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Reddest Black: A Billionaire SEAL Story, Book 7 (In the Shadows)

Page 4

by P. T. Michelle

  “Because I’ve been focusing on you,” she says flippantly, tossing her hair. “By the way, I’m still not over the fact I learned about your pregnancy at the same time as everyone else.”

  I wince at her dig, but shake my head. “Sebastian would’ve disowned me if I had told you before him and considering how I planned to tell him—anyway, stop trying to deflect.” I tug gently on the ends of her hair. “Seriously. What’s holding you back?”

  She glances away. “It really bothers me that Calder won’t accept his half-brother. I think he’s missing out by not trying to get to know Ben.”

  “That’s why you haven’t set a date?” I say, blinking at her in disbelief.

  “Since Calder lost both his father and mother, he’s only close to Sebastian. I want him to have more family. More people to love and support him.”

  “He has you! I’m sure in his mind, you’re all he needs.” I study the tension in her face, my concern increasing. “What’s really going on, Cass?”

  She tucks a hunk of hair behind her ear, then quickly pulls the strands free once more. “We uh…haven’t used birth control since we got engaged.”

  “Really?” I laugh, excited. “We could be pregnant together!”

  “That was months ago.” She presses her lips, shaking her head. “Something’s not right.”

  I take her hand and fold mine around hers on my lap. “Get married first. Be a couple for a bit. Then think about trying to have kids later.”

  “But what if I can’t?” she says, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

  I move closer and hug her tight. “If that’s the case, then I’m here for you, but it is too early to know. Getting pregnant can take some time. Everyone is different,” I whisper into her hair. Pulling back, I cup her face and smile. “For now, don’t focus on that and instead enjoy what you have together. Trust me, it could disappear, leaving you wondering how it happened,” I finish in a dry tone.

  Cass’s eyes widen. “Wait, you were serious earlier? How is that possible?” She gestures to me. “The attraction between you and Sebastian is wall-singeing worthy.”

  “It’s possible,” I say, snorting. Before she can question me once more, I tell her about the last few weeks leading up to yesterday with Regan and everything that happened after.

  “First of all…you aren’t big, Talia. Seriously, you look like you’re carrying a honeydew melon…and even then you’re still sexy as hell in that dress. As for Regan, you’re far classier than me.” She shakes her head, her gaze narrowing into angry slits. “I’d have cut that husband-stealing bitch so hard she’d crawl out of there sucking both thumbs.”

  The imagery of Regan rocking in a corner in fear of my friend’s wrath makes me grin. “And Sebastian called me bloodthirsty!”

  Cass tosses her hair and folds her arms, still in defender mode. “Yeah, well…no one messes with my girl’s happiness. I’ll help you come up with a plan—”

  Sebastian walks off the elevator, talking on his phone and carrying a box under his arm wrapped in silver paper with a pink ribbon. Nodding to acknowledge us, he sets the box on the island, then heads for our bedroom, barking into his phone: “Cancel whatever plans you have tonight, Paul. If you want to keep your job, you’ll sit your ass down with the appropriate team members and go through every single report until we know the system has gone live with no glitches.”

  As he closes the door behind him, muffling his harsh tone, she looks at me. “You know what…have you considered being the aggressor?”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, frowning at the closed door. It doesn’t sound like things are going well with the integration. Why is Sebastian here and not at the office?

  “Sebastian is just as alpha as Calder, so I’m sure that applies in the bedroom. Maybe consider taking charge and insisting on his undivided attention.” Shrugging, she grins. “We women have all the power in the bedroom anyway, right? Why not openly wield it?”

  I tilt my head, considering her suggestion. “I hadn’t thought of it that way.”

  Cass looks at the island, her grin turning mischievous. “You should start right now and open that present.”

  I glance back at the box Sebastian set on the island, then shake my head. “No, that’s for the baby. It’s probably from someone at the office. I’ll open it with the rest of the gifts later.”

  Jumping up, she walks over and reads the card. “This looks like Sebastian’s handwriting.”

  I join her at the island and stare at the card. It just says my name in my husband’s bold scrawl.

  Cass pushes it toward me. “Go on, Talia. Be the alpha.”

  Biting my lip, I glance toward the bedroom door, then pull the ribbon, untying the bow. With a low squeal of delight, Cass helps me tear off the silver paper to reveal a white box underneath. As I pull the lid off, she dives into the tissue paper, then starts to giggle uncontrollably.

  “What?” I say, setting the lid down on the island.

  Lifting a sexy red velvet mask and a matching long, thin ribbon in the same material, she snorts her amusement. “Um, I don’t think you have to worry about a thing.”

  As I gape at the surprising gift, masculine hands grip my hips and Sebastian’s husky baritone rasps behind me, “That was meant for later.”

  Embarrassed heat rises up my face and I quickly take the items from Cass, tucking them back inside the tissue. “It—it had a pink bow. I thought it was a gift for the baby.”

  Pulling my back against his chest, my husband kisses my temple and puts the lid back on the box. “The baby will get tons of gifts tonight. This one was just for you, Little Red.”

  “What are you doing here?” I stammer, still flustered that I opened such an intimate gift in front of Cass.

  “You didn’t think I’d let a dozen strangers in our home without being here, did you?” He looks at Cass, his tone turning all business. “Text me the caterer’s number. I want the names of the employees who will be here tonight. I’ll be the one to escort them up.”

  After Cass sends it to his cell, Sebastian presses a warm kiss to my neck, then holds my gaze as he picks up the box. Pulling his phone from his pocket, he dials the number and walks back to the bedroom once more.

  “Holy shit! If you weren’t pregnant already, that burn-you-all-the-way-to-your-toes look he just gave you would seal the deal.”

  Too speechless to respond, I manage a secret smile, then glance down at my phone ringing on the counter. “It’s the doorman. The caterers must be here.”

  I walk into our bedroom just as Sebastian slips out of his suit jacket. “The caterers are waiting downstairs for you to collect them.”

  “I’m just changing into a sweater.”

  “Wear the cashmere vee-neck I gave you.” As he starts to tug his tie lose, I capture his hand and do it for him, saying quietly as the knot unravels, “Thank you for the gift.”

  His jaw muscle twitches with annoyance. “It was supposed to be a red ribbon, not pink. I mentioned you were pregnant, but we didn’t know the sex. The sales person must’ve made her own assumptions.”

  I know he’s annoyed by the limits of his colorblindness. Since he can’t see pinks, he probably assumed she’d chosen a white ribbon to wrap the package in, versus the red he’d asked for. Smiling my appreciation for the gift, I lay my hand over his heart. “It’s what’s inside that counts. How is it that you seemed to know just what I needed?”

  He tugs me closer, holding my gaze. “I want you just as much today as I did that first night in the Hamptons, sweet Talia. I know we haven’t had much time together lately, but the worst part of this integration should be done within a week. I’m so ready for this monster of a job to be done.”

  “It won’t just be the two of us soon,” I remind him softly as I unbutton the top two buttons on his blue shirt, knowing that looks best under a sweater. “Our lives are about to irrevocably change.”

  He touches my neck and my gaze follows his finger to my necklace. “You
wear this ‘Two Lias’ drawing in your locket to remember a little girl you helped raise like a sister. Do you think having a child will erase or overshadow how much you loved Amelia or how much you grieve for her loss?”

  My gaze snaps to his, unshed tears temporarily blurring my vision. “Of course not! I remember every birthday that never happened. She would be old enough to learn to drive now.”

  He rests his hands on my tense shoulders. “And just like you will always love and remember Amelia, becoming parents won’t change who we are either. We will love our children deeply, support and nurture them, but never at the expense of us. They will grow up strong and independent and go off to live their own lives, but you and I…we will always be each other’s constant.”

  Taking a steadying breath, I sniff back my tears and rest my hand over his heart. “Have I told you how much I love you?”

  A pleased smile crooks his lips. “It’ll never be enough, Little Red.”

  “I look forward to putting your present to good use.” Slipping out of his hold, my laugh is wicked. “To be continued, Mister Black. The caterers are waiting…”

  Mina arrives right behind the caterers, all flustered as she sets down her gift and removes her coat. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t be here earlier, Talia. I’ve been feeling a bit off and then had to wait for my babysitter to show up.”

  “You could’ve brought Josi,” I say as I start to take her coat, but Cass sweeps it out of my hand.

  “This might be your house, but you’re the guest of honor tonight,” Cass says. “Mina and I will play hosts. You just visit with everyone when they get here.”

  Mina nods her agreement. “No, I wouldn’t bring her. She brought some crud home from her play date buddy and I don’t want you to get sick. Ugh, I hope I don’t get it.”

  Smiling my understanding to Mina, I let the girls completely take over and say to Cass, “Set the coats on the guest bedroom bed.”

  After my father and his girlfriend arrive, a few female co-workers from my old job at the Tribune show up, hugging me tight. I enjoy quickly catching up with the ladies on Tribune news. Sebastian’s father, brothers, and Calder walk in a few minutes later, followed by all the men from BLACK Security. When I see my husband’s face light up as the men take turns clapping him on his shoulders with “well wishes,” I’m so glad Cass decided not to limit the shower to just the ladies. Every one of those men play important roles in our lives, and they will with the baby too.

  I greet Calder’s half-brother, Ben, as he steps off the elevator with a plate of food and immediately hand it to him.

  “Thank you for coming after your shift, Ben. I know you must be starving. You can get a drink over at the island.”

  “Thanks, Talia.” He nods his appreciation even as he juggles the plate and his medical bag.

  Knowing my husband probably requested he bring it just so he could hear the baby’s heartbeat, I inwardly snicker, then move to my husband’s side. Together, Sebastian and I chat with each of our guests, our home quickly filling with laughter and great conversation.

  Cass bumps my hip as I stand next to the food table a bit later. “Hey, lady-and-baby-of-the-evening.” She glances toward the living room. “I see your father’s still dating that blonde girl who works at his shop.”

  “The blonde girl’s name is Simone,” I say, facing Cass so it’s not obvious we’re discussing them.

  “So…how much younger do you think she is?”

  “I don’t know. At least ten, maybe fifteen years? I haven’t asked and don’t plan to.”

  “Why not?” Cass’s lips quirk, a devilish look in her eyes. “He’s not even my father and I’m dying to know.”

  I shrug. “It’s none of my business. If she makes him happy, that’s all that matters.”

  “Well, if he ends up marrying her, your stepmother could be only ten years older than you,” she says with an amused snort.

  Not wanting to entertain the thought, I change the subject. “Speaking of family...did my aunt tell you she’d be late?”

  Cass glances at her watch, then frowns. “No, she didn’t. Maybe she got hung up in traffic and sent you a text.”

  I step into my bedroom to check my phone. The only text or message I have from Aunt Vanessa is the text about seeing me at the party. I dial her number, then sigh that it goes to voicemail. “Hey, Aunt Vanessa. I’m just calling to check on you. The party’s in full swing. I wanted to make sure you didn’t get caught in traffic or something.”

  “Is everything all right, Talia?” my father pokes his blond head past the doorjamb. “You looked a little worried when you walked in here.”

  Carrying my phone with me, I join him in the doorway. “I’m just wondering where Aunt Vanessa is. She was excited about coming and planned to be here.”

  “Maybe she’s just running late.”

  “I hope that’s all it is.”

  “Don’t worry. If Vanessa doesn’t make it tonight, it would only be because she started feeling bad and didn’t want to be around you and the baby.”

  “I’ll try to call her again later,” I say as my gaze shifts to Simone talking to my co-workers from the Tribune. “You two seem to be going strong. How long has it been now?”

  “Eight months.” He grins as his gaze shifts to Simone. “She’s been amazing. Not only to have in my life, but I can’t thank her enough for helping me get my bookstore off the ground. Her skills with online ads and my computer system have been a godsend.” His green eyes return to me, alight with excitement. “And because of all the additional traffic, I’m excited about the possibilities of expanding upstairs.”

  I blink at him in surprise. “I didn’t even know you had an upstairs.”

  “Yep, I do. The space has a separate entrance around back and was under a low rent agreement, so I had to wait for the client to either renew the lease or let it go. Last week, the guy and his band moved out. I’m sure it’s easier to record in California than a tiny apartment. In a couple of months, I’ll knock out a wall and cut a hole in the ceiling so patrons can access that space from inside my store. I’m not sure yet what I’m going make it into though. Maybe a neat reading nook with tables and free Wifi for people to work.”

  “The possibilities are endless,” I say, smiling to see him so excited.

  “Speaking of possibilities,” he pauses and glances down at my belly. “Where do you stand on the bets being placed tonight?”

  “What bets?” I ask, looking up to see my husband and the other guys huddled together in what I thought was guy talk. “They are not doing a pool about the sex of the baby during my baby shower?”

  “The sex, weight, length and birth date,” Simone grins as she steps into place beside my father. “Cass sent me over to tell you it’s time to open presents.”

  “Thanks,” I say, then head over to the sofa where Cass and Mina are already in place.

  Glancing at the men still deep into their pool discussion, I set my phone on the coffee table, then look at Mina and Cass and chuckle. “This is why you don’t invite men to baby showers.”

  “They’re really into it too.” Cass laughs. “They’ve even found an app to help them keep track of their picks.”

  Picking up her wine glass, Mina taps it with her spoon. “Okay guys, time to put away your phones. Talia’s about to open the gifts.”

  The men’s voices die down, but they’re all still playing with their phones. Every single one of them, even my father, I realize with a smirk. “The first present I’m going to open…” I trail off in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear. “Is the sonogram picture revealing the baby’s sex.”

  Utter silence fills the room.

  With Mina quietly snickering at my side, I pick her gift, a small, flat box with a white ribbon tied into a bow. It’s probably a gift card, but it’s perfect for holding a sonogram picture. As I pull one end of the ribbon and the bow starts to unravel, I glance up at the collective groan coming from the masculine side of the room.
Well, all the men except Sebastian. My husband’s blue eyes are full of amusement.

  Yanking the bow free, I lift the lid off the box with a flourish and say, “You’ve all been punked! Now put your phones down, boys.”

  My phone suddenly starts ringing and a round of laughter ensues, echoing throughout the room. Face flaming, I start to turn it off, but I’ve been waiting for Aunt Vanessa to call. “Sorry, I’ll just be a sec,” I say and pick my phone up. “Hello?”

  “Is this Talia Blake?”

  “Yes, I’m Talia,” I say, wishing I wasn’t the center of everyone’s attention.

  “This is Presbyterian hospital. You’re listed here as Vanessa Granger’s emergency contact.”

  I slowly stand and look for Sebastian, who’s making his way to my side. “She’s my aunt. Has something happened?”

  “I’m sorry to inform you that your aunt has been badly hurt and is currently unconscious. We’d like your consent to move forward with her care.”

  “Do whatever it takes to help her,” I say quickly, relieved to feel Sebastian’s hand on my shoulder. “I’ll get there as quickly as I can.”

  Chapter Five


  My aunt’s friend, Charlie, walks into the emergency entrance at the same time Sebastian, Den, and I do. “Talia, I’m so glad you’re here. I was going to call you once I arrived.”

  “Did the hospital call you too?” I ask.

  He shakes his head and the hospital’s harsh lighting highlights the contrast of his white hair and dark eyebrows as we walk briskly toward the desk. “A neighbor who knows me called after she dialed 9-1-1.” As we reach the desk, he continues, “Vanessa was beaten pretty badly in the entryway of her building. Probably a mugging, but no one saw or heard anything.”

  “The person followed her inside?” Sebastian asks, frowning.

  Charlie nods. “Yes, and everything in her purse was scattered all over the floor.”


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