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After the Fall: The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica)

Page 16

by Anya Merchant

  He couldn’t think of anything to say back. The silence alone held enough sexual power in it to make his cock quiver and threaten to explode.

  “Surprise!” Molly surfaced from the water right next to Jack, catching him off guard. He turned to splash her, but she jumped up and wrapped her arms around him, crashing them both down into the river.

  He wasn’t naked, but for the way his cock tenaciously managed to find its way out of his boxers, he might as well have been. As he darted for the surface, Molly grabbed onto him and let their limbs tangle together. He felt his dick slide across her slit, and even in the water, it felt hot.

  “Is that all you’ve got, Jack?” teased Molly. “Are you too busy letting your mommy wash your hair to get me back?”

  Jack glared at her, feeling his face heat up.

  “You’ll pay for those words!” He rushed forward as fast as he could through the waist deep water, tackling Molly and crashing forward in a shallower area as she laughed and shouted obscenities.

  Jack wasn’t sure how or when it happened, but the nature of their wrestling began to change. They slowly pushed each other further into the shallows, until they were rolling around in a small mudflat next to one of the riverbanks, out of the water itself.

  He was on top of her and realized that he wasn’t grabbing at her arms to pin her anymore. She had already been pinned, and his hands had slipped down to her breasts as though they had always been the real objective. Molly was still laughing, but she leaned up as he pinched one of her nipples and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

  “You still haven’t won yet!” she shouted. “You’ll have to do more than just push me down!”

  Jack smiled and leaned his chest forward, trapping her against the ground. Molly slipped up against the mud slightly, lifting her legs and hips into a different angle, a dangerous angle.

  He pushed forward, and felt the head of his cock push into something wet and warm. Molly was biting her bottom lip, and instead of backing away from what was happening, she began to wiggle even more.

  Jack’s body writhed against hers. He started groping at her breasts even more obviously. His cock popped out of Molly’s pussy, and then back into it as they shifted again. What had started as a playful game had become something much more sexually charged and primal.

  “Are you going to pin me, Jack?” Her voice was seductive, with each word sounding like it came from the mouth of a practiced temptress. Jack felt his instincts take over, and he leaned in and kissed her as he let his cock push deeper inside.

  What am I doing? Is this going too far?

  Molly looked as though she was reading the indecision on his face. She reached her hand up and ran it across his cheek, drawing his attention back to her.

  “Come on, Jack,” she whispered. “Pin me. Do whatever it takes.”

  Jack took hold of her hips and began to push forward, slow at first, and then with more confidence. He let his cock push half way into Molly’s tight pussy, reveling in the feeling. It almost felt like she was pulling him in, tightening her cunt’s muscles to massage his tool as it slid inside of her.

  Just as Jack began to get into a rhythm, a noise came from the river behind them. Water splashed onto his back, and he turned to look at where it had come from only to see his mom standing in waist-high water, looking a little embarrassed and a little cross.

  Molly saw her too and instantly snapped out of the game. She pushed Jack up and then rolled away underneath him, standing and looking down on the clay sticking to her skin before running into deeper water.

  “Phew, thanks, Rebecca.” Molly scratched her head and smiled sheepishly. “I got a little carried away there.”

  “Just remember what we talked about.” Rebecca spoke in a whisper, but Jack could just barely overhear her words. Molly nodded, and then looked back over to him. He did his utmost to make it look like he was just splashing around in the water.

  What the hell does that mean?


  Jack rinsed his clothes off in the river before putting them back on, following the example of Molly and his mother. The three of them took turns pointing out different pieces of the scenery, the greenness of the tree leaves, or the smell of the blooming summer wildflowers.

  “I think we’ll be all set for food here.” Rebecca had just finished pulling her jeans and blouse back on, and walked across the grass barefoot over to a group of bushes not far from the river’s edge. She leaned over, dug around with her hands for a moment, and stood back up holding three wild strawberries, perfectly ripened.

  “Oh my god!” Molly ran over, zipping up her jumpsuit as she went, to Jack’s mild disappointment. She took one of them out of Rebecca’s hand and popped it into her mouth.

  “How is it?”

  “Mmmmm! Oh, wow!” Molly closed her eyes and leaned her head back as the taste filled her mouth. She looked like she was in the middle of having an orgasm, and watching her didn’t help Jack when it came to calming his excited hormones.

  “Come try one, honey,” called his mom. “There are more here than we could ever eat in a season. We can gorge ourselves if we want.”

  Jack walked over slowly, feeling his still semi-erect cock throbbing as he looked at the way Molly and his mother’s wet clothing pulled tight against their bodies.

  This is going to be torture. Does their secret plan involve sabotaging me with horniness?

  He took the strawberry from her hand and popped it into his mouth. As he bit down on it, the taste was enough to flip his mood completely.

  “Oh, jeez,” he sighed. “I haven’t had anything like this in so long. I don’t know if I’ve ever had a strawberry that tasted like this before.”

  His mom was grinning as though his compliment had been about one of her home cooked meals.

  “I’ll see if I can find more wild fruit later today, and chop up a fruit salad for us to eat.” She looked up at the sun in the sky, and then back towards Molly and her son. “For now, what we need to focus on is setting up the tent for the night.”

  Jack nodded.

  “There’s plenty of room down here,” he said. “We can set it up almost anywhere.”

  Then again, it was a little weird having all three of us share it last night.

  He glanced over to the nearest cliff, the one that they had climbed down.

  “Actually, let’s walk along the wall of the gorge and see if we can find a nice spot that takes advantage of the natural cover it provides.” He looked at his mom and Molly, who were both in the process of picking more strawberries.

  “Are you thinking of a cave or something?” asked Molly. Jack shrugged his shoulders.

  “Maybe,” he said. “But even just a basic lean-to would be better than…”

  Better than risking another night pressed together like horny rabbits in a cage.

  “That’s a good idea, sweetie.” Rebecca set a couple more berries into the pot they’d been using to collect them and then shouldered her bag. “We should start thinking about how we want to develop our camp long term. The tent isn’t something that we can count on forever.”

  As they walked back through the thin stretch of trees that separated them from the side of the gorge, Jack looked up at where the river disappeared into the spot where the caves pinched together. He made a mental note to head up that way and take a look at it as soon as he got a chance.

  Most of the area around the bottom of the nearside cliff was studded with rocks and boulders in a way that made it unappealing as a campsite. The three of them traveled southeast, downriver, until Jack spotted exactly what they needed.

  “Right here,” he said. “This is perfect.”

  The spot he was looking at was in a section of the gorge where the cliff curved slightly back to the north. The river followed a similar curve, but slightly offset to the south, so that the distance in between the rock wall and the water was reduced by a couple dozen feet.

  On top of that, a small section of overhanging
rock provided an area of about fifteen feet square with cover from the elements. The cliff above was too high to build off easily, but Jack figured that if he could construct a simple lean-to or even a thatch hut up against it. Having a natural canopy built overhead would save him from having to do too much rain proofing on the roof.

  A small sinkhole, big enough for a person to fall through, was hidden amidst the boulders of the cliff about twenty feet north of the spot, as well. Jack instantly thought of just how handy it could end up being for disposing of natural waste, among other things.

  “This looks good,” said his mom. “It even has a small stretch of beach by the river, in case any of us decides that we want to get a tan.”

  Sure enough, in a tiny gap between the trees and foliage, Jack could see sandy ground, only a couple of hundred feet away. The image of his mom and Molly sun tanning naked suddenly popped into his head, and he found himself going to war with it to keep from getting excited.

  “What do you think, Molly?” asked Rebecca.

  Molly was looking around, distracted. She scratched her head and stared into the bushes further off in the distance to the south.


  The former astronaut finally perked up, turning back to the group and shaking her head.

  “Sorry, I thought I saw something weird.” She smiled. “What’s up?”

  “We’re setting up camp here for now,” said Rebecca. “Any objections?”

  Molly shook her head and looked back over into the foliage.

  “Relax, it was probably just a deer,” said Jack. “Or maybe a groundhog, or something. This place is probably teeming with life.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.”

  “So now that we know where our home base is, we should look around the nearby area and see what we can find for supplies.” Rebecca dropped her backpack on the ground and walked onto the grass. “I’ll stay here and start setting up the tent.”

  Jack walked over and took his backpack off and set it next to hers. His shoulders practically shouted in relief as he freed himself from its weight. In fact, his entire body felt relieved, along with his mind.

  We made it. This is a new beginning for us.

  “I think we’re going to need something more than the tent, soon enough,” said Molly. “We’re going to need a home.”

  Jack and Rebecca both nodded in unison.

  “Well, I have a survival knife in my pack,” said Jack. “I saw a youtube video once of a guy using that along with a sharpened rock to cut down small branches and saplings to use for building a hut. I figure I might as well give it a try.”

  “We aren’t starting from square one,” said his mom. “We have the tarp that we’ve been putting underneath the tent, and we can cannibalize that, too, if we decide that we need to.”

  “Sounds good,” said Jack. “Let’s take a look around and get to work.”

  Rebecca stayed by the camp and began unpacking the group’s supplies while Jack and Molly took off in opposite directions to get a sense of what the landscape of Eden was like as a whole. Jack headed northwest, back along the group’s initial route.

  The gorge was much larger than he had initially assumed. After several minutes of walking through the dense foliage, Jack felt almost as though he’d been transported back to before the disaster had begun.

  It was as though he was on a hiking trip, deep in the wilderness, surrounded by natural colors and unadulterated scents. From where he was, only the cliffs could be seen above him on either side, along with the forest and vegetation to his front and back. The ravaging of the rest of the world had never reached Eden, and never would.

  Jack had taken the survival knife with him, but found that there was little real use for it. He wasn’t in the jungle, and it felt almost irreverent to cut or destroy anything, even just the plants. The experience of being part of a living, mutually dependent ecosystem had never felt so real to him ever before in his life.

  Wild vegetables and fruits were surprisingly abundant, most of them growing openly in the grass and bushes. Jack made note of a small clearing of apple trees, most of the fruit on them still in the process of ripening, along with wild carrots, turnips, and lettuce.

  The river was the center of everything in the gorge. The trees and vegetation were thickest on either side of its banks. Jack still hadn’t seen much for wildlife, but he got the feeling that it was just waiting to be found. He debated trying to set up snares, or hunt, and decided against it, at least for the moment.

  This entire valley is perfect for cultivation. We can eat what we can grow for now, and let the animals repopulate the area.

  Something moved in the bushes nearby, directly to his left. Jack glanced over and waited, expecting a small rodent or bird to pop out. Instead, the movement grew still. He kept watching for a second, and then slowly began walking over.


  He jumped in surprise at Molly’s voice, which came from behind him, in the direction of the camp.

  “Jesus…” Jack shook his head and took another look at the bushes. There wasn’t anything out of the ordinary in them, from what he could see.

  I’m just paranoid. It’s been too long since I’ve been in a forest.

  “Your mom wants to know if you’re hungry,” said Molly. “We gathered some wild blueberries, and figured we could make a lunch out of them and some of the crackers we have left.”

  Jack nodded.

  “Yeah, that sounds good.”

  The atmosphere back at the camp was lively, even with just the three of them. They had found more than just a new place to live, and new resources to rely on. In Eden, there was hope, beyond what any of them could have imagined back when they were scraping by right after the impact.

  The tent was set up, and Rebecca had moved all of their bags into it. She’d also found a fallen log and pulled it over to the campsite, turning it into a makeshift bench for them to sit on. The fire starting kit was also out on the ground, and Jack busied himself with setting rocks into a circular formation for a fire pit as he ate.

  “How long do you think it will take?” Molly was fiddling with an overripe blueberry in between her fingers, letting the juice drip out of it as she slowly applied more pressure.

  “How long will what take?” asked Jack.

  “For all of this to spread.” She gestured all around them with her arms and then popped the blueberry into her mouth. “The plants, the trees, even the birds and animals will eventually begin to reproduce and spread wide. Will it be in a year, or two, or longer than that?”

  Jack glanced over at his mom. She was picking through one of their bags and moving what little dried food they had left into the tent.

  “I don’t know,” he said. “I feel like you’d be more qualified to take a guess. Doesn’t NASA train you a bit on planetary ecology?”

  “This isn’t Mars,” said Molly. “But I guess this isn’t Earth anymore, either.”

  A slightly grim silence settled onto the air. Jack was sick of it.

  “We’ll spread it,” he said. “That should be our new focus. Spreading life, as far as we can. We have everything we need to survive down here in this gorge. We need to start thinking about the future.”

  Molly and Rebecca exchanged a knowing, somewhat devious look. Jack caught it out of the corner of his eye and tried not to read to deeply into it.

  “You’re right, honey,” said his mom. “Life and the future are what we need to be concerned about, more than anything. Regardless of what it takes, or what we have to sacrifice to push things forward.”

  What will we have to sacrifice, in the end? What will I have to do in order to make it happen?

  “Alright, lunch is over.” Molly stood up from the log abruptly and licked blueberry juice off her fingers. “Let’s get back to work. We’ve explored a bit, and it doesn’t seem like there is anything special nearby. It’s time to settle into the camp and get things prepared for the night.”

  “Have you al
ways been this bossy?” asked Jack. Molly rolled her eyes at him and then pointed to the tent.

  “Look, unless you want to be cramped into the tent again tonight, we should start thinking about setting up a secondary shelter.” She looked over at Jack’s mom, who looked to be in agreeance. “It won’t take much work for us to build at least something basic.”

  Jack stood up and pulled out the knife.

  “I’m on it.”

  Before Molly could object or assert herself any further, he had already turned and stepped into the trees, wearing a broad, satisfied smile on his face.


  As Jack almost immediately discovered, the knife was useless when it came to cutting anything thicker than his finger. He slipped it into the sheath on his belt after his first attempt at cutting down a branch.

  Instead, he searched for a rock. The one he settled on was about the size of a paperback book with an edge to it that was almost sharp. With a smaller rock, he chipped away at the sides, honing it into a very basic hand-held stone ax, minus the shaft.

  With his necessary tool in hand, Jack began to work methodically. He gripped the bottom of the rock with one hand, curling his fingers around a narrow portion of it that was surprisingly easy to hold onto. The first tree that he picked was about as thick as a child’s wrist, and by cutting around the outer edge of it with the stone ax, he was able to drop it easily.

  He slowly removed all of the branches from it and then cut it down to a set length that he figured was about the height they’d need for a lean-to up against the rock wall. Jack started a pile a couple feet in the direction of the camp, and then moved on the next tree.

  The work was hard, but rewarding. Jack made good progress, cutting as many appropriately sized trees as he could and giving thanks for each one. He continued as the sun began to sink on the horizon, making sure that he had a couple more logs than he probably needed before starting to drag the pile back to camp.

  “Oh, wow!” Rebecca had set up the tent, along with taking over the duty of getting a fire going. “You work fast.”


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