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After the Fall: The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica)

Page 12

by Anya Merchant

  She was only wearing her bra and panties, and it made Jack feel a little dirty to look at her. Her hair hung freely behind her, slightly tousled from sleep. Her arms were folded across her chest, which hid her big breasts from view.

  “You’ve checked on him,” said Rebecca. “He’s fine. Now come on, we all need to get some sleep.”

  Molly nodded. She reached her hand down and gave Jack’s cock one more defiant squeeze before crouch walking over to the capsule’s hatch and climbing out of it. He could sense that his mother was frowning at the young, pretty astronaut, without even needing to see it.

  I hope this doesn’t end up getting out of hand. We all need to live together.

  His cock was still out, throbbing uncomfortably from the teasing it had been given. He reached down, grabbed his boxers, and pulled them up.

  Jack still couldn’t sleep. Minutes went by, tens of them, maybe even an hour. Finally, he sighed and sat up in the capsule, feeling his body ache as it shifted out of the tightly adjusted position he had been forced to lie in.

  He moved over to the capsule’s hatch and slid his legs down to the ground, sitting on the edge of the floor and staring up at the night sky. The moon had a strangely alien orange hue to it, and he found himself wondering about what the spaceship that had taken the Apollo astronauts up to it had been like.

  I’m betting that at the very least, they had more room than this.

  Jack smiled. Most likely, the tiny little capsule, its side crushed in from the heavy impact with the ground on the way down, was the only thing even somewhat resembling a spacecraft left on Earth. Everything else would have been burned up by the atmospheric fires after the ejection debris fell back to the planet and superheated the air.

  How long is it going to be before we go back to the moon?

  His thoughts began to meander along that line for a minute. The only reason that the three of them were there, that Molly was there, instead of just him and his mom, was because of the space station. Jack wondered how many people could have been saved if they’d invested in a colony on the moon, or even Mars.

  Hell, even a proper orbital station would have been better than this.

  He sighed and climbed back into the craft, into his bed for the night. It was impossible for him to forget the truth of the situation, the dire, grave facts on the ground.

  The only people left were Molly, his mother, and him. If they had any hope of there being future generations to carry humanity’s torch forward, they would all have to start thinking about what needed to be done.

  I’ll have to have sex with both of them. With Molly and with my mom.

  Jack’s cock was still rock hard, possibly even more so than before. He tried his best to ignore it as he turned over in bed and closed his eyes.


  The sun woke Jack up the next morning. It streamed in through the capsule’s hatch and made the morning feel soft and familiar. As he yawned and slowly pulled himself up, he realized that there was something off about it.

  There are no birds chirping. It’s just silent.

  He pulled his clothes on, fumbling a bit in the tight space, and then crouched low on his way out through the door. His mom and Molly were already awake, and surprisingly, they were both huddled around a pot over the fire, talking to each other in whispered voices.

  “Good morning,” said Jack. “What’s going on?”

  Rebecca and Molly both looked over at him as though he’d caught them in the middle of gossiping.

  “Hey, honey,” said his mom. “I’m making some oatmeal for breakfast. Are you feeling hungry?”

  “Uh, sure.” Jack scratched his head the best he could with his bandaged fingers and took a seat on the other side of the fire. “What were the two of you talking about?”

  “Oh, nothing.” Molly smiled at him as though she had a secret that she delighted in keeping to herself. Jack glanced from her to his mother, who looked a little less able to toe the line.

  “I was just telling Molly a bit about our lives back before all of this.” She stirred a large, metal spoon through the pot and then shrugged. “A couple of things about when you were a kid, and what high school was like for you.”

  Jack nodded and tried his best to act as though he didn’t care. His face felt hot at the idea of some of his more embarrassing memories being aired out, but he swallowed his annoyance and tried to focus on the smell of breakfast.

  We don’t get to have secrets or privacy anymore. Everything will end up coming into the open eventually.

  “It’s almost done,” said Rebecca. “Here, sweetie, let me get you a bowl.”

  She took one of the two mugs they’d brought with them, the closest thing they had to an actual bowl, and filled it with the hot porridge. Jack reached his hands out to take it from her and winced as the action caused one of his blisters to pop under his bandages.

  “Oh, sorry!” His mom moved around the fire and crouched down next to him. “I forgot about your hands. I’ll need to rebandage those after, too. Here, I can help you with this.”

  Jack started to object, but before he could, his mom hovered a spoonful of oatmeal in front of his face. As he started to tell her that he could manage on his own, she pushed it into his open mouth, effectively silencing him. Molly tried to stifle a laugh from across the fire, and Jack felt his cheeks finally reach the threshold of blushing.

  This is ridiculous.

  “I remember feeding you back when you were just a baby,” said his mom. “You used to get more of the food on your face than into your stomach.”

  “This is stupid! Just give me the mug!” Jack reached to take it out of her hand, not realizing how hot it was. The second his fingers made contact, the sensitive, unhealed flesh exposed by his burns caused him to flinch back reflexively.

  “You two look so cute together,” laughed Molly. “I wish I still had a phone, and a reason to take pictures.”

  Jack gritted his teeth. His mom looked as though she was enjoying the act far more than she had any right to, but he resigned himself to it as she brought another spoonful to his mouth.

  This is my life now. Absolute humiliation and embarrassment on a daily basis.

  “Anyway, we should start talking about what we’re going to next.” Molly was scraping the last of the porridge out of her mug, an action that made Jack feel like a cripple just to watch.

  “It’s a two day hike back to the shelter,” said Rebecca. “There are a couple of tricky parts that we’ll have to slow down for, but even with the three of us, we should have enough left in supplies.”

  “What about the place that Molly saw yesterday?” asked Jack. Molly smiled at him, and then looked at his mom warily.

  “I think that… it’s worth checking out. You should have seen it from up in the atmosphere.” Her words were cautious, as though she was testing the waters of opinion. “It’s definitely something we need to decide together though, as a group.”

  “I vote no.” Rebecca’s words were sharp and piercing, a drastic contrast to the gentle way she was continuing to help Jack with his food. “It’s far too much of a risk for us to take on a whim.”

  “Mom…” Jack replied with as much dignity as he could muster, given the situation. “We should at least consider it. Molly, how far away did it look on the way down?”

  Molly had changed back into her tight, blue, astronaut jumpsuit. She shrugged her shoulders, her breasts heaving up and down as she did, free of restraint.

  “I don’t know, exactly. It’s hard to judge distance from that high up. Somewhere in between thirty and fifty miles to the northeast.”

  Jack took the last bite of his breakfast. His mom set the mug aside and began changing his bandages, as if purposely avoiding joining in on the discussion.

  “Would we be able to spot it from a distance?” he asked. “I mean, if we started hiking northeast, is there any chance that we’d miss it?”

  Molly shook her head.

  “I doubt it,�
�� she said. “It looked like a giant green crescent, at least a couple of miles wide and maybe a half dozen long. It was due northeast of here. We could just start heading straight and eventually-”

  “We’d be gambling our lives on a possibility.” Rebecca cut in, speaking with sharp words. Her hands pulled a little harder on Jack’s bandages than need be, and he winced.

  “Sorry, sweetie,” she said. “It’s just not an option. We need to head back to the emergency shelter and settle in around there.”

  “Mom, we should at least consider it,” said Jack. “Look, there isn’t anything at the shelter that can sustain us long term. All of the dried and canned food will run out eventually, and then what? We don’t even have any seeds that we could plant. All the animals are dead and there isn’t even anything that we could hunt.”

  The group was silent for a couple of long, tension filled seconds. Finally, Molly spoke up.

  “This would be the place for us to live long term,” she said. “We could grow food, set up a shelter, and finally have a chance to look around and not see gray, black, and brown.”

  Rebecca was still shaking her head.

  “I don’t mean to offend you, young lady, but it’s hard for me to put my trust in a splotch of green you saw through the thick window of a space capsule.” She finished wrapping Jack’s hands and moved back to the pot of oatmeal, scraping out the last of it.

  “I’m not offended!” said Molly, her tone of voice contradicting her words. “I just think that we need to decide what we do next carefully. I’ve seen the ground from up in the sky. Two days of traveling through this wasteland, even if it’s through territory you’ve been through before, is a huge risk in itself. I’d rather take a risk that could pay off.”

  She has a point, but so does my mom.

  Jack realized that the two of them were both watching and waiting for him to pick a side. He looked over at his mom apologetically.

  “Mom, I’m sorry, but I think we should go for it.” He leaned in closer to her and set one of his aching hands on her shoulder. “There isn’t anything for us in that shelter other than the baseline of what we need to survive. I’m not sure if I can take that many more nights cramped up underground.”

  And crammed into that tiny bed together.

  Jack didn’t say as much out loud, but the evolving relationship between him and his mother was another reason he wanted to press onward. Things had gotten totally out of hand.

  Leaving the shelter had been good for his perspective and state of mind, and rescuing Molly had been even better. Going back to it would mean reaccepting the reality of the fear, terror, and closeness that the asteroid impact had forced onto them.

  “Our supplies are limited, honey.” His mom reached over to him and set a hand on his knee.

  It’s almost like she doesn’t want things to change, or at the very least, like she wants to keep me under her wing.

  Jack shook his head.

  “I think we’ll have enough,” he said. “Maybe not enough to make it there and back, but it’s a risk we’ll have to take. We’ve been committed since the day we left the shelter and came back up to the surface. Hell, we’ve been locked in since the asteroid hit to begin with.”

  His words finally looked as though they’d broken through to her. Rebecca nodded and then stood up from the fire, smoothing out the long sleeve white blouse she had on over her sweat pants. She walked over to where they had taken out some of their supplies and began packing them away.

  “Alright, it’s settled then,” said Molly. “We should get moving as soon as we can. Every minute of daylight that we waste is time we can’t get back.”

  Jack nodded and got to work. While Molly and his mother worked on putting away the food and exterior of the camp, he walked over to the tent, peering inside of it before beginning to take it down. A pair of his mom’s panties and one of her bras, along with Molly’s thermal underwear, had been scattered around each of their respective sleeping bags.

  They were naked in here, last night.

  He did his best not to visualize it, feeling strangely uncomfortable with his own sexual nature. His mom was his mom, and Molly was Molly. They’d all talked about sex before, and Jack had even stepped over boundaries with both of them, but it still felt weird.

  It might come down to pure reproduction if there really isn’t anyone left. Can I afford to feel embarrassed?

  He sighed and slowly took all of the remaining stuff out of the tent, trying not to let the silky texture of his mom’s panties seep into his mind as he carried them along with everything else.

  It took about an hour in total to pack everything away into the backpacks. Molly had found a basic survival kit hidden under one of the seats in the space capsule. Even after filling the extra room in it up with food, it was still a good deal lighter than the other two bags.

  “We should switch off every few hours,” said Jack. “Overall, the going should be easier now than on the way here for us, mom, especially subtracting the weight of the food we’ve eaten.”

  Rebecca nodded grimly to him.

  “Let’s hope you’re right,” she said softly. “Let’s hope you both are.”

  Hope is all we have left to go on, at this stage.


  The three of them started off across the wasteland. The landscape looked much the same as it had the day before, a mostly flat expanse of ash desert plains, broken up only by small cracks in the ground and the occasional waist high protruding ridge.

  There was something different about it this time, however. Jack felt as though every step took him further into the unknown, further outside of the world that he had control over.

  I don’t have control over anything here and I never did, not even in the shelter.

  He glanced over at his mom and Molly. They were both silent, caught up in the same pattern of introspection that he was, most likely.

  “Molly, did you see anything else on your way down?” He asked the question as much to break the tension as to get an answer.

  “Anything? I saw lots of things.” Molly shrugged her shoulders and looked over at him, her eyes expressing a bit of the depth of what she meant.

  “Like what?”

  “Well, nothing else like what we’re heading for,” she said. “If there are any other green patches in the world, they aren’t in North America, that’s for sure.”

  Jack nodded, feeling disappointed even though he’d already suspected the answer.

  “Is the terrain like this everywhere?” asked Rebecca. “You showed us the planet from orbit, so we know how it is in general. But was there anything else, even just strange looking dots on the surface, or other discrepancies?”

  Molly looked like a doctor delivering bad news.

  “Not much, at least from what I could see.” She sighed. “Well, there was lava. A good amount of it, too. Especially around the impact site, but all over the continent and the world, pouring out of newly formed volcanos and snaking through massive cracks in the ground.”

  Jack and his mother stayed quiet, sensing that she wanted to continue.

  “The water levels are higher. The two of you saw that, but I don’t think you got a chance to see what that means in action. Humidity levels are increased near the oceans, making giant, surface scouring storms a lot more common.”

  “Well, if that’s all we have to worry about, then-“

  “Ash storms.” Molly smiled grimly and saw the look of recognition on the faces of the other two.

  “We’ve experienced those firsthand.” Rebecca’s voice was a little irritated, as though she was tired of having the younger woman talk down to her.

  “Yeah,” said Jack. “They’re not fun.”

  Is there anything left that’s fun, at this point?

  The land ahead began to slope downward, almost unnaturally so, at the angle of a steep hill but extending much further in the distance. Jack remembered the ridge they’d had to climb the day before, and wond
ered if this was where all the extra height would level off.

  “Be careful,” said his mom. “I can see some cracks in the land ahead. Falling into one would be a disaster.”

  The three of them moved carefully, fighting the urge to stumble forward and instead taking steady, controlled steps.

  “I need to bring something up,” said Molly. “Something that I know the two of you… Well, I know it might be a little weird for all of us to talk about honestly.”

  “What is it?” asked Jack. It wasn’t until the question had already left his mouth that he saw her face and realized what she was about to say.

  “Have the two of you made any progress on getting more comfortable with the idea of having sex?” Molly paused, and looked from Jack and his mother. “With each other, I mean?”

  Rebecca looked over at her son, and Jack did everything in his power to keep his eyes from meeting hers. His cock was rising to attention in his pants even as he continued to focus on navigating the rocky landscape, thriving off the strange sexual tension of the situation.

  This is the last thing I want to have to talk about. It feels dirty even just to hear Molly say the words out loud.

  “But, we found you, Molly!” Jack tried to keep his voice level and unemotional. “I thought that meant that I was off the hook. We need a man and a woman, and I’m a man and you’re…”

  He felt his cheeks redden as the suggestion rolled off his tongue. Talking about how the two of them could have sex, could breed for the sake of humanity, was almost as bad. Especially given that his mom was right next to him, listening to every word.

  “It’s not that simple,” said Molly. “We need to have as much genetic diversity as we possibly can. It would be even better if we had more people, but…”

  She glanced around at the surrounding landscape. The three of them reached the bottom of the slope, and Rebecca stopped walking at the front of the group.

  Can’t we just keep going? And hopefully, talk about something else?


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