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Atlas Lost

Page 18

by Alaska Angelini

  “Say I believed one word of what you just told me, I couldn’t help you. No one gets inside, Atlas. Not even me.”

  My eyebrows drew in as I put myself closer to his sword.

  “Then you know. You suspect? You wouldn’t have come out otherwise.”

  Lu’s gaze faded off, only to come back to me with sadness.

  “I meant to do my duty and eliminate the threat. I almost thought Ri got strong enough to project himself as you. But you’re not Ri. Not completely. I feel your blood in me, as all of us would, being this near. The recognition lives.”

  “As your king,” I finished. “You feel me as your king because I still am.”

  “You’re stronger than before you left. How?”

  My breath came out rugged as I glanced at the sealed entrance.

  “The Dron. One appeared to me after Ri had Cara suck my energy dry. The Dron helped me. He said I needed to get to Kelu. I can’t do that out here. Help me, Lu. I let you all down before. Help me make this right.”

  Light brown eyes met mine head-on for the first time, and his long, sandy blond hair swayed just above his bearded chin.

  “What would you have me do? If you couldn’t get in, how am I supposed to? Kelu is the only one who can reverse the spell.”

  “Tell them. Tell the others it is I who is here. Tell them their king has returned. That I will right this wrong with Ri once and for all.”

  “It’s suicide.”

  “So is life without my mate. Entrance to my kingdom or not, I will find my way to the shadow realm and I will retrieve my new queen. You tell Kelu she is on notice, and so is her mate. That if she doesn’t face me in the next ten minutes, in the name of Paltenia, she is the traitor. Say it to her, but say it so all hear.”

  Lu swallowed hard, sighing as he slid the sword over the palm of his hand, then returned it to its sheath. Blood oozed from the wound, dropping into the earth below as he held it out to me.

  “I want to see. I want to see everything.”

  To mix blood during telepathy wasn’t just a view into another’s mind. It was access to emotions. To the deepest desires of what one might not even want to face. Nothing joined two people more than blood.

  “If I do this, you’ll tell them?”

  “On my honor.”

  I pulled out my own sword, letting it cut down my flesh. The moment our hands connected, we were taken over with memories from each other. Heartache drowned me in a wave from not only my absence, but Leone’s and Niya’s as well. The love my friend had for all of us engulfed even the smallest spaces within. I sucked in air, bombarded with visions of blood, of isolation, and observation. I watched. I mentally weighed the loyalty to those I was surrounded by. Kelu’s once soft tone was filled with authority and worry. Just as Lu, she watched everyone. And she kept to herself for the most part. Lu was her council, but she wouldn’t take his advice. She wouldn’t listen to anyone at all.

  A small cry was followed by the tightening of our grasp. Lu squeezed, jerking his gaze to me in disbelief.

  “Twin flames? Impossible. Those don’t exist.”

  “You know they do. You just saw it. Something is changing, Lu. Something with the universe. This planet. She is a human, but an awakened one. Maybe they’re starting to see the truth. Maybe something bigger is happening with more than just them. My instincts tell me her gifts are more than just a coincidence. That our connection means something. If she and I exist, how many more of us will come to union? What will happen when we do? Is there a reason?”

  For moments, all Lu could do was stare. When he blinked rapidly, I cocked my head.

  “There’s more. What is it?”

  “You have a new queen, Atlas. I almost can’t believe it. A…very nude queen at the moment. A beautiful one.” He winced. “I shouldn’t be seeing this.”

  “Seeing what?” The threatening question exploded as I ripped him closer with our joined hands. “What do you mean? You can see Cara?”

  “You can’t?”

  “No, our connection was lost when Ri took her. Tell me what’s happening.” I squeezed his hand tighter, causing him to let out a deep sound of pain. “Tell me everything you see.”

  Chapter 24


  “Don’t move. I tell you to stay still, and you can’t even do that. Now I’m going to have to re-pin this part of your hair all over again. Pisemme.”

  Stinging burned my scalp as the reptilian woman pulled my hair tighter. Seconds ago, I would have felt the need to argue, but I couldn’t after the brief voices I’d heard. I could have sworn it was Atlas speaking, but it was so far away.

  “Hello? Atlas? Atlas, please tell me that’s you!”

  My heart raced, thudding hard as I waited.

  “You’re shaking, human.” She paused, her smile reflecting in the mirror as her eyes met mine. “I’m glad you’re afraid. You should be. I, personally, hope he plans to torture you for hours. It would be an honor to kill another Paltenian queen.

  “Atlas, if you can hear me, I’m okay. I’m…about to do something for Ri. I’m not sure what it is, but I’ll be fine. I want to leave.” My mind scrambled at the desperate thought that squeezed out before I could stop it. “I want to leave, but that doesn’t mean I want a war to make it so. I just...” I stopped, breathing through the panic. “Don’t come for me. Tell me how to escape this place. I can do it; I just need to know how.”

  “Your hair is too long. The weight is too much for the pins. I should cut it.”

  “You touch my hair, I’ll suck out your soul.”

  I spun around, feeling my darkness match her own. I may have been terrified, but I wasn’t weak. My power might not be enough, though. What if I wasn’t fast enough. Just because I had succeeded against the Ri and the soldier once before, didn’t mean I’d be so lucky again. I still didn’t know everything about what I held. I couldn’t risk making a mistake.

  “What is that?”

  Her eyes narrowed while she leaned closer, sniffing above where she held my hair.

  “Despite what you think, I’m not here because I’m Paltenian. I’m here because I’m your king’s weapon against them.”


  A cry exploded from me as the woman jerked my hair. Before I could brace myself, the door flew open. The hiss lacing the word died off as the guard let out a deep grunt and spoke in their language. When the barrier shut, her angry words continued.

  “As if a human could be a weapon. Dirty, traitor, barrel-feeding liar. All lies.”

  “Will you stop with the name-calling? I get it.”

  Fingers hooked on pieces of my hair, twisting to secure high on my head. If I had hair after this, I’d be surprised. Even more surprised if this reptilian woman existed in the next few minutes. At the rate she was trying to trigger me, all I could do was focus on Atlas to stay calm.

  Pins scraped against my scalp as I continued to call out to my mate. When the woman was finally finished, she rubbed her finger over what looked to be charcoal. I didn’t question her actions as she began applying the dark shade over my eyelids. When one of her claws grew in length and dipped into black oil, I swallowed hard. Silence was my only savior. With fear came the need to protect myself. As I suspected, the exotic scented oil was warm as it traced just above and below my eyelashes. Almost too warm.

  “You said weapon.” She kept her stare on drawing some sort of design just to the side of my eye with the oil. “I know you lie, but what kind of weapon?”

  Hesitantly, I studied her expression.

  “The kind I mentioned. I said I’d take your soul. I wasn’t lying. I can do that. Or maybe it’s not your soul. I don’t know. It’s you. Your darkness. Your consciousness. I can feel the others in me. I can feel them,” I whispered, swallowing the lump in my throat. “What’s your name?”

  A flicker of yellow eyes came to me, only to go back toward the design.


  “Beth? That’s a little human, isn’t it?�

  Another hiss.

  “My mother had a maid. A woman she held dearly. I, on the other hand, did not have sincere emotions toward that human or her thieving daughter.”

  “She stole something from you?”

  Beth shrugged. “My mother gave her a broach. When Beth, the human, passed, she handed it to Penelope, her daughter. It was not hers to have. I am the rightful owner. It was meant to come back to me. Not that it mattered. I got it back.”

  “Oh. Did you kill her?”

  “I should have,” her voice said, dropping. “I sold her to Rashma for a new sword. It wasn’t the best, but neither was she.”

  “Sold? As a servant, like her mother?”

  Teeth snapped in my direction. It was as though her mouth impossibly widened through the bite, going back to normal just as fast.

  “Such questions. What of them? What do you care?”

  “I don’t. I was just curious. Are we done?”

  Beth’s hand paused next to my face. No matter how much I wanted, I couldn’t stop shaking at the quick transformation. She could have sunk those razor-sharp teeth into my face faster than I would have been prepared for. I wasn’t safe with my gift. Not if I didn’t act first.

  “Almost done. Stand.”

  At her command, I rose. In quick strides, Beth headed for a table, lifting something from the surface. A rainbow of colors flashed from the light, turning white again as she motioned for me to turn away from her.

  “Ma-she vu.” Footsteps approached. “This necklace is a gift from Ri, the ultimate Ri, our king. You will wear it proudly and never take it off.” Weight settled on my chest, and the bitterness couldn’t be hidden in her tone as I picked up the large crystal.

  “Moonstone? This is beautiful.”

  Beth was silent as I turned to face her. The lid from the white box she held fell to the floor, and a murderous look tightened her features. Black silk and lace billowed out, and anger followed her gesture as she motioned for me to turn back around. Material was gently placed over my head, but not out of kindness.

  “My mother made this dress just before she died.” She paused, choking out the words. “I don’t know why he is using it on you. This is a special dress. It’s ceremonial.”

  She didn’t elaborate. With care, Beth righted the dress, leading my arms through the delicate long sleeves. As I stared down and fixed the necklace to the outside, she fastened buttons on the back of my neck. I couldn’t stop my increased heartrate. My adrenaline was picking up, and my upcoming fate was all too real. Tonight, I’d be taking more energy. Good or bad, I didn’t have a clue. But what else? Beth was right. I’d done this before, and there was nothing special about it. What made tonight different?

  “Suck in.”

  I didn’t argue or even look back as I obeyed. Laces tightened at my lower back, and despite the heat, a cool breeze swept the entirety of my exposed back, making me shiver.

  “More,” Beth emphasized. “Stand straight.”

  “I am.”

  “It’s not going to fit if you don’t try harder.”

  I caught my reflection in the mirror, barely hearing Beth continue. Diamonds glittered amongst the dark, just like the night sky back home. The thin lace did little to conceal the skin underneath, but I could barely care. From my waist to my throat, intricate sparkling zigzag patterns covered just enough to put me at ease. Cleavage was apparent, but the rest was left to the imagination from the design. Just past my waist, the lines thickened, covering my most intimate place, and off to my side, the long train was speckled with even more shimmering clusters.

  “Beth, this is beautiful. More than beautiful, it’s…”

  Yellow eyes met mine in the mirror.

  “Your mother—”

  “Enough, human. I know my mother’s talent. I also know it’s been wasted on you.”

  With one last pull at the small of my back, Beth tied the laces. She reached for a wooden box on the shelf and breathed heavily as she pulled out a thin silver band. Pushing between the twists of my hair, it rested amongst the curls.

  “Fitting you’d wear the dead queen’s crown, Queen,” she said, glaring and dipping her shoulder to bow and stare at the necklace. “If it would have been up to me, I would have left the blood on them to mix with yours. Maybe when these get put back in their case, we’ll be lucky.” If there were ever compassion toward me, it was gone now. Beth didn’t turn her back as she made her way to the door. “She’s finished! Let me free.”

  Words I couldn’t understand spewed past their lips as they both spoke. The disgust was evident, and my fear was growing.

  “Atlas. Atlas, please. I need to know how to leave this place. I don’t know what’s going to happen. I want to leave.”

  The door shut and minutes passed. I paced, feeling everything with how scared I was. The stone was warm and hard under my bare feet. And my heart, it was pounding in a slow, steady thud. The moonstone left me foggy under its power, and yet, I felt oddly safe. There was mystery about it. A goddess energy I didn’t understand. It was embracing my being, guiding it to stand tall. Had the necklace belonged to Leone as well? Was it her I was feeling? Beth mentioned the crown being covered in blood. But she spoke in plural and couldn’t take her eyes off the necklace. That had to mean Leone was wearing them both when she died. Tears burned my eyes, but the energy stole them from me, twisting my mind even more. No, this wasn’t Leone I was feeling. It was me.

  I came to stand in front of the large mirror. The woman before me was a stranger in her black, form-fitting gown. Every curve was suddenly appealing. Every peek of skin, a glorious gift for who I was. Cara, the unattractive tomboy I’d always thought myself to be, was gone. A new woman was being born. A new me. One of darkness, and one I couldn’t control.

  Chapter 25


  I wasn’t one to give into my emotions. In the past five years, I’d done well with holding them in. But, now, seeing Cara in Leone’s crown, wearing the necklace I’d given my wife as a mothering gift for our child, my heart was tearing at the seams from the mockery. Ri was going too far by displaying Cara in Leone’s shadow. It hurt. It made my old wounds bleed in mourning. But the blood wasn’t going without use. It fed the warrior within. My mate was ready to fight for what was his, and nothing was going to get in the way of stopping me.

  “I just informed Kelu it is the real you who wishes entrance. That there is trouble with Ri, and you, yourself, are in trouble. Everyone heard. She has refused your invitation.” Lu’s mouth opened, but he paused. “There is confusion. Outrage is stirring in the ranks.” Again, he grew quiet as I gazed into the far-away depths of his trance. “They are demanding explanation as to why you aren’t allowed to enter. Others stand with Kelu.”

  “Who wants me to enter?”

  Lu’s brow creased. “Barona. I shared my emotions from our mind-link. No details, but emotions you have gone through since you left. She feels you’re not a threat. She requests council with Kelu. Your sister has declined.”

  “Declined Barona? She is to lead in your absence.”

  “Yes,” Lu breathed out, still staring into nothingness. “Whispers. The words are quiet, but loud with impact. Kelu…she paces. Worries. She can’t hide it from any of us. Her emotions are leaking into our connection. Barona refuses to release their tie. She’s holding it for all to feel. For me…” He grew quiet, his eyes moving through whatever he was seeing.

  “Tell Kelu she doesn’t have a choice. She must speak with me. My queen, the Paltenians’ new queen, is Ri’s captive. Tell them, Lu. Tell them all.”

  The silence was unbearable. Lu cleared his throat, wincing.

  “It’s chaos. I can’t understand what’s happening. They’re not happy. The majority. More confusion. I hear boots marching. Some believe, others…” he took a ragged breath, “others think this is a trap.”

  I paced, pushing my fingers through my hair as my desperation grew. I didn’t have time to debate with my sister.
I needed to get to Ri. I needed to rescue Cara from that wasteland of nightmares before she was hurt—or worse.

  “Tell her—” I stopped, clenching my fists. “Tell her to either open that fucking door right this minute or—”

  “Or what, Atlas?”

  My sister’s face was a shimmering mist before me. I growled, meeting the glare of green eyes, but my anger didn’t last. She may have appeared defensive, but I saw her fear. I saw her mistakes in the creases at the corners of her mouth. She was on the verge of crying. She was terrified. And it was all because of me. Everything she’d done, whether right or wrong, I saw the good intention behind it. So young, and so in over her head.

  “Oh, Lolly. Dear sister. I am so sorry.” My lips tightened and tears welled. “Let me in. Let me help you. I can do that. I can fix this.”

  “No.” Her voice cracked, but I saw bravery push through. “Nothing can be done. Go home, Atlas. Go back—”

  “Back where? Your mate has mine. He refuses to return her until he has you. Kelu, why give him your light? You did, didn’t you?”

  The tears fell as her head lowered.

  “It was a last resort. I prayed…I thought if I…” She lifted to meet my stare with more regret than I’d ever witnessed. “I thought by making him feel the light, my light, I could stop this. I thought I could change him with love. Oh, Atlas…” she sobbed, “I made a mistake. I made so many mistakes.” Harder, she cried, wiping the tears as her pain blanketed me. There was so much more she wasn’t saying.

  “You fell in love with him?”

  Silence. More tears. At the air pushing from my lungs in shock, my emotion had her lips shaking through sobs. “You don’t understand. I was so blind. I gave him my light, but each time, it faded faster. The darkness would come back, and he’d beg me to help him.” She sniffled. “He swore he’d try to fight the darkness, but I could feel it. The evil, it was changing me too. It wouldn’t let us go.”


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