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Masters of the Hunt: Fated and Forbidden

Page 243

by Sarra Cannon

  “Bez, great job on this mission,” Blaze said. Bez knew that was about as much of an apology as he’d get, not that the words mattered. As long as his mate and their bond were respected, he’d continue fighting to keep the Omegas safe. All the Omegas.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “And congratulations on your mating. Please, take some time to settle in to your new life. We need more Dire Wolves in the world.” Blaze smirked and glanced back at the chopper. With a single lift of his arm, the blades began to spin, indicating it was time for them to leave.

  Dante smiled down at the little wolf who was still wrapped around Sariel’s leg. “Well, young one. Looks like it’s our time to go.”

  Angelita whined and crept back, almost hiding behind Bez’s mate. Bez hated seeing her so afraid. He almost wanted to tell them no, that Angelita would be coming with him and Sariel. But his mate beat him to it.

  Sariel dropped to her knees and pulled the wolf into her arms. “You call me when they’re done pumping you for information, ya hear? I’ll come running.”

  “We’ll come running.” Bez offered the wolf a pat on the head. He brought his gaze up to a furious-looking Blaze. “Angelita is part of our pack now, part of the Dire legend. Once the brass is finished, she’ll be coming home to live with me and Sariel.”

  “Bez,” Dante said, a warning in his voice.

  “She’s old enough to decide for herself.” Sariel stood tall, her voice strong and forceful even in the face of such powerful shifters. A perfect example of the strength and bravery of the Omegas. “What do you say, Angelita? Want us to come get you from Chicago in a few weeks?”

  The young wolf barked and weaved herself between the legs of Bez and Sariel, making her preference known.

  Bez raised an eyebrow at Blaze. “Decision’s made. Sariel and I will see you in three weeks to pick up Angelita.”

  “I can bring her back,” Levi said. “I’m heading up to Chicago to meet with Shadow from the Feral Breed. I’ll bring her to you when I’m finished.”

  “Even better.” Bez patted the Angelita on the head. “You’re safe with my brother. He’ll look out for you, okay? And you keep trying to come back to your human side while you’re there. It’s hard but worth it.”

  The little wolf huffed and headed for the helicopter. Bez felt an odd pang in his heart watching Angelita walk off, knowing how much the girl meant to his mate…and to him. The little wolf walked slowly across the grass, head down, tail almost between her legs. Scared. But she’d be back soon, and she and Sariel would become his responsibility. One he took on with a sense of honor and pride.

  The Dire Wolves stood together, watching the shifters head for the chopper. Mammon, Levi, and Thaus… His brothers, his pack. They formed a subtle V, keeping Sariel between them, guarding the new shewolf added to their ranks. And though Bez had no idea how her presence would go over with the entire team, he knew they would all protect her. She was an Omega, one of their own, their bonds hidden for centuries, the women practically lost in plain sight.

  And so was Angelita.

  Without thought to what he was doing, Bez stepped forward and whistled. Blaze, Dante, and Angelita all turned as they reached the chopper, joining Moira in looking over the Dire pack.

  “Your pack deserves justice, Angelita. And we’re going to get that for you.” Bez glanced at his teammates, knowing they’d all follow his lead if he set the mandate. “We’ll track them all. Every shifter or werewolf who took part in the murder of your kin. We’ll track them, and we’ll catch them. And when we do, we’ll eliminate the threat they pose. You will never be harmed again. On our honor.”

  The other Dire men repeated the vow, heads up and voices strong. Bez knew the challenge he’d laid down, knew the difficulties and danger that would come from it, but he wouldn’t let the girl down. He’d never fail an Omega again, and his team wouldn’t fail him.


  The Jeep rolled into a small town late the next afternoon, just as the sun was falling toward the flat Texas horizon. The whole place could be missed if you blinked, almost literally. A gas station, a minimart kind of grocery store, a tiny hardware-slash-general store, and a whole slew of empty storefronts decorated the main street through town, but the houses and farms sat farther out. Acres and acres of land separating them. Sparse but beautiful in a rugged sort of way. The land reminding Sariel of the man at her side.

  She had readily jumped at the chance to leave the swamp behind when Bez asked her to go with him. Well, not asked. He told her they’d be going to Texas for a while, to hole up in case anyone else came looking for her. But she was okay with being told that time… The man was doing nothing but trying to protect his mate, and if he felt this was the best place for that, so be it.

  “It’s…nice,” Sariel said, breaking the silence they’d been riding in for the past few hours. “Different from where I grew up.”

  Bez grunted and kept driving, passing wire fences separating the road from the cows that roamed the flat ground and farm fields green and ripe with whatever was growing. He drove for another ten minutes before slowing the Jeep. Out to where town was a memory, where fields and pastures met the horizon. Bez turned onto a dirt path that had probably once been a driveway of sorts, taking them through a small grove of trees. The rutted, almost abandoned path curved one final time to reveal the prettiest low-slung log home Sariel had ever seen. Wide and sprawling with a deep front porch that spanned the length, the house screamed of home, comfort, and family, even though she could tell no one had lived in it for a number of years.

  Bez stopped in front of the house and turned off the engine. The sounds of birds and insects chattering filled the air, making Sariel smile. She turned to ask him about the house, but the words died on her tongue. He stared at her, his eyes almost glowing, his jaw hard and his shoulders stiff. She stared right back, waiting him out, somehow knowing whatever it was that had him on edge was important to him. To them.

  “This is my home,” he finally said, his voice rough and his words cautious. Sariel waited for more, watching him, observing and learning. The intensity in his gaze, the clenching of his jaw; he seemed almost ready for a fight. Perhaps preparing himself for a battle or…


  Sariel reached for his hand, running her fingers along the back.

  “It’s a real pretty house,” she whispered when he turned toward her at last. He didn’t respond at first, but she expected that, having finally figured something about him out. This stiff, silent act was Bez nervous. Afraid Sariel wouldn’t like this place. The man who was more wolf than not was worried his den wouldn’t be good enough for his mate. Silly wolf.

  “We should… I want…” He trailed off, pursing his lips and clenching his hand into a fist under hers. “Can I show you?”

  Sariel nodded, not quite sure what he meant but always willing to follow him. She stepped out of the truck and onto the dusty ground, staring at the house that obviously meant so much to her mate. The charm, how well it had been built, the little touches that showed the attention to detail. Elaborately-carved porch rails and rough-scraped wood planks, windows set deep within the walls, and huge, heavy doors leading inside. All gorgeous. All appearing to be made by hand.

  “You built this place, didn’t you?”

  Bez paused for only a moment before nodding. No words spoken, and yet none necessary. This was his home, one he built with his own two hands. This house was him. He led the way to the front door, the steps creaking under their feet. Sariel sniffed, acclimating herself to the Texas wildlife and double-checking for the scents of other predators. Not that Bez hadn’t already done that. There was no way he’d lead her into danger.

  Bez held the door open, ducking his head as she passed, a low growl rumbling through him. Oh yes, Sariel being in this place had her mate all tied up inside. Had his wolf showing his presence along with the man. She’d need to work extra hard to untangle the two. And she looked forward to it.

e large family-style room they walked into was devoid of furniture, but it had a huge fireplace along one wall and a fabulous view of the Texas landscape at the back. A kitchen, what looked like a dining room, wide-open halls leading off each side, and a door to what Sariel had to assume was a bathroom completed the first floor. Rustic and classic, charming and simple, the home sat as a perfect example of Bez’s style.

  “I love it.” She smiled at Bez, who had his back to the door. Watching her. Always watching her.


  “Just good?” Sariel cocked her head, willing him to come to her, wanting to feel his hands on her body in the worst way.

  But Bez didn’t make a move. He simply nodded once and said, “We’ll live here.”

  “That’s it?” Sariel’s heart hurt just a little at how casual he seemed, how little he said when he spoke. She knew he was a man of few words, but this was a big deal. They weren’t just going to stay here for a few weeks and move on. She knew by the way his shoulders sat rigid and stiff, how his hand clung to the doorknob, he wanted them to live here permanently. This was his way of asking for a life together. But, again, not asking.

  “That’s all you have to say?” Sariel huffed and shook her head. “You don’t even ask, you just tell me to live here. You expect forever with me to be spent in this home, yet you say nothing but the bare minimum. That’s not romantic, Bez.”

  Bez frowned as he finally stepped closer, pulling her into his arms. “If you wanted sweet words, you got the wrong mate.”

  “Obviously,” she huffed.

  He leaned down and nipped Sariel’s lower lip, making her gasp. “I don’t talk; I do. I’m direct and like directness back. If you don’t want to live here, tell me now. But that’s what I want.”

  Sariel stared at his chest, unable to look him in the eye. “And what if I don’t? Where will you leave me?”

  “Freckles,” he whispered. She swallowed hard and looked up, almost afraid of what she’d see. But he stared down with a face filled with emotion, his eyes soft and his lips curling into a smile. “If you don’t like it, we’ll go someplace else. As long as I get to stay with you.”

  Sariel’s heart nearly exploded. For a man who used his words sparingly, he’d just said a lot, both in words and meaning. He wanted her to be with him. And she wanted to be wherever he was.

  “Here.” Sariel grinned, clinging to his shoulders. “I want to stay here with you if you’ll have me.”

  “I’ll always have you.”

  She leaned into his hold, rising up on the balls of her feet to reach his chin. “You sure about that?”

  He growled as she nipped him back, his fingers holding her hips with a hard grip. “Yes.”

  “What if we don’t fit?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. “We’ve only kissed, really. What if other aspects of our relationship don’t work out?”

  “Like what?”


  Bez pressed his hard length against Sariel’s hip, grinding into her, showing her exactly how much his body wanted hers. “Not fucking possible.”

  “I don’t know.” She shook her head and gave him a very serious look. “We might have bad sex together.”

  Bez reared back, obviously shocked. Sariel smiled and ran her hands over his chest to his hips, loving the feel of him under her palms.

  “We should try it first, before we make any big decisions.”

  “Try what?” Bez asked, his brow furrowed.


  Bez’s surprised face turned to one of desire as he nodded. “Yes, we probably should. No one shoots a perfect target the first time.”

  “Your shot, then,” she said, voice deep with her own growl. Without preamble, he spun and trapped her between him and the wall.


  Sariel licked her lips, ready for him to have her. “Yeah, you do.”

  Gentler than before, he leaned down and kissed her, his lips soft against hers. As he slid his tongue inside, he grabbed her hips and picked her up. Sariel wrapped her legs around his waist, remembering how they’d been in this exact same position mere hours ago. That time they’d been interrupted. But there were no people here, no interruptions. It was just Bez and Sariel…and a desperate need to claim her mate.

  Sariel wiggled in his hold until she had him lined up just right, a couple of layers of fabric and one push away from what they both wanted so badly. And then she brought her mouth to his ear and licked the shell of it.

  “Make me yours, soldier.”

  And he did…multiple times and in every room of that cabin as well as the front porch. But that was okay, it was their home and they could do what they wanted where they wanted. And they did for the months he stayed home with her, and Angelita, once she rejoined them. But phone calls and missions rolled in eventually, as they’d known they would, taking him away. Still, that little cabin in Texas was their home, the place they would always come back to. The place they belonged…together.

  The End


  Like Bez's story? Read the internationally bestselling series that it spun off from. Come see what happens as shifters ride, fight, and find their mates in The Feral Breed.

  A storyteller from the time she could talk, Ellis Leigh grew up among family legends of hauntings, psychics, and love spanning decades. Those stories didn’t always have the happiest of endings, so they inspired her to write about real life, real love, and the difficulties therein. From farmers to werewolves, store clerks to witches—if there’s love to be found, she’ll write about it.

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  Code Black

  By Tina Moss

  Heat rating: Steamy

  Paranormal Romance

  Gossip mag reporter Sera Benenati knows a thing or two about unearthing secrets...and burying them. As an unregistered supernatural, her freedom depends on keeping her fire-wielding abilities contained. Yet, the threat of a little flame isn’t enough to snuff out her journalistic pursuits. She’s determined to claw her way to the top and land a spot with a real paper.

  When she tracks a lead on a string of gruesome paranormal murders to the small town of Buckhorn, Arizona, she’s certain she’s landed the perfect scoop. But, as the crime scene reveals victims with bite marks, torn flesh, and battered bodies, Sera may have smoked out more than she can burn. As the investigation grows hot and Sera winds up in the crosshairs, she’ll need the help of a sexy shifter, special agent Talon Rede, to unmask the murderers before she becomes the next victim.

  Heat up the night with Code Black.

  Book one of the Paranormal Crimes Division series.

  Chapter 1


  Sera stared at her fingernails, picking at the chipped red paint and wondering how in the hell to interview a murder victim’s sister. “How do I get myself into these things?” She flicked the cherry apple flecks at the dashboard and leaned her skull back against the headrest. Remembering exactly how she ended up in this suburban neighborhood, procrastinating in the morning sun shifted her thoughts to seven days earlier. And a conversation she couldn’t forget.

  “Don’t you think people deserve the truth?” That line had gotten her into this mess in the first place. One week ago, she’d won a huge bet with her favorite poker buddy, who also happened to be the county medical examiner. When he couldn’t cover his bet, he gave her a prize of equal value—the unlisted office number of Special Agent Talon Rede, team leader for the Paranormal Crimes Division in the district. She’d been after an inside connection to the PCD for months. He knew the weakness and played his hand well. Information proved the ultimate jackpot, far more than any dollar amount. The journalistic philosophy accounted for
her not big enough to be called a studio apartment and the meager double digits in her savings. The phone number almost made up for her severe lack of closet space. Her fingers couldn’t whip over the touchscreen fast enough.

  “Agent Rede, you can’t possibly believe releasing these ridiculous tidbits of information is fair to the public.” The accusation had flown a few seconds past the initial greeting of, “Hello. I’m Sera Benenati. A reporter. Don’t hang up.” The collar of her button down blouse irritated her neck. When he’d stayed on the line, she dug in. “The more the people know about these crimes, the safer they’ll be.”

  His silence dragged on, and then, he growled. “Well now, this should be interesting.”

  She’d been instantly intrigued. His strong velvety voice did something to her insides. Donning her most professional tone like armor, she said, “What’s interesting is the way the PCD dodges every reporter’s questions about the Rodriguez case.”

  “Sweetheart, you can ask me anything you like.” His pause spoke louder than his words. “But, if I think for a second my answer will put more people, the public, the same citizens this office protects in danger, you’re damn right the only phrase you’ll hear is ‘no comment’.”

  “Wow.” She hadn’t meant to let it slip, but his honesty and boldness impressed the hell out of her. “You always this straight forward?”

  “What you see is what you get.”

  “But, I only hear you, Agent Rede.” She could almost envision his grin over the line, picturing it in her mind and imagining the man behind the voice.

  “For now, Ms. Benenati. But, I doubt you give up easily.” Another heavy pause. “Am I wrong?”


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