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Masters of the Hunt: Fated and Forbidden

Page 122

by Sarra Cannon

  “That won’t be necessary, Que… Rhia.”

  “I wasn’t asking.” She paused, gathering her courage. “As your Queen, I’m telling you to show me your wounds.” She lifted her chin higher and hoped he wouldn’t call her bluff.

  “Tell me, do you always get your way, beautiful Rhiannon?” Even as he spoke, Drake stood and pulled his t-shirt from his body. He swayed before rolling the shirt and dropping it to the floor next to the chair and letting himself fall back into it with a grunt.

  Air rushed out of her lungs. “That’s not nothing, Drake. It’s far from being nothing. And no, I don’t always get my way, in fact, I seldom do.” She disappeared into the bedroom.

  When she emerged, she wore one of his t-shirts.

  “I had to borrow this. My clean clothes got drenched when I got out of the tub.” She pulled at the hem, trying to hide more of her thighs as the soft material clung to her still damp skin, accentuating her curves.

  Beads of sweat dotted his forehead. His skin took on a gray-ish tinge she’d often seen at the hospice. One she didn’t want to see on him. “Okay, tough guy, into the bedroom we go.”

  He stood on shaky legs and blinked several times before he steadied again. She snaked her arm snaked around his waist, trying to support his large frame.

  “There’s no need to carry me.” Even as he spoke, he draped his arm around her shoulders and leaned against her.

  “Let’s just say it’ll make me feel better if I stay with you, okay?” She nearly staggered under his weight.

  Her own forehead had dampened with perspiration by the time she had him lying on his back on the big bed. Her hands trembled as she brushed her damp hair from her face.

  She darted into the bathroom, returning a moment later with a large basin and some towels, setting them down on the bedside table nearest him. Okay, she could do this. She had to do this. He was in trouble and she wasn’t about to just let him die on her. She took a deep steadying breath.

  With gentle fingers, she palpated the raised, angry welts surrounding each ragged wound.

  He groaned and opened his eyes. “May I ask what you are doing?”

  Her heart leapt as she pulled her fingers away. Her eyes darted up to meet his weary ones. They held no censure, only pain, which gave her the courage and determination she needed to keep going.

  “I’m feeling your wounds. Something isn’t right. The heat in your injuries are extending past the wound bed and reaching deeper. I’d like to know what I’m dealing with before I do anything.”

  “An Ikabrol did this. Their claws contain a dangerous poison, lethal if left untreated.”

  “How long? How long until it kills you?” She couldn’t keep the tremble from her voice.

  She prodded the tissue around the worst laceration. Thick, green drainage seeped from it. The pungent smell of infection in the air made her want to retch.

  His features contorted as pain shot through him again. “Do not worry yourself for my safety. Evan and Aiken are coming.” His entire body trembled beneath her fingers. “They’ll be here by sunrise, and Aiken will be able to get rid of the infection.”

  Her shoulders stiffened and her eyes widened, but she said nothing.

  “They’re already making their way through the dark lands. Aiken is one of our best healers.” A faint wheeze accompanied his laboured breaths.

  He was in trouble. It didn’t matter if the healer, her brother, showed up in the morning or not. If she didn’t do anything, he wasn’t going to make it. His speech was slurred, worsening each time he spoke, and his eyes were beginning to swell shut.

  “Then I’ll be glad to meet them. Now, be quiet, I need to concentrate.”

  “Yes ma’am.” The smile in his voice didn’t reach his lips.

  Slurred speech, pain and tremors, she mentally listed the symptoms. The poison had to be attacking his central nervous system. What the hell was she supposed to do to fix this?

  She took a deep breath, puffing it out through pursed lips. Candles. She needed candles. Her mother had been a firm believer that candles purified the air and helped guide the healer. Who knew if it was true or not, but she’d need all the help she could get.

  She ran into the living room where she’d seen three large pillar candles sitting on one of the bookshelves, and grabbed them and the matches sitting next to them before dashing back into the bedroom. She lit and placed them around the room before taking her position next to him again. The sweet scent of lavender and jasmine filled the air.

  Calm serenity came over her as she took deep breaths of the healing scents. She became one with her power, feeling it surround and flow through her. She raised both hands, palms out as she gathered more energy before she laid them just above his wounds. All the while, her breathing remained smooth and rhythmic.

  With each slow breath, she gathered healing light, holding it inside her own body as she molded and shaped it into what she needed. It vibrated within her, awaiting direction. She released it into Drake’s chest. Her very life force shrank away from the lethal poison invading his body. It pushed against her as it recoiled from the vile sludge. It was everywhere. She felt it throughout his system, attacking everything in its path.

  “Damn you, you can’t have him. You’re not going to win, not this time.”

  The healing aroma of the candles kept her grounded as she set to work again. Her warm light flooded his cold body, giving the poison no chance to retreat. She pushed it up through tissue and organs, back to the surface of the wounds, where she could wash it away.

  Her brain registered his deep moan, but she couldn’t stop, not now.

  “I’m almost done, I promise. I’m sorry if I’m hurting you.”

  She wasn’t surprised when he didn’t respond. He was too weak. Even remaining conscious was too difficult a task. His spirit pulled away from her as he slipped into unconsciousness.

  He was fine, yeah right. Why did men always feel like they needed to act all macho anyway? It was just as well he wasn’t awake. Drawing the poison back out of his system would be just as painful, if not worse, than leaving it and he was better off not feeling it.

  She took another steadying breath before releasing her bright violet light into him. She never used her own life essence for healing—ever. Mom had cautioned her never to do it under any circumstances and would have a heart attack if she were around to see it, but the damage done to Drake’s internal organs was too great, his energy too depleted for her to do anything else. If she didn’t use it, he wouldn’t make it. It was a no brainer.

  The tenacious poison held on, not wanting to relinquish its hold on him, but there was no way she would back down. Heat and light seeped into him, weakening the toxic substance bit by bit. Her body was trembling by the time the poison broke apart and was carried away from his organs to seep out of his open wounds and onto his chest.

  She allowed her hands to fall to her sides as she opened her eyes. The fetid stench of infection invaded her nostrils, burning them as it overpowered even the sweet scent of the aromatic candles.

  Streetlights lit the city just outside the window. Only the faint glow from the candles illuminated the room now. She hadn’t even noticed when the sun had sunk over the horizon, bringing dusk, then dark. The healing had taken a long time and had taken its toll on both of them.

  She took her time cleansing the slimy mess still clinging to his chest, using light strokes and delicate touches. Even though he was still unconscious, she didn’t want to chance he might still feel pain. He’d been through too much already.

  Once cleaned, closing the wounds should have been a quick and easy job, but she was so tired. Even gathering more energy was a chore. If she could just have a short nap the job would be so much easier, but she couldn’t. Drake needed her and she wouldn’t let him down. This was the least she could do after he’d gone out there and fought the beast himself.

  She stretched, arching her back to release the tension accumulated by staying in one posi
tion for too long before setting back to the task at hand.

  Time once again stood still as she bathed the wounds in warmth, coaxing the now healthy cells to regenerate and rebuild new tissue. Already his color was better and his breathing deeper. His lips, although still pale, were no longer tinted blue.

  Her eyes closed as she took slow breaths in and out, allowing the soothing scents of lavender to wash the negative energy from her body.

  She sat for a moment, eyes still closed. She hadn’t realized how exhausted she was until her chin dropped to her chest, startling her. When she opened her eyes, he was awake and staring at her.

  “Hi.” She tried to smile.

  Without uttering a word, he reached up and pulled her forward so she came down next to him with her head resting on his shoulder. She knew she shouldn’t, but she couldn’t help it. A little nap was just what she needed, and if he was right there with her, she’d be able to monitor him. She wouldn’t let herself sleep. She’d just close her eyes and rest for a few minutes before checking on him again.

  Chapter 7

  Deep, agonized moans pulled at Rhia’s consciousness, dragging her back from blissful sleep. All she wanted to do was roll over and snuggle beneath the blankets a while longer.

  She blinked heavily, trying to focus on her surroundings in the darkened room. The scent of lilac and lavender still lingered in the air, pulling her from sleep as another deep moan cut through the silence.

  Her breath hitched in her throat. “Shit. Drake.”

  How could she have allowed herself to fall asleep? She was supposed to be watching over him, not resting.

  The candles she’d left burning when she’d fallen asleep had long since snuffed themselves out. It didn’t matter. She didn’t need to see to know Drake was in trouble.

  The wheezing of his shallow breaths, the sweat-dampened sheets and those horrible moans of pain told her all she needed to know. Searing heat radiated from his skin, reaching her palm even before it made contact with his forehead.

  She spent the next hour seeking the source of his pain, suffusing his entire body with healing energy in an attempt to coax it into recovery until she’d given all she had to give. When she finally withdrew, the dawn hovered over the horizon, bathing the room in soft light.

  No matter how hard she tried, nothing seemed to be working. What was she missing? Her eyes, now accustomed to the dim lighting, searched for something—anything—to indicate he was getting better. His breathing was still shallow and labored. If anything, his complexion was even waxier than it had been. Her heart contracted, stealing her breath.

  “You’re not doing this to me, Drake. Do you hear me? You’re not going to just dump all this on me and then leave me to face this mess alone.” She shoved her words into his mind. She wasn’t giving up, and he sure as hell wouldn’t either.

  A small sob slipped past her lips as her hands fell to her lap and her head hung close to her chest. She should never have gone to sleep. Maybe if she’d been awake she could have seen this coming. She could have done something before it had gotten to this point.

  Focus. She needed to focus. Later she’d have her pity party, but for now, Drake needed her, and she wouldn’t let him down again.

  Each breath she took centered her as she relaxed, pushing her energy to build stronger and more pure than she ever had before. She ignored her exhaustion, shoving it away along with her discomfort. All negative thoughts and emotions were eradicated from her mind as the purple light built and expanded.

  It was barely there at first, but deep within her, something reached for him. It was as though something was waking and unfurling inside, stretching and yawning as it woke from a deep dormant state. Her heart raced as the unfamiliar sensation grew stronger with each passing second. She tried to move, but her body was frozen in place. She was powerless to stop it as it overwhelmed and overtook her. She would have pulled back, but whatever had awoken was strong—too strong. It didn’t let her back down as it pulled at him, drawing his very life essence and holding it in its grip.

  Only once an intense feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment swamped her did whatever that was, ease back and then disappear.

  Her head spun as colors swirled behind her closed eyelids. Deep, vibrant red and orange mixed with bright yellow danced in her mind before fading into the background.

  What the hell was that? She didn’t feel different, yet she knew deep down, somehow she was.

  When she opened her eyes again, his deep blue ones, although glazed, were open and locked onto hers.

  Her quick indrawn breath was cut short when his arms came up and dragged her down so she lay sprawled over him, her face inches from his. Had she not been so tired, she might have been able to brace herself or at least cushion the fall, but as it was, she fell hard.

  Seeing what was coming, she tried to stop him, but was too late. One hand stayed on her back, holding her to him while the other tangled in her hair, pulling her head closer. His lips slid over hers, teasing, enticing, his tongue darted out to probe at the seam, seeking entrance.

  Although shock prevented her from moving away at first, his kiss kept her there. It was so much more than she’d imagined and her dreams hadn’t done it justice either. His firm lips and warm tongue teased a response from her, even though she knew she shouldn’t allow it. She’d dreamt of his kiss, his touch, but this was just wrong. He was sick and needed care, not a makeout session, but her body refused to listen. Her lips parted of their own volition, deepening the kiss, drawing his tongue into her mouth. Desire blazed through her like wildfire, making her burn from the inside out. Her nipples peaked against the hard planes of his chest, demanding attention.

  His hands slid down the length of her back to the hem of her t-shirt, finding the rounded curve of her ass. A soft purr-like rumbling vibrated in his chest as he ground her closer to his hardening body, moulding her to him, enflaming them both.

  He was hot, too hot, and not the yummy hunk of male kind either. The heat from his hands cut through the haze of her desire as she fought to control her raging need.

  “No, Drake. Not like this. You’re sick.” Her voice was breathless and not very convincing at all, but she had to break the spell. She pulled back, easing away from him, even as every cell in her being cried out in protest.

  Her chest heaved with ragged breaths as she tried to control her wayward body. His hungry eyes followed each up and down movement, making her nipples tighten again under his hot gaze. It took everything in her to scoot back out of his reach when all she wanted was to lean in and get lost in his kiss again.

  “That’s enough of that.” Her eyes widened at the sexy huskiness in her voice. Where was the stern voice she’d been trying for? “You need to get better. Save your strength for healing.”

  His devilish grin was nearly her undoing.

  “Kissing is so much more pleasurable. Come here, beautiful.” His sensuous voice slid into her mind, pulling at her, compelling her.

  She struggled not to laugh at his outrageous behavior. “Sorry, Drake, but it won’t work with me.” She scooted a little further. “Remember what happened yesterday? We’re going to have to get moving soon and I need you to be strong when we do.”

  His eyes sharpened for a moment as he considered what she said before glazing over again. “I understand. Please, come closer. I’ll be on my best behavior.” The glint in his eye told another story.

  She didn’t get closer. If he got his hands on her again, she didn’t know if she’d be strong enough to push him away again. She’d been dreaming of him for too long to not want what he was offering. Her heart still pounded in her chest.

  “I’ll tell you what, Romeo, once you get yourself better, I’ll let you have your kiss.”

  “You give me your word?”

  She was willing to promise just about anything. It wasn’t like he’d remember any of this later anyway. She, on the other hand, would never forget. She’d remember the way his mouth and hands ha
d set her on fire. If his kiss melted her when he was sick, she’d be a goner if he did it when he wasn’t.

  “Yes, I promise, now rest.”

  “I’ll look forward to it.” The words drifted into her mind as his eyes closed again.

  Once he was asleep again, she left to fetch her damp clothes and found the laundry before jumping in the shower. No more than thirty minutes had elapsed by the time she slipped into her still warm from the dryer jeans and t-shirt, and went back to check on him.

  He hadn’t moved or even opened his eyes since she’d left him. Her hand fluttered to his forehead for the third time in the past half hour. She knew it would be hot, but she checked just the same.

  What was taking them so long? It was morning already. As much as she’d wanted time before having to meet her brothers, she wanted Drake healthy more. She was willing to face an army if it meant he’d get the help he needed.

  “You’ve done a wonderful job. You can stop pacing. Evan nears.” His tired voice slid into her mind.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb you.” Her heart raced in her chest.

  Drake’s eyes snapped open. “You didn’t. They’re here.”

  As if on cue, a loud pounding at the door had her jumping out of her skin.

  “I’m ready if you are.” She squared her shoulders and tilted her chin up putting up a brave front though inside she quivered like a leaf in the breeze. She took one last deep breath before turning the deadbolt.

  “They’ll adore you. Now, open the door. Evan is screaming at me and will break the door down if you don’t open it.” His voice was teasing, but she knew he wasn’t kidding. Her heart pounded and her palms grew damp as she turned the knob, opening the door wide. She fought the urge to bolt as she stepped aside. They all stood and stared at one another for long moments until she started fidgeting with the hem of the t-shirt.


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