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Atone By Treaty

Page 22

by Kayla Stonor


  Oltu’s lessons continued on board ship, but here, in their bedroom, Gabrielle took charge.

  She bit her lip, tested the vibrations of the whip coiled around his cock, adding a finger to the underside of his swollen ball sac.

  “Come for me,” she whispered, “show me your love.”

  Oltu groaned, a guttural sound that escalated in volume, shifting to a full-out scream of raw, animal passion. He strained for release, to reach her, an effort in vain, his inner wrists cuffed to rings embedded at the far ends of a titanium cross, arms twisted for maximum impact, a device designed for Oltu’s pleasure, now available for hers, his Qui forbidden to touch—her favorite game.

  His powerful release persisted for a minute, longer.

  Talons scraped metal, a jarring erotic sound.

  Gabrielle watched, mesmerized by the scale of his orgasm. Her whole body ached with need, each fresh ejaculation of Oltu’s pleasure echoing deep inside her core. Her nerve ends were aflame, demanding his touch, and as his climax eased, and the hard scales raking his musculature faded to a glimmer of color beneath human skin, her desire mounted.

  Uncoiling the whip from his still erect, quivering Qui cock, she hoisted her sheer low-cut negligee around her hips. Straddling his hips, she placed the palms of her hands on his flat hard abdomen and eased into position, hovering above his oversized male-hood.

  “Gabrielle...” Oltu breathed.

  She studied his glazed eyes.

  He took in a deep breath, his chest rising and then falling. “Wait.”

  She secured her hold as his body shifted, reducing in size as Oltu resumed a size she could handle. Just. She liked to be filled. Scales smoothed to human skin, his hands slipping out of the cuffs that restrained his full-sized Qui.

  His genetic form altered before her eyes, beneath her weight.

  Gabrielle reached for an impressive but now manageable and silky-smooth erection. Oltu grunted, gripped her around her waist. “You conjure hunger in me beyond imagination. I am insatiable.” He sat up on the leveled cross, his feet easing out of their metal restraints and to the floor.

  His stiff cock pierced the ache between her legs and she gasped.

  Oltu growled. “Skal! You are impossible.”

  Involuntary spasms overtook her and Oltu grasped a clump of her hair, pulled her head back, exposing her neck. Now she was vulnerable to him and she liked it, had begun to crave the uncoiling sensations in her stomach. Culmination had opened her mind to new experiences. She trusted Oltu to take care of her in ways she could never allow another man.

  Light kisses trailed a path down her jugular vein sending bolts of pleasure through to her core.

  Too much!

  She grasped his upper arms, iron bands beneath her fingers. “You can’t touch... Oh!” Pleasure bloomed. He transported her to unexplored shores. “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

  Razor sharp talons shredded her gossamer nightie without a single scratch of her skin. Her back arched when he jerked her hair, but his palm supported her head and he stopped at the edge of discomfort.

  They both compromised their tastes, and the result was electric, pushed their limits, companions in a discovery of shared joy. A thumb grazed an exposed left nipple, intensifying the deep yearning in her belly. Desire flared. She wanted more of this brand of rough handling. Her heart raced, a flush caressed her cheeks, and she felt a warm damp trickling down her inner thigh.

  He had control.

  “You came for me,” she murmured. Her heart burst with the memory.

  He thrust up against her pelvis, the angle between them causing him to rub a sensitive nub of nerves deep inside her.

  She moaned, lost in the wonderful sensations wrapping her belly, tightening her mons. She throbbed in waves, a building crescendo that needed more. “I didn’t think it could feel so good.”

  Suddenly, he pulled her against his chest, his twitching erection still buried deep inside her. One large palm cupping her ass, he rose to his feet. Gabrielle wrapped her legs around his back, using the movement to settle more securely on him. He carried her with ease, moving through his state room to the enormous bed.

  Oltu lifted her off him and laid her down on the coverlet. “You have sated the worst of my Qui, I will not harm you. Do you trust me?”

  Gabrielle opened her eyes, feeling the cool air, wanting his warmth. “Always.”

  Oltu pressed her back, easing up above her. His head dipped, his tongue lapped at her right nipple and she writhed beneath him, reached for his cock. He evaded her, growled deep in his throat, nipped the erect bud to punish her. The pain morphed to pleasure with another salving lick of his tongue. She gasped when he twisted her other nipple to a point that set off throbbing sensations down below.

  He watched her, a glint of amusement in his eye. “Ours is a relationship of equals, and you have my love and respect. If my Qui must be bound and tamed before we can physically join, then I assert the balance of power can only be redeemed if you relinquish control in the aftermath.”

  His lips captured hers and his tongue explored her mouth with fierce abandon, and an orgasm floated up into reach. Gabrielle tensed, Oltu’s fingers massaged her clit. He pressed harder, rubbed faster, and then he was gone.

  “No,” she moaned. “Come back.”

  “I want to try something. Say your safe word only if you mean it.”


  Fingers splayed between her thighs, a nudge against her ankle forcing her legs apart and then something sharp and angled entered her. She pulled away, startled, but the pressure followed, never reaching the point where it would tear her apart. The sharp pain remained constant, and she could feel her body melting around its cusp, testing its cruelty, growing in confidence as the sharp pain convulsed into radiating spirals of pleasure that had her rolling her hips in tandem.

  Oltu shifted above her, his knee securing the device in place as he lifted her arms above her head. He restrained her wrists with bindings that a sharp tug shortened, extending her arms.

  Panic seized her. “I can’t!” she gasped.

  “Never beyond your endurance,” Oltu murmured. “Give it a few moments.” His knee rolled the device in a circular motion and the urge to climax intensified.

  Her brow furrowed as she tried to process the exquisite agony. “I’m going to come.”

  His response was to bite her nipple. Gabrielle arched in response, pressed hard against the device igniting a devastating explosion as nerves danced in a jangling riot of sensation. Rolling waves of pleasure, exploding lights, and flashing colors accompanied a dull roar in her ears.

  Her inability to move her arms, Oltu’s weight and the pressure of the device pressing against a single point took her climax to another level. She thrashed beneath him and he pinned her down. Her world reduced to a pulsating pain-pleasure that never stopped...


  Nerve ends aquiver, Gabrielle smiled in the haze that surrounded her mind. She floated, adrift on a sea of dopamine and the adrenalin of love, fighting the urge to succumb to sleep.

  Oltu kissed her neck. “You have returned to me.”

  Gabrielle grinned and stretched her arms, realized he had released her. “It was like a torture that never really hurt.”

  “If you are disappointed, I can remedy that.” His voice teased.

  “No, thank you. It was most enjoyable, perfect.” Opening her eyes to see the emerald blaze of his eyes brought a thrill of excitement. What once reminded her of horrific sins against humanity now struck her as beautiful. Oltu represented danger and excitement, a deadly combination she couldn’t bear to lose.

  She reached up and stroked his cheek, admiring the subtle coloring that trailed her fingers as his natural Qui responded. “Is what we have enough for you?”

  “More than enough. My needs have altered.”

  She stretched out and arched her back, enticing him. “Tell me.”

  His burning lust renewed
against her leg, always so quick to ignite. Lips nibbled her neck.

  “Your pleasure is my delight, Gabrielle. I enjoy pushing your limits, but my purpose is to fulfill you, to ensure my mate is content in all ways, but what I did not expect was the relief, the freedom I feel from attending to another’s needs. Satisfaction comes so easily now, and my release so intense, so bright and colorful, and I realize I have not lived until you entered my life. You have conquered my Qui, my beloved, but more than that, you have freed my soul.”


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  For more details on The Qui Treaty Collection

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  Also by Kayla Stonor

  The Qui Treaty Collection is edited by


  Adult Paranormal Romance ~ Urban Fantasy

  ~ Space Opera Romance

  Try his amazing Angel 6.0 series.

  Also by Kayla Stonor

  Under By Treaty

  He’s hers by treaty.

  She wants his devotion.

  General Jaden is a thorn in the Qui’s side. Ambassador Sonil is on Earth to extract him by treaty. When Jaden is stripped naked then caged, he gets a taste of how far she will go to ensure he is worthy of serving the Qui Empress. Her training is ruthless and alien rules apply. Failure is not an option; saving Earth from annihilation requires Jaden’s complete surrender.

  But Sonil demands more than obedience. She wants his devotion.

  Under By Treaty is a bold, fast-paced adventure of erotic romance, with a strong alpha hero who must submit to an alien temptress to save the human race from decimation by the conquering might of the Qui Empire.


  “The Qui of thirty years ago has been succeeded by his daughter,” Sonil revealed, “and her Court’s patience has run out. I am all that stands between you and a final assault that will eradicate all resistance, and most likely the human race. President Johnson, you must persuade the United Regions to cease hostilities and pledge allegiance to the Qui.”

  “The Qui being your bloodline?” Jaden interjected, refusing to let her sideline him out of the conversation.

  She hesitated, “Yes.”

  Jaden wondered how far Johnson wanted him to go in this devil’s advocate game. “Think we’ll take our chances.”

  Sonil threw him a blistering glare. “I have to wonder, Mr. President, who runs this planet. The United Regions or General Jaden?”

  “Because the Qui haven’t exactly covered themselves with glory, Ambassador,” Jaden returned as if she hadn’t spoken. Johnson sat back in his chair, his eyes half-lidded. Jaden picked up the cue to keep pushing. “You know what I think, sweetheart, I think you’re here to save face for the Qui.”

  “I am here to save Earth from its own folly.”

  “That’s your opinion. We think we’re doing just fine. We were doing even better before your foot soldiers arrived and started indiscriminately shooting!”

  “I am your last hope against a final invasion that will not hold back, unlike before. Surrender hostilities, pledge allegiance to the Qui, and a beneficial arrangement will be sought for all.”

  “And if we don’t?” Jaden asked.

  Once again, the K’lahn ambassador refused to look at him.

  “Ambassador?” Johnson asked.

  “I am struggling to understand why you would choose annihilation over membership of the Qui Galactic Empire. Planets that possess far superior armaments to your own have paid that price before. Imagine the blight of destruction that is Washington DC spread across the face of the planet. Imagine extinction. The Qui does not need humanity, Mr. President. But we are prepared to tolerate your race, honor you with a place among us, for a price.” She turned the full power of her alien orbs directly on Jaden, boring into his soul with a look that he couldn’t possibly read. “You would give your life for Earth, General Jaden?”

  Jaden blinked, taken aback by such a damn fool question. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  The Ambassador’s eyes trailed up and down Jaden in appraisal, then settled on Johnson. “Mr. President, as proof of the Qui’s sincere desire to settle this war, I am authorized to offer Earth a concession: General Jaden in return for a temporary cessation of hostilities.”

  Jaden’s jaw dropped.

  “During that time, I will personally train General Jaden for presentation to our Honored Qui. If the Empress accepts his devotion following culmination, within one Earth year, the Qui will accept Earth’s independence subject to a full trade agreement.”

  Jaden launched to his feet. “Are you insane?”

  The president waved him down, his expression grimmer than Jaden had ever seen it. “What is culmination?”

  “Culmination is a full intercourse of body and mind,” Sonil replied. “The Qui has the ability to read a tribute’s soul and judge the true extent of their willing surrender.”

  The president shot Jaden a warning look before addressing Sonil. “Is this some cultural thing, a traditional practice in the Qui Empire?”

  Sonil narrowed her eyes. “If the representative for a planet has the selflessness and courage to embrace submission for his people, then the Qui will deem the race honorable and fit for survival. A male or female prepared to devote their mind and body to the Qui’s pleasure – for the sake of their kind – makes a worthy sacrifice.”

  Johnson’s lip curled with disgust and the Qui’s Ambassador stiffened. “Do not presume to judge the Qui, Mr. President. Your society aspires to an ideal that exists only at levels like the United Regions. Analyze your world’s history and you find pockets of feudal life that continue to exist today. Cultures where rape victims are killed so as not to dishonor their family; countries where the male of your species has so little self-control, the female is obliged to hide behind cloth for fear they will tempt them into carnal acts; regions where children are slaughtered for no reason. And this was all before our invasion.”

  Fists clenched, Jaden suddenly grasped she was deadly serious. “Why me? You must know I would fail your Qui’s test? I don’t willingly submit to anyone.”

  Sonil lifted her eyes and met his stare with eyes cold-as-a-lizard. “I do not countenance failure, General. I will train you to the exacting standards of the Qui, and you alone will be honored with the opportunity to save the human race from extinction.”

  “Honor? You don’t know the meaning of the word. We have the K’lahn running in circles. Qui reinforcements are slow to arrive. This offer would give you a year to regroup and build your forces.”

  “You overestimate the time we need to ‘regroup.’ We can replace our ships and troops in several of your Earth weeks. You, however, have limited resources to equip an attack fleet with the hyper drive capability required to escape your solar system. Let me make our position clear. The Qui will destroy your planet if your leaders do not accept this offer. Mr. President, I will provide a contract clarifying our terms and the scope of General Jaden’s training.” She looked at Jaden. “You have gone very pale, General Jaden. Does the thought of my instruction cause you alarm?”

  Jaden snorted. “The thought terrifies me, Ambassador. You say you could not accept failure.” He moved forward and pressed his hands against the arms of her chair, trapping her, his face in hers. “I would not wish to destroy you.”

  Sonil inclined her head without a hint of retreat. “I appreciate the warning, General. Allow me to return the favor. If I fail you will not survive to be concerned over my welfare. And that would be my consolation.”

  End Excerpt


  Alien Captive Box Set

  Qui Treaty Collection

  Books Two to Five

  Captured and sold to the highest bidder

  ~ four sexy stories of alien shifters and alien abduction romance.

  The annihilation of m
ankind is held at bay only through the Treaty consummated between the Qui Empress and General Jaden, her human tribute. The Treaty ended the thirty year war between Earth and the K’lahn, military enforcers for the Qui. K’lahn warships evacuated the solar system by order of the Empress.

  All human prisoners of war must be repatriated to Earth.

  Generations of hatred, vengeance and enmity stand between humans and K’lahn. To avoid further hostility, the Empress selects three trusted Qui escorts to find and retrieve Special Forces soldiers sold by their K’lahn captors and sent to the far reaches of the Empire. Qui pheromones can sedate, paralyze, or arouse. Alien shapeshifters, Qui assume an almost-human appearance and experience the world through human senses. Some Qui possess a telepathy stimulated by passionate love.

  Surprisingly, humans have a sexual charge all their own.

  Qui pheromone sensitivity is a double-edged sword and the former captives spark a powerful, sensual reaction. One by one, the Qui escorts discover the battle-hardened soldiers have captured their hearts. These rare couplings of human military officers and former enemies create a new understanding between the species, but Earth’s defiance of Qui rule incites rebellion across the galactic Empire, a volatile political mess.

  This Alien Captive Box Set includes one short story and three novellas: Release By Treaty Restrain By Treaty Hunted By Treaty Submit By Treaty Warning to fans of sci-fi romance: Kayla Stonor’s novels can be dark and edgy, hot and wicked, punishing and uplifting. If you find certain themes uncomfortable, these stories may not be for you. This space opera saga includes thrilling suspense, extreme violence, femdom, domination and submission, even torture, yet always filled with delicious steamy sex and loving alien romance.


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