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by Lorraine Beaumont


  A Ravenhurst Series Novel

  Book Five


  Text Copyright © by Lorraine Beaumont

  Now and Forever Copyright ©2014 Lorraine Beaumont

  Ravenhurst Series Copyright © 2012 by Lorraine Beaumont

  The Ravenhurst Series Copyright © 2012 by Lorraine Beaumont

  All rights reserved. Except permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976,

  no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form

  or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written

  permission of the publisher.

  Owlet Press

  First Edition 2014

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity

  to real persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Copy Edit/Proofreader: Second Look Editing, L Jones

  Beaumont, Lorraine,

  Now and Forever: a novel/by Lorraine Beaumont‑1st ed.

  Cover design-By L3 Designs llc.

  Summary: This is the fifth book in the Ravenhurst series and is the final installment book in the series. Reed and Raven must race against the clock to save not only Reed’s twin brother Lucian but also figure out how to lay a centuries old legend to rest which may not be a legend at all but instead a… curse. Will the budding love that is beginning to grow between Raven and Reed withstand the curse of Ravenhurst?

  Printed in the United States of America

  This is for all my wonderful readers!

  Thank you all so much for joining me on this adventure through time!


  Once upon a time

  So much for happily ever after

  Wedded bliss

  A day late a dollar short

  No time for regret

  Another chance

  What about a redo

  Left in ruins

  A night such as this

  If only, there was another way

  Bumps in the night

  Seeking comfort

  A long shot

  Shredded remains

  One of life’s unsolved mysteries

  A turn for the worse

  Back so soon

  A wish fulfilled

  All in due time

  Another beginning

  Sticky situation

  Every which way

  Beware of the wolf in sheep’s clothing

  The truth can set you free

  Dinner is served

  A promise made

  The price of betrayal

  A moment of bliss

  Wake up and smell the coffee

  Twisted cycle

  Decisions to be made

  Forever and always


  If only for a moment

  A new plan

  Time is running out

  One for the road

  Time will tell

  A little of this a lot of that

  Waiting game

  Puzzles are funny

  Time’s up

  Pieces of Eight

  The end is near

  Yo-ho-ho where’s the rum

  The end of the trail

  I’ve had the time of my life



  “It has been a few years since I was able to stay interested in a book. The Ravenhurst series has given me the pleasure of feeling like I can’t live without knowing - again!!!!”

  Ronald Groen

  “Hoping this series makes it to Hollywood!” Christina

  “ LOVED this book. I search out time travel books and have now found my favorite writer! This isn’t just a mindless read. There are twists and turns and things I didn’t predict. Perfect. Can’t wait to read the rest of the series!” Just me

  “Time Travel in an adult format. Well written and draws you in the very first sentence. I highly recommend this book. Ms. Beaumont is a true storyteller from the beginning to the end.” Crystal Miles Gauthier

  “Loved this book and brought the series.. now waiting on book 5. Loved it loved it loved it…” Bella Perez

  “Awesome Books” Amanda Smith

  “Totally love the storyline - and can’t wait to read the next books on Ravenhurst!!!” Kathy

  “Amazing time travel stories! I could not read them fast enough! Waiting on next book to get done. I love the way it all blends together” Dawn Sorrell

  “This series was great. It was romance with time travel. The stories all linked together and were well written. Love the characters.” Cheryl Helberg

  “I really enjoyed reading these books, they are very well written and the story line keeps you wanting to continue reading. I did not want to put the book down. I am waiting very patiently for the next one to come out.” Eric Niver

  “Hard to put down… so many stories under one cover a real page turner! Have to read the next book.”

  La Verne G Menear

  “Great mystery with a side of beef!” Lorie Van Gorp

  “I’m hooked!” B Pellegrin

  “Loved this series. Hope it keeps on going. The characters are so real and the story lines are fantastic. Once you start reading you can’t stop.” L. Breed

  “Fantastic! another time travel sequence. I do not want it to stop. Cannot get enough of Lorraine Beaumont novels. Keep them coming and I will keep reading. Thanks!” Piper/Holly

  “This series is amazing! This story will keep you guessing I still have not figured it out. Give this book a shot!” Jessiejo

  “Thank you Ms. Lorraine for the most wonderful time travel series ever, am so ready for next installment.

  keep them coming” sandy

  “I like this author very much. She is different than your ordinary. Nary time travel romance author. In a good way!!!!” Jill Cogburn

  “Brilliant! This is a great story. I am now up to the fourth book in the series and wish there were many more. So hard to put down. Well done Lorraine … keep writing!!” Robyn Roberts

  “Nicely done! I liked the way the author handled intrapersonal remarks, putting them in italics.

  That was very effective and at times extremely humorous. Well done.” Niren

  “Charming!” Ms. Picc

  “It is a fantastic story line. Thanks Lorraine, you have been a blessing for me, especially since I had two operations last year, and I am still recuperating this year. God Bless you, keep writing, please.” C. Bridgeford

  “Intriguing!” Denise

  “Very edgy and intriguing!” Dedeia

  “Love this Series!” Thalia in Kansas

  “Excellent! Makes you forget the real world for a while. So curl up with a cuppa tea and a blanket and enjoy!” ykminers


  A Ravenhurst Series Novel

  Book Five


  Once upon a time


  THE sun dropped lower in the sky as the sleek red sports car pulled off the main road. Gravel crunched loudly under the weight of the tires as the car maneuvered around one of the mortared columns of the wrought iron gate…the word “Find” emblazed on the personalized license plate. Turning the engine off, she checked her GPS to make sure she was in the right place and noted the time on her Movado watch.

  Where in the hell was he?

e was officially out of her comfort zone. She was a city girl, not some country bumpkin. “Shit.”

  She didn’t like the look of this place. Not one bit. The only thing she had seen that could pass for civilization, if you could call it that, was a small town, which was a good twenty miles back. Lowering the visor, she checked her makeup in the mirror. The setting sun slanted in the sunroof, making her auburn highlights glisten. She reapplied her lipstick: MAC venom red, which matched her perfectly polished nails. Once she was satisfied with her appearance, she pushed the visor back up, snapping it in place. She tapped her fingers on the steering wheel, her Tiffany jewelry clanking against it.

  What in the hell was taking him so long? She opened the door. Her short dark blue skirt rode up her long shapely legs as she climbed out. Once outside she straightened the hem and turned to shut the door. Someone grabbed her from behind. She was in mid scream….

  “Shhh, baby it’s me,” he whispered breathily in her ear and swooped in to nuzzle her neck from behind.

  She turned around in his arms. “Damn it, Lucian!” She pushed his chest. “You scared me.”

  “Sorry about that.” He chuckled and gave her a wicked grin.

  “Where have you been?” she sighed, her heart rate slowing.

  “Watching you…over there,” he said, and tilted his head, indicating the empty space near the gates.

  “How did you get here?” She looked over her shoulder at the gates.

  “I rode my bike,” he said. “It’s behind the tree.”

  “Why is it behind a tree?”

  “I don’t want anyone to know I’m here.” He shrugged his broad shoulders.

  “I don’t think that is going to be a problem.” She cast a wary glance at their surroundings. Ancient looking trees towered above them, the leaves already turning vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow. Normally she would have enjoyed the colorful display but the place gave off an eerie vibe. It probably had more to do with her conscience then where they were.

  “Come on.” Lucian reached out, grabbed hold of her hand, and gave it a tug.

  “Ah, I don’t think so.” She kept her feet planted in place.

  “Why not?” he asked and gave her a strange look.

  “It’s too muddy.” She pulled her fingers away and pointed to the ground at his feet where mud squished up the sides of his black boots. “My shoes…they will be ruined.”

  “Come on,” he said. “They are only shoes.”

  “Not only shoes,” she gasped. “These are Jimmy Choo’s.”

  “You can buy more.” He laughed, his voice husky, deep.

  “Right… with what?” she complained. “My good looks?” She lifted her brow and crossed her arms.

  “Well you are pretty hot, but no, if all goes as planned I can buy you a store full.”

  She gave him a doubtful look.

  “What’s with the doubt?” His brow creased. “Haven’t I always come through for you?”

  She started to feel bad, but not bad enough to ruin a six hundred dollar pair of shoes. “Of course you have.” She tried to placate him even though it was a fib. Fine. It was more of an outright lie at this point. He had a tendency to drop the ball. “How are you going to do that?”

  “I have my ways.” He tugged her hand playfully. “Now come on.”

  She smiled then, she couldn’t help it. He had such a boyish look on his face. The brisk breeze flipped her short hair. She shivered and rubbed her arms. “Let’s sit in my car. It’s getting pretty chilly.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll warm you up,” he said.

  A look of dismay crossed her face.

  He sighed. “I can carry you if you like.”

  “Right…”she scoffed, and rolled her eyes.

  “What’s the matter? I thought that was every girl’s fantasy.”

  “Fantasy?” she asked, her brows creasing.

  “Yeah, you know, get swept up in the arms of a strong handsome man.” He lifted his arm and pulled up his sleeve to expose his muscle, flexing. He gave her a wink and lowered his arm. “So you want a ride or not?”

  “Fine, but don’t drop me.”

  He gave her a mischievous smile, leaned forward, and swept her into his arms. Her right shoe flew off her foot, sailing through the air and landing a good ten feet away.

  “Now you really are going to have to carry me.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and laughed as he swept her higher in his arms.

  He started to stagger forward. “Too heavy…” he huffed out between steps. “ What have you been eating?”

  “You are so not funny.” She lightly hit his shoulder.

  He laughed, making his chest rumble and carried her easily over to a dry patch of grass under the tree. “I am going to set you down, make sure you hold the tree.”

  “Now what am I going to do?” She reached out and grabbed onto the tree with one hand as he let her body slide back to the ground. “Stand here on one foot?”

  “You’re ridiculous.” He released his hold on her and walked over to pick up her shoe. Mud covered half the leopard print. “Oops…” He made a face and lifted it in the air. “Sorry Cindy, it looks like this one is a goner.”

  A look of horror crossed her face.

  He laughed harder and walked back holding her shoe.

  “Give me that.” She jerked it from his hand and wiped the mud on the grass. Now there was a big brown smudge on the side. Irritated, she shook her head, and shoved the shoe back on her foot. “So much for Prince Charming,” she remarked and made a face at him, standing up. “I am going to have to find a new fairy godmother. You aren’t charming at all.” She said it as a joke, but once she caught the look on his face, she immediately regretted saying anything. “I was kidding.”

  He didn’t reply. Instead, he merely walked over, leaned back against the base of the tree, and crossed his arms over his chest, the muscles in his arms bulging out from under the rolled up sleeves of his black t-shirt.

  As always, he looked gorgeous. She took a deep breath, walked slowly up to him, and placed her hands on his sides. “Don’t be mad. I was only kidding. You know that….right?”

  It took him a moment to respond. “Yeah, I guess.” He sounded like a despondent child.

  She sighed and ran her hands over his shirt. “You’re all dusty.” She brushed dirt off his shoulder.

  “I know,” he said, looking down at her face. “It is these damn roads. They are ridiculous.”

  “Yeah, they are pretty bad,” she agreed and looked over her shoulder back towards her car. It looked more brown then red.

  He watched her for a moment. “Did you forget something?”

  She turned back around. “No. Not at all, my car’s dirty though.” She glanced down at her watch checking the time.

  He narrowed his eyes. “You late for something?” he asked, watching her reaction.

  “Don’t be silly.” She plucked at his shirt to cover her nervousness. “So, have you heard any news?”

  “Not really.”

  “That doesn’t sound too good.” She smoothed the palms of her hands over his chest. His muscles flexed underneath.

  “It’s Reed. He is such a tight ass.” His face twisted with disgust. “He’ll never change.”

  “Why? What happened?”

  “Nothing,” he sighed and looked across the road, distracted.

  “Come on, tell me. Did you find it?”

  “Not yet, but I will.”

  “You haven’t found it yet?” she asked, not able to hide her irritation.

  “Is that all you’re worried about?”

  She sighed and walked her fingers up his arm. “No, of course not,” she said and lifted her hand to tuck a piece of his long hair behind his ear.

  “That’s not what it sounds like to me.” He gave her a pointed look. “You sound upset.”

  “I am not upset.” She stepped closer.

  He narrowed his dark eyes and studied her face. “Hmm, interesting…�

  “What is interesting?”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “Well I can’t help that.” She turned to walk away but he grabbed her arm and pulled her back towards him.

  “I was kidding, too.” He gave her a smirk, doing a little payback for the Prince Charming comment. He lifted his hand and ran his fingers down her arm. “Come on baby, don’t be like that.”

  “How am I not supposed to be like this, you never believe anything I say?”

  “Maybe I need a bit of reassurance.”

  “Really?” she asked, giving him a doubtful look. His dark gray eyes smoldered down at her. “And just how am I supposed to do that?”

  “Let’s see…” He paused, and tapped his chin in feigned thought. “Oh, I know. You can show me.”

  She rolled her eyes. “How?” she asked skeptically.

  “You need to ask that?” he added, looking sexy and wounded at the same time.

  “Your hair is longer.” She changed the subject and lifted her hand to his hair.

  “I know.” Lifting his hand, he tucked one of the long strands that slipped from his ponytail behind his ear. “You like?”

  “Yes. It looks nice.” She toyed with her hair and pulled it forward. “How about mine, you like?”

  His face was contemplative. “It’s a little short don’t you think?”

  “Hey!” She smacked him lightly. “Short is in style.”

  “Hmm, that doesn’t give me much to hold on to.”

  “There are other things to hold on to, you know.”

  “Oh I know.” He lifted his brow, lowered his gaze down to her cleavage, and pulled her closer to his body. He leaned forward and kissed her hard, his tongue delving into her mouth.

  Swept away in the moment, she kissed him back. His hands roamed freely over her, caressing kneading, squeezing. She pressed in closer.

  His lips left her mouth and he unbuttoned her blouse further, exposing her breasts. He cupped them in his hands. “I’ve missed the girls,” he joked, placing his mouth over the lacy fabric, and blew warm air against her nipples, making them harden within seconds. She sucked in her breath and tilted her head back to give him easier access. He caressed them through the near transparent lace. “I see the girls have missed me as well,” he breathed and gripped her hips with his hands. Lifting his mouth back to hers, kissing her hungrily, and then pulled away, leaving her breathless. “I’ve missed your mouth.”


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