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Masters of the Hunt: Fated and Forbidden

Page 127

by Sarra Cannon

  Chapter 12

  The silence between them was killing Rhia, but Drake had needed to cool down after the incident with the Erritrols, so she’d stayed quiet. Her eyes drifted closed as she rested her head against his chest, the strong, steady beat of his heart lulling her.

  “There’s a cave ahead. It’s not ideal, but we can rest there.” He’d been quiet for so long, she jumped when his voice slid into her mind.

  He could have suggested just about anything and she’d have gone for it.

  It didn’t take long before they began their descent. On three sides, sheer rock walls surrounded a clearing, which led to a cave. It wasn’t perfect, but it was their safest bet. Without rock-climbing equipment, it would be near impossible to access the cave. She wasn’t about to complain. Although Drake was still quiet, he wasn’t emitting so much anger, and she wasn’t going to risk darkening his mood with whining about accommodations. She ducked to avoid hitting her head on the cavern’s rocky ceiling as she entered.

  He came in behind her. “You’re not afraid of confined spaces, are you?”

  Small didn’t even begin to describe the cavern. She squeezed in as far as she could, giving Drake just enough space to fit in next to her. “Not at all. This is fine.” She couldn’t help but smile. At least he was speaking to her again.

  “They can’t surprise us here.” He paused before adding, “Make no mistake though, if anything does manage to climb to this altitude, I expect you to remain cloaked and out of trouble.” He teased, but the underlying tone said he expected compliance.

  “Get some rest, hotshot. I promise I’ll behave.” She smiled and snuggled into his heat, closing her eyes to try to get some sleep.

  “Considering the chill in the air, I assume you refer to my stunning good looks and exemplary physique and will take it as the high compliment I’m certain it was intended to be.”

  “Oh, be quiet and go to sleep already.” Hell yeah, he was hot, but she didn’t need to keep reminding him of it. Snuggling closer, she drifted off to sleep.

  With the sun warming her skin, and the gentle breeze blowing, Rhia smiled. She’d never imagined being so blissfully content in all her life, yet here she was.

  The arms of the man she loved surrounded her as they danced to the soft music, too engrossed in one another to notice anything or anyone around them. His dark grey suit fit just right. She wanted to tear it off him, but that would have to wait. She couldn’t very well do that in front of everyone.

  Bright flowers grew in wild disarray, making the meadow the perfect spot for their celebration. Her white gown shimmered in the sunlight as they swayed to the music. Grinning at her with a mischievous glint in his eye, Drake brought his head down to whisper something in her ear.

  She fought against waking, wanting to know what Drake had been about to tell her, but a persistent little buzz in her mind pulled her from sleep.

  Drake became aware of the intruder’s presence moments before a small, cool hand closed on his forearm.

  “Wake up, warrior. The enemy approaches.”

  Energy sizzled around him for an instant as he threw the intruder away from him with a strong burst of power. He heard a feminine grunt as she landed several yards away. His body filled the mouth of the cave, blocking Rhia in and keeping the intruder out.

  “Do not do it again. I swear you’ll live to regret it if you do.” The voice in his mind was a woman’s voice, and she was furious.

  “Who are you? Why are you in these forsaken lands?” He didn’t trust anyone in the dark lands, not even their own people. Until they found the traitor, no one was above scrutiny. He couldn’t change the past, but he’d be damned if he’d let Rhia suffer the same fate her mother had.

  “Can I come out now?” Rhia’s voice slid into his mind as she nudged his back.

  “No.” He wasn’t budging until he knew it was safe, and if she didn’t like it, she’d just have to get over it.

  “My name is Brienne.” The woman glared at him. “Why I’m here is none of your concern.”

  He didn’t release the energy he’d collected. “I don’t recall ever having had the pleasure of meeting you.”

  “We haven’t, and after this, we won’t meet again.” She tried to peer around him. “You can’t remain. We’ve kept your location safe at a great cost to us. The enemy is at the base of the mountain already. We’ve held them off as long as we could to afford you some rest, but you must move on now.”

  Drake’s eyebrows rose at the hostility in her voice. “We’ll take it under advisement. I must insist you accompany us back to-”

  “I won’t, and you don’t have time to argue.” Already she was backing away from him. “Watch your back, warrior. Word has spread she is with you, and the beasts have come out in full force to prevent her return.”

  Though he didn’t trust her, the dark lands were no place for an Avalorian woman. “Now, more than ever, we need all the women of Avalore to return to our lands. With the Quee-”

  She shook her head, taking another step closer to the cliff’s edge. “There’s nothing left for me there, with or without Rhiannon’s arrival. Guard her well, soldier. There are no second chances in this wasteland.”

  Just as he was about to make another plea, she turned and stepped off the side of the mountain, going back in the direction they’d come from earlier.

  He shook his head at the retreating figure disappearing into the darkness. He’d have to send a team back to retrieve the woman once they reached Avalore and Rhia was safe.

  “Where are my brothers and the other men? Shouldn’t they have caught up by now?” She rubbed at her arms as though warding off a chill.

  “Evan, how much more time do you need to catch up? Your sister is worried for your safety.” He included Rhia in the conversation. Opening his arms, he wrapped them around her and took off again.

  “We’re on our way.” Evan paused, making her shoulders tense again. “The men are tired and have sustained some injuries. None are life threatening at this point. We’re coming to you from the north and should be with you within the next half hour.”

  “What about Ricky and Markus? Are they hurt?” It still stung that they hadn’t told her the truth.

  “Minor scrapes and bruises for the most part. Markus will need some healing once it is safe to stop.”

  Her eyes closed as she read between the lines. He wasn’t lying to her, but he didn’t give her the whole truth. “What happened to Markus? Did an Ikabrol wound him? Does he have one of those worms eating at him?” Her stomach turned.

  “We’ll treat him as soon as it’s safe to do so.”

  Clamping her jaw tight, she shoved her annoyance at him. “You tell my other brothers that they’re under strict orders to come to me in one piece, including Markus. If anything happens to any of you, I’ll be very upset.”

  “Evan, there’s a woman by the name of Brienne here in the dark lands. I wasn’t able to convince her to return to Avalore. She’s heading in your direction.” Drake relayed the information. “Be careful she doesn’t get caught in the crossfire if another battle ensues.”

  “Brienne? You’re sure?” Evan’s voice raised an octave.

  “It’s the name she gave. You know her?”

  “I’ve never met her but I heard the name once, a few years ago. I’ll try to bring her back if we cross paths.”

  Rhia pressed closer to Drake’s warmth as he finished the conversation. “Thank you. I appreciate you letting me talk to him. I tried, but I wasn’t able to do it on my own.”

  “It’s hard to bridge distance. You’ll get better with time. Try not to worry. Markus is strong, he’ll be fine.”

  Her soft sigh raised goosebumps on his neck, making her want to smooth them away with her tongue. She wouldn’t act on her impulses again where he was concerned, but there was nothing stopping her from enjoying the feel of his body flush against hers while she still could.

  “Will you teach me to fly? I mean, once we’re safe i
n Avalore? I’m sure it’d be easier to get from one place to the other if I could do this on my own instead of having someone carry me everywhere.”

  “We aren’t flying, but rather displacing our energies and, in essence, ourselves. It’s difficult to explain, and one of the harder skills you’ll have to learn. One of your brothers or perhaps your mate will teach you how, amongst many other things.”

  He kept his tone casual, but something was off. She just didn’t know what it was. Did something rumble in his chest again? Sometimes she swore it sounded like he was growling. “I’m not sure I buy into all this predestined mate business. I was raised to have choices, you know, and I can’t see myself being with a man just because someone tells me it’s the right thing to do.”

  “Your father and brothers won’t allow you to be unhappy. These things always work out the way they’re meant.” His tone was neutral, but his arms tightened a fraction around her.

  What was he not telling her? “Why do you keep referring to my family and not yourself? Won’t I be allowed to socialize with whomever I choose? With you?” Warning bells clamored inside her head.

  His chest rose and fell with a heavy sigh. “You can have as many friends as you’d like, and yes, you even get to choose them yourself.”

  Her heart sank as she put it together. How could she have been so dense? “So, what you’re saying, or rather, not saying, is that you choose not to be one of those people, isn’t it? You’d rather we not be friends after we get to Avalore.”

  He sighed again. “It’s not like that.”

  “How is it? Tell me, then, how you don’t want anything to do with me once we get there. Once you fulfill your duty and deliver me to the people of Avalore, you’ll walk away and never look back.” She swallowed past the burning in her throat as she pushed past the splintering of her heart.

  “Damn it.” His fingers wove through her hair, tilting her head back as his mouth came down on hers—hard.

  The unexpected kiss paralyzed her for a moment as his lips crushed hers. With a soft sigh, she opened her mouth and melted into him. She shouldn’t give in to temptation, but she couldn’t deny him, not when she wanted it as much as he did.

  His soft moan had shivers rushing down her spine. His hands slid over her, staking claim. Pulling her close, his arms tightened around her, pressing her soft curves into his hard body.

  Her breath hitched in her throat as his large, warm hand slid beneath her shirt to cup her breast. She arched her back, pressing into his touch, wanting—needing whatever he was willing to give.

  “Hold on.”

  She tightened her arms around his neck, as his husky words registered. They were hurtling towards the ground at breakneck speed, but she couldn’t care less. All she could think of was the delicious warmth spreading through her body as he pinched her lace-covered nipple between his thumb and forefinger, tugging gently.

  Her hips moved against his, making her throb as heat pooled between her legs.

  Firm ground was beneath her feet again. How he’d kept them in the air through it all was nothing short of amazing when it was all she could do to remember to breathe.

  Breaking the kiss, she pulled back to look up into his eyes before sliding both hands beneath the hem of his shirt. If he wasn’t as desperate for her as she was for him, she didn’t know what she’d do. What she did know was she needed to touch him more than she needed to salvage her pride. The taut muscles of his abdomen and chest bunched beneath her delicate touch as she lifted his shirt.

  His entire body tensed as she bent and flicked her tongue across his flat nipple, dragging a moan from him. “Goddess, Rhia, we have to stop this.”

  “Stop what? This?” She bent her head again and flicked her tongue across his other nipple, this time raking her teeth across it, making it pucker. She moaned as his salty taste slid over her tongue.

  He wound his fingers through her hair, pulling as her tongue flicked once more, before bringing her up for another soul-stealing kiss. He ground his body against her, showing her exactly what he wanted. The hard length of him pressed into her soft belly as she wound her arms around his neck under his shirt. He slipped his hands lower to cup her bottom and pull her against him.

  Dampness gathered between her thighs as she moved against him in an age-old dance. She wanted him. Out in the open in this wasteland, anywhere, it didn’t matter. All she could think about was taking his clothes off. She threw her head back, giving him access as his lips sought the tender flesh of her neck, kissing and nipping at her sensitive skin.

  By the time either of them were aware of anyone’s presence, it was too late.

  “Disengage. Now.” Evan’s clear and authoritative voice brooked no argument.

  Drake stiffened and cursed under his breath, turning so his body shielded hers from view. “Damn it.” He barely whispered the words, but she heard.

  She straightened her clothes, her cheeks heating as she tried to gauge Drake’s reaction. He couldn’t even look at her. Her heart sank. She should have known better.

  When he finally did meet her gaze, he may as well not have. His eyes were hard. The muscle in his jaw ticked as he shook his head. “This is why, Rhia,” he sighed. “This is why I can’t be anywhere near you when we get to Avalore.”

  Her heart thudded, and pain squeezed her chest in a tight vise, threatening to suffocate her. She hung her head, taking deep breaths to soften the blow.

  “It’s going to kill me to see you with someone else. Don’t ask me to stand there and watch you be joined with another man.”

  A large lump formed in her throat, but she blinked back the moisture in her eyes as his hoarse words slid into her mind.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Evan strode across the clearing, glaring at Drake.

  “Evan, stop.” She didn’t need this macho shit right now.

  “No, I want to hear what he has to say.” He shoved Drake back, ready to fight. “I trusted you to take care of her, not this.”

  “Please, Evan, stop.” She pulled at his arm, turning him enough that he’d look at her. “It’s done. It’s over.”

  Evan faced Drake, and after a short pause, he nodded. Then, without another word, Drake shot straight into the air, away from her.

  When she turned towards her brother, she saw the men waiting at the edge of the clearing. Fresh warmth flooded her neck and cheeks.

  “How much did they see?” She straightened her shoulders and lifted her head up high. She wouldn’t be ashamed of what they’d done. Drake might wish it had never happened, but she didn’t.

  “They didn’t see a thing. I was ahead of the group. Rhia, you have to understand-”

  “It’s okay.” She cut him off, not wanting to discuss it with anyone, least of all him. “Drake was honest with me from the start. He didn’t mislead me in any way.” Sighing, she pasted on a smile even though she wanted to scream. “It’s finished now. It won’t happen again.”

  He shifted from one foot to the other, his gaze drifting to the ground, clearly uncomfortable.

  “I’m fine.” She faced the men still waiting at the edge of the clearing. “Come on, I think it’s time I met my other brothers, don’t you?”

  Had her heart not been broken, she might have laughed as he let out the breath he’d been holding. As it was, she didn’t know how she’d manage to keep herself together long enough to meet the men staring at them as they approached.

  “Rhiannon, meet-”

  “Markus and Ricky.” She supplied the information before he could finish the sentence. She didn’t miss Richard’s arm around his brother helping him stand. “I dreamt of you when I was little, all four of you. Ricky played tricks on me all the time, but Markus, you never played. You were always so serious.” She spoke aloud, including all the men present in the conversation. She didn’t care just then if she sounded crazy or not.

  Determined to make the best out of the horrible situation she had gotten herself into, she stuck her ha
nd out to the first of the two remaining men. “My name is Rhiannon.” To her mortification, he dropped to one knee, kneeling before her.

  “My Queen, my name is Michael. I am at your service, always.” His head bowed low. Immediately after, the second man did the same, identifying himself as Sebastian.

  “Please stand.” Rhia was at a loss for words, overwhelmed by the enormity of the gesture. Blood drained from her face, and she swallowed hard.

  Both men glanced at Evan before they stood and smiled at her without uttering another word.

  Dark circles rimmed Markus’ eyes, and he squinted as though fighting a monster headache. He tried to hide it from her, but he was in pain. “Evan, can you and your men defend against an attack if we stayed here and healed Markus?” Even as she spoke, she lifted her hands to his temples, sending soothing energy into him.

  “There is little time. The Ikabrols are never far behind, and we don’t want to engage them unless necessary.” Evan’s gaze continually scanned the forest around them.

  “No, I will hold until we get to Avalore,” Markus interjected.

  “I’ve seen what those things do to a person’s insides. The faster we treat you and get rid of it, the better off we’ll be.” She hoped Evan would back her up. “Besides, if we run into any more trouble before we get to Avalore, you won’t be able to help in the condition you’re in. The others will have to protect us both.”

  Sweat beaded on Markus’ forehead and his face contorted into a grimace.

  Evan sighed. “How do you want to do this?”

  The fact that he even asked her had her heart warming a little. “Same as before. I need one person to be ready to kill the parasite. I’ll push it out as I did with Drake. It hasn’t had much time to fester in there, so it should be easier.” The darkness would play in her favor. “At least there isn’t any light here to make it burrow.”

  “I’ll do it. She’s right. It’ll be easier to get rid of it now, rather than later.” Aiken stepped forward. “Let’s get it done so we can leave.”

  “Fine. Be ready to move at my word.” Evan and the other two men faced away from them, keeping their eyes trained on the forest.


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