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Demon in Steam (Alliance of Silver and Steam Prequel)

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by Lexi Ostrow

  She couldn't shake the words that Master Agardawes had told her as she moved the gold pocket watch over in her hands, the gift from her father she'd been going to get the night of his death. Greyston had told her that he felt they were connected, that he truly wanted her to be his mate. But that was impossible, she couldn't be soul-bound to a demon. It didn't matter that he wasn't the scum she hunted. Did it? He'd saved her.

  Grabbing fistfuls of her hair she screamed, long and loud into the empty space of her small room. He'd gotten under her skin, somehow. She wanted to blame Incubus hormones but that would be for sex only, not this driving need to be near him. She was falling in love with him.

  "Damn it Felicia." It felt like a betrayal to her parents’ memory and to everything she and the Alliance fought against. But Greyston was different, he had hidden in society doing the right thing for so many years. She ground her teeth together as the thoughts flew around in her head, contradicting themselves.

  Grabbing her armband communicator off the nightstand, she wondered if it would work. The only time they were used was to communicate with others who had them. The technology the guild had invented only went so far. So could it lead her to Greyston?

  A knock at her quarters door caused her to leap off the bed. "It's open and I am decent. I will be right there." Her hand was on the knob and she opened it to find Master Agardawes standing there.

  "My dear, the whole Guild can hear you. Might I point out that going to see the young man at his residence and working things out will help all of us?" He muttered something about peace and quiet, and how annoying she could be and she almost slapped her forehead.

  Kissing his cheek, she grabbed the watch from the bed. Her bike had not been recovered and they weren't available in abundance so she took the carriage that often transported Alliance members to social functions should they be invited to attend. She didn't know how long before he would need to recharge his energy and she wanted to make sure he didn't touch another female ever again.

  She was a mess as the footman led the carriage through the streets. She longed for the steam bike so she could move quicker through the streets. Her hands still played with the gold pocket watch until she felt the carriage come to a halt at his residence. She didn't bother to wait for the footman to open the door to the carriage, or his servants to announce her arrival. Instead she pushed past the butler and began to shout for the man she sought.

  "Greyston! Greyston where are you? I'm here." She ran from room to room and breathless, gave up after searching the whole of the first floor. Slumping down into a wingback chair, her voice dropped a few decibels in defeat. He wasn't there. "I want you. I don't know how to be like this, open and in a relationship. I did once, I know I must have. But my parents, they were taken by demons. They were taken. That's why I didn't want this bond" A sob broke free and she sniffled and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. "It almost feels like a betrayal. But I can't help it. I'm falling in love with you."

  "Say that again," the deep voice at her back made her jump from the chair. He was home. She opened her mouth to tell him again but he'd slammed her into the wall before she could, his mouth pressing against hers, his lips claiming hers. "I didn't know. It doesn't change anything, but I didn't know. I'm randy and soulless. I'm a demon and we can't change that."

  Felicia nodded unable to trust her voice. She knew that, she knew it all and didn't care.

  His eyes flashed a deep black, a sight she thought to be soulless the first time but now she knew it for what it really was; lust. Her body responded immediately to the press of his body against hers, locking her against the wall. Felicia shivered as his tongue traced a warm, wet path down the side of her neck to her collarbone.

  Her hands fumbled with the big brass buckle on his belt as his hands untied her corset and slid the leather material down, exposing her breasts. Finally undoing the belt her hand slipped inside his slacks, finding him without underwear and already hot and hard. Running a fingertip over his head she spread the little bit of release over the top of him as she arched her breasts to meet his mouth as he captured her nipple in it.

  Heat flared through her as he ground his hips against her and she twisted to rub her own body into his. His teeth nipped at her nipples and they went taut in pleasure. She groaned and threw her head back into the wall. She wanted to taste him, to take him deep within her mouth and make him see stars as he had done to her before.

  But she knew she needed to wait. This was his domain, and when she obeyed, the pleasure he gave her in return made her toes curl and her vision explode with white hot release. Greyston released her nipple with a soft popping sound and captured her lips again in a demanding kiss. His mouth plundered hers and she couldn't stop the mewls of pleasure that passed between her lips or the frantic way her hands pushed at his slacks, finally sliding them from his waist and freeing his erection.

  Her tongue flicked out over her lower lip at the sight of him—thick, and red at the tip. "Take me in your mouth now, Felicia. Show me what that mouth of yours can really do."

  Felicia didn't need to be asked again. She dropped to her knees and wrapped her hand around his cock and pumped his wondrous length twice before allowing her tongue to slide over the tip, tasting him and groaning at the spicy flavor. Locking her eyes with his, she placed her mouth over the head of him and slowly slid her mouth down, her hands sliding up his thighs and grasping his balls to gently massage them.

  His groan sent a wave of wetness to her underwear and she shivered thinking about what he would to do her as a reward for behaving. Hooking her tongue around his shaft she sucked her cheeks in, increasing the pressure and taking him deep into her throat.

  Greyston grunted low and his voice was gravelly. "You see, just like a Grasshopper, my Grasshopper now. Now finish me." His sentence was strained as she let her teeth gently graze his length before increasing the speed. She chuckled at the nickname he'd once used as an insult and the vibration paired with her sucking sent him over the edge.

  His hips bucked and her name echoed off the walls of his home. She didn't have time to grin and relish in her accomplishments at impressing an Incubus demon. A large hand wrapped around her arm and pulled her up, kissing her hard before gently pushing her against the wall. He didn't waste time, simply grabbed his cock and seated himself deep inside her body.

  "Now, I'll show you what happens when the student is ready to learn more." His hips shifted, his cock moving in and out of her. The pace was a slow, maddening race and each time he pulled out to the tip and slammed back in. Her control was slipping and she knew it. Her teeth bit into her lip and she couldn't avert her eyes when he growled for her to watch their bodies.

  In and out. She watched and cried out as his tempo increased. Fast, wild strokes all while sliding so far out so wanted to cry at the loss. His lips pressed into her throat and his teeth bit down, her vision clouded over and she whimpered. "Now." His command was hardly audible over the rush of blood in her ears.

  He pulled out from her body and tugged her tight in an embrace. The kiss he placed on her head was completely out of character for a demon....not that she really knew anything, anymore.

  She smiled up at him and then glanced at the pocket watch laying on the floor., realizing it must have fallen from her skirts when he had taken her. All of this had started with a watch that was supposed to be a gift from her father that lead to vengeance and now, thanks to Greyston, she could let the demons lie.




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