Op File Revenge
Page 20
‘My office is seeking Master Sergeant Alberich. Do you have information as to her whereabouts? Captain Benigna, GCMC JAG.’
‘What is the nature of the charges.’
‘No charges pending. Call it protective custody.’
‘The Master Sergeant has gone to defend the Station. I have no idea where she is. But I would like to see her records. Is there a legal precedent?’
‘The Master Sergeant is with Striker Command and her files are top secret. However, her medical files are available with little redacting.’
‘Captain Benigna. Please forward her files to me.’
Seconds later, a large medical file hit her inbox. She was still reading when a Marine fireteam rushed into the reception area.
“Doctor. Please answer the Marine’s questions,” Everhard ordered one of her associates. “I’m occupied.”
By the time the all clear sounded, Doctor Everhard downloaded part of Diosa Alberich’s medical records and two memos onto a pad. The Marine at the lift called a car and held the door for her. On Deck eight, another Marine greeted her. She marched down the hallway to an office and opened the door.
“Doctor Everhard. We’re still gathering injury reports,” the Lieutenant exclaimed. “The Admiral will be pleased you seem unscathed. I’ll tell him you’re here.”
But Livian had passed the man and without bothering to knock, slammed open Admiral Enrico’s door.
“Livina, I was just going to call you,” Enrico blurted out when he saw who had barged into his office. “You might have waited for permission to enter.”
Wordless, the Doctor walked around the Admiral’s desk and leaned over his shoulder. Placing a pad on the center of his desk, she stood and began walking towards the doorway.
“On the pad is my memo to the Galactic Council Navy Medical Board and documents concerning Master Sergeant Diosa Alberich,” she said. Then, as she reached the door, she added. “And a memo from GCMC JAG listing the charges for falsifying records, unlawful imprisonment, tampering with military records, and distributing unverified medical information. My only disappointment is JAG can’t charge you with being a sociopath.”
Warlock had just reached her quarters when a woman Marine Corporal burst from the lift.
“Master Sergeant Alberich?” she called out as she jogged down the hallway.
“Yes, Corporal. I’m Alberich,” Warlock admitted. “What can I do for you?”
“Captain Benigna in JAG would like to see you as soon as it’s convenient,” the Corporal reported.
Looking down and indicating spots of blood and gore on her utilities, Warlock pointed out, “Right now is not convenient. I’d like to clean up first.”
“Absolutely, Master Sergeant,” the woman said with a smile. “That’s why he sent me.”
“Okay, I’ll bite. Why you?”
“My father runs a hunting and fishing lodge on Planet Uno,” the Marine responded. “Before joining the Corps, I was his best hunting guide and tracker.”
“I assume that means, I couldn’t slip away from you if I tried?” asked Warlock. “And nobody can kidnap me.”
“No ma’am. I can track anyone and anything once I get the scent,” bragged the Marine.
“Alright come in while I clean up and change,” offered Warlock. As she opened the door, a thought came to her. “Did you say your father runs a fishing lodge?”
“Yes, Master Sergeant. It’s a mountain lodge. The best fishing is high in the mountains on clear blue lakes,” the Corporal assured her. “You have to hike up from the main lodge but, it’s the best fishing and the most peaceful spot in the entire Galactic Council Realm.”
An hour later, Warlock and the Corporal marched into the JAG offices.
“Master Sergeant Diosa Alberich, reporting as ordered,” she announced.
From a large cube off to the side, Captain Benigna jumped up and waved for her to come to him.
“Master Sergeant, good to fine you healthy. The operation to take back Construction Station is about to launch. But I have orders to put in a priority call when you arrived,” Benigna informed her as he picked up his phone. “This is Captain Benigna. You were expecting my call. Yes, standby.”
He handed Diosa the phone and backed out of his cube to give her privacy.
“Warlock. Are you there?” a gruff voice asked.
“Admiral Folkert, sir, I’m on the line,” she assured the founder and boss of Strike-Kill command.
“I heard about the action on Command Station and your part in suppressing the Empress’ soldiers,” he commented. “One last act as a Striker?”
“Seems so, Admiral. Speaking of action, don’t you have things to do?” she teased.
“Up to my butt in alligators, Master Sergeant,” he responded. “But I wanted to wish you all the best and to thank you for your service. The Strikers will miss you.”
“It’s been my honor to serve with you, sir,” Diosa said and found herself getting misty eyed.
“One final order, Warlock,” Folkert announced. “Have lunch with Special Agent Eiko. As a favor to me.”
“Admiral, he’s…” but she was speaking into a dead phone.
“Captain. I’m finished speaking with Admiral Folkert,” Diosa called out. When Benigna stepped into the cube and moved behind his desk, she added. “Thank you for arranging that. If there’s nothing else, I’ll get out of your way.”
“I’m rushed and I apologize for that,” Benigna explained. “The Corporal is one of my legal assistants. She’ll make a great lawyer when she graduates. Until you are on a shuttle off Command Station, Corporal Tygo will be your escort.”
“Sir, I don’t think I require protection,” Warlock assured him.
“It’s not you I’m protecting. It’s Command Station I’m protecting from your friends in Striker command,” he stated. “Now get out of my office. And good luck to you Master Sergeant.”
Four days later in an upscale civilian restaurant, Diosa allowed the waiter in the tux to hold her chair. As she sat, Eiko resumed his seat from where he stood when she entered.
“Nice suit, Special Agent,” she commented.
“You look lovely, Master Sergeant,” he replied. “Thank you for joining me for lunch.”
“Just following orders,” she stated. “I’m here. I’m hungry. So, make your recruitment speech and let’s eat.”
“I’ve taken the liberty of ordering steak. I hope that meets with your approval,” he inquired.
“Steak is perfect,” she answered. “I’ve had restricted diets for tests. Not eaten for tests. Been prodded, poked and given more blood than I ever lost in combat. But, it’s all behind me. Tomorrow, I’m a civilian.”
“And going fishing?” asked Eiko.
“As a matter of fact, I have reservations at the Tygo Hunting and Fishing Lodge on Planet Uno,” she informed him.
The food arrived and they cut into the juicy steaks. About a quarter of the way through the meal, Eiko’s PID buzzed. He glanced at the device, quickly washed down the mouthful of food with a slug of water and rested his fork on the table. Then, he hammered a fist into the table as if he’d made a decision.
“I’m sorry Diosa. I’ve got to go,” he apologized. “Duty calls.”
“What is it?” she asked picking up on his intensity.
“Not anything, a civilian need to be concerned with,” he instructed her as he stood. He was two steps from the table when he turned back. “Take care of yourself, Warlock.”
“You are some kind of irritating, Special Agent Eiko,” Diosa said to his retreating back. “I didn’t even get the recruitment pitch.”
Or had she?
The End
Op File Revenge, Call Sign Warlock book #1
Author Notes
Thank you for reading Call Sign Warlock book #1. Since 2015, when Warlock and her specialized team of Striker operators and the Strike Kill organization appeared in my w
riting of On Duty, Diosa Alberich has been in my ear asking me to write her story. At the time, I made notes and put them in a drawer.
However, Diosa is persistent as you know from reading Op File Revenge. The Master Sergeant gets what she wants and in late 2017, I pulled out the notes.
The result is a science fiction story about a strong, competent woman with a proven past. While her future is unsure, we know, Warlock isn’t the type to sit sedately on the shore of a mountain lake fishing.
Diosa and I appreciate you traveling with us on her journey.
J. Clifton Slater
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Books by J. Clifton Slater
Call Sign Warlock series
Op File Revenge
Galactic Council Realm series
On Station On Duty
On Guard On Point
Clay Warrior Stories series
Clay Legionary Spilled Blood
Bloody Water Reluctant Siege
Brutal Diplomacy