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Grave Debt

Page 16

by T. G. Ayer

  Larsson chuckled. “She's too easy.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “I'm guessing she's an amazing cook.”

  “Like you wouldn't believe. Michelin stars have nothing on Ash in the kitchen. The woman is literally the goddess of spices.”

  “It appears I've been missing out having never sampled the creations of this goddess,” I said with a pout before I tapped out that text to the goddess in question.

  “Okay, I'll make you a deal. You keep my secret and when she cooks me that vinadaloo, you can come share my victory meal.”

  I learned and shook my head. “You do know she's got your number right?”

  Larsson shrugged. “Doesn't matter, she’s had it for years. But...I still get my food,” he said, his voice filled with triumph.

  I laughed softly and tapped the jumper on the shoulder. “Right. The faster we get to Drakys, the faster I get to taste it.”

  Chapter 30

  My arrival in Drakys was much less uncomfortable as my last jump, probably because I’d been relieved of my concerns regarding travel from the portal access-point north east of the Black Mountains to the city of Dyr itself. I knew from previous experience that the journey on foot—feline that is—had been an overnight one for me, and I’d calculated it had taken around five hours to descend the cliff and follow the map through the Black Mountains and across the plains before arriving at the city gates. I’d even come prepared with my panther-adapted rucksack to store my luggage and my clothes in order to shift and run as much of the way there as I could. Panther speed was decidedly faster than human. But, when Larsson deposited us on the bright white ice beside the lake on the Mendenhall Glacier, he hadn’t simply flitted away with a reminder that he’d return every few hours, as he’d done the last time.

  Instead, he given me a sheepish grin--and a exaggerated shiver at the icy breeze that swept past--and said, “I’m on orders to accompany to the palace and remain with you until you need to return. Horner was all antsy, worrying about the distance you’d need to travel and if you needed to return urgently, so he gave me permission to go with you. And he also procured us documents to allow us to formally collect the required samples that Ash needed--of which she had no idea so don’t tell there. He said that whatever your reasons for visiting, he was certain you’d find a letter from the Supreme High Council would smooth your journey.”

  Though amused that he’d kept such a secret from Ash while still bargaining with her for food favors, I remained silent as Larsson handed over the envelope with a cheerful smile, one which had evaporated when I did finally speak; I’d asked him if he’d thought to bring along some luggage as I wasn’t sure how long I’d be in Dyr. He’d grumbled as we crunched across the ice to the edge of the dock where the portal was located just over the freezing black waters, muttering something about how long he was going to have to wait until he finally got his lamb curry and roti. Then we jumped, me with my portal key, and Larsson using his teleporting skills, arriving inside the familiar though still incredibly dark cave. Not the nicest welcome for incoming visitors, in my opinion.

  I’d enjoyed teasing Larsson, though after we arrived in the cave, I made a point of thanking him, and reassuring him that I didn’t believe the trip would take too long. We’d only remained in the cave long me to say those words.

  I was about to suggest stopping within the small forest of trees outside the gates of the city so I could give him an idea of where Sienna’s rooms were within the enormous structure of the palace, but Larsson just waved a hand and smiled. He curled his hand around my waist, a little awkward with the backpack mind you, and jumped us directly inside a small waiting room, its pale cream-and-blue decor and elegant, spindly-legged furnishings suggesting a woman’s touch. I grunted after we solidified, then tightened my hold on my rucksack. “Dude, where have you brought me? And how do you know to come here?” The redhead smiled, eyes sparkling. “After the poisoning debacle, the SHC decided we had to have an easier method of communication with the council and the rulers of Drakys. That trip from the portal to the palace is a killer,” I raised an eyebrow giving him an I-know glare, “and the Sienna and the SHC wanted to be guarantee the safety of the next emissary. Between Queen Regent Lyra and Sienna, and the SHC, the decision was made to elect one teleporter who will have knowledge of and access to an arrival point within the palace. And this is it.” I grinned. “And you were the lucky guy. Congrats,” I said. Larssen rolled his shoulders, puffing out his chest. “This place is amazing. They have the most divine chicken dish—though I’m pretty sure its not chicken, so maybe a chicken-like meat—and they throw in toasted nuts and the most succulents raisins—which I’m sure aren’t really raisins—” I’d left Larsson to ramble as I studied the small room, about the size of our living room at home and large enough to receive a small delegation from off-world. And then the door opened and I never got to hear what the equivalent of a raisin was in Drakys. Sienna hurried into the room, and as I peered around Larsson I caught the cheerful, though distracted, smile on her face. “Why is it so hard to get rid of you, Freckles?” she asked as she walked over, the teasing grin on her face disappearing once she caught sight of me behind him. “Kai? What…is something wrong? What happened? Is everyone okay back home?” I wrapped her in a hug and squeezed her for a second. “No. Nothing like that. I just needed to speak to--” Sienna’s eye widened in a deliberate glare, a silent warning perhaps? So I amended my words and continued, “--you. And don’t worry, Red over here has our papers from the SHC, the letter of authorisation for collection of another batch of samples for Ash.” Sienna snickered when I called the jumper Red but all he did was glare at her, reach out and fluff up her glossy red curls. Sienna stopped snickering. “That’s fine. You don’t need a reason to come visit, but the letter will appease the council if they get their panties in a bunch about the sample collection.” I frowned wondering why Logan’s name was a no-no, but it was okay for her to refer to the council in a less than classy and respectful manner. “But wouldn’t the council want to know for sure if the land and the water are healing? I thought the halting of the Erulite mining would be detrimental to Drakys’s economy.”

  Sienna smiled. “It is detrimental, but it’s safer what with Elan still lurking in the shadows, not in Drakys mind you, just that he still hasn’t been caught and he’s got an agenda that he’s yet to advise us of.”

  I had to agree with her. And I would have said so, but Larsson interrupted, “Got anything to eat? I’m stuck here waiting on Kai, and I’m hungry.”

  Sienna chuckled and turned to walk over to the door. “Come, Kai. Let’s see about setting aside some time to spend with you. Perhaps we could take a short flight out to the mountains for a good girly giggle and catch-up.”

  Okay, then.

  As we walked off, the jumper called out, “Hey, what about me?”

  Giggling, Sienna paused on the threshold and said, “I’ll have Wylia have something sent up to your room. You remember where it is.” With that Sienna walked off while I kept up, trying really hard not to laugh.

  I failed.

  “He’s good fun,” Sienna said, eyes sparkling. “I don’t trust too many people, but he’s definitely on the list.”

  “You asked for him, huh?”

  “You bet,” Sienna replied, waving me through a narrow vestibule into a larger waiting room with three to four person seating arrangements scattered informally around the space. The color-scheme matched the off-white, almost creme, and blue color scheme of the room I’d arrived in, and I had to say that the more I saw of it the more I liked it.

  The walls were covered in floor-to-ceiling tapestries depicting what I assumed were fables or historical tales, all done in a combination of whites, blues and highlighted in gold and black. Such elegance was almost breathtaking, lending an almost artistic concept to paintings I’d seen around the palace the last time I’d been here.

  Along one wall, a pair of open doors were guarded by two expressionless se
ntries. Leading me inside, Sienna waved at the men who leaning in simultaneously and reached for the door-handles. They shut both the doors silently, leaving us alone inside what I had to assume was Sienna’s private office.

  Then, the Queen of the Dragon Realm let out a soft squeal, clapped her hands and threw her hands around me. “Oh gosh, Kai. I was really worried about you. I’m so happy to see you.”

  I chuckled and returned the hug with equal emotion. “I’m glad to see you too. How’s everything going with the transition for the two of you?”

  Sienna pursed her lips. “It’s a bit complicated—“

  I raised a hand. “Absolutely. Not my business so no need to explain.”

  I’d spoken with a gentle smile, but Sienna’s face fell. “I’m sorry…I mean…no, it’s not because I want to keep it secret or something.” Sienna paused. “Well, it is a secret…but one that I will tell you. Just not,” Sienna waved a hand around the room, clearly meaning the palace itself by the gigantic circle she attempted draw around her head.

  I patted her shoulder. “I’m serious. I don’t expect you to share stuff. You’re a queen-person around here. I think that’s a big deal.”

  Sienna rolled her eyes. “Sometimes I have to wonder. We’ve—I’ve only been here a day but it’s been all go.” She paused and gave me a pointed look.

  Raising both my eyebrows, I bit down my question as the pieces fell into place. Then I frowned. “So, when will I be able to see…” I gave up, unsure what I was supposed to say.

  “Emissary Cassidy?” Sienna said a little too loudly. “Oh, I think he should be able to see you soon. He was out with General Vyrian earlier again today but I think I spotted them returning to the palace. You wait here and I’ll go look for them. I’m sure the General can spare a moment for you two to talk.”

  With another pointed look, Sienna left the room, and was gone for what seemed like ages. When the door opened again I spun around only to find a smiling pixie-faced elegantly uniformed girl pushing a small trolley bearing what appeared to be pots of coffee and tea, along with a selection of cakes and savoury snacks.

  “Welcome to Dyr, Emissary O’Neill. I’m sure you must be peckish after your trip.” The girl gave a quick curtsey and left the room while I stared at the closed door wondering how it was possible a person could move that fast.

  Then I shook my head. I was in the land of the dragons so even if she had wings, I wouldn’t have been surprised.

  I approached the trolley and selected a few morsels then poured a coffee. Taking my goodies over to the table, I sank into the soft chair and gave a sigh. Only then did I allow myself to acknowledge my fatigue.

  Threads of sleep and pain pulled at me as I sipped my coffee in the vain hopes that the caffeine would help boost my energy levels. My early morning coffee had only been followed with more chatting and then Kai’s visit and my secret departure from the house, and then the realm of Earth altogether.

  Boy was I going to be in trouble when I got back home.

  Chapter 31

  The last person Logan had expected to see when he entered Sienna’s office was Kai.

  She stood up slowly from the table where she’d been sipping at a cup of coffee, plate strewn with the remains of half-eaten pastries and cakes.

  Her gaze flickered away from him and then returned, as though she weren’t sure what to do with herself. Her expression flattened though as soon as Logan closed the door, her green eyes darkening to an near-black.

  Still silent, she watched him draw closer until he reached her, to stand close enough to stare into her eyes and see her pain, undulating in her gaze though she tried valiantly to appear unconcerned, to seem fine.

  Kai cleared her throat. “I wouldn’t have come if it weren’t important.” She blinked quickly, hesitant, and Logan hated that he’d turned her into this nervous, unsure, vulnerable person. Maybe Sienna had been right.

  Now he shook his head in response to her words, aware that he’d need to keep up this secretive pretense. “It’s okay. There’s no reason why you…” Logan fell silent for a moment, then scanned Kai’s shadowed face. “What’s wrong?”

  Kai took a sharp breath. “Saleem is in real trouble. Mel just stopped by...this morning... she was only conscious for a few hours before she came over. What she said...we don’t have as much time as we believed we did. And now we need to go and get him out. Mel’s rounding a team up and you’re the tactical specialist. We need all the help we can get. We need you to help us extract him.”

  Logan frowned. “Where is he?”

  “Mithras. Held captive and being tortured.” Kai said the words with an almost-accusatory tone. He knew she didn’t believe him to be responsible for his best friends incarceration, so he assumed the hurt and accusation in her voice had another reason. One he entirely deserved.

  “Do we know who we’re up against?” Logan asked, keeping his tone even.

  Kai nodded. “Mel thinks it’s Omega. We need you...Cassidy. Saleem’s life depends on it. Seriously, all the passion in the world won’t save Saleem without knowledge of infiltration, and special ops. That’s your department.” Her eyes glittered as she spoke, as though she was already priming herself for a disappointment.

  Logan was silent as he considered Kai’s words. With the Ascension Ceremony over that was one problem off the list. That still left the Blessing, which he knew could be postponed, but there were still the two rebel factions slowly inching closer. So the timing of Kai’s news left a lot to be desired and Logan wasn’t sure what he should be telling her.

  Leaving now would jeopardize his position in the realm, put both him and Sienna in danger. Logan cleared his throat. “Kai, I’m not sure I can leave right now. Things here are...let’s just say it’s not the best move for me to leave Drakys right now.” The look she gave him was so filled with pain that Logan took a breath and said, “Okay, let me look at how things are stacked up at the moment. I’ll speak to you in a while, maybe for dinner?”

  Kai swallowed, spine stiff as she recognised the evasion, but she let it slide and shook her head slowly. “That’s fine with me. I could do with a couple hours sleep and maybe a soak in the tub.” Then she paused. “I recall there being some amazing bathtubs here the last time I visited.”

  Logan grinned and said, “It’s likely you’ll get the same room this time too. Where were you located last time?”

  She though for her moment, the splotched of shadows beneath her eyes emphasising her fatigue. “The north wing, I think. View to the city and of the Black Mountains I think.”

  Logan frowned at that. The Northern wing belonged to the General of Drakys, to him, his wife and his family for the duration of his reign.

  Logan suppressed a grin. It appeared Sienna needed a good talking to.

  Chapter 32

  The soak in the bathtub, if you call the monstrosity a tub, was heavenly.

  As large as many a backyard pool, the mosaic tiled, blue and gold sunken bath had been steaming hot, the water giving of a gentle steam and the scent of jasmine and vanilla.

  I’d wanted to stay there forever but I’d almost passed out twice, and even the promise of food hadn’t swayed me from aiming myself at the bed.

  I may or may not have passed out before my head hit the pillow.

  I woke an hour later, confirmed from the time on my phone which still functioned, though, without wifi. It was still early afternoon and I knew I had plenty of time to have a second go at Logan in the hopes that his best friend’s predicament would have some effect on him. I had to wonder thought, what else was going on that would impact on his decision, that was capable of stopping him from going to Saleem’s aid.

  I promised myself that I wouldn’t be angry with him.

  When Logan spoke the words, the very words I’d dreaded, I glared at him, knowing I’d appear like a harridan, eyes glittering with fury. I didn't care.

  “And Saleem’s life? Does the life of your best friend have so little value to you?” I
shook my head. “I was so sure you wouldn’t change now that you’ve taken on your rightful role. Should I be worried that I may be wrong?” I knew my words were hurtful and I regretted them the moment I spoke them, but it appeared that Logan wasn’t hurt by them.

  His expression was that of a man who’d been expecting to be struck through with a sword, and who felt he deserved it.

  He reached out and held my arms. “No. I’m still me. It’s just things are...complicated.” HE sounded hesitant, and beneath his words was an undertone of regret and anger.

  There really was more going on, but I couldn’t get past his refusal. I didn’t blame him, I really didn’t, but on the back of his stupid letter this refusal just seemed to compound my anger and disappointment with him.

  I shrugged him off and stepped past him. “Then, uncomplicate things,” I heard myself say, my mouth taking control. “Your friend will die if you don’t come with us. I understand there are responsibilities here for you. Believe me, that is one thing I do understand. But there’s no situation in life where you are left with no choice.” The look I gave would have revealed my helplessness, a little anger, and absolutely no judgment.

  I understood.

  And I couldn’t hid that.

  Logan smiled sadly. “A choice between two shitty options is still a shitty choice.”

  Chapter 33

  “You said what?” yelled Sienna after Logan apprised her of the contents of his discussion with Kai.

  They were standing in his sitting room, surrounded by the serenely plush white-and-gold decor, but Logan felt not in the slightest bit calm.

  “I didn’t have much of a choice, Sienna. You know full well what we’re up against here. If I leave now, we’d be putting everything at risk. Our realm could be taken away from us even before we get the chance to rule.”


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