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Desert Trading Post

Page 23

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  Her dad noticed and said, “I like this. This is honest. Naked and honest and real. My daughter is excited to be with her husband and doesn’t care who knows how much she wants and adores him. I like this a lot.”

  Courtney was full-on making out with me now, kissing me and rubbing her body on top of mine.

  She said, “Did you see me? I was right there. You could see me, so I was OK, but Babe, being away from you gets my motor running. I love you so much.”

  Just then, Dotty stepped back outside and Dan stood up as she approached. He was still half engorged and Dotty noticed.

  Dan said, “Well, did you talk to her?”

  Dotty said, “I did. Let’s sit down. Let me take my shirt and bikini off.”

  Dotty stripped and Dan sat down on his lounger. Courtney and I sat up, side by side and faced him, and Dotty sat next to him and took his hand.

  Dan said, “Is she coming?”

  Dotty said reverently, “I think she came at least once while we were on the phone. I’ll tell you exactly what happened.

  I called and said, ‘Mill, Dan says you need to come out here. He told me to call you and that you should come right away.’ She asked me for how long. I told her that you didn’t specify, but from the way you said it and the way that you were standing naked by the pool, and from the look in your eyes, that I got the distinct impression that it was non-negotiable and that she’d better plan to be here indefinitely. I didn’t ask her, I just told her. Anyway, she said that she would, but asked where she was going to be sleeping. Yeah. Dan, she was thinking about it. She backtracked quickly and said that she meant was I sure that there was room for her and she seemed to get pretty flustered. I told her that she didn’t need to worry about what bed she would be in until she’d showered at least. She has vivid memories, and I think fantasies, about showering. I said, ‘Listen, you will sleep where Dan tells you. Are you coming or not? I don’t know how long his window of opportunity will last.’

  She squeaked in a weird way, and I think that the ‘you will sleep where he says’ got to her, and I think she might have started touching herself at that point. She was breathing raggedly, but she said that she would make arrangements and leave as soon as she could. I said, ‘Look, Milly, if you want to come, go to the airport right now and charter a small private plane. Dan will pay for it. Don’t even pack a bag. Just go to the airport and get your pretty ass over here!’ That’s when I think she had an orgasm. It sounded like she was crying and grunting at the same time. She didn’t even say goodbye. The phone just went dead.”

  Dan said, “Good. Dotty, you get it, right? I understand now. I’m her husband. That’s what I’m going to tell her. I’m her husband. No more playing around and flirting and taking a scary little shower together. She’s coming and she’s staying.”

  Courtney was wide-eyed and had her mouth open as she said, “Daddy? Aunt Milly? You are like going to um, marry her? You and Mom?”

  Dan said, “I sure as hell am. I had a very interesting talk with your new husband and I realized that I have to. It’s the only thing that I can do that makes any sense. If I don’t, I’m just ignoring how things are supposed to be. Tomorrow morning, it will be your Aunt Milly screaming at sunrise as I fuck her and your mom together.”

  Courtney grinned and said “Daddy!”

  Dan said, “Hey, it’s the truth. Unless we’re too tired to get up tomorrow. You told me that Dave is fucking you and you are loving it, and I’m telling you that I’m going to tell Milly that I’m her husband from now on and I don’t want there to be any confusion about the noises you hear coming from my bedroom. Or the balcony, or the shower, or right out here by the pool. I just don’t care.”

  Dotty said, “Dan, did you know that Milly was seeing someone?”

  Dan said, “Nope. Don’t care. That has no bearing on this. What she was doing isn’t important. She won’t be seeing anybody but me as of this evening.”

  Dotty said, “What the hell has gotten into you?”

  Dan looked off in the distance and said, “Clarity.”

  Dotty said, “Well, thank you. I want this so much. I just couldn’t really admit it enough or hope enough for us to really talk openly about it. Lie down.”

  Dan just sat there with his thoughts and Dotty repeated, “Lie down!”

  Dan looked at his wife and she pushed him back on the lounger. He was fully erect now. They were right though. It made sense that he would be erect right now, and I wasn’t embarrassed by it at all. There was no shame in his body responding to his emotions this way. It made sense. And so did what happened next, even though a day ago I would have been shocked and mortified.

  Dan seemed lost in his own mind somewhere, but Dotty was right here. And a short second later, she had his cock in her fist, pumping him to even more stiffness. She started to throw her leg over the top of him, clearly about to put him inside herself.

  For an instant, I just watched. They didn’t care, and neither did I. But then, it occurred to me that Courtney and I needed to leave. Or did we? I didn’t know. Did they somehow want us to stay? Was this some kind of family activity for us to be part of? Not that we would have sex with her parents, of course, but was this act of love and desire something as natural as giving each other a good strong kiss? Courtney could follow her mother’s lead and ride me at the same time if she wanted to. There wasn’t anything wrong with that was there? I wasn’t sure that there should be.

  But then I remembered something very important and pulled Courtney quickly to her feet and dragged her toward the house. The initiation of her parent’s lovemaking had left her in the same state as me, undecided about whether to leave or just stay and join them or even stay and ignore them. But no, I had an urgent reason to leave.

  Chapter 21 - Family Adjustments

  The reason for leaving wasn’t because I was in a hurry to make love to Courtney in private. It was because Dan had given me a mission. I didn’t know how I would accomplish it, but I was now committed to it. To try at least. The mission was to rescue Jett and find her a good husband; me.

  And that meant getting away from her parents going at it by the pool. If Courtney and I started having sex in the open, if Jett saw what was going on, it wouldn’t help me with my mission at all. I somehow knew that she’d react badly to that. Having sex in the open wasn’t the way to Jett’s heart. It was something else.

  Courtney and I ran up the stairs and I headed for our room, but Courtney pulled me in a different direction to a small sitting room off the hall. We plopped down on a sofa and Courtney started to laugh.

  She said, “Wow! Oh my gosh! That was the wildest thing I have ever seen. Forget porn, that was entertainment. My dad saying that my aunt is coming and he’s all about making her break up with her boyfriend or something, and mom making Aunt Milly wet her panties over the phone and then jacking my dad off like we aren’t even visible. That was amazing! So, are we going to do it too? Do you want to go to a room where we can look out the window and watch? We can’t do that, can we? Oh, this is too weird and crazy!”

  I said, “Courtney, slow down for a sec. You know we have to talk now, right?”

  She laughed and rolled on the sofa and said, “About what? We don’t have to do anything except whatever we want to!”

  I said, “Then we have to talk.”

  Courtney sat up straighter and faced me and grinned and said, “OK, what about?”

  I said, “Jett.”

  She laughed and said, “There’s nothing to talk about. Daddy showed you what to do. I love Jett and she’s a dork and now you know. You have to be all like, ‘Jett my woman now. Jett suck cock and be happy. Dave king now. Jett stupid. Jett get smart now. Good fuck make Jett smart. Dave rip stupid clothes. Jett wear good clothes now. Fuck lots.’

  This is going to be so easy. Dave, you’ll do it, right? I didn’t really tell you, but I did sort of, but I didn’t say it out loud, but now, you know and you’ll do it, right? It was my mom and dad and Milly that m
ade me realize that I wanted it. Not today, years ago. After my divorce from Tim. There was just so much energy there and one day I asked Mom why she and Dad didn’t just make Milly live with them and be like married or whatever. She laughed and said that maybe she’d do it but that Dad never would. But why not? And if the chance ever came for me to have that kind of thing, if I had a great guy who really really really loved me, wouldn’t there be enough love for Jett the Dork? If it was a really special guy? So, do it!”

  I said, “Courtney, your dad made a really good case for it. He made it sound like it was the only truly good thing that I could do. If you want it. But Babe, it will be a hard road. Other people won’t understand.”

  Courtney said seriously, “I know. I haven’t thought that much about the details because it was just a fantasy and the actual logistics weren’t important enough or real enough to think about. I have no idea how it will work, but I know that it will work if we want it to. And, I understand that this isn’t your fantasy and it isn’t about having sex with my sister. You get it. It’s about relationship and mutuality, and love. Dave, do it. Do it. Listen to me. Do it.”

  I asked, “Courtney, when did you start thinking about this? Specifically? Like you were going to try to make it happen or whatever?”

  She said, “Yesterday. When we talked about it. I started saying that stuff about being from another planet, and my fantasy about showering with you and you having other women in the shower with us, and then it hit me: where was Jett? Why couldn’t Jett be as happy as I am? She could be if she was with us! She’s like another side of me anyway, so I pictured her on one side of you and me on the other. She’s my shadow, the dark half. And I felt like you were the sunlight and why couldn’t Jett have you shine on her too, if she came close to you? So, you will let it happen, right? We have too! There’s no way not to now!”

  I said, “If Jett comes to want it. I can’t believe I’m saying this.”

  Courtney smiled and stared into my eyes and said, “What do you believe?”

  I took a breath and said, “I believe that you jumped into my car and changed my life. I believe that I have never imagined the kind of life that I have now. I believe that life with you is better than any fantasy that I could ever have. I believe that as we drove down the highway, you sat in the passenger seat with your pussy out and I fingered you and you enjoyed it and then we switched drivers and you made me orgasm into your hand and you licked me off your fingers.”

  Courtney said, “And based on all of that, and all of that really did happen and will absolutely happen again, what do you believe about your chances of being able to get her royal dark dorkiness to quit telling me to tie you up in the backyard and that she’ll climb into your bed instead?”

  I said, “That I don’t know about.”

  Courtney said, “You liar! You lying bastard. You do know.”

  I said, “OK, here’s what I think I know. Yes, if I play my cards right, I can help Jett find what she wants. I know deep down that I can. And I know that’s what you want, but deep down, I don’t know it at all.”

  Courtney said, “I understand that. I won’t try to convince you. You have to decide if I’m lying when I tell you I want it. If I don’t tell you what I want, then use your intuition and do what’s right. I almost screwed up really bad with that girl Lisa.”

  I said, “But this isn’t like Lisa, is it? You aren’t recruiting Jett. You are um, opening her. No, you are trying to provide an environment for her to decide to open herself.”

  Courtney had a tear in her eye as she nodded and whispered, “Yes.”

  I put my arm around her and she leaned into me.

  She said, “And I know that you have to take the lead, just like at the bank, and when you got the trading post lady to find a way to take our money, and how you got us that fabulous dinner last night, and how you arranged our wedding. I was part of all of it and we were a team for all of it, but so much of it was me getting out of the way and watching you work.”

  I cleared my throat and said, “And speaking of dinner last night…”

  Courtney said, “What about it?”

  I said, “Well, you seemed to be inviting Belinda to…I don’t know quite what.”

  She said, “Yes you do. You know exactly what I was inviting her to do. I was inviting her to come and see if she wanted to climb in beside Jett. Jett comes first, but I told you that we have room for more than one. And Lin is welcome as far as I’m concerned. But I’ve just decided that I’m not going to push that at all. I’m not even going to help you. So that you know though, Lisa, or any other random hotel maid or shop girl or bikini model or tattoo artist isn’t going to part of this at all. If you ain’t satisfied with me and Jett and Lin, that’s just too bad.”

  I looked shocked and hurt and Courtney said, “I didn’t mean that. I’m so sorry. I know this was my idea, not yours and I know that it has nothing with you being sexually satisfied with anyone but me. I know that. It was a joke. A stupid one. I just meant that I have gotten clear about that recruiting thing and this isn’t about sexy girls playing with us. This is love and mutuality and life and happiness and family. And that definitely envelopes Jett, and it might encircle Lin, but I can’t imagine anyone else, ever, living up to the standards that I have for us now.”

  I said, “I’m happy to hear it.”

  She said, “We’ll take it as it comes, like everything that we have done so far. A step at a time, one foot in front of the other. Dave?”

  I said, “Yeah?”

  She said, “Nothing. I don’t know. I just love you.”

  There was a knock on the door then and Courtney called out, “Yeah? Come on in.”

  Jett’s voice asked, “Do you have clothes on?”

  Courtney yelled, “No. And I let Dave in the house, but I wiped his feet first and gave him a bath, so it’s OK.”

  Jett opened the door and walked in and stared at me, and my nakedness.

  She said, “Mom says you are moving to the room next to me because you have some deal where you can’t go to the bathroom by yourself and my room and that room share a bathroom and a shower. Oh, they’re done rutting in the courtyard, by the way. It’s one thing to catch Mom sunbathing in the nude, but I did not enjoy walking out to the pool and seeing my mom on my dad’s lap, bouncing like a pair of volleyballs. So anyway, tell her that you don’t want to move rooms and you don’t need to share a bathroom with me, and that will make me happy.”

  Courtney said, “No, I think that now that I’m married, I need the bigger room next to yours.”

  Jett said, “Fine! I’ll move. Or go to Canada.”

  Courtney said, “Don’t be stupid, Dork. If you move to a different room, how will you sneak into our room at night and murder Dave in his sleep?”

  Jett said, “You have points there, Fatty. You should put on a shirt so that they don’t show. I’ll think about it. But if I do have to move, Rover is doing the heavy lifting. Can’t you put some clothes on it? Or have it neutered?”

  Courtney said, “I start to put clothes on him, but I end up ripping them off a few seconds later so that I can play with him.”

  Jett smiled sardonically and said, “Do you make him beg?”

  Courtney laughed and said, “You don’t get it at all. There’s no begging involved. But boy do I giggle when I lay on my back and he licks my…belly.”

  Jett exclaimed, “Gross! So gross.”

  I noticed that Jett had been inching closer and closer to the sofa and now sat down, next to her sister on the side farthest from me.

  She was quieter now and said, “Why did he make you paint your pussy blue? Is that some fetish thing? I know about that stuff. I see it in New York all the time. At sex clubs I go to. I shave mine and have a dragon tattoo so that it looks like it is biting my lover’s penis off when we have sex. If I ever let him. Sometimes I do, but he has to be quick and not get any of his semen on me. I hate that. But like I said, his wiener is so much smaller and more at
tractive than Rover here.”

  We sat for a minute and Jett said, “I bet the dye makes it stiff and crusty and uncomfortable.”

  Courtney smiled and said, “No, it’s really soft. And it just takes a few minutes to do because I have blond hair, You’ll have to bleach yours first, but you’ll look so cute. It’s really soft. Touch it,” and she spread her legs a little to make room.

  Jett said, “No way! You’re almost like a sister to me. I touch girl’s pussies all the time in New York at the sex clubs we go to. I just walk past them and they spread their legs and hope I’ll grab them. I almost never do. But if she’s really hot and wants it bad, maybe I will, just to be nice to her because she’s so pathetic.”

  Courtney said, “This isn’t like that. It’s soft. You asked. I told you you can feel it if you want to. For science.”

  Jett looked down at Courtney’s blue hair and said, “Have dog boy do it.”

  Courtney smiled and opened her legs a bit more and I took the hint and started to slide my hand up Courtney’s thigh toward her pubic hair.

  Just as I ran my fingers through the fine curls, Jett yelled, “Eew! Stop. Gross. He’s touching you. Down there!”

  I stopped but didn’t pull my hand away and Jett kept looking straight at my fingers and Courtney’s blue triangle.

  Courtney said, “Oh that feels nice. His fingers are so much better than mine. Jett, you know how good it feels to play with your hair in bed before you go to sleep. Just playing with it because it’s fuzzy and feels good. It’s even better when Dave does it. And we do it together. Both of our hands playing in my fuzz.”

  She slid her hand down to mine and touched my fingers.

  Jett said slowly but angrily, “Make it put some clothes on. Tell mom you don’t want the room next to mine. Lock your doors at night. Tell Dad to stop being so free with his nudity and especially to stop having sex on the patio. I’m going to Toronto for a few days.”


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