Highland Trails of Love

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Highland Trails of Love Page 53

by Barbara Bard

  She pummeled him with her small fists, but they made no impact. Her fists were like raindrops striking against cold, hard brick. She shrieked and screamed for mercy, hoping that the guards would rush in, but they were obedient to Lord Flynn. Lord Flynn had everyone in his thrall, and there was no escape.

  Her only hope was Alastar, but he was out in the gardens, and had likely fled by now.

  Rebecca saw her life flash before her eyes and wondered how it had ever come to this. She prayed to God for salvation, and then tried to block out every sensation in her body as Lord Flynn tossed her onto the bed and pulled his loose night shirt over his head.

  His body bore the scars of war, but it was still powerful. Muscles were etched into the hard flesh, and gray hair spread over his torso. There was a hungry look in his eyes, the look of a beast that had been denied food for decades.

  Rebecca crawled to the head of the bed and clutched at one of the pillars, hot tears trickling down her cheeks.

  They were disturbed by two thuds outside the door. Both looked towards the door and watched it open. When Alastar emerged, Rebecca's expression was one of delight, while Athelred scowled.

  “You,” he spat.

  “Aye, it's me,” Alastar said, wielding his sword. From her vantage point, Rebecca could see the two guards slumped outside the door. Alastar kicked the door shut. He circled the room and held his sword in front of him, the tip pointed straight at Athelred.

  Athelred backed away and lowered himself, reaching under the bed. He brought out a sword of his own.

  “Did you think I would be unarmed?” he asked.

  “Nay, ye always hae a trick up ye sleeve,” Alastar remarked. He glanced at Rebecca, who was too frightened to do anything. She clung to the post of the bed tightly and hoped that Alastar would be able to best Lord Flynn.

  The men approached each other. Lord Flynn bare-chested, Alastar with his cloak swaying around him.

  For all his denigrating comments about the Highlanders, in this moment it was Lord Flynn who looked more the savage.

  Steel clashed, and the scraping song filled the room. Rebecca found herself wincing, but she could not look away. They parried and thrust, danced lightly on their feet, and their swords moved faster than the eye could see. Both were skilled men, and the outcome would be uncertain.

  “I see that years of imprisonment haven't dulled your skills,” Athelred said.

  “And ye elderly years have nae caught up with ye yet,” Alastar retorted. Another flurry of strikes followed, both men testing each other.

  “You're a pale shadow of your father. I bested him, and I shall have no trouble doing the same with you,” Athelred said. At the mention of his father, Alastar flew into a rage and roared. He battered Athelred with his sword, pushing the older man back. Rebecca was certain that Athelred's sword would snap under the pressure of Alastar's blows.

  But Athelred was coy. As he was pushed down under Alastar's force he kicked out, finding Alastar's knee. Alastar cried out in pain and staggered back. Athelred took advantage and rose with fury, finding the vigor of his youth as he slashed out at Alastar. Alastar deftly parried the blows and soon had his footing again. He and Athelred continued the fight. Athelred's body glistened with sweat, but he was able to hold his own against the younger man.

  “It is time for ye tae pay for what ye hae done,” Alastar said.

  “For me? What about you? Your father cost me the chance to say goodbye to my wife. And now you come to attack me? After all these years I thought some sense would have come into your mind. You can't win Alastar.”

  “Don't call me that. I am nae Alastar. I am the Blue Thistle, and ye would dae well tae remember that.”

  With those words, Alastar moved forward with determination. As Rebecca watched him in full motion her fear dissipated. He was like a hero, a mythical figure. He transformed before her eyes and made her feel whole. The sword seemed like an extension of his body. It blurred as he moved so quickly, and she was certain that he could not lose. A smile spread across her face as her heart beat frantically, for she was so enamored with the way he moved. He was a swashbuckling hero, and he had won her heart.

  Even Lord Flynn seemed to know that he was outmatched. Alastar was vigorous and strong. Although he had been locked in a dungeon for many years, he had honed his strength. His body was lithe and sinuous. It had been forged for one single purpose since he was a child. And what's more, he seemed to be enjoying it. He batted Lord Flynn back, and it was surely now only a matter of time.

  Indeed, Alastar showed no mercy in his vicious blows. Steel clanged against steel, but Lord Flynn was forced to the floor. He held his sword up over his body with both hands, struggling to brace himself against the onslaught of the Blue Thistle's blows. Alastar's face was a picture of anger. All the rage that had been simmering in the pit of his stomach was unleashed in a burst of vibrant fury.

  Lord Flynn was entering his final moments. The bed shook as he fell against it. Rebecca stood upright, afraid that she would get wounded by the flashing blades by mistake. Alastar was too skilled for that though. With a deft flick of the wrist he ran his sword along the blade of Lord Flynn's and disarmed him. The sword clattered against the floor, thrown across the other side of the room. Lord Flynn groaned, clutching his wrist.

  Alastar stood before him, ready to make the killing blow.

  But then, the door opened.

  “There he is!” Elayne shouted. Rebecca was as surprised by her appearance as she had been at Alastar's. Three guards poured in around Elayne, who stayed out of harm's way. Alastar was cursed as he was forced to take his attention away from Flynn. He swung his sword around and threw himself at the guards. His hackles were raised, and he was fully in the heat of battle. It was majestic to watch. Even though he was outnumbered the guards could not match his skill and were quickly sent through the door. Elayne rushed in and fell to Athelred's feet.

  “I'll take care of you now,” she said, then smiled up wickedly at Rebecca.

  “Stand away lass,” Alastar shouted. He was a fearsome sight, holding his sword. Elayne held herself before Athelred.

  “I won't let you kill him!” she said in a shrill voice. Alastar snarled.

  “Alastar, we have to leave. More guards will be on their way,” Rebecca called out. Alastar looked at her, then back down to the forlorn woman and the defeated English Lord.

  Alastar sheathed his sword and leaped on the bed, picking up Lord Flynn's sword as he did so. He gathered Rebecca up in his arms and took one look out of the window.

  “Are ye ready tae fly lass?” he asked, then took hold of the bed sheet. He yanked it out and slammed Lord Flynn's sword into the wall, holding the fabric taut and tight. He then grabbed the end and jumped out of the window, with Rebecca clinging onto him. The whole thing happened so quickly she was left breathless and thought for sure that she was going to her doom.

  She saw stars whirl in front of her eyes. Alastar kicked against the wall and they dropped down the few stories to the ground. Rebecca was very relieved when she felt solid ground beneath her feet.

  “You saved me,” she said sweetly.

  “Aye, but it will mean naething if we dinnae get out of here,” Alastar said. He took her hand in hers and they ran across the courtyard in search of their freedom.

  Chapter 19

  Alastar's only regret was not finishing Lord Flynn off. The man deserved to die. If left alive, he would surely come after them. It was imperative that he and Rebecca escape.

  Her hand was enveloped by his. Her skin was soft. They sprinted across the courtyard, not giving any thought to stealth at the moment. There was some commotion as guards were rushing to the house, so their attention wasn't on the wider estate. Alastar decided to use this to his advantage and went straight to the stables.

  George was there alone and rolled his eyes when he saw the two of them approach.

  “I knew you were trouble,” George said.

  “We need to get out of here
,” Rebecca said breathlessly.

  “That you will. I just hope that this is the end of this. I want a quiet life,” George muttered to himself. He quickly prepared a couple of horses for them. Rebecca showed some trepidation.

  “Ye can ride?” Alastar asked. Rebecca wilted in front of him. Alastar cursed and helped her onto his horse. He then leaped up after shaking George's hand.

  “Hold ontae me tight lass,” he said as he took the reins and urged the horse forward. They trotted out of the estate and as soon as they were on the open road they went into a gallop.

  The night air whirled around Alastar's face, whipping his cloak, but all he was aware of was Rebecca's grip around his waist. Her hands were so tiny. She was so delicate, and yet she had proven herself stronger than steel.

  Bitterness resided in his heart thanks to the way the battle had ended, but at least he had shown Lord Flynn that he would not be easily subdued. This was the rebirth of the Blue Thistle. As they rode, Alastar afforded himself a wry smile.

  Alastar wanted to put as much distance as possible between him and the estate. He knew that soon enough the forests would be alive with hunting parties. Lord Flynn was not going to take the humiliation he had just suffered lightly. He'd want Alastar back in chains as soon as possible. Alastar took the main road for as far North as he dared, then turned off into the dark, foreboding forest. As they entered the woods, he felt Rebecca's grip tense against him.

  “It'll be fine lass, there's nae danger here,” he said. “Woods like these were my home when I was younger. I know all their secrets,” he said. Her grip relaxed a little, but he could feel her little heart beating against him and knew her to be scared.

  He made the horse go deep into the woods until he heard the trickling sound of a stream. The bramble and bracken cracked against his feet as he jumped off, then helped Rebecca. The night was dark, the only light provided by the moon turned into thin slivers. Alastar had ridden mostly by instinct through these woods, and he was pleased to see that it had served him well.

  “I cannot believe that we're free,” Rebecca said, gasping. She sat down on a nearby log. Alastar pulled out some supplies that George had put in the saddlebags and handed her some food and water. She took it eagerly.

  “We are nae free yet lass. Lord Flynn will chase us. I dinnae understand what happened. That girl, she warned me, she came tae me and asked me tae help ye.”

  “Elayne,” Rebecca scowled.

  “Ye knew her?”

  “I thought she was my friend. I should have known better. She was jealous of me because I had Lord Flynn's attention. She wanted to get in the good graces of a noble, so when I was assigned to the house, she must have been very jealous. She must have seen me taken away and wanted to get me out of the way so she could make a good impression on Lord Flynn.”

  “She hae succeeded in that,” he said.

  “I know, but I pity her. She has no idea what he is truly like. He will destroy her,” Rebecca said, choking back a sob. She had come so close to that fate herself. Alastar sat beside her and put his arm around her, offering some semblance of comfort.

  “Ye are safe now lass. Like I said, I will nae let any harm come tae ye.”

  “You won't, will you?” she said, turning her gaze to look at him. Her eyes were like pools of water, so still, and with such depth that a man could easily get drowned in them. He skin was pale, and the beauty of her face was stark in the moonlight. Alastar could feel stirrings inside him. His breath caught in his throat. He gazed at her lips and saw them part.

  He rose and tended to the horse. He couldn't tell if she was disappointed or not. But it wasn't right for him to involve her in his quest. He had to make sure that she was safe, then he could return and kill Athelred Flynn.

  “What do we do now?” she asked humbly.

  “Ye can dae what ye like lass. If ye wish, ye can find a village somewhere and make a new life.”

  “And what will you do?”

  Alastar looked north. “I must return tae the North and warn them of what is coming.”

  “Will your clan be ready?”

  Alastar chuckled a little. “I hae nae clan lass.”

  “What? I thought all the Highlanders had a clan?”

  “Nay. My family was small. My father did nae belong tae anyone, and that was the way he liked it. I hae tae admit though, it may hae been good for us tae have allies. We could hae put up a better fight against Lord Flynn.”

  “What actually happened? Why does he hate you so much?”

  Alastar looked up at the moon, wondering if his parents were looking down upon him.

  “That is a story ye dinnae want tae hear. Ye should get some rest,” he said softly, bowing his head.

  “How do you expect me to rest in a situation like this? My heart is thumping, my hands are trembling. Every sound I hear makes me nervous, as I am sure that Lord Flynn is already after us. My only friend has betrayed me, and I am stuck here in the middle of nowhere with nobody but you for company. Forgive my tone, but I think the least you could do is tell me a story,” she said.

  Alastar looked at her, a little surprised at her outburst. So far, she had been mostly timid, but he knew there was a firm soul inside.

  “Ye are brave,” he said as he made his way over to her, but he did not sit down.

  “I hardly feel that way. I have been utterly despondent from the moment Lady Catherine implored me to help her in her plot. I should have refused.”

  “But ye would nae hae been able tae live with yerself. I know the type of person ye are,” he said.

  Rebecca folded her arms across her chest defensively, but that did not deter Alastar.

  “Ye are brave, whether ye like it or nae. Ye hae fought ye fear and won. Ye put yerself in danger tae save others, even strangers. But even before that ye were brave. I know how people treated me, how they saw me. I was just someone tae come and abuse. But ye saw me differently. Ye took pity on me and fed me. Ye kept me alive when naebody else cared. I owe ye my life, so I suppose I can tell ye a story.”

  He stepped away from her and turned his back on her, for it was rare that he told this story in the fullest. It was a memory that had been seared into his mind and soul, and one that had given him great grief over the years. He began at the beginning, telling her all about how his father had taken up the mantle of the Blue Thistle during the war, only to give it up when Alastar was born. Then, how he had taught Alastar how to fight, and then the death of Alastar's mother, and the partnership between father and son that followed. Alastar and his father roamed across the land, helping people where they could, until it brought them back near the English border, back into contact with Lord Flynn.

  “It was my fault. I insisted we stay and help the people even though my father said we should leave. I was tae stubborn. Lord Flynn and his men came. We nae stood a chance. We fought, of course, but it was nae enough. After years of avoiding capture, the Blue Thistle was finally defeated, and it was all my fault. He killed my father in front of me, and then brought me back in chains. He said that I would never know freedom, only the torture of knowing that I am the reason my father is dead.”

  Alastar swallowed after he finished speaking. He heard movement behind him and then felt Rebecca's arms around him again. It was a warm, comforting embrace, and he slipped into it with ease. It felt natural to be with her, and the stirrings of his heart told him that he should welcome her affection.

  Yet his mind told him that he would only lead her to her doom if she remained close to him. Alastar was at war with himself. He put his hands around her waist and enjoying the feeling of her warmth against his. The night wasn't cold, but the two of them burned like an inferno. He breathed in her sweet scent, felt the soft trembles of her body against his. Her hair brushed against his chest, and she seemed to melt into him. For so long Alastar had been alone, and now he had a pretty lass ensconced in his arms. The most surprising thing to him was that it felt entirely natural, as though this was the pla
ce where she belonged. Part of him was torn, because he knew his mission didn’t have room for love, but with Rebecca so close it was almost impossible to ignore the yearnings of his heart.

  He looked down as she looked up. Time stood still as a feeling passed between them. Alastar wanted more than anything in the world to kiss her in that moment, but he broke away, putting distance between them.

  “Ye should be careful lass. I am nae the kind of man ye should want in ye life. Death and loneliness stalk me, and if ye are nae careful they will be companions tae ye tae. I already told ye that I would nae let anything happen tae ye, and that includes danger from me.”

  Rebecca shirked back, hurt. He hated the thought that he had caused her pain, but he knew it was better in the long run. He only had one thing to do in his life, kill Lord Flynn. Perhaps, after that, there was a chance, if she was still willing. But a sweet flower like Rebecca deserved more than he could offer.


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