Masters of the Hunt: Fated and Forbidden

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Masters of the Hunt: Fated and Forbidden Page 132

by Sarra Cannon

  “But aren’t we going to be entering his house without his consent?” She was grasping at straws and she knew it.

  “Perhaps, but I’m kin, and you’re our queen, so we’ll be okay. Besides, once he’s done with whatever he’s battling, he’ll come looking for us. We can let him know where we are when he tries to talk to one of us.”

  They emerged from the forest into a large yard. It was too dark, with no outside lighting for her to see much more than the dark outline of a house.

  Katie didn’t hesitate. She walked to the door and turned the knob. It wasn’t locked. In fact, unless she’d missed it, there wasn’t a lock on the door at all.

  The house’s décor was masculine, yet tasteful, and so very Drake. The darker color palette of the walls was rich and comforting. Large pieces of furniture, both stylish and comfortable, gave the place a nice, lived-in feel. On the mantle above a big stone fireplace were several framed pictures. She gravitated towards them, wanting to know more about Drake and his family.

  The first one she picked up was of a much younger Drake holding Katie’s hand, smiling down at her like she’d just said something funny. Next was a picture of an older man and woman who smiled into the camera. The man’s arms wrapped around the woman in a loving embrace. The dark hair, blue eyes, they had to be his parents. The next frame held a picture of Drake and Evan with another boy. In this picture, they were all teenagers and laughing at some unknown source behind the camera. Her breath caught in her throat. If he smiled like that all the time, her poor heart wouldn’t stand a chance.

  The last one surprised her the most. The woman in the picture sat on a blanket, with a picnic basket next to her, and her hand rested on her rounded belly. The woman’s skin glowed as she smiled, holding her other hand out for whoever was behind the camera to come join her. One look at this picture, and she knew she was looking at her own mother. The resemblance was too uncanny to ignore. Her knees shook as she took the few steps to one of the chairs and sat, no longer able to stand as the realization of who she was sank in. She’d never seen anyone with the same color eyes as she had, until then.

  Her trembling fingers touched the glass as she turned towards Katie, who was watching her. “This is my mother, isn’t it?” How could it be anyone but?

  “Yes. That’s Queen Angelique.”

  She couldn’t tear her gaze from the picture. “I thought, I mean, Drake and Evan told me, but I guess I wasn’t expecting such a close resemblance.” She’d held on to some small shred of doubt perhaps they’d gotten it wrong, and she wasn’t the one meant to save their species. Looking at the photograph though, she couldn’t deny who she was any more than she could help how she felt about Drake.

  Katie’s head snapped towards the door, then with smooth, graceful movements, placed herself between Rhia and the door.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Drake’s not in control right now. He went a little crazy when he saw the bunker. His dragon is going wild. I’m trying to get through to him, but he’s not listening. Evan can’t calm him. Go into the bedroom at the end of the hall. I’ll let you know when it’s safe to come out.” She didn’t look at Rhia, but kept her eyes trained on the door.

  “He won’t hurt me.”

  “You’ve not seen him like this. It would be best if you let me handle him.” Katie squared her shoulders, ready to do whatever needed doing.

  A loud roar cut through the night sky, making her jump out of her chair just as the door burst open, slamming hard against the wall. Drake stood in the doorway, flames dancing in his eyes. His fiery gaze swept the room before settling on Rhia.

  Katie squared her shoulders as she faced her brother. “Drake, you need to rein it in, I won’t let you harm her.”

  Drake stepped closer, his gaze flashing over to Katie before locking on Rhia again.

  Energy crackled in the air as Katie positioned herself between them. This wasn’t going to end well if she didn’t do something. Drake would never forgive himself if Katie got hurt, much less if he was the one to do it.

  “Katie, step away from me. He won’t hurt me, I promise.” She spoke aloud, hoping her voice would soothe him at least a little.

  “I’m sworn to protect you. I can’t let anyone harm you, not even my own brother.” The tremble in her voice belied her confident stance.

  “I appreciate you wanting to keep me safe, but there’s no need. He’s reacting because you’re standing between us.” She stepped to the side, giving Drake a clear view of her. “He’s fighting for control right now. Help him, Katie. Do as I ask.” She could have throttled her when Katie stood her ground and took a step between her and Drake again, but she didn’t dare show her frustration.

  “Katie, step aside. As your queen, I’m telling you to stand down. Now.”

  Sparks arced across his palms as he clenched and released his fists.

  Doubt flittered in her eyes, but Katie finally conceded, and stepped away.

  In an instant, he closed the gap between them, crushing her in his arms. Deep growls vibrated against her cheek. “I’m fine, Drake. We both are.”

  Bending his head to her neck, he took long deep breaths until his death grip around her began to loosen, then without a word, he swung her into his arms, and carried her through his home.

  Chapter 18

  Blood rushed through Drake’s veins, pounding in his head like a tribal drum. In his arms, Rhia’s soft body was the only thing keeping him together. Had he not found her and Katie safe in his home, there was no accounting for what he would have done. Even now, explosive power pulsed just below the surface, obliterating rational thought and demanding release.

  He strode through his home, not stopping until he reached his bedroom, kicking the door shut, and locking it behind them. Her body jerked in his arms as the slamming of the door reverberated through the moonlit room. Later, he’d have to go find Katie and apologize for scaring her, but not now. His dragon was still too angry—too unpredictable. Putting any distance between him and Rhia right now would give it just enough leverage to break free, and he couldn’t let it take control.

  He ignored the lamp, maneuvering in the dim light with ease. She hadn’t recoiled from him, even when he was out of control and had come crashing in, but for all he knew, she was in shock. He should have told her more about their people. Prepared her for what she’d see.

  The air held no trace of blood, yet he scented for it again and again. She smelled of the forest, of moss and clean, fresh air, still the beast struggled for freedom. It clawed at him, wanting more—demanding more, until all he could think about was ripping the clothes off her body to inspect every last inch of her.

  His every muscle vibrated as he fought the urge, knowing he’d scare her more than she already was if he gave in. She’d never admit to it, but the trembling fingers stroking his chest didn’t lie. Neither did the pounding heart beneath his palm where it rested on her ribcage.

  “We got out before anything happened.” The warm waft of her breath tickled his neck.

  Another growl thundered through his core as the dragon fought for freedom. Hands clenched into fists, he buried his nose in her hair, breathing deep. He knew he was losing the battle, and had no way to warn her or reassure her. He’d die before he hurt her, but she had no way of knowing that.

  Tilting her head back, she brought trembling fingers to his face. “It’s okay. You can let go. I’ll be fine.”

  The dragon leapt, gaining power.

  “Katie told me about your dragon. I’m not afraid of it—or you.” Her gaze held his. “I know you won’t hurt me.”

  Fire raced up and down his spine. It was too much. Had she not given consent, he might have had a chance, but with each gentle word, his iron will slipped a little farther. She deserved more than he could give her when he was in this state, but he was powerless to stop. Lowering her to the bed, he brought his mouth down on hers in a hard, savage kiss.

  The tearing of fabric sounded loud in the quiet
room as he ripped her t-shirt wide open from the neck down. The delicate lace of her bra didn’t stand a chance. A quick twist and the material all but disintegrated, exposing her beautiful breasts. He swallowed her gasp, delving his tongue deep into her mouth, plundering what he needed before pulling back to look at her again.

  Her parted lips begged for his kisses. Eyes shining bright, pupils dilated, she waited for his next move. Her tongue darted out to lick her lips, transforming his growl into a moan as blood rushed down low, making his cock throb, straining hard against the restraint of his jeans. Heaven help him, he wasn’t going to be able to stop, but he’d be damned if he didn’t at least make it good for her. Lowering his head, he licked across one puckered nipple, then the other, before pulling back to watch them harden in the cool air.

  Eyes closed, her back arched, pleading for more.

  He took the tight bud between his lips in an open-mouthed kiss, making her gasp as he sucked it in. His tongue assaulted the tip, flicking over it until her hands bunched in his hair, pulling him closer still. He let go with a pop, ignoring her moaned protest, before turning his attention to the other, giving it the same treatment.

  The scent of her arousal drove the dragon on. One sharp tug sent the snap of her jeans skittering across the room. The zipper offered no resistance, and within seconds, the jeans were down and off.

  Kissing his way up from her ankles, he nipped at her tender flesh, making her squirm and release more of her intoxicating scent into the air. When he reached the apex of her thighs, he waited, watching as her back arched, and a soft moan escaped her open lips. Pressing his mouth and nose into the damp fabric of her underwear, he inhaled her scent. The beast within growled, sending the vibrations through his body and into her sensitive flesh.

  “Oh God, Drake, that feels so good.”

  The huskiness in her voice drove him to the brink of insanity. He couldn’t wait any longer to taste her. Ripping her panties in one quick move, he lowered his head and took a long slow lick, taking her juices onto his tongue, savoring her unique flavor before plunging deep.

  Her hips thrust forward, bringing her closer as her head thrashed back and forth on his pillow. Her little whimpers sent throbbing heat down his spine and into his shaft as he speared in and out with his tongue, mimicking what he would soon do with his cock.

  She was close, but she couldn’t come yet, he wouldn’t let her. Not until he buried himself deep inside her. The need to feel her convulse and tighten around him was more than he could bear. Gripping her hips, he turned her onto her stomach, lifting her into position. He cupped her ass, squeezing as he ground his hips against her.

  He wanted to slow down, to make this beautiful for her, but there was no stopping the beast. He released her hips long enough to yank his jeans part way down his thighs before he gripped them again, his fingers pressing into her flesh. With one feral growl, he pushed forward, burying himself to the hilt in her moist, silken heat.

  Rhia’s little gasp froze him in place. His entire body shook with the need to dominate—to take her as the dragon wanted, but he fought against the savage desire coursing in his veins.

  “Don’t stop. Please.” Her breathless whisper tantalised him as she ground her perfect ass against him, taking him in deeper, demanding more, pushing him to the edge of his control.

  Pulling out until only the tip of his cock remained, he paused, and waited for her soft moan, before slamming deep into her again and again. The muscles surrounding his shaft quivered with each stroke.

  Reaching around her, he slid one finger over her swollen clit, groaning as her muscles tightened around him. He flicked it once, twice, and then pressed down hard on the tight bud, sending her spiraling into hard, rhythmic spasms around him. Her release squeezed him in a velvet grip, making it impossible to hold on. A triumphant roar tore from his throat as he exploded inside her, filling her with his seed before collapsing against her back.

  When he was able to summon enough energy to move again, he sank to the bed beside her, taking her with him.

  Dark tendrils of shame cut through the bliss still pulsing in his veins. Damn it to hell. How could he face her again after he’d taken her like a fucking animal? Eyes shut tight, he took slow, deep breaths, shoving the dragon back.

  Her shoulders shook when he pulled her back against him. Bile rose in his throat, his heart thundering in his chest. He thought he’d been careful not to hurt her, but he’d lost control. “I’m sorry, Rhia… I should-”

  Her small giggle drifted to his ears and all the air rushed out of his lungs. She was laughing? “I didn’t hurt you?”

  “Hurt me?” She pressed her body closer. “That was amazing.” She hesitated, her body tensing a little before continuing. “Umm. So, you’re a dragon.” The warm breath caressing his arm stilled as though she were holding her breath.

  “Yes.” Even if she hadn’t already seen the proof for herself, he wouldn’t deny being who, or what he was. He wasn’t ashamed of being of dragon lineage, only of his lack of discipline.

  “You should have told me.” Soft censure laced her words.

  “I know. I’m sorry.” What else could he say?

  Turning her head to look up at him, she stifled a yawn. “Any other secrets you need to get off your chest, or can we sleep now?”

  She looked so sleepy and sated he couldn’t help but smile. “Nothing more. We can talk in the morning.” She’d have plenty of questions, and he’d answer them all, but not tonight. Tomorrow he’d deal with those, but for now, he just needed to hold her.

  She was safe in his arms, and he could breathe. When he drifted off to sleep, it was to the sounds of her slow, deep breaths, and dainty little snores.

  Angry voices drew Rhia from sleep. Somewhere in the house, Drake and Evan were having words. She recognized her brother’s energy just as she recognized Drake’s, and neither was happy.

  Eyes squinted against the sunlight, she stretched, smiling as the sweet ache in her body reminded her of the wild passion of the night before. The desperation in his touch and the fierce hunger in his eyes had set her body on fire, and electricity rushing through her veins. Just thinking about it now had heat infusing her cheeks and her heart fluttering.

  Her torn clothes were gone, but atop a large ebony dresser sat a pink shopping bag. They had shopping in Avalore then. Sweet. She read the note standing before the bag.

  Drake thought you might want something new to wear. I hope everything fits.


  Inside the bag, she found a pink lace bra with matching underwear. A gorgeous gown made of the softest silk she’d ever touched lay on a nearby chair. The deep eggplant color made her eyes pop. She’d worn the same clothes for days now and just the idea of putting them back on was enough to make her cringe. Even if her clothes were still useable, which they weren’t after Drake’s exuberance last night, she would be thrilled to get into something else, but this? It was so elegant and—royal.

  “Katie, are you here?” She waited for a moment to see if she’d respond, but wasn’t surprised when she didn’t. This neat little trick of being able to sense other people’s energies would come in handy. She’d just have to remember to thank her when she saw her next.

  Drake’s voice rose again, springing her into action. It took longer to put the gown on than she’d anticipated, but she finally managed. Padding down the hall in her bare feet, she followed the voices until she found them in the sitting room.

  Both stood in front of the fireplace. Drake, arms crossed over his chest, glared at Evan, while Evan’s hands fisted at his sides.

  “It’s not safe.” Drake spoke through clenched teeth. “We still don’t know who wants to hurt her.”

  “You think I’d forget this? I fear for her safety as much as you do.” Evan glared right back.

  “Damn it.” Drake shook his head, raking his fingers through his hair. “The castle’s too difficult to secure. How can we protect her there?”

  “We’ll fin
d a way. He won’t survive if we don’t. Even now,” Evan shook his head. “even now, Aiken’s not certain we can save him.”

  She cleared her throat as she stepped into the room, surprising them both.

  Evan’s shoulders tensed before he took a deep breath and faced her.

  Both men’s jaws dropped, making her a little uncomfortable. Holding her head high, she stepped closer.

  “Good morning, Rhiannon. You look amazing.” If the dark circles under Evan’s eyes and worry lines etched deep into his face didn’t tell her something was wrong, then the fact he still wore what he had when she’d seen him last did. Why hadn’t he rested last night?

  “Good morning and thank you.” Heat crept into her cheeks. “Sounds to me like maybe I need to be involved in this discussion. What is going on? Who won’t last much longer, and why?” She took a step closer to her brother, her eyes narrowing. “And why haven’t you slept?”

  “I’m sorry, we didn’t mean to disturb you. Did you sleep well?” Evan rubbed the back of his neck.

  “Yes, very well, thanks.” Her eyebrows rose as she waited for answers.

  Evan cast a look in Drake’s direction before answering. “I’d hoped to wait until the traitor was found before taking you to our family home, but we may not have a choice.”

  “Why, what’s going on?” When Evan wouldn’t meet her gaze, she turned to Drake. “If it concerns me, I have a right to know.”

  When he started with a deep sigh, she knew she wasn’t going to like whatever it was he was about to tell her. “It’s William. Your father’s condition is deteriorating. Aiken doesn’t think he’ll last much longer if we don’t bring you to him today.” Pain shone in his eyes at the declaration.

  She tried to swallow, but the sudden dryness in her mouth wouldn’t let her. “Has Aiken not been able to heal him? I’m not a true healer like he is. How can I help?” Up until a few days ago, she’d had no family at all. Too overwhelmed to ponder too much on the fact that she even had a father, she’d pushed him to the back of her mind. Now she was at risk of losing him before even getting to meet him? What kind of cruel joke was that?


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