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Masters of the Hunt: Fated and Forbidden

Page 281

by Sarra Cannon

  “I said, shut up!” She punched him hard in the stomach and he flinched but grabbed her arm and yanked her against him before she could move away.

  Her three companions stood and drew their swords but Val paid no attention to them. It was the first time he had touched Abigail in thirteen months, and the feel of her body against his was intoxicating.

  “Let her go, leech.” Wesley said warningly.

  Abigail held up her hand as Val put his arm around her waist and stroked her hip through her pants. “Just wait, Wesley.”

  She bit her lip. “Val, I’m asking you to help us. Help Maria and Neil – they’re your friends, remember? Please, we can’t do this without you.”

  He stared into her dark brown eyes. “I will help you but I want something in return.”

  She stiffened and tried to pull away but he wouldn’t let her go. “I won’t let you feed from me, Val.”

  He smiled and brushed his thumb across her lower lip. “That is not what I want, little dove.”

  He let his eyes drift down her body and when he glanced up at her face, he was thrilled to see the hot blush in her cheeks.

  “So you do remember.” He murmured.


  “Make your decision, Abigail. I will help you break into this Darius’ home if you spend the night with me.”

  “What?” Wesley shouted. “No! Abby, we will find another way. I’m not letting this leech touch you!”

  Abigail was staring at Val and he gave Wesley a smug grin. “It is not your decision to make, human.”

  He turned back to Abby and said softly, “Do we have an agreement?”

  She hesitated only briefly before nodding and Wesley cursed loudly.

  “He’ll bite you, Abigail. You know he will.”

  “He won’t.” Abigail replied. “Do I have your word that you won’t, Val?”

  Val smiled at her. “Yes.” A predatory grin crossed his face. “I will not bite you until you ask me to.”

  “I won’t ask you.” She flushed at his knowing smile.

  “Of course you won’t.”

  She glanced at Faren. “And him? I want his word that he’ll stay away from the others.”

  Faren held his hands up innocently and gave her a charming smile that she didn’t return.

  “If you touch any of them, Faren, I’ll kill you. I’ll hunt you down and rip out your heart. Do you understand?” Val said softly.

  Faren gave him a mock look of hurt. “I thought we were friends, Val.”

  “Do you understand that I will kill you?” Val repeated.

  Faren saluted him. “Perfectly, my friend. I give you my word that I won’t touch your human friends. Besides, I’m still full from my earlier dinner of the driver.”

  Val took Abigail’s hand and Wesley took a step forward. Val arched his eyebrow at him. “I don’t need your assistance for this, human.”

  Wesley’s hands clenched into fists and he grunted with anger as Abigail gave him a pleading look. “It is the only way, Wesley.”

  “No, it isn’t, Abigail.”

  “Yes it is.” She replied quietly as Val led her towards the carriage.

  Chapter 3

  Abigail took a deep breath and tried to calm the butterflies in her stomach. From the moment Val had pushed back his hood, she’d had to restrain herself from throwing her arms around him. Lust and need had enveloped her like a thick cloud, and she was angry and disgusted with herself. She had spent the last year convincing herself that it had been his bite that had made her feel what she did and to have it so immediately obvious that it wasn’t, angered and confused her.

  She felt like everything she had worked so hard for over the last year had been swept away the moment she laid eyes on Val. She was still anxious to save Michael and Neil and Maria, but the anxiety was buried under a wave of need for Val that was so strong it took her breath away.

  She had never considered herself much of an actress but she thought she’d done a remarkable acting job in the last half hour. It had been a sheer battle to keep her true feelings hidden from both Val and the others. When Val had put his arm around her waist and stared at her body, the familiar hunger for him had coursed through her veins and she had damn near leaned in and kissed him.

  When he had given her his terms for helping her, she had made herself hesitate before agreeing. There was no way in hell she was letting him know how much she wanted him and how eager she was to fuck him again. She was baffled and more than a little embarrassed by her body’s response to him.

  She took another deep breath as Val opened the door to the carriage. She would hide how good it felt when he touched her and, no matter what happened, she would not beg him to bite her. She had vowed never to be a goddamn meal ticket for a vampire again and, while she might fuck Val and love every minute of it, she wouldn’t break that vow.

  “Go on, bug.” Val said and Abby realized that Violet was landing on her shoulder.

  Violet frowned at him and clung tightly to Abby’s hair.

  “It’s okay, little one. Go and stay with Wesley. He won’t harm you, I promise.” Abby said.

  Violet pouted and Abby smiled a little. “I will spend all day with you tomorrow, my sweet Violet. Go on now.”

  With a small frown, Violet flew to Wesley. She landed on his broad shoulder and stared up at him for a moment. He ignored her and gave Abigail a look of hurt and betrayal. She bit her lip and gave him a wavering smile that he didn’t return.

  Joven’s carriage was large, the seats long enough for a person to stretch out on, and she examined the shutters on the inside of the carriage windows carefully. It was obvious that Joven used this as a sleeping compartment as well, and the shutters were made of thick wood and impenetrable by sunlight.

  Val latched and locked the door of the carriage before sitting back on the seat. He smiled at her as she sat on the edge of the seat on the opposite side of the carriage and wrapped her arms around herself.

  “I’ve looked for you for many months, little dove.” He said softly.

  “Well, now you’ve found me.” Although she looked calm, her cheeks were flushed and she bit at her lip. It was a sure sign that she was nervous. She looked and acted so differently now that the small recognizable gesture relieved him.

  “I’ve missed you.”

  She cleared her throat but didn’t respond and he frowned at her. “Are you fucking the human?”

  “Which human?”

  “The dark-skinned one.”

  “He has a name Val. It’s Wesley.”

  “Are you fucking Wesley?” He asked.

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “You will tell me what I want to know.” He said through gritted teeth.

  “Talking wasn’t part of the deal. We’re in this carriage for one thing and I’d appreciate it if we could just get it over with.”

  “Just get it over with?” Hurt trickled through him and he shook it off. “Is that what you really want, Abigail? To get this over with?”

  She didn’t reply. Instead, she began to remove her various weapons. He watched as she pulled the dagger from her boot and unbuckled both the knife from around her thigh and the sword around her waist.

  “Do you know how to use those?”

  “Yes.” She replied shortly.

  “Perhaps we should put them outside of the carriage for the night then.” He winked at her but she didn’t laugh.

  “They stay within my reaching distance, Val.”

  “You no longer trust me, little dove? No longer accept that you belong to me, and I will keep you safe?”

  She laughed loudly and pulled off her boots. “I’ve spent the last year taking care of myself, learning to kill your kind and being fairly successful at it. So no – I don’t need you to keep me safe.”

  “But you still belong to me.” He said quietly.

  “No. I do not.” She replied steadily.

  He was sitting beside her before she could blink, his
large hand wrapped in her braid and his breath warm on her face. “You will always belong to me. Always!”

  “No, I—”

  He kissed her, his tongue thrusting between her lips, and she reminded herself to not show him her need before she was throwing her arms around him and kissing him back with wild abandonment.

  Val groaned into her mouth. She had been acting so cold and distant, and relief coursed through him at her enthusiastic response to his kiss. She still wanted him. She still –

  He hissed loudly when she cupped his face and pain flooded through him. She pulled away, her eyes wide with guilt.

  “I’m sorry. I forgot.”

  The bands of silver around her wrists had touched his neck and he could feel the skin burning. She slipped the bands off and dropped them into her boots, giving him another guilty look. “I’m sorry.”

  “Around your neck as well.” He pointed to the band that hugged her neck and she unclipped it and added it to the wrist bands.

  She examined his neck carefully. “Are you alright?”

  “Yes.” He sat back on the seat. “Straddle me.”

  She swallowed nervously and then swung her leg over his lap. She sat on his knees and he rolled his eyes and grabbed her ass, pulling her forward until her crotch was pressing against his erection.

  She made a soft moan of need and he tugged on the back of her neck. “Kiss me.”

  She leaned down and he quickly unbraided her hair as she kissed him with soft brushes of her lips against his. Her long hair fell around them like a dark curtain, and he stroked it lightly as he pushed his tongue into her mouth.

  She sucked on his tongue, pulling a groan from his throat, and he slid his hands under her shirt. He hissed again, yanking his hands out from under the fabric and staring at the burns on the tips of his fingers.

  “Shit!” She gave him a look of embarrassment and quickly stripped off her shirt. She was wearing a very thin, white undershirt underneath it and his eyes narrowed at the sight of her nipples poking against the material.

  He watched as she hurriedly unwound the silver chain draped around her waist.

  “Sorry.” She blushed again as he gently pushed her off his lap.

  “Do you have any other hidden silver, little dove?” He arched his eyebrow at her.

  “Um, yeah. On my legs.”

  “Show me.” He indicated for her to take her pants off and she stood up. Feeling oddly embarrassed, she started to shimmy out of her pants.

  “Slowly.” He instructed.

  She bit her bottom lip, her flush deepening, but did what he asked. She slowly skimmed her pants down to reveal the wide band of silver wrapped around each pale thigh and the cuff of silver around each calf.

  “Very clever.” He said quietly. “Take them off.”

  She added them to the growing pile of silver in her boots and was about to sit down beside him when he shook his head. “No, stand in front of me, Abigail.”

  She stood in the middle of the carriage, her arms crossed over her breasts, and her pulse thudding so loudly she knew he would easily hear it. He stared silently at her until she gave him an irritated look.

  “If you’ve changed your mind about fucking me, Val, just say the word. I’ll be happy to go back to my friends.”

  He stood in front of her. “Undress me.”

  She scowled at him. “Are your arms broken? Undress yourself.”

  He leaned in and brushed his lips across her throbbing pulse. “Undress me, Abigail.”

  She swallowed thickly and unbuttoned his cloak from around his throat. She folded it neatly and set it on the seat behind her before reaching for his shirt. He raised his arms and she tugged it off his body. He heard both her slight inhale and the beat of her pulse increasing as his pale torso was revealed, and he smiled to himself.

  She reached for the button on his pants and he put his hand over hers. “Not yet. Take this off.” He tugged on the hem of her undershirt.

  She sighed with frustration and reached for the shirt.

  “Slowly.” He reminded her and she eased it slowly over her head. Before she could pull it free of her arms, he had bent and sucked her right nipple into his mouth. She gave a surprised cry, her back arching as his lips pulled hard on her nipple, and struggled to free her arms of the undershirt.

  She gripped his head in her hands as his hand came up to knead and cup her other breast. His fingers pinched her nipple and she jerked against him. “Val!”

  He pulled away, breathing harshly and holding her away when she tried to press herself up against him. “My pants. Take them off me.”

  He kicked his boots off as she fumbled with the button to his pants. She yanked them down eagerly, every nerve in her body was screaming to be touched by him, and moaned when his hard cock was revealed.

  She crouched down to help him step out of his pants. She tossed them behind her and wasn’t at all surprised when she felt his hand on the top of her head. He pushed her into a kneeling position in front of him. His cock was only inches from her mouth and she couldn’t stop herself from licking her lips at the sight of it.

  “Like I taught you, little dove.” He said softly.

  Once he had discovered how naïve she was about sex, Val had spent an entire night teaching her how to please him with her mouth. She had been nervous at first but he had been patient with her, and his loud groans and the continuous string of compliments flowing from his mouth as she had sucked and licked him, had made wetness drip down her thighs.

  She licked her lips again, this time with nervousness. She shook her head at herself when she realized she was worried he wouldn’t find her pleasing anymore. She had lost more than seventy pounds, and she had found her courage. If he had found her attractive when she was a fat, scared mouse – he would find her attractive now.

  Of course he finds you attractive, idiot. His giant erection is a pretty big indication that he finds your new body hot. The real question is – why do you care if you please him? You’re doing this only to gain his help to save Michael. After tonight, you can’t have sex with him again. It’s too much of a distraction.

  “Abigail.” Val prompted. His hand tightened in her hair and he drew her mouth toward his cock. She opened her mouth wide and took his cock deep into her mouth. He groaned and his hips thrust forward as she licked the underside of his cock with her warm tongue. She held the base of his cock in her hand and squeezed firmly as she bobbed her head back and forth over his large cock.

  He groaned again and threaded both hands through her hair. He held her head still as he pushed his cock back and forth in her mouth.

  “I love watching you suck my cock, little dove.” He whispered. “I love how your lips look sliding back and forth over it.”

  She moaned and he inhaled sharply as her lips vibrated around his hard shaft.

  “Good girl.” He moaned and pushed his cock to the back of her throat. She fought her gag reflex and licked and sucked firmly on his cock as she stroked the base of it with her fingers.

  He pulled his cock free and stared down at her. “Have you done this to the human? Has he felt your mouth on his cock?”

  “That’s none of your business.” She whispered.

  He stared at her swollen mouth, a fleeting look of anger crossing his face, before he stroked her hair back from her face. “Tell me.”

  “I’m not telling you anything.”

  He pulled her to her feet and yanked her panties down to her ankles. She stepped out of them and he stared at the dark curls between her thighs with a look of terrible hunger.

  “Val?” She whispered. He tore his gaze away and kissed her until she was breathless and clinging weakly to him. He sat down on the seat of the carriage, pulling on her waist until she straddled his lap.

  He rubbed his fingers across her soaking wet clit. She cried out, her hips arching, and he gave a small smile of satisfaction.

  “You’ve missed fucking me.”

  She shook her head. “No, I

  He guided his cock into her wet cunt, pushing just the head of it into her, and stopping her when she tried to grind herself against him.

  “Tell me the truth, little dove. You’ve missed my cock, haven’t you?” He tugged her head down and licked and sucked on her earlobe. “I want to hear you say it.”

  “Val, please.” She moaned.

  “Say it.” He demanded.

  “I’ve missed fucking you. I’ve missed your cock.” She whispered.

  “I’ve missed you too.” He breathed and thrust his cock fully into her.

  She cried out, her fingers digging into his shoulders as they rocked and thrust against each other. He rubbed her clit, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm. She moaned and gasped and then kissed him hard, shoving her tongue deep into his mouth. He held her tightly around the waist and slammed his cock in and out of her.

  Abigail moaned repeatedly as Val’s hard cock rubbed against her wet walls. The combination of his thick cock and his rough fingers against her clit had her burning with desire. She could feel her orgasm starting to flow through her and she cried out and hammered her fists against his chest when he stopped touching her. He pulled his cock out, leaving only the head inside of her.

  “Val! Don’t stop!”

  Val was so close to climaxing, he could barely think straight. He gripped the back of her neck and took a deep breath. “Are you fucking the human?”

  “What?” She cried. “Val, have you gone mad?”

  “Has he taken what belongs to me? Has he touched what only I am allowed to touch?” He asked in a low, strained voice.

  She growled with anger and leaned down. “Fuck me!” She nearly shouted and bit his bottom lip with a fierceness that surprised him.

  Unable to take the torment any longer, he thrust into her and she cried out with pleasure and shock. His hands moved to her hips, and he plunged into her twice more before she stiffened and her back arched. She cried out his name, her entire body shuddering and her cunt tightening around his throbbing cock.

  “Abigail!” He shouted and came violently inside of her. His fangs lengthened and he dipped his head to her shoulder.

  At the feel of his teeth against her, she jerked and wound her hands into his hair, yanking his head back.


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