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Masters of the Hunt: Fated and Forbidden

Page 129

by Sarra Cannon

  “So be it. Please, Brienne, time is running out.”

  “One last thing, warrior. I need your word that once this is done and you’ve returned to Avalore with our Queen, you will not contact me again. I know where your loyalties lie, but I need your word, no matter who asks it of you, you will never seek me out.”

  Did her voice quiver a bit with the last one? A brief flash of sorrow clouded his friend’s eyes. “Evan, is she-” He sent the message to Evan alone.

  “It doesn’t matter. Tell her we agree.” Evan turned away from him then, taking his position guarding the three men who were now waiting for the woman to come and bring Rhia back to them.

  “You have my word. I will not speak with you again once she is safe in Avalore. If, however you ever have need of us, I want you to know we will come to your aid.”

  “I won’t.”

  The rustling of leaves in the nearby trees alerted him they were no longer alone. The other men sensed the presence at the same time and readied for battle, drawing energy. The air reeked of Erritrol.

  “Tell them to stand back. My companions will stay to the edges but be aware if anyone tries anything at all, they will attack.”

  “Stand down. She’s here. We’re surrounded so be on guard but don’t do anything unless they attack first.”

  She set foot on the ground with shoulders squared and head held high. She strode towards Evan, maintaining eye contact with him as though daring him to break the rules she’d imposed, until he stepped aside and allowed her into the circle where Rhia lay motionless on the ground. True to their word, Drake, Aiken and Richard stood awaiting instruction, ready to begin.

  She unclasped a choker from her neck and placed it on the ground. Instantly, her colors brightened. “I need you to the left side, by her shoulder. You’re the holder of body and spirit. Once she comes to you, hold tight and don’t let go. The darkness will try to snatch her away from you. You can’t allow it to happen.”

  Once Drake took his position, she turned to Aiken. “You’re the healer?” She waited for his nod. “You need to heal whatever ailment big or small. Make her body the perfect vessel for her soul to reside in. Nothing is insignificant. No injury is too small. Heal everything and anything you find.” Once she received acknowledgment from Aiken, she moved on to Richard.

  “You have no specific task. No matter what I ask, you must do, without question.”

  She knelt and placed her palm over Rhia’s eyes, barely touching. Her own eyes closed as she began a soft melodious chant.

  “From the womb the mother’s love brings the life that casts the light. Darkness cannot touch that which is pure. Allow this woman healing warmth.”

  Aiken knelt at his sister’s right shoulder and began healing her from head to toe.

  Brienne’s chant continued, repeating the words until he was done. The process took several minutes as Aiken healed even the most insignificant scratch, until her body was pristine, and ready to accept her light once more.

  She brought her hand down from Rhia’s eyes to hover over her mouth and nose. “From the womb the mother’s song breathes joy into the world. Darkness cannot take what’s ours. Allow this woman to breathe once more.” Her voice swelled with power as she repeated the mantra. Light shone from her body, giving her an ethereal glow in the darkness. Her body swayed. “I need more energy.”

  Drake relayed the message to Richard who complied without hesitation, sending strength and healing warmth into her.

  It wasn’t until Rhia’s chest started to rise and fall with small, shallow breaths that Drake realized he’d been holding his. He exhaled in a rush. There were no second chances with this ceremony, but he was ready. The only way she’d get away from him was if he were dead.

  “From the womb the mother’s plea sees her daughter grown and free. Her light’s a beacon, shining true and bright, no harm shall come to her this night. The darkness has no reign at all. Allow Rhiannon to come home to us once and for all.”

  Feminine power pulsed in the air around them as she recited the words.

  This time when Brienne sagged, Richard infused her without being asked. Aiken joined in as well, giving her what she needed to continue. Her voice carried, reaching for Rhia in the darkness, coaxing her to come back.

  “Now. Call to her now, warrior. Convince her she is needed and bring her back to you.”

  Drake didn’t hesitate. “Rhia, come now, it’s time for you to come back to us. We need you.”

  “Drake. Where are you? I don’t know which way to go. It’s too dark. I can’t see.” He could have wept when her voice came whispering at the edge of his mind.

  “I’m right here, sweetheart. Come to my voice. Once you’re close enough, I’ll take you the rest of the way, I promise, just keep coming to me.” His voice grew thick.

  “I’m so cold, I can’t breathe.”

  “I’ll warm you up. I’ll keep you safe. Trust me. Come to me. We need you here. Your brothers are here and they need you. I need you, Rhia. Please come back to us. Come back to me.”

  Her body convulsed and thrashed in his arms as she fought for life.

  “Hold her, warrior. Not only must you keep her from harm, but you must hold her spirit until it can come back to her own body.”

  “That’s it. You’re almost here. I can feel you getting closer. Listen to my heart beating. Listen to my voice. Come up to meet me. I’m waiting for you.” Drake pulled her onto his lap, bending his head down to brush a kiss across her brow. “Feel my warmth. Come close so I can warm you up again.”

  “Drake, I’m slipping.” Panic laced her words. “It’s pulling me back, I can’t hang on.”

  “No. It’s time to come back. Now. They can’t have you. I won’t let them.” His heart pounded. “It is not an option. Come to me now.” He threw his iron will in with hers, giving her strength when she had none, pulling at her spirit, drawing it to the surface.

  The sudden burst of pale white light blinded him, but he was ready. He ruthlessly took the energy into his body and held it tight. He wouldn’t fail her. He’d keep her soul safe within his for all eternity if need be, but he wouldn’t let the darkness take her. He rocked back and forth, his head bent over hers, murmuring in her ear, not thinking or caring about what he told her, or what the others heard, just needing to comfort her and be with her.

  Her lungs expanded and breath flowed through her body. Once the convulsions began to subside, and color seeped into her pale face, he laid her head down again and straightened, allowing Brienne to continue with the ritual.

  Brienne’s hands moved over Rhia’s chest to cover her heart before replacing them with both of Drake’s.

  Rhia’s eyes opened, looking dazed—empty.

  “As I recite this last part, allow her to re-enter her body. If anything reaches for her, snatch her back. There will be no saving her if the darkness gets her while she’s out of her body.”

  His heart raced as the magnitude of what was about to happen hit home. There was no room for error. He took a deep breath before nodding. “I’m ready.”

  “Mother’s womb pure and bright, bring us forth in joy and light.” Light spilled from Brienne and surrounded them all. “Allow her spirit home again to light the soul and make her whole. Mother’s womb gives life to all, we thank you mother for heeding our call.” She raised her arms to the heavens as she delivered her soul-felt thanks.

  As she spoke, Drake allowed Rhia’s pale spirit to seep back into her own body. Her essence slid from his keeping and back into her own. Her eyes met and held his as her awareness of him and her surroundings began to trickle in.

  “The ceremony is now complete. She’ll need energy, but be warned, too much at once will send her spiraling back. Take your time. I’ve done all I can do. It’s up to you to bring her the rest of the way.” She spoke to Drake alone, then stood and stumbled as she turned to leave.

  Evan moved with unparalleled speed, catching her fall, and then pressing both palms over her he
art, provided his strength before she could protest. He smiled and her eyes flashed fire.

  She opened her mouth to speak, and then snapped it shut again, disentangling from Evan and righting herself before turning to Drake. “We’ll keep the enemy off your back until you reach the border. Remember your promise to me, warrior.” Grabbing her necklace from the ground, she glared at Evan, then turned and left, taking the Erritrols with her.

  Evan watched her go, a small smile playing on his lips.

  Drake found Rhia’s gaze. “How are you feeling?” His heart still pounded. It would take a long time for him to get over the fear of losing her.

  “Tired.” Her teeth chattered and her body trembled in his arms. “What’s wrong with me? I can’t move.”

  “We came very close to losing you.” He brushed a lock of her hair from her face. “Don’t ever scare me like that again.”

  “I just need to sleep for about a month. Where’s the nearest Holiday Inn?”

  “Go ahead and rest. I won’t let anything happen to you, but we have to keep moving.” He took a deep shuddering breath. “We’re almost at the border. We’ll stop once we cross over.” He breathed her scent deep into his lungs, scarcely able to believe she was back. “You need energy. One of your brothers will give it to you but they’ll have to carry you while they do it.” He didn’t want to relinquish his hold on her, but he would, for her sake.

  “No.” Her eyes widened and the corners of her mouth dipped low. “I-I don’t want them to do it. Drake, please…”

  He didn’t need any more convincing. He didn’t want to hand her over to anyone else anyway. Cradling her body to his chest, he stood in one fluid motion with her in his arms.

  “We have to move. I’m carrying her,” he informed Evan.

  “Are you sure it’s a good idea for you to be the one to give her-”

  He set his jaw, taking a step toward the cliff’s edge. “I’m carrying her.” If Evan wanted to take her from him, he’d have a fight on his hands. When his friend shrugged and made no move to stop him, Drake stepped into the darkness.

  Evan remained close. The other men stayed back, affording them some privacy, while still being close enough if needed.

  “What happened back there?”

  Evan sighed. “It’s of no consequence. Let’s just get Rhiannon home.”

  “She’s your mate?” He’d have known if he’d been mated or even named. It wasn’t something people kept quiet. Besides, Evan would have told him, wouldn’t he?

  “You’re not going to drop this, are you?” When Drake didn’t respond, he continued. “While I was recovering from my injuries after the Radren City attack a couple of years ago, The Elders came to me and told me I was to be mated. Her name was Brienne. Brienne Roberts.” He was quiet for a moment. “By the time I was well enough to go to her, she was nowhere to be found.” He shrugged. “I guess she decided she wasn’t ready to be mated after all, or maybe it was me she didn’t want.” He sighed as he shook his head. “At least now I know where she is.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me this?” Drake’s jaw dropped. “I would have helped you find her. No wonder you’re so moody and temperamental.” He couldn’t help taking the little jab, as he tried to lighten the mood.

  “You’d already left on another mission and you were gone for a few months. I figured if she didn’t want to be mated, then who was I to chase her?” His brows furrowed. “It never occurred to me she’d run to the dark lands just to get away from me.” His humorless chuckle spoke volumes.

  “We’ll fi-”

  “How is she?”

  Drake stared at his friend for a moment before giving in and allowing him to change the subject. “Weak. I’m going to have to share my life essence with her to bring her fully back.” He waited for the censure to come.

  “So be it. If she won’t take it from us then I’m glad it’s you she’s chosen.”

  “Thank you.” What else could he say?

  “Once we cross the border, veer off and go to the bunker. I’ll take the men to the safe house while you take care of Rhia.”

  “We should stay together. They still have the scymin.” He’d told Evan of the encounter they’d had with Wesken and pulled the crystal from his pocket, handing it over to his Commander. “We’ve suspected a traitor for years, but a woman? I can’t fathom it. Do you think it’s possible?”

  “I wish I knew. Why on earth would one of our women, a woman of the light, cause so much pain and darkness? No, it doesn’t seem possible. Perhaps he was mistaken.” Evan tucked the pink crystal into his pocket. “They can’t have repaired the scymin yet. The crystal is hard to find. Even if they had one, it would take a few days to fashion the piece.” Evan’s eyes darkened. “Only the Coalition knows about the bunker. You’ll be safe. If another attack is coming it’ll be at the safe house, and we’ll be waiting for the bastards.”

  Drake wanted to go one or two rounds with whoever had sold them out, but putting Rhia in harm’s way was out of the question.

  “The rest of the Coalition will meet us there. When they see all the men heading out at once, it won’t take long for them to figure out we’ve found her, and we’ll get them once and for all. Take good care of her. That’s an order. If you hurt her, I’ll come after you myself.” With that, Evan fell back to rejoin the other men.

  Dark circles formed crescent moons beneath her eyes. Lines of strain, which hadn’t been there before, were forming around her mouth. He couldn’t wait much longer to give her his energy. He’d prefer to wait until they reached the bunker but time was running out.

  “Open your eyes, Rhia, open them and see Avalore.” His voice held a wistful note as he gazed upon their homeland looming like a pale oasis on the horizon.

  Chapter 15

  The horizon loomed before Rhia like a beautiful mirage. Red, orange and pink hues streaked across the sky as light fought to banish the darkness. Having spent so much time in the dark lands, she found she needed to blink a few times to let her eyes adjust to the brightness. Drake’s arms held her cocooned against his chest as he carried her towards the Avalorian border, making her feel safe—cherished even.

  “It’s beautiful.” More than tired, she sounded downright feeble. Try as she might, she couldn’t recall the last few hours. They must have won the fight with the beasts, otherwise they wouldn’t be flying into Avalore now.

  Her heart pounded as she realized the other men—her brothers—were not with them. “Where are Evan and the others? Are they still fighting?” Her whole body stiffened. “Are they…” She couldn’t finish the sentence.

  “Everyone is travelling into Avalore now.” He pushed a lock of hair away from her eyes with a gentle finger. “I’m taking you to a secure location.”

  Drake’s arms tightened around her and he sought her gaze. “I’m going to have to give you some energy. It’s going to feel…” He took a deep breath and tried again. “Your body…”

  Was he blushing? “What’s it going to do, Drake?” She had a sinking feeling she knew what would happen.

  “Your body is going to respond to the exchange.” His husky voice caressed her mind. “In a sensual way.” His body tensed as though he anticipated rejection.

  “It’s okay. I’ve done it before, and it’s never affected me like that. I mean, we even did that together in New York, remember?”

  “This is different. What I must give you is different. If we were family it would be like any other exchange, but we’re not. I can’t use what’s around us, and even if I could, there wouldn’t be enough to sustain you.” His Adam’s apple bobbed. “What I’m giving you is a part of me. My life’s essence will become yours.”

  Did she want to go down this road again? The last time they’d kissed ended in disaster. The incessant shivers coursing through her weren’t because she was cold, it was the complete depletion of her energy making her quiver. What choice did they have? They were both adults. They could resist temptation long enough for her to get
what she needed. Besides, she could barely keep her eyes open, much less do anything else.

  When she didn’t respond, he continued. “I’m going to go slow. If you feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed, we’ll stop, just give me the word.”

  “Okay.” She took a deep breath, or at least she tried.

  She was aware the moment Drake started the slow infusion into her body. The warmth spread from his chest into hers, leaving her breathless. She sought his gaze as his deep moan reached her ears, finding him with eyes closed and his head tilted back. She cleared her throat. “Will this affect you in the same way?” Somehow speaking the words aloud helped give her the bit of distance she needed.

  His arms tightened around her as his gaze found hers, his eyes stormy. “Yes, this kind of exchange is very intimate for both participants.”

  “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. I’d understand,” she whispered the words so quietly she wasn’t sure he’d even heard her.

  “No, but I want to. Just try to breathe through it.”

  With each deep breath, she took his scent into her lungs, tantalizing her, making her want to taste him to see if the same spicy male flavor would be on his skin. It was as if he was everywhere, filling her entire being in waves of warmth and sensation. She snuggled closer, unable to do anything else. So far, so good. I can handle it. Sure, her body felt warm and tingled in time with the waves of his pulsing heat, but it wasn’t so bad, was it? No, it’s fine. She leaned her head back against his shoulder and closed her eyes again, sighing against his neck.

  The tingling was getting stronger, but it was still tolerable. Deep breaths, in and out. Another wave washed over her. In, and out. I can do this. The slow trickle of warmth coming into her was becoming more intense by the minute. Her nipples tightened beneath her thin shirt as another wave slid over and into her.

  She took another deep breath, trying to calm the overwhelming urge to shift and press her body against his. Her soft moan met his deeper one. It was as though he caressed her soul. Everything in her reached for him—wanted him. Her lips parted as her body thrummed with need.


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