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Highland Trails of Love

Page 58

by Barbara Bard

  “Ye will be the death of me lass, and a very welcome death it will be.”

  She rolled off him and stood up, then held his hand, helping him off the ground as well. They ate a little bit more food, and it was a mercy they were close to the McCall’s, for they were almost out of supplies, and they had been rationing them out carefully as well. It had been a long time since Alastar had been around his people, and he found the prospect rather daunting.

  They got back on the horse and started to make the final part of their journey. There were no incidents on the way, for which Alastar was extremely grateful. They only stopped once, in the afternoon, to give the horse some much needed rest and to finish off the last of their rations.

  “Ye hae been a sturdy companion,” Alastar said, patting the horse on its neck. The mighty beast had carried them a long way. The more he looked at Rebecca the more he wished he could take her then and there without having to wait until they had reached the McCall’s, but although his primal impulses were strong, he could not allow himself to surrender to them. There was far too much at stake, and he wouldn't be a very good hero at all if he allowed his personal desires to get in the way of his mission.

  So, reluctantly, he composed himself and held his body firm, telling himself that as soon as he was able, he would take Rebecca again, and there would be no end to the passion they would share. For as long as he was alive, at least.

  He tried not to think of it too often, but there was a chance that another Blue Thistle could fall at the sword of Lord Flynn, if he wasn't careful.

  Alastar slapped Rebecca on the rump as he helped her on the horse, and she gave him a coy smile. She had certainly lost some of her demure nature as she had become more comfortable with him. In many ways, she was beginning to reflect the Highlands, hard and beautiful, and he wondered if she realized how much she fit in.

  They rode hard, and then, as the sky was beginning to burn red and the sun was dipping below the horizon, the McCall castle came into view. The stout rocky building, set against a valley, filled Alastar with pride and yearning. The small castle was gray and dark, and its windows looked like shadows. On first sight it looked a grim place, especially compared with the grandeur of Flynn's estate, but Alastar knew they would receive far better hospitality from the people here.

  They rode up. There were people camping outside the castle, feasting on meat and ale. Alastar felt Rebecca cling to her even more tightly than before. He patted her hand, reassuring her that everything was going to be fine. A few people noticed them, but nobody said anything.

  “Where can I find the McCall’s?” Alastar asked. He was pointed to the castle and was told they were enjoying a family feast.

  They led the horse up and then alighted near the castle door, fastening the horse and handing it off to an attendant who would see the horse was well-fed and nourished. Rebecca followed dutifully, keeping close to Alastar as he entered the castle and followed the sounds of feasting.

  He went through some heavy wooden doors. The sounds of laughter and joy filled the castle, and the warmth from a hearth made the air cozy. They walked into the feasting hall. At first, nobody paid them any attention, for they were all caught up in the merriment of being together. Alastar saw Declan sitting with Catherine. The others he did not recognize. It was Catherine who saw them first.

  “Rebecca!” she cried out and rose. Alastar smirked. Catherine's words silenced the rest of them. Declan beamed when he saw Alastar. The two of them came towards them and embraced them tightly.

  “It seems as though ye hae made up for lost time,” Alastar said, gesturing to Catherine's pregnancy.

  “It just happened,” Declan said sheepishly. Alastar slapped him on the back and embraced him again. He had few friends in this world, so it was pleasing to be able to reunite with one of them.

  “I'm glad ye are here. I feared I would never see ye again,” Declan said.

  “Who is ye friend Declan?” one of the other men boomed out. He was sitting in the middle of the table, looking brutal and intimidating. The man sitting next to him looked similar, but a little leaner, and they each had a woman by their side.

  Declan looked back, having forgotten himself in the moment.

  “This is the man who helped us escape, the prisoner. This is,” he turned to look at Alastar and noticed the new blue-dyed clothes the man was wearing. A look of realization came upon his face, “The Blue Thistle?”

  “The name is Alastar,” Alastar said, grinning and nodding towards the two men, knowing that it was important to pay his respects, smiling towards Declan though. He was grateful to be called the same as his father. Alastar walked up to the two men and bent his knee, placing his hand upon his heart. Declan scurried after him and made the introductions, telling Alastar about Blair, Rosemary, Drew, and Sarah.

  “I am sorry for interrupting ye supper,” Alastar said.

  “The Blue Thistle ye say? I heard about ye during the war,” Blair said. “Declan, fetch Alastar and Rebecca some food,” he added. Alastar nodded in thanks. Rebecca was led forward by Catherine and perched on a chair. Declan quickly brought over some food and placed it in front of them. Alastar took one mouthful, but what he had come here to say could not wait.

  “That was my Da, but ye dae him honor by remembering him. I can only hope that I live up tae his example,” Alastar said. “I come here with grave news. War is brewing. Lord Flynn is determined tae see an end tae us.”

  “That fool,” Blair said, clenching his fist. “We beat his forces once, dinnae he know we can dae it again?!”

  “That was his son. This is his father. The same man who led the English forces in the last war. He seeks vengeance for his son, and he wishes tae see his daughter return,” he said, turning his eyes towards Catherine.

  A hand shot to her mouth. Then she composed herself.

  “If I can avert this war then I must return home,” she said. “I feared this was coming.” Declan began to protest, but before it could go any further Alastar spoke up again.

  “I dinnae think that would help. He's out for blood, and he will nae stop until he gets his fill.” He turned back to Blair. “I came tae ye tae warn ye, sae that ye should summon ye forces tae fight him. He is on the march as we speak. We came as quickly as we could.”

  Blair leaned over as Drew whispered something in his ear. Blair nodded, and then leaned forward to address Alastar.

  “I think we should have some words. Women, will ye mind leaving us? Ye should show Rebecca where she can stay,” Blair said, his gaze fixed on Alastar.

  Chapter 28

  Rebecca found being in this Highland kingdom brought forth a mixture of emotions. The castle was foreboding, the hall noisy. The Highlanders themselves were glaring and brooding, at least outside. She had remained quiet while addressing the McCalls as she found the prospect of being in this place daunting, although she was glad to see a friendly face in Catherine again. In truth, she was glad that she was dismissed with the other women as she wasn't sure how comfortable she should feel. There was still a sense of danger from the Highlanders. While she felt safe around Alastar, years of hearing how dangerous Highlanders were had taken its toll on her, so she welcomed the company of the English girls.

  They left with tittering laughter.

  “I don't know how you can let him speak to you like that,” Catherine said. Rosemary waved a hand in the air.

  “You know Blair, some habits die hard. At least he asked us this time rather than demanding,” Rosemary said.

  “I'm Sarah,” Sarah said, introducing herself and the others properly to Rebecca, who felt as though she was intruding on this group.

  “Is this another one who has fallen under the spell of a Highlander?” Rosemary asked.

  Rebecca blushed.

  “Don't feel a need to be ashamed. We have all left our native land to come here and be with them,” Sarah said. “What made you leave England?”

  “I fear that was my fault. I must apologize to you R
ebecca. I did not mean to place you in such a precarious position. I wish I could have done more to help you, but I needed to get Declan away before he was killed, and I could not stay,” Catherine said.

  “I understand, and I do not blame you for any of this. But it was difficult after you left. Your father was furious with you and Declan. He questioned us all to see if we had heard anything, and then he grew even more angry when he learned that Alastar had escaped. He declared war on the Highlanders and was not going to rest until he brought them to justice,” Rebecca said.

  “My father has a very strong sense of what is right and wrong. I do pity him. For all his evil he is still my father, and I wish I could make him see sense,” Catherine said.

  Hearing her words, Rebecca wondered if she should tell Catherine the entire truth about what had happened with Athelred but decided that ultimately Catherine should not know that side of her father.

  “At least you will be able to raise your son honorably,” Sarah said, placing a hand on Catherine's shoulder.

  “Son?!” Rebecca exclaimed with delight. She looked at Catherine, who was beaming, and now Rebecca saw how she glowed.

  “It is true. Declan. I learned recently that we are with child. It makes the prospect of war even more frightening, and yet I find that I cannot blame my father for this. If it were not for him or my brother, I would never have met Declan.”

  “It is intriguing how we have all been linked together by this man, your family,” Rosemary said, and proceeded to tell the story of how she and the others arrived here. Rebecca knew most of the details, but it was good to hear it again. “In many ways I bear the responsibility for you all being here, and for starting this entire chain of events. If I had simply married the younger Lord Flynn none of this would have happened.”

  “You shouldn't have put yourself through that misery for the sake of the rest of us. Nobody could have foreseen what happened. We each made our choices, and it was our choices that led us here,” Sarah said. Catherine nodded firmly. Rosemary seemed a little calmer after that.

  “Tell me of your life in the Highlands,” Rebecca asked, for this is what she was most anxious to hear.

  The other girls glanced at each other, and at first Rebecca thought she had said something wrong.

  “It was more difficult for some of us to adjust than others, but it is rewarding. Life is harder than what we are used to, but we all work hard, and we reap the rewards. At first, like others, I believed the Highlanders were brutal people with no laws and no honor, but I see now that they were just lies told to us by our parents,” Rosemary said.

  “They are honest and just, and we are happier here than we would have been at home, as I'm sure you will be with Alastar,” Sarah said.

  “We shall see,” Rebecca said uneasily.

  “What is wrong? The way you spoke earlier it seemed as though the two of you share feelings for each other,” Catherine said.

  “We do, very special feelings, but I fear that Alastar sees his destiny elsewhere,” Rebecca said.

  “Where else could he see his destiny than with a pretty girl?” Catherine said, smiling sweetly at Rebecca.

  “It is to do with his father. He was a hero called the Blue Thistle, and now Alastar feels it is his duty to carry on the legacy. He has already suggested once that I return to the safety of England after this is over, and I fear he will do so again. He seems to only see one path for himself,” Rebecca said.

  “Then it is your job to show him another path. One thing these Highlanders have in common is a thick skull. They are blind to the possibilities of their life, and they often think they have to do things that they do not really need to do. We have all suffered with that, and it is just part of the price of being with a Highlander,” Rosemary said. The other two girls nodded. Rebecca felt relieved that it was something they all shared.

  “Sometimes they can take their time coming around, but they always see sense eventually,” Catherine said, and they all tittered with laughter.

  “I am just worried about this war. I do not want people to die,” Rebecca said.

  “I have seen war close up. It is not something I wish to see again,” Sarah said meekly. Her eyes were haunted, and they said much that her mouth did not. Rebecca wished she could talk to her about what she had seen, for she wanted to prepare herself, but she thought it inappropriate.

  “I fear that Declan will want to fight. He should stay at home. He has more to think of now than his duty to the Highlands,” Catherine said.

  “None of our men will turn their backs on war or defending their people. They will be out there, fighting for their honor, fighting for their land, is that not one of the reasons why we fell in love with them in the first place?” Rosemary asked.

  Sarah nodded firmly. “It is unfair of us to ask them to go against their nature, as much as it pains us sometimes.”

  “But what can we do?” Rebecca asked. “There must surely be more we can do than sit around.”

  Rosemary gave her a wry smile. “There is plenty we can do, but it is not on the battlefield. However, if you wish to fight, I'm sure Blair will provide you with a sword.”

  Rebecca looked aghast. “I do not wish to fight!” she said.

  “I don't think any of us are prepared for that, although there are some warrior women in the clan,” Sarah said.

  “I am in no shape to fight,” Catherine admitted, raising her eyebrows at the group. “Still, it is a shame that things have come to this. I have half a mind to go and meet my father and to try to convince him to end this course of action.”

  “I fear that you would only be placing yourself in danger. Once he has you near, he will not let you go,” Rebecca said.

  “I know. It is hard when your family turns out to be your enemy, especially with one as dear as a father. I have lost so much, and now I am losing him too...” she looked extremely sorrowful, but then seemed to straighten herself. “But I am building a family of my own,” she added firmly. Sarah reached across and placed a hand on Catherine's. The two of them seemed closer.

  If they were one family then Rosemary would have been the older sister, and Catherine and Sarah would have been like twins. Where Rebecca fit in she was not sure yet, but she was determined to try and make this her home, for she wanted to stay with Alastar.

  The longer she remained in the Highlands the more she was certain that she did not want to return to England. Her place was here, by Alastar's side.

  “May I ask you something?” Rebecca said. The other ladies nodded. “How much influence do you hold over your husbands, and would you be able to do me a small favor?”

  The girls looked intrigued and asked for more details. Rebecca leaned forward and spoke in hushed, conspiratorial whispers, hoping that she would be able to sway things for herself and Alastar to have a bright future.

  Chapter 29

  After the women had left, Blair handed Alastar a huge mug of ale and slapped him on the back.

  “I see ye tae hae seen the sweetness of an English rose,” the leader of the McCall’s said. Drew and Declan gave him knowing smiles.

  “She is a sweet lass, and she hae proven herself tae be a strong, brave girl, worthy of these Highlands,” Alastar replied.

  “Ye know, our Da used tae tell tales of the Blue Thistle in the war. Said that ye Da was a one-man army,” Drew said.

  “He was, but he gave up the fighting when he hae me. Later, my Ma died, and he took up the life again, teaching me everything he knew. Until one day we were captured by Lord Flynn in a raid on a village. He killed my Da, then took me for prisoner,” Alastar said.

  “Aye, Declan told us of ye tale. Ye hae suffered much at the hands of the English,” Blair said.

  “As hae we all. The shadow of war comes over us again. Is there nae way tae avoid it?” Drew asked.

  “Not with Lord Flynn in his current state of mind. He wants tae lead his army of death across the land, and he will nae stop until we are all dead,” Alastar said.
  “Then let him come. We will beat him back again. We are the McCalls, and nothing can stand against us!” Declan said enthusiastically.

  “Easy boy,” Blair said in his deep, rumbling baritone, “ye must temper ye excitement. Ye hae more tae worry about than the Highlands now. Ye want ye kin tae know their father. I've half a mind tae order ye tae stay back if I thought ye would listen tae me,” Blair said. Drew's face turned into a smile.

  “Ye know the truth cousin,” Declan said.

  “I hae a plan that can spare all our lives,” Alastar said. Blair gestured for him to continue. “I will gae behind enemy lines and confront Lord Flynn. I shall take his life, and without him the war effort will crumble. There will be naeone tae lead them intae battle, and there will be naeone tae call them tae war. They will flee without a fight. And all it will take is the death of one man,” Alastar said.


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