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Mixed Signals

Page 5

by Ivy Raine

  Chapter 5

  “You should’ve told me.”

  Rachel stood in Ryan’s office, tears streaming down her face. “But, I’m not.”

  “You don’t have to hide it.” Ryan shuffled and reshuffled a stack of files on his desk. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of. You just should’ve told me,” he mumbled.

  “Did your dad tell you this?”

  Ryan looked up from his chair. “What does my father have to do with this?”

  Rachel was confused. “He didn’t tell you?”

  “He knows?” Ryan stood up and paced back and forth. “Am I the only one who didn’t know?” He crumpled a paper between his hands and threw it on the floor.

  Rachel wiped away the tears. “Then who?”

  The look of pity and loathe on Ryan’s face wounded her to the core. He plunked back down in his plush office chair. “I can’t tell you that. The information was given to me in confidence by someone who cares about my career.”

  “It could have only been someone at that party.” Her Irish anger bubbled to the surface. “You’ve got some pretty crude friends, you know. Do you have any idea what they do in their spare time?”

  “Ha! Me – crude friends! At least my friends aren’t hiding who they really are!” A second piece of paper was victimized by his fist.

  “Yes! Your crude friends. This friend that you claim cares about you so much is a swinger.”

  Ryan nearly fell out of his chair. “You’ve gone mad! And how in the hell could you possibly know this?”

  If Rachel had been thinking clearly, she would have picked up on the leading way he asked the question, but her temper never failed to blind her. “Wow. You cursed.” Rachel temporarily forgot what she was saying. “Anyway, I know this because I was at a swinger’s party with Susan and-.”

  “Stop! You were at a swinger’s party? With this Susan character?” He interrogated her like she was on the witness stand. “More dirty, little secrets, Miss Peters? Anything else I should know before I go take a shower?”

  Rachel clenched her fists and blew up. “Yes! Yes, there is! I was in jail once for crashing a stripper’s convention, I bared my breasts for a wet t-shirt contest because I detest losing, I forgot to change the water in my goldfish bowl and he suffocated, and I lied to my mother and snuck out with my boyfriend to go drinking. Anything else you wanna know?” She felt like a school bully who just stole lunch money from a kindergarten kid.

  Ryan looked like he’d had the wind knocked out of him. “No. Not a thing. I’ve heard enough to know you’re not the person you’ve been pretending to be for the last two weeks.”

  “Oh, yes, and you’re Mister Perfect,” she hissed. How could he sit there and act like he was a saint? “I’m sure you’ve never done anything you weren’t proud of.” Rachel wanted to kick herself for not telling him about that stinking swinger’s party. Now, it was too late, and the misinformation had already planted the seeds of doubt. These seeds, she feared, already had a root a mile long.

  He sunk his face in the palm of his hands. “You’re missing the point,” he mumbled through his fingers.

  Rachel crossed her arms and leaned down close to his face, her long ebony waves puddling on his desk. “And just what is the point, Mr. Stanley?”

  Even though she was furious enough to choke him, she felt a rush of energy when he swept her hair aside and looked up into her eyes. She’d seen that look before. It was the same one he’d given her the night of the dinner party and practically each night and day since. He wanted to reach out and touch her, but clenched his fists to control the urge.

  “The point, Miss Peters, is that you’re bisexual and currently have a…girlfriend.” He nearly gagged on the last word. “Though I can’t say I approve of your lifestyle, I certainly don’t condone cheating on her, either. Cheating is the mark of a seriously flawed character.” He may as well have been chewing up cement, as forcefully as he spit out the words.

  “Her name is Susan, and for the last time, I’m not bisexual!”

  “Let’s – just let this drop, if you don’t mind. I have a ton of things to get done today, and so do you. Lunch is at noon.” He waved her off, infuriating her further. How could he just drop a bomb and then send her off like nothing happened?

  “I’m afraid you’ll be eating alone today, Mr. Stanley. There’s not a chance in hell that I’m gonna sit down with you and pretend everything’s normal.” She spun around to leave, smacking him in the face with the tips of her hair.

  “Just one more thing,” he said. “While I’m out to lunch, you can clean out your desk.”

  Rachel stopped, her feet rooted to the floor. “Is it because you think I’m bi?” Her mind started to race. She had funds built up in the bank, but not enough to sustain her for more than a few months. “George told me he wouldn’t let you fire me if you found out I was bi – which I’m not!” she added vehemently. “But, if I were you couldn’t fire me for that.”

  Ryan slammed his fists on the desk. “What in God’s name does my father have to do with all of this? When did you talk to him, because you were with me most of Saturday night and you haven’t spoken to him since?” His eyes narrowed. “Unless, of course, you know him on a personal level, and that would explain a whole hell of a lot.”

  She wondered if maybe he knew about his father’s little excursions. Though she wanted to ask, she’d already said too much. If he didn’t know and she got Stanley senior into trouble, her job was definitely toast. Silence was the best option.

  He pushed his glasses further up on his nose. “You can keep your job if you do as you’re told and come to lunch. The only reason I was firing you is because you were being insubordinate. Nothing more. I don’t give a rat’s ass about who you tuck into your bed at night.”

  Clenching her teeth, Rachel stood up straight and pushed her hair back out of her eyes. “Fine, Mr. Stanley. I’ll be ready.”

  Thank God Bonnie was sick that day or she’d have a lot of explaining to do. When she started to calm down, Rachel did something she normally would never do when on the clock. She surfed the net for another job. She’d made up her mind. There was no way she could stand to be around Ryan five to six days a week knowing he felt the way he did. To love and be loathed in return wasn’t something she could deal with.

  “Monday through Thursday,” she mumbled to herself. “Oh, shit. The pay sucks.” With each ad, a little more hope was whisked away. The pay she received at Stanley Enterprises was good – really good compared to some of the jobs out there. Intent on removing herself from Ryan’s life, Rachel didn’t hear the main door open and close.

  “Excuse me, Miss. Is Mr. Stanley in?”

  Rachel knew that voice. She looked up. The twist of fate in a fictional novel wouldn’t have been as unbelievable as what she was seeing. There, standing before her in all of his elderly beauty, was Ross.

  “What’re you doing here?” she asked gruffly. Could he be the one that spilled the beans?

  “Pardon me?” Ross looked more than a little amused. He looked downright ready to laugh.

  She cleared her throat and tried again. “Do you have an appointment?”

  “No, but Mr. Stanley and I are friends. I’m sure he won’t mind my barging in for a bit.”

  Rachel rolled her eyes. Could the scenario get any worse? “Who should I announce?”

  “Ross Parker.” The first name wasn’t a surprise, but when she heard the last name, things began to piece together. Molly.

  Two can play that game. “I believe I know your daughter, Molly.”

  Ross’s face lit up. “Go to school together?” He stopped himself. “No, of course you didn’t. Molly went to private school.”

  “And what makes you think I didn’t?” She was sick and tired of being looked down on just because she was an office wench.

  “You do look familiar. Did you?”

  “No, but it’s not nice to judge.” She pushed back her chair. “I’ll go tell him you’re her
e.” The glimmer of glee in Ross’s eyes pissed her off. She didn’t like being used for amusement.

  Rachel didn’t bother to knock on Ryan’s door; her respect for him was now sitting neatly at zero. “You’ve got a guest to see you. A Mr. Ross Parker – swinger extraordinaire.”

  Ryan looked like he wanted to kill her on the spot. “We’ll discuss your attitude later, Miss Peters. In the meantime, invite him in – please.”

  Though she would have loved to have heard the conversation going on behind the mahogany door, Rachel satisfied herself with the fact that she was finished with the entire ordeal. Ryan could settle himself down with Molly and be miserable for the rest of his life, if that’s what he wanted. She, on the other hand, was seriously considering the convent.

  Thirty minutes later, Ryan and Ross emerged from the cave, laughing and smiling. Rachel did her seething deep inside and put on a cheery face for their esteemed guest.

  “Give my best to Viv, Ross.” Rachel winked, infuriating Junior.

  Ross turned to Rachel and shook his head. “Do I know you?”

  Rachel put on a hurt face. “I’m crushed, Ross. It’s me – Rachel. I can’t believe you’ve forgotten the Champagne Room already.”

  Ross turned twelve shades of gray before settling on pasty white. “I’m not familiar with the Champagne Room, but I will give Viv your regards.” He managed to mumble a few more unintelligible words before stumbling his way out the main door.

  “Start looking for a new job!” Junior snapped on his way back to his office.

  “Already have!”

  Junior was late in retrieving her for lunch and Rachel crossed her fingers that he’d changed his mind. There was no way she could digest while staring him in the face.

  Her peace, however, was short-lived. Junior walked directly to the main door and stood there waiting for her to move. “I believe we have an appointment, Miss Peters.”

  Rachel didn’t move. “I’ve already been fired, so why should I bother coming now?”

  Junior smiled, only this time it wasn’t pleasant and pretty. “You do want a good recommendation, don’t you?”

  It only took a few seconds of contemplation for Rachel to put aside her anger and think about herself for a change. A few choice words to a potential employer are all it would take to make or break an opportunity. “Okay, but no Chinese, if you don’t mind.”

  “No Chinese, no Italian, no French. Today we’re going American.”

  “Are you sure you want to be seen in public with me? You just never know who else knows my secret.”

  “So, you’re admitting it?” Junior shut and locked the door.

  “Isn’t that what you want?”

  “I just want the truth.”

  “I’ve told you the truth, but you don’t believe me. You’d rather believe Molly.” Rachel walked two steps ahead so he didn’t see the anguish on her face. She hated herself for allowing him so deep inside her soul, and right now she hated him for barging in like an uninvited guest.

  “I never said it was Molly.”

  Rachel grabbed his arm. “Seriously? If it wasn’t her, then who the hell was it?”

  Ryan hesitated before pulling away from her touch. “I can’t tell you.”

  “So, I’m guilty until proven innocent. So much for living in America. You know what? You’re just like the last jerk.” This time, Rachel didn’t hold back the tears.

  “D-don’t do that. Not right here in the middle of the hall.” He took the sleeve of his coat and wiped away the tears. Not knowing quite what to do with her, he ushered her off to a seldom used side hall. “Stop in here for a minute and get yourself cleaned up.” He opened a storage room door and hustled her inside. “There’s a sink over there. Your eyes are a mess.”

  The cool paper towels felt good on her hot, red eyes. She turned to Ryan. “Am I more acceptable now?” Innuendo is a great thing when used properly.

  Gone was the hardness in his eyes and in its place was nothing but regret for what could have been. That’s when the panic set in. Though he pissed her off more than any other person she’d ever met, she couldn’t imagine a future without him. Rachel knew she had to make him see the truth. She pulled her top over her head and dropped it at his feet. When he didn’t object, she slipped her hand behind him and flipped the lock on the door.

  She wasn’t sure who kissed who first, but after five minutes of biting, groping and moaning, Ryan extracted himself from Rachel’s arms. “What in God’s name are we doing?”

  “I’m proving my innocence,” she whispered, biting his shoulder.

  He held her out at arm’s length and bent down to retrieve her top. “None of this proves anything other than the fact that you’re a phenomenal seductress.”

  Scorned again. Rachel grunted and swiped her top that dangled from the ends of his fingers. “I wasn’t seducing you. If I planned on seducing you, you’d know it. But don’t worry. I’ll never waste that talent on you!” She yanked her top back over her head and unbolted the door. “Let’s go, Junior. Apparently you can’t handle your big boy pants.”

  She stomped off, leaving Ryan standing in the middle of the hall with his shirt half out of his pants and his hair a mess.

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