he could figure out a way to knock some sense into his young mate.

  “No claiming, not by vampire or witch laws.” Raith brought October’s hand up and brushed his lips over the knuckles. “I’ll try, okay? That’s the best I can promise. I don’t know what effects this dark magic will have, and I won’t drag you down with me. Please don’t ask me to do that.”

  October saw all kinds of loopholes in that rule, but it wouldn’t be fair for him to extort them. So, he simply smiled and rolled forward to place a chaste kiss on Raith’s cheek. His paranoid lover would come around soon enough, and the best he could do was be patient until that day came.

  “You’re obviously a good man, Raith. People wouldn’t respect you as much as they do if you weren’t. I think you’re stronger than whatever supposed evil lurks inside you, but I’m willing to play it your way.” He didn’t like it, but at least the man wasn’t running anymore. “No claiming until you’re ready.”

  Raith responded to his phrasing with a stern glare, but he didn’t comment. “Okay, then. The next thing you need to know is that I’m a possessive and territorialbastard. Starting now, you won’t feed from anyone but me.”

  He had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop fr
om smiling, but he managed to keep his expression impassive. There was a bit of give and take in any relationship, but October had been making his own decisions for too damn long to let some pup waltz into his life with the idea that he ran the show. However, if Raith needed the control, October could bend for now.

  Besides, it wasn’t as though it was an unreasonable demand. He hadn’t taken blood from any of the donors since he’d discovered Raith’s existence, and barring unfortunate circumstances, he didn’t see that changing.

  “I think it’s best if I stay here for a while,” Raith continued. “You need to be in Snake River with your coven, and I have obligations here.”

  “No.” He could be persuaded into a lot of things that Raith needed to feel comfortable, but he would not be separated from his mate. Not only would it cause him sleepless days while he wondered if Raith was safe and happy, but it just wasn’t practical.

  “No?” Judging by the look on Raith’s face, he should probably do some explaining before the man unleashed his infamous temper.

  “If I’m injured, I’d need blood right away. That doesn’t really fit with your rule that I can’t feed from anyone but you. I also have an entire coven, not to mention a business, to run. Being separated would not only create a dramatic downshift in mood, but it would also be distracting. How would I ever get any work done if I’m constantly worrying about you?”

  To his surprise, Raith didn’t argue. “You’re right. I’ve been completely useless all week. Even when I didn’t want you here, I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”

  More pleased by the comment than he was willing to let on, October nodded once and rolled away to slide off the mattress. “Shower?”


  He chuckled quietly. “I wasn’t asking if you had one. I was asking where it was.”

  Raith rose from the bed as well, raw masculinity rolling off him like a tangible force as he stalked forward. “I think the question you meant to ask was if I could show you the way. That’s the question I answered.”

  Good gods above, he’d created an incorrigible monster. Or maybe he’d simply unleashed the hidden beast within. Either way, he was just selfish enough to reap the rewards. “Then lead the way, Mr. Braddock.”

  * * * *

  “No, no, Uncle Raith, don’t go!” Wren wrapped himself around Raith’s leg as tears streamed down his little face. “You can’t go!” He’d been dreading this all week. He’d dealt easily enough with his brothers’ overprotectiveness, but from the moment he’d made the decision to move to Snake River with his mate, he’d known it would be the little pixie’s reaction that would matter most.

  Lifting the child into his arms, he wiped away the tears with the pad of his thumb and tried to look happy. Some days when he didn’t even want to get out of bed, only Wren could put a smile on his face. How could he repay such unconditional love by walking out on the kid?

  “We talked about this, right? I’m not going far away, and I’m going to comevisit you all the time.”

  “It’s not the same,” Wren mumbled with a sniffle as he looped his arms around Raith’s neck and clung tight. “I’m gonna miss you all the time, too.”

  Gods, the kid was breaking his heart. “Do you know why I’m moving away?”

  Wren bobbed his head. “’Cause that man with the funny name said so.”

  “Not exactly,” Raith answered through his chuckles. October did have a very unusual name. He’d have to ask about it sometime so he could tell Wren. “You know how your daddies love each other?”

  Wren bobbed his head again. “Do you love that vampire man?”

  “He’s very important to me,” Raith hedged. Where the hell was Aslan? He was so much better at explaining things like this. “We’re still going to be best buds, though, right? How about this? I’ll call you every day. If you’re feeling really, really sad, I’ll come see you whenever you want.”

  The pixie considered him for a long time with his lower lip puckered in a pout before he finally answered. “Promise?”

  “Cross my heart.”

  “Every day?”

  “Yes, Wren, I’ll call you every day.”

  “And you still love me?”

  “Of course, I love you. You’re my favorite little monster, remember?”

  Wren squealed and giggled when Raith poked at his ribs. “Okay, okay!” he relented. “Put me down!”

  Doing as requested, Raith placed the boy on his feet and ruffled his hair. Wren, however, brushed his hand away and took off toward the kitchen. “Where are you going?”

  “I gotta tell Daddy that I need atelephone in my bedroom.”

  Raith snorted in amusement as he watched Wren bounce out of the room. Yeah, he saw that conversation going over well. Then again, Torren was a total sucker when it came to his son.

  “He’s a cute one,” October said as he entered the living room from where he’d been hiding in the foyer to give Raith some privacy with his nephew. “I do not have a funny name, though.”

  “Yes, you do, but it fits.” Bending his neck just slightly, he welcomed his mate with a soft kiss.

  They’d been together every night during the week while Raith was busy settling things in Casper so that he could relocate. During the days when he was forced to be alone, he really began to understand what October meant about it being distracting. There’d been plenty to do to keep him busy, but his thoughts continuously strayed to the coven leader without him even realizing it.

  “Are you ready? Or do you want to bribe the child with ice cream before we go?”

  Raith chewed on his tongue because if the phone call promise hadn’t worked, ice cream would have been his next offer. No one needed to know what a shmuck he was for those big crocodile tears, though. “I’m good. Let’s get out of here before someone else tries to lay a guilt trip on me.”

  “They care about you, draga. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  “I’m joking, Tober. Lighten up, old man.”

  “I apologize,” October responded with an air of haughtiness. “I was under the assumption that you didn’t possess a sense of humor.”

  Oh, the guy was a laugh a minute. “You’re hilarious. Now, move your tight ass and stop yankin’ my chain.”

  “Yes, I’m sure we can come up with other more pleasurable things to yank.”

  Raith doubted many people had been introduced to this playful side of October. Adorable wasn’t the word he’d use to openly describe someone as powerful as Leader October Tuesday, but there was no rule against thinking it. Though ancient and worldly, there was something in his smile and in the way his eyes lit up that had Raith wanting to lasso the stars and present them in a shiny silver box.

  Dipping his hand between his lover’s thighs, he massaged October’s growing erection and pressed their lips together for a sinful kiss. “You’re burnin’ moonlight,and it’s a long drive to Snake River. I might get bored on the way there.”

  “I think I can keep you occupied.”

  Raith grinned wickedly against the vampire’s lips. “I was hoping you’d say that.” And he had just the thing in mind to keep them distracted until the sun came up.

  He was realistic enough to know that things wouldn’t always be so intense between them. Their relationship was new and exciting, but after a while, they’d lose the overwhelming need to paw and grope every time they were within close proximity of each other.

  The wildfire that blazed between them would eventually diminish to a manageable smolder, but until that happened, Raith planned to enjoy every second of the burn.

  Chapter Four

  Within three days of relocating, Raith realized that being the consort of Snake River’s illustrious ruler wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Guards followed him twenty-four-seven, never giving him a moment of privacy. Hell, he couldn’t even take a piss without someone standing outside the door.

  Though not as large as Haven’s main house, October’s home was still vast, cold, and utterly u
nwelcoming. The staff was pleasant enough, but the actual building just gave him the creeps. Tapestries hung in almost every corridor. Strange and unusual contraptions decorated the shelves in the lavishly decorated rooms. Raith didn’t even know what half the rooms were for since they seemed to be no more than overlarge display cases for October’s treasures.

  The library, however, was utterly fascinating. It was one of the largest rooms in the house with books upon books stacked in neat rows along shelves that reached all the way to the ceiling. Hardbacks, paperbacks, leather bound books, reference books, books that looked so old and fragile Raith was afraid to touch them, and to his intense amusement, a whole collection of romance books covered every inch of the high-reaching walls.

  While Enforcers still stood sentry outside the library doors, they never entered to bother him. It was for that reason Raith had taken to spending most of his free time on the squashy sofa, flipping through grimoires and other spelltype books. He’d even found a book on the history and application of magic. The majority of it was dead wrong, of course, but it was still interesting.

  Mostly, he just felt useless. No job existed within Snake River for him other than being October’s consort. He missed his brothers, his nephew, and his friends, but it was more than feeling homesick. Headaches were a frequent part of his daily routine now. The muscles in his shoulders andupper back ached with tension. Things he’d once cared about no longer seemed important, and he’d be happy if everyone just left him alone.

  The library door opened, and October entered the room in short, measured strides. Whatever he’d come to say, it didn’t appear as though he was looking forward to the conversation.

  “I’ve been looking for you.” “Congratulations,” Raith answered without looking up from the page hewas reading. “You’ve found me.”

  “No need for the attitude, Raith.” Settling onto the sofa beside him, October rested a hand on Raith’s knee.“We have a problem.”


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