Masters of the Hunt: Fated and Forbidden

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Masters of the Hunt: Fated and Forbidden Page 131

by Sarra Cannon

  The metal door to the bunker was ajar and she raced through it. “Drake, where are you? I’m coming out.” She didn’t know what was out there, but she’d be dammed if she let it have him.

  “Stay inside. I’ll return in a moment.” His voice was rough, almost garbled. .

  “I heard something out here, and it sounded pissed off. I’m not leaving you out here to be its midnight snack.” She ran into the clearing, her long hair flying around her as she turned, desperate to find him.

  “There’s no danger, Rhia. Go back inside.” He stepped out of the shadows not far from where she stood.

  “I heard a loud roar, and it was close.” She was pulling energy to her even as she spoke.

  “I know what you heard.” He kept his face averted. “Please, just go back in.”

  Something wasn’t right. She’d known it the moment she’d left the bunker. She felt the energies around her. Someone was close by. “We’re not alone. Come back to the bunker with me.”

  “Get back inside, Rhia. Now.” Instantly alert, he spun to face the forest behind him.

  Instead of returning to the safety of the bunker, she closed the gap, standing back-to-back with him, ready to fight.

  Drake sighed, shaking his head. “You don’t listen well, do you?”

  “No, I don’t.” She wasn’t going to hide while he faced danger alone.

  “You can stand down. We’re not in any danger.” His posture relaxed and his hands came down to his sides.

  “Come back to the bunker with me, and I’ll stand down.” She could be just as stubborn as he could, and if she sounded like a petulant child, then so be it. She wasn’t going to cower and hide like a simpering idiot while he faced whatever was out there alone.

  “We’re about to have company.” The tension in his voice dropped. If anything, he sounded happy.

  Turning to look in the direction he was facing, her heart thudded once then started to race. All of a sudden, the whole notion of her being their queen was absurd. Maybe she should have gone to hide when she’d had the chance. Tension coiled, making it hard for her to breathe as a woman emerged from the treeline.

  She was stunning. The moment she spotted Drake, her smile broke free and she ran to him, flinging herself into his arms as he opened them for her and spun her around. Long ebony hair twirled around her like a cloak, and her exuberant laughter filled the night air.

  Rhia tried to breathe, but her lungs refused to cooperate. Pain stabbed through her like a hot dagger.

  “I’ve missed you so much.” The sweet feminine voice made Rhia’s stomach knot.

  “I’ve missed you too. Why are you not in the safety of your home?” Drake hugged the woman until she squealed.

  Rhia held her head high and blinked back the moisture in her eyes. She’d done nothing wrong, yet shame made her cheeks burn. He’d told her he was unattached.

  “I heard you’d come back, and couldn’t resist coming to see for myself. I was on my way to the safe house when I heard-”

  Drake’s back stiffened. “It’s so good to see you, but you shouldn’t come all the way out here by yourself at this time of night.”

  “I know, but you’ve been gone so long this time. Is it true? Have you found her?” Her voice held all the excitement and expectation of a child waking up on Christmas morning.

  Rhia took a step back, intent on going back to the bunker. There was only so much she could take, and this was way over the limit. A short while ago, he’d made love to her like he would never get enough, yet here he was in the arms of another woman, oblivious to the crippling pain slashing her to shreds. “I’ll leave the two of you alone.”

  As though just now remembering she was there, Drake turned, keeping the woman tucked beneath his arm as they both faced her.

  Rhia closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. Really? He was going to do this? How could he be so callous as to flaunt his woman in front of her after all they’d been through?

  “Katie, meet our queen.” Love shone in his eyes, love for the beautiful woman still wrapped in his arms. As soon as his gaze found hers, they joy in his eyes dampened, and his smile faltered.

  Rhia swallowed hard and took a calming breath as she extended her hand.

  “Queen Rhiannon, this is Katherine, my baby sister.”

  “Your sister?” Where Drake’s features were strong and masculine, Katie’s were soft and feminine, but the resemblance was there just the same. “I’m pleased to meet you, Katherine.” Even though she tried to keep her voice steady, it came out more like a croak.

  “The pleasure is mine, Your Majesty.” Katie curtsied, ignoring the outstretched hand.

  “It’s Rhia, please. I’m sorry, Katherine. I’m feeling a little under the weather. If you don’t mind, I think I’m going to go lie down.” She didn’t look at him. “Did you enjoy that?”

  “Did I enjoy what, Rhia? Hurting you? No, I didn’t. Not even a little.”

  “Of course, Your Highness. Is there anything I can do for you? I’d be happy to prepare a meal.” There was genuine concern in the woman’s voice.

  “No, thank you. I’ve been through a bit of an ordeal and my appetite isn’t quite up to anything heavy.” She couldn’t do this right now. “I’ll let you catch up with your brother. We’ve travelled a long way in the last couple of days and I’m exhausted.”

  It was disconcerting carrying on two conversations, but she managed. “It’s not what I meant, and you know it.” She took a deep breath. “Did you enjoy making me squirm? Letting me think she was… your sister… ugh. Never mind. I’m going to lie down.”

  The man was clueless. She turned and marched back into the bunker, determined to get some rest, and away from him.

  Chapter 17

  Rhia lay on the bed for a long time with her eyes glued to the ceiling. How could she have been so foolish? She’d resigned herself long ago that she was destined to be alone and had come to terms with it until Drake had come along. The old saying “it’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all” was complete bull. Losing it was so much worse.

  She refused to cry. What was the point? It wouldn’t change anything, and she’d humiliated herself enough for one day. Going out there and socializing with Drake and his sister was the last thing she wanted to do. Rolling over, she punched the pillow into submission and closed her eyes until sleep overtook her.

  Breathing in a deep, contented breath, Rhia smiled up at Drake. He had a hungry look in his eye, one that left her breathless and wanting. The warm sun shone, kissing her cheeks as he held her, dancing to the soft music playing. She couldn’t help the love and happiness radiating from deep within her soul, making all those present smile right along with her.

  Off to the side, her brothers, dressed in dark suits, waited their turns to dance with the bride. Everything was perfect, so why did her chest contract and her heart stutter?

  Darkness was near, she could feel it breathing down her neck, yet no one seemed to care. The air, too heavy with the putrid stench of the beast, choked her. Wave after wave of nausea made her stomach lurch. Why weren’t they taking cover? Was no one paying attention? Couldn’t they feel it? Her heart pounded as dark clouds obliterated the sunshine.

  “Run. They’re here.” She yelled, startling herself out of her sleep, her shirt damp with perspiration.

  The doorknob rattled. “Rhia, open the damn door.”

  “Hang on.”

  Energy sizzled from the other side.

  “I’m coming, Drake, wait. I just had a nightmare.” She tried to reassure him as she scrambled off the bed. A loud pop and the smell of heated metal filled the air just before he burst through the door.

  “Where?” His voice boomed in the small room.

  “It’s nothing. I had a nightmare.” Her heart pounded. The dream was so vivid she could almost smell the beast. Her stomach heaved and rolled.

  He took the two steps separating them, pulled her to him and held her close. “You scare
d me half to death.”

  As much as she wanted the comfort he was offering, it would be a mistake. Taking a deep breath, she stepped away from him, even though every fiber of her being wanted to sink into his warmth.

  “Is everything okay?” Katie’s voice came from the open doorway.

  “Everything’s fine.” Drake shook his head as he turned toward his sister. “I thought I told you to stay back until I knew everything was safe.”

  “I know, but I wanted to be close in case you needed my help.” She didn’t sound the least bit sorry, which made Rhia like her just a little more. “Besides, how would anything have gotten in here to begin with?” Katie’s chin came up a smidgen.

  Rhia smiled. “Thanks for your concern, Katherine. I just had a nightmare.” Anyone who could stand up to a man as intimidating as Drake and not bat an eyelash was all right.

  “You’re not helping.” Exasperation tinged his voice.

  Shrugging, she pushed past him to join Katie in the living area. Shivers ran up and down her spine, making her wrap her arms around her to ward off the chill.

  “I need to meet with Evan and the rest of the Coalition to finalize the plans for your return,” he said as he followed her. “Under the bed, there’s a trap door. It leads to a small room filled with supplies. If anyone comes, even if you know him or her, you both go down there. If you feel threatened in any way, you go down there. Lock the trap door behind you and don’t come out for anything or anyone, until I come back for you.” He gave his instructions as though speaking to one of the Coalition soldiers. “I won’t be gone long.”

  She squelched the panicky palpitations stirring, and let him go. He didn’t need to see Evan in person. They could talk strategy at any time from just about any distance. What he needed was a bit of space, and who was she to deny him? It didn’t matter. She could take care of herself. She’d been doing it her whole life.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sure I must have made a horrible first impression.” She wanted to ease the tension between her and Katie. It wasn’t her fault things had gone as they had with Drake.

  “Not at all, Your Highness, is there anything I can get for you, anything I can do?” Her tentative smile enhanced her natural beauty.

  “No, I’m fine. Thanks though, and please, call me Rhia. I know Drake won’t approve, but if I say it’s okay, then it should be fine, right?”

  “Of course.” She grinned, mischief sparkling in her eyes.

  “I’m a little surprised Drake didn’t give you a harder time about being out here alone at night. I can’t imagine he’d be happy with the danger you put yourself in.” The memory of the loud roar she’d heard just before Katie’s appearance made Rhia’s heart race. Did the woman know how close to danger she’d really been?

  Katie took a seat on one of the chairs, laughing. “Oh, he did, believe me, but it was for my ears only.” She shrugged her delicate shoulders. “I can handle Drake.”

  “How did you know where we were? Drake said no one knew of this place.”

  “I didn’t. I was heading to the safe house when I heard him.”

  Something was wrong. She couldn’t pinpoint it, but the energies were off. Not like an Erritrol, but sinister in a more subtle kind of way.

  Katie’s eyes became wistful. “Tell me, what it’s like out there? I’ve never been to the dark lands or beyond, and Drake never wants to discuss it. He says it’s nowhere I need to wonder or worry about.”

  She took a deep breath, scenting the air. “The dark lands are, well, dark. I wouldn’t want to go through there again unless I had no other choice. It was frightening and dangerous. If you were thinking of going there, I’d suggest otherwise. It’s not exactly a vacation hot spot.” She could just imagine this strong-willed woman going there just for the thrill of doing it.

  “What about the other place, the land of humans?”

  “It’s hard to describe. The people there don’t travel like you do. We use cars and planes. They also don’t have the abilities we have.” A deep shudder shook her to her core. “Until I met Drake, I didn’t know anyone else was able to use energy to heal. It was a relief to find out I wasn’t some kind of freak.” Another wave of nausea rolled over her.

  “Are the people there nice? I’ve never met-”

  “I think we’d better go down to the safe room, Katie.” Rhia started towards the bedroom and stopped short. The feeling of dread intensified with each step, making it hard to breathe. Shaking it off, she took another step closer to the room and her body shuddered again. No, they couldn’t go in there. “Listen, Katie, something’s wrong. I don’t know what it is but we can’t stay.”

  Katie stood and came towards her. “Drake told us to stay here and wait for him. We should go to the safe room if something is alerting you to danger.”

  “I know, and I hate to go against his wishes, but trust me in this, we can’t stay here.” They had to move. “Now, Katie, come on.” Rhia held her finger up to her mouth, asking Katie to remain quiet before they unlocked the door and slipped out into the night.

  Rhia’s legs pumped harder than ever before as she ran. Blood pounded through her as adrenaline pushed her faster away from the malevolent energy skimming over her. They made it to the treeline just as a blast slammed into and destroyed the small bunker. Bits of wood and debris hurtled through the air all around them. A pale blue ball of flames burst into the air, casting them in an eerie glow before it dimmed and extinguished, leaving them in darkness.

  It took several moments before Rhia noticed a light, persistent buzzing in her head. When she managed to focus on it, Katie’s frightened voice came through.

  “Do you know how to cloak yourself? You need to do it now, before whoever did that…” She pointed at the rubble. “Shows up.”

  Rhia didn’t hesitate, cloaking herself as Evan had taught her.

  “Come, we can’t stay here. Drake’s closed himself off. He’s not answering me. We’re on our own for now.” Katie turned, not waiting for the dust to settle before leading Rhia deeper into the forest.

  Katie was right. They had to go. Had she been more adept at telepathic communication, she would have been able to reach Evan. The distance wasn’t insurmountable to someone with more experience, but all she got when she tried was an empty void.

  They’d walked in silence for a while before Katie spoke to her again. “I don’t mean to pry, but has Drake treated you well? I can’t imagine him treating you poorly, but I’ve never seen him so close to the surface like he is with you.”

  He was close to the surface? Was that some kind of Avalorian saying? “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “He’s edgy and growling all the time. His drag-” She broke off looking around them.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Drake’s in battle. I can’t speak to him when he’s fighting, but my dragon wants to answer his call.” She started walking again.

  Her eyes widened, and she stumbled to a stop. “Your dragon?”

  “It’s responding to Drake’s and wants to go help. Don’t worry, I’m not going, I just feel its desire to go. I have great control over her.”

  More confused than ever, she walked faster to catch up. “I don’t understand. What do you mean, his dragon?”

  “You really don’t know much about our people, do you? Drake and I are of the dragon line. There hasn’t been a reported shift in the past seventy-five years, at least, not a complete one, but we still hold some of the dragon’s inner qualities and abilities.”

  This was getting crazier and crazier by the minute.

  “We have some traits of the dragon people. Our line is known for its courage and strength, but we’re also quick to anger.” She spoke as if talking about the weather. “We can do certain things other lines can’t do.”

  ”So, not all Avalorians are dragons then?” This was, by far, the most far-fetched thing she’d ever heard, but it did explain the rumbling she’d heard coming from his chest at times.

o, there are four ancestral lines.” She sniffed the air, and then changed course a little, never missing a stride. “Your brothers are of the Phoenix line as is your father and his ancestors before him. Then there’s the Gryphon line. It’s all but extinct now, but there are still a few of them out there.” She gasped and then smiled. “Perhaps now that you’re back, they will thrive again.”

  She waited for a minute, but when Katie didn’t continue, she asked, “So, what’s the fourth line?”

  Katie turned and grinned at her. “You are, of course. You, your mother before you and her mother before her are of the Soothsayers. I can’t believe Drake didn’t tell you all this already. The Soothsayer women hold the characteristics of all three lines within her and keep them within her light so the darker tendencies of each are subdued and held in balance with the good. We are people of the light. Without it, we eventually die.”

  Katie’s eyes filled with such admiration and hope. “You’re back, now the balance will be restored.”

  “I hope I can help, but I don’t know the first thing about being a queen.”

  “We just need you to be here. Eventually, you’ll be expected to form your Council and preside over certain things, but I’m sure The Elders will let you get settled before insisting you play a larger role.” Katie made a sharp left turn, and then crossed a path in the forest, taking them back to the cover of the trees.

  “Where are we going?” Her feet were beginning to hurt from walking on the uneven ground. “I hope you’re right. About the Council I mean.”

  “I’m sure I am. Your light is what we need most. The rest will wait. I’m taking you to Drake’s house. I don’t know what’s going on, but before he left, he told me no one could know you were here, and we couldn’t trust anyone.” She slowed her pace. “We’re almost there.”

  “Is there nowhere else we can go? I don’t think Drake would want me in his home.” Considering the way things stood between them, she wasn’t sure about anything.

  “Of course he would. He wants to see you safe at all costs. No one would dare cross him and enter his dwelling without his permission.”


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