Book Read Free

The Naughty One

Page 27

by Michelle Love

“Hopefully, Peyton will agree to come home with me for the month of December. We have the whole month free. You’ll love her, Pop, and so will Mum.”

  “I know we will, son. I have to go. I hear your Mum calling my name. Talk to you soon. Make sure you let us know what the girl says. Bye now.”

  “Bye, Pop,” I say and tap the button to end the call.

  My eyes roam all around the interior of this completely bad ass machine and I pray that Peyton will be as impressed with it as I am. I pull into her long drive and see her father outside watering a tree it seems he’s just planted.

  He looks at the car intently and then smiles when I get out. “Well, hey there, Kip.”

  “Good evening, Matt. I see you planted yourself a tree there,” I say as I go and shake his hand.

  “Yep, got me a pecan tree from the feed store today when I went to pick up some more cattle feed. I like pecans and someday I hope this one will make a few for me. If not, at least the grandkids will see some,” he says and I find it remarkable how both of our parents are going on about grandkids.

  “Matt,” I say as I fidget a bit nervously, something I don’t do.

  “Yeah, son?” he turns off the hose and drops it.

  “You see that car there?”

  “It’s a beauty. What kind is it?” he asks as we walk over to check it out.

  I open the back door and it lifts up like some kind of a space ship and he gives a long whistle in approval.

  “It’s a Tesla Model S. The safest automobile on the road to this date. It can do all kinds of things on its own, like park and change lanes when you turn the signal on. Plus it gets one hundred and two miles to one gallon of gasoline. It’s also electric and can run up to two hundred and seventy miles before you have to power it up again.”

  “Well, I’ll be dang,” he says as he peruses the interior.

  “Have a seat in the driver’s side, sir,” I say and open the door for him. I walk around to the passenger side and get in. “Start her up and take her for a spin.”

  He looks all over then at me. “How?”

  I point to where he needs to push, and he does. It starts up so quiet he doesn’t realize it’s on. “You can put it in gear now.”

  “Is it on?” He looks confused.

  “Yeah, just put it into gear and go,” I say and point to the shifter.

  He does and pulls away. “Boy, this thing is smooth. It’s a rental?”

  “I bought it today. Usually you have to order one of these, but this one just came in and they were going to use it in the showroom, but I added a little to the price and they let me have it.”

  “You added to the price?” He looks at me like I’m crazy. “Boy, you don’t never add to the price. You make them come down!”

  “Not with this car you don’t.” I laugh and watch him as his eyes light up as he looks at everything.

  “Well, I thought you were having to ride on a bus,” he says as he drives down the road. “I guess you’re going to ship it back to Hollywood.”

  “No, I’m giving it to your daughter,” I say and watch him intently for his reaction.

  He laughs and looks over at me. “You must really like her.”

  “I love her, sir,” I wait for his response.

  “So soon?”

  “Yes, sir.” I pull the small black box from my jacket pocket and open it to show him the engagement ring I bought her. “I’d like to ask her to marry me tonight at dinner. But only if you approve, sir.”

  A silvery shimmer shines in his light green eyes.

  “A bad ass car and that’s some ring there you got her. She’s our baby. Our last little chicken.” He looks me right in the eyes. “You think you can be good to her? I mean, your life is full of things that are very different from the life she’s known.”

  “I know that.” I smile. “I can be good to her. Making her happy is all I can think about. Keeping her safe was at the top of my mind as I researched what kind of car to get her.”

  “Safety is important,” he says. “Can’t say I even thought of that when her mother and I gave her that Jeep. Seems you have a pretty good head on your shoulders. I saw a picture of you when you’re all rock starred up. You do look different. Now that man I’d not give a yes to, but the man you are now, I have to say I do give my approval.”

  I let out my breath and smile. “You won’t be sorry, Matt. I swear it to you.”

  “Let me see that rock again,” he says with a smile. “Her mother is going to crap her pants over that.”

  I laugh and feel better already.


  Out the window, I look for Kip to drive up as he said he’d be here around five and it’s getting close to six. Some gorgeous, black car pulls up and my father gets out of the driver’s side.

  What the hell?

  I get up and go outside to see why Dad’s cool all of a sudden as I see Kip get out of the passenger side. I stop and realize he was letting my father drive his new rental. Dad won’t fall for that if he thinks that my parents will give him the okay to keep me at his hotel tonight.

  I packed a bag, but I doubt they’ll agree to let him keep me like that. I’m their baby, their last child, their favorite. I’m sure I am. No, they’ll never agree to anything he asks.

  Kip looks devastating in a black suit with a light blue shirt under it which makes his blue eyes pop. His smile is big and bright as he comes towards me. I can’t seem to take my eyes off him as he picks me up and spins me around.

  “Hello, love.” He drops a quick kiss on my cheek. “Did you miss me?”

  The way my heart’s pounding I can’t lie and say I didn’t. “I guess so.”

  He puts me down and laughs. “You guess, huh? Well, I missed you. Let’s go say hello to your mother then we’ll be on our way. I’ve made us reservations at supposedly the best five star restaurant in Austin. Have you heard of it? It’s called, Congress.”

  I nod as I’ve heard about that place and I know it’s expensive. “We don’t have to go there. It must be uber-expensive, Kip.”

  His arm goes around my waist and he gives my cheek another kiss. “Don’t ever let money stop you from doing anything. I have more than enough, so let me spoil you. Besides, this is our last night before I leave for Dallas tomorrow. I want it to be something you remember for the rest of your life.”

  “Okay then.”

  Mom’s eyes flash and she smiles. “Oh my! Don’t you two look amazing!” Kip lets me go and kisses my mother’s cheek and hugs her. “Oh, Kip, you’re such a sweetheart.”

  I roll my eyes at his over the top shenanigans with my parents. They’re still not going to tell him he can keep me overnight. “You got something to ask my parents, Kip?”

  He looks back at me and gives me his million dollar smile. “First, I want to show you what I bought you today. Come with us outside, Donna. You’ll like this too, I’m sure.”

  “How exciting!” Mom says as Kip takes her hand and places it in the crook of his arm then runs his other arm around my waist as he takes us back outside.

  “What a nice car you rented, Kip,” she says as we walk towards it, the gift inside it no doubt. “What kind is it?”

  “It’s only the safest car they make. It’s called a Tesla. It’s both electric and runs on gas.” He turns to me and looks me dead in the eyes. “And it’s no rental. I bought it for Peyton. It’s hers now.”

  “Shut up!” my mother and I say in unison.

  “Kip, this is too much,” I argue as my eyes scan the magnificent vehicle. “I can’t accept it.”

  My father’s voice comes from behind me, “Sure you can, sweetheart. It’s the safest thing on the road today.”

  My head jerks back to look at my father. “What? Are you kidding me, Dad? This thing has to be insanely expensive. I can’t accept it.”

  Kip’s hand pinches at my waist and it tickles a little. “Listen to your father, love. Don’t worry about how much it costs. The important thing is that you’re safe w
hen you drive somewhere.”

  He opens the door and it is all dark leather and looks like the inside of a space ship. He opens a back door, and it really looks like a space ship. “Kip, this is too much.” I look around and really want to accept it, but it’s not in me to.

  “This is so nice, but…” His finger touches my lips stopping me.

  “Don’t answer me yet about it. Just let it sink in and then you can tell me if you don’t want it,” he says then kisses my cheek, taking my breath away.

  “Okay,” I say once his lips have left my cheek, I put my hand to where his lips have left as an electric current runs through it. “So, are you going to ask or what?”

  With a wink he says, “So Matt, what do you say to Peyton staying in Austin with me tonight? We have reservations at eight and that will take some time, then I’d like to take her to a club on Sixth Street for a little while. It’ll be much safer for her to stay at the hotel with me tonight. Don’t you agree?”

  My father’s smile I catch out of the corner of my eye. “It would. But Peyton I want you to know something, dear.”

  My brows raise as I look at Kip with an, I told you so expression, then I look at my father. “Yes, Daddy?”

  “Pumpkin, you do realize that your mother and I know you’re a grown woman now and completely capable of making your own decisions, right?” He wraps his arm around my mother and she smiles too.

  What has just happened?

  “No, I didn’t realize that, Daddy,” I say as my mouth feels dry and suddenly I feel like I’m at the edge of the nest and my parents are about to give me a shove.

  “Sure, sweetie,” Mom says. “Now go and have a good time with your boyfriend.”

  Kips gives me a squeeze and I find I’m light headed. “Let me go get the bag I packed.”

  They all stay outside and look at the car as I go inside. As I open my bedroom door I look around and see how much it remains the same as when I was in high school. A kitten poster still hangs on one wall and my light pink curtains and bedspread look like something a little girl would have in her bedroom.

  Is it me who’s been keeping myself in the baby position and not my family?

  Then it occurs to me that maybe my parents are ready to let me grow up, but what about my over-protective brothers?

  Surely once they see that Kip’s given me a car and has expectations of taking me away from them and their protection, they’ll make a fuss and demand that I leave him alone. I’ve never been able to make my own decisions. I had to fight to get a degree in Literary Arts. They all thought I needed to be majoring in business for some odd reason.

  I hold the bag in my hand and stand still as I look around. Someone clears their throat and I turn to see my mother standing in the doorway.

  “Peyton, what’s the holdup? Aren’t you excited to be going to that fancy restaurant and spending some time with that wonderful man who seems to be crazy about you?”


  “Wow! Only kinda, Peytie!” She wraps her arm around my shoulders and walks with me out my door. “You’ve been sheltered, I know that, but don’t let life pass you by. If given great opportunities, take them. I see it in your eyes, baby girl. Fear. There’s no place for that. Let it go and see what happens with you and Kip. Don’t be afraid of what might happen. And please don’t think that we want to keep you from living and loving, we don’t.”

  “Okay, Mom,” I say, feeling shell shocked.

  Have all my thoughts about what my family would do if I take off with Kip been wrong?


  “My parents are coming for Christmas, so you’ll get to meet them in December,” I tell Peyton as we go into the restaurant.

  “Who says I’ll be there?” she remarks as we’re led to the table.

  I wait for her to sit down then I take my chair and move it a bit closer to hers. After the host leaves, I lean near her. “Why wouldn’t you be?”

  “I might have something else going on. I have no idea of what my future holds.” She picks up the menu and looks it over. Her eyebrows raise as her finger runs over the price of the first item on the menu. “Lord, these prices are ridiculous!”

  “Don’t even look at those prices. Order anything you want,” I say and run my hand over her smooth thigh. The red dress she has on is a little on the short side, showing off her long, tan legs. I kiss the patch of exposed flesh behind her ear as she has her hair up. “You’re looking delicious tonight, love. I can’t wait to get you back to our room.”

  “It’s not ours, Kip. It’s yours. Is that red-headed bimbo still lurking the halls, looking for you?” Her eyes never leave the menu and her tone is sharp.

  “If you’d like to stay somewhere else, we can,” I say and run my hand up high on her thigh, then dip my hand between her legs. “It’s whatever you want, baby.” My thumb grazes her clit over her lace panties.

  My roving hand has caught her attention, and she smiles despite herself. Her breath draws in slowly. “I don’t know what I want, if you want to hear the truth.”

  “Let me help you decide then.” I look over at the menu first. “You want to try the prime rib, and the other thing you want is me.”

  My thumb action has her attitude changing rapidly as she leans close to me. Her lips so close to mine I find myself leaning to touch them. “What makes you so sure?”

  “The fact I can feel your heart pounding in your chest from here. Your pupils are wide, taking me in, and your mouth is quivering and you want to kiss me so badly.” I press my thumb to her clit hard and stop rubbing.

  “Oh, Pop Rock, what are you doing to me?” Her lips touch mine for only a second and I just about fall apart.

  Then she pulls away from me and her hand takes mine away from her sweet spot. But she plants a kiss right in the middle of my palm before she places it on her thigh. “You need me to go a little slower, baby?” I ask.

  Quietly she answers, “I’d rather not have an orgasm before we even have appetizers.”

  “Your loss, sweetheart,” I say with a smile. “Maybe between the appetizers and the entrée we can see what we can get accomplished then.”

  She laughs and pushes at my chest. “You’re silly.”

  Her eyes dance with her light laughter and she looks around the elegant room. “Tell me, are the 5 star restaurants in L.A. better compared to this one.”

  “There are some a lot fancier. New York has the really fancy ones,” I say and run my hand up and down her thigh.

  Her eyes run back up to meet mine. “Can I tell you something?”

  “Anything,” I say and take her hand and place a kiss on it.

  “My parents really threw me back there. I feel like I’m in a Twilight Zone episode. Their actions and the car you bought, it’s a lot to take in, and it’s sort of unbelievable to me.”

  “The day comes when every parent lets their children go. It’s normal, natural, and healthy.” I kiss her cheek as I can’t seem to keep my lips off her for any length of time. “I told my father about you.”

  Her cheeks go a shade of crimson and she giggles. “No you did not!”

  I nod. “I did and he can’t wait to meet you. He told me to never let you go.”

  “Why do you suppose he’d say such a thing about a plain old girl like me?” she asks with a frown.

  “Please never think of yourself as a plain old girl, you are anything but that. And he said that because I’ve never told him I was in love with anyone before.” The waiter brings us the bottle of wine I chose before they sat us down and I taste it then give him a nod and he fills our glasses.

  “Are you ready to order?” he asks.

  “If you’re having trouble deciding, love, I can order for us both,” I say as I see Peyton get a bit of a panicked look on her sweet face. She gives me a nod and I proceed. “We’ll both have the White Lobster Bisque, then the Prime Ribeye Cap, and for dessert, the Passion Fruit Mousse.”

  He makes a slight bow and rushes off. Peyton watches him
then giggles. “You think I’ll like any of that stuff? I mean, where was the chicken fried steak and cream gravy? I thought you said this place was top of the line?”

  Her thigh I give a squeeze. “It is. And you’ll love everything I ordered.”

  Her eyebrows lift. “We’ll see.”

  “So the car, love. Do you like it?” I ask and see her smile.

  “What’s not to like? It’s gorgeous and ultra-cool.” She makes a long pause and looks deep into my eyes. “Tell me why you want to give it to me, though. I mean the real reason.”

  “Don’t be mad,” I say and take her hand. “I know the words sound chauvinistic, but I don’t mean them that way. Not one bit. So please don’t give me any shit about this, promise.”

  She bites at her bottom lip then says, “Okay, I’ll try to get past the words, but try hard not to offend me, please.”

  “Take them like I mean them, Peyton and no other way.” I hold her hand to my chest. “I love you. I have this overwhelming need to protect you, to keep you safe. The car is just one more thing I can give you to help with that. Also, I want you to think of me when you go somewhere in it. I want to be close to your mind and heart even when we’re apart, like I know we’ll have to be sometimes.”

  Her mouth forms a hard line and I fear she’s about to tell me what a horrible control freak I am or something else rash and untrue. “That is very, very sweet. That’s about the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. If what we have is meant to be then I suppose it will be whether or not I’m kept safe. That said, I will accept the car. I like the thought of thinking of you as I go somewhere. Keeping you close as I do the things I want to with my life sounds wonderful.”

  Whew! That’s a relief!

  I let out my breath. “I’m glad you understand. I want to be a part of your life, not take it over. What you want is important to me. I’ll never hold you back.”

  “I’ll try hard not to hold you back either,” she says just as our bisque arrives and I feel a lot better about how his evening will turn out.


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