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Born Again

Page 4

by Rena Marks

  His eyes glittered blue, sparkling against the tan of his skin when he took in the sight of her.

  “Hi,” she said, raising her arms to place possessively around his neck, because right now, in this moment, he was hers. It felt so right, as though they belonged there forever. As though they’d been together for years instead of just meeting. The same feeling she had with Aric, although she was more cautious with him since she was already sleeping with Beau.

  “Hi,” he growled back. “I missed you.”

  “Is that why your voice is all deep and gravelly?”

  “Is it deep and gravelly? ‘Cause husky sounds sexier.”

  “Deep is very sexy,” she said, kissing him lightly.

  “My car’s running, baby. Let’s go.”

  She turned away from him, but he pulled her close with an arm around her waist.

  They walked outside and she briefly wondered how his car could possibly still be there when he’d left it unlocked and running. No one was near his expensive car, however, as if they sensed that Beau was larger than life and it was best to leave his property alone.

  He held the car door open and she sat inside while he came around the driver’s side.

  He clasped her hand in his and drove with his left.

  “Where are we going to eat?” she asked.

  “Posh little place.”

  “I’m not dressed for posh.”

  He grinned. “You look fine, baby. But if you’re uncomfortable with your clothes, you could always take them off.”

  She almost riled up at his teasing until she realized he was trying to get a rise out of her. She leaned back against the seat instead.

  “That might be kind of fun. In a kinky sort of way. To arrive naked, holding on to your arm, attracting all kinds of attention, male attention. I can just imagine their faces as all eyes focus on me…”

  “No one’s seeing you naked,” he growled.

  She laughed and he realized his mistake.


  They walked into the restaurant and Sara was very aware of how much attention Beau commanded. And why not? Not only was he rich and handsome, but he looked like walking sex. She felt like snarling at a woman who let her eyes follow him scandalously. He was also fun to be with and…she couldn’t stand to be without him, she realized.

  Geez, she’d fallen for him fast and hard. Too fast.

  While they were seated and had dinner, she tried to think of Aric. If she couldn’t conjure up his image while with Beau, she’d know which one to date.

  Aric’s face came easily to mind. The opposite of Beau’s, except for the clear, pale eyes mimicked in green instead of blue. His hair dark and gleaming, his skin pale instead of tanned and a hint of sexy shadow on his cheeks and jaw. Still just as beautiful and just as desirable.

  Okay, personality-wise, which one did she enjoy more? The fun, down-to-earth Beau? Who was extremely powerful and masterful in the bedroom?

  Or the seductive quality of Aric? Who was also erotic in her dreams? Should she hop into bed with Aric so she could compare the two? It wasn’t fair otherwise.

  That would help her with her decision. Or, she could just continue to date both.

  Sara sat a little straighter. That was it. Why not? Men dated multiple women all the time. She could see each one on different days. She slumped down again. What if they found out?

  Beau was a meat-eater and ordered his food rare. Sara had that much in common with him. She ordered the beef also and surely was mistaken when she thought Beau’s eyes glowed with pleasure.

  “What do you do for a living?” she asked him while they ate.

  “Mechanical engineer. I like to work with my hands.” He flashed a smile at her. “What do you want from our relationship, Sara?”

  “I honestly have no idea. I didn’t plan on meeting anyone.”

  “Since this relationship is moving along the way I like it, at the speed of light, keep in mind that I’d like you to move in with me one day soon. Have you to myself.”

  Sara’s mouth dropped. “Your relationships always move along this quickly?”

  “No. Not like you.”

  “You’d grow bored with me within a week.” It was too soon, he didn’t know her. It couldn’t possibly work out.

  His eyes flashed and he sounded serious when he spoke. “Never.”

  “Just the same, I think I’ll stay in my own apartment for a while. Working at my own job.”

  “How satisfying is your job?”

  Sara shrugged. “It pays the rent.” Barely. “Like any job, there are people I enjoy and people I don’t. It works for now.”

  “Should you want a change, I want you to know I’m open and amenable for it. I have a lot of contacts, I could help you move on.”

  She smiled at him. “I’ll keep it in mind.”

  And then she wondered if he wanted to help her, or keep her under his thumb. She was being silly, she chided her suspicious self.

  They were the last ones in the restaurant. Sara looked around, surprised. Time had passed so quickly, she wasn’t even aware of it.

  “I guess we should get going?” Beau asked, noticing her glance around the room.

  “Not fair to keep them open all night for us,” she agreed.

  Beau paid the bill and she didn’t try to peek at how much it was, although she was curious.

  “I could give you an allowance,” he mentioned slowly.

  “No way. I’m sleeping with you. It’d be like prostitution.”

  “It’s never like that with us. We have an unconventional relationship that doesn’t conform to anyone else’s rules. I need you to come to me if you need anything.”

  She was going to need more clothes soon if she kept up her constant dating, but there was no way she was mentioning that. She’d just admitted it to herself and that was difficult. Explaining the situation to Aric and Beau would be damn near impossible.

  They arrived at his car and once seated, he turned to her. “Where to?”

  “It’s late. My place.”

  Instead of driving her directly home, he drove to a secluded lot across from her apartment and parked, then pulled her into his arms.

  “All night long, I sat across from you and wanted this,” he murmured, his lips settling onto hers.

  They made out like teenagers for long minutes and when she pulled away to string kisses along his jaw, she was surprised to see the steamy car windows.

  Her mouth was at his neck and she tenderly sucked at it.

  Beau groaned. “Just a little harder, baby. Oh, that’s it exactly. You’ll drive me wild,” he warned.

  She pulled back with a smile. “Maybe we should leave our dating for weekends only?”

  “Absolutely not. I want weeknights and weekends and any days off. But if we don’t stop, I’ll take you in the front seat of my car.”

  Sara straightened her rumpled clothing while he got out of the car and stretched, making his way around to her side.

  Taking her arm possessively, he walked her into the front of the building, the same area where he’d picked her up.

  “Do you have to work tomorrow?” he asked. “Can you play hooky?” He hauled her up close to him, so she could feel the erection that still throbbed within.

  “I can’t.” Her tone was truly sorrowful. “How would I make rent?”

  “I’ll pay it.”

  She turned horrified eyes to him. “You can’t pay my rent.” Was he really offering? What was it about?

  “I just want some time with you.”

  “You had time with me.”

  “More time. Alone time.”

  “Sex time.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, sex time.”

  “This weekend, okay? It’s late tonight.”

  “I have to wait?”

  “I really should get inside. I work tomorrow.”

  Beau pouted, his lower lip thrusting out sexily and she laughed at his antics. But she couldn’t blame him. What else wo
uld he expect but another night of pleasure after she’d enjoyed him the same day she met him?

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “This weekend then?” he asked, kissing her small fingers.

  “How about Saturday?”

  “You’ll stay the night? And all day Sunday?”

  Oh, she wanted to all right. She needed to, like he was a part of her that was neglected for a very long time. She wanted to wake next to him and laugh with him and be with him, all day, every day.

  “Okay,” she agreed and then took a step forward to press her lips against his.

  “If something comes up,” he murmured against her lips, “you’ll owe me big time.”

  Sara felt her own grin. “What could possibly come up?”

  He thrust his hips slightly at her.


  He laughed.

  “What will I owe you?” she asked.

  “Phone sex.”

  She laughed, the sound light and carefree. “I promise.”

  One last kiss and he pushed her away with a small swat to her behind. “Go now, or I’ll carry you off caveman-style.”

  She blew him a kiss and stepped into the elevator.

  Her phone was ringing as she unlocked the door to her apartment. She grabbed it on what seemed the fifteenth shrill and answered breathlessly.



  “Aric. How are you?” Instant pleasure hit her at the sound of his silky voice. Absently, she touched the cards she’d left out on the table.

  “Worried about you. I was wondering if you were okay after your episode at my house?”

  “Oh, I’m fine. No big deal, really. I have them all the time.”

  “I also realized that I didn’t make a date with you before letting you leave me last night. Foolish on my part, I know.”

  “Not foolish at all. You knew I would.”

  “Ahh, sweet Sara. I didn’t know that at all. You left me hanging and I was nervously wondering if you’d refuse.”

  “Me? Refuse you? Never.”

  “Then how about tomorrow evening? Dinner?”

  Sara fought the groan. Playing the field was certainly stressful and she was going to pack on ten pounds during the course of it. Still, it was Friday and she could stay out late, sleeping in the next morning.

  “I’d love dinner,” she ended up saying and knew she’d look forward to it.

  “I’ll pick you up after work. Sweet dreams, Sara.”

  “’Night, Aric,” she whispered.

  * * * * *

  She was on the phone with Beau, again. He’d called her twice at work and now when she sat at home. He was still trying to convince her to come for a visit, but she had already promised to not only spend the night Saturday and all day Sunday, but also Sunday night, coming to work the following Monday from his place.

  “Or,” she said lightly, “we could drop the deal and I’ll just come over now. A quickie, in place of two nights and a whole day. What’ll it be, big guy?”

  She prayed he wouldn’t choose the quickie. Aric was due any minute now for their date.

  Beau sighed. “I guess this weekend will have to do. I’ll get more sex that way.”

  “Smart man. You’ll get lots more.”

  “Will you miss me ‘til then?”

  “Of course,” she said, surprised. “You know I will.”

  His voice was soft. “I’ll see you on Saturday, then.”

  “Okay. Bye, Beau.”

  “Bye, baby.”

  She had just disconnected when the buzzer signaled a visitor entering the building downstairs. Aric.

  She gathered her coat and purse and waited for Aric’s soft knock at her front door. She opened it to see him standing there, tall and handsome.

  A leather jacket, with a t-shirt underneath. He’d shaved and was minus the sexy stubble that normally adorned his jaw. He looked crisp and clean and tempting.

  Heat curled in her loins and spiked her temperature. Delicious, familiar warmth that spiraled and grew, spreading temptingly through her body. That was when she realized, it wasn’t fair to have sex with Beau and hold Aric off. She had to have something to compare them, didn’t she?

  “I changed my mind,” she said, eyeing his sexy black t-shirt and black slacks.

  His face was stricken for a minute and her heart clenched.

  “Just about eating,” she assured him, then stepped aside. “Come in and take your clothes off.”

  His eyes gleamed as he stepped over the threshold. “Did you say to take my clothes off?”

  “Yep. Remember how I said it was too soon?”


  “It’s later now.”

  “It’s about time.”

  He stripped, quickly and easily. He pulled his shirt up, exposing a taut abdomen and inched it farther up until his defined chest was in her view. Over his head and flung carelessly onto a chair went the shirt.

  He reached for his belt buckle and looked into her eyes as he released it. A snap of his pants and they were pushed downward.

  She nearly sighed with satisfaction so focused on the beauty of his body she barely remembered seeing his shoes and socks come off. His underwear was dark, hugging and defining his tight body.

  Aric never hesitated. Looping his thumbs into the waistband, he pulled them down, freeing the erection that grew even larger before her watching eyes.

  Then he stood before her, unselfconscious with his nudity, as if she’d seen him this way before.

  In all his natural beauty.

  “Wow. You are something to look at,” she complimented.

  Each cut of muscle was defined on him, not hugely muscled like Beau but definitely there. Definitely powerful. His body was perfection, which shouldn’t be possible when she considered Beau’s perfection and they were so very different. Beau was hugely muscled and tanned, Aric was muscled but sleek and pale. Not a sickly pale, but a creamy color that looked sexy with his gleaming dark hair.

  He stood there, proud. She dropped her eyes down to the trail of hair that tempted the gaze downward and his manhood sprang forth, long and curved. The skin looked silky, velvety smooth over his hard erection. She licked her lips, wanting to know the taste of it, the feel of it in her mouth, the sounds he would groan as she sucked at him.

  There wasn’t any time to stare any more when he picked her up easily into his arms and made his way to her bedroom.

  She began to fling her clothes off as he set her down, but he stopped her, grasping her hands and holding them between his own. Slowly, he helped her remove her clothing, button by button, an erotic dance that exposed one tantalizing inch of skin at a time.

  It drove him wild to slow her down and she was still wearing her panties when he crushed his chest to her breasts.

  Dark masculine hair rubbed against her nipples. His chest had just the right amount, she thought, running her palm over him.

  His mouth slanted over hers, seeking and finding her tongue in his quest.

  “Oh, Sara, how I’ve longed for this,” he muttered, as he broke the kiss. He trailed a path of fire down to her breasts and she looked down to watch him take one into his mouth.

  Her small, pink nipple disappeared between his lips and it felt incredibly wet and warm. The sensations were spiraling deliciously from the tip of her breast to the dark heated place between her legs.

  Lord, she was too excited. All that teasing with Beau earlier had worked her up way too much.

  She pulled away from Aric and he looked up at her, puzzled.

  She pushed him onto his back and kissed her way down his stomach. It was time to get him as hot as she was.

  She kissed around his navel and his breath sucked in harshly. It tightened his abs and she ran her tongue along the firm cuts of muscle.

  He squirmed and she felt the solid weight of his jutting body as he thrust against her breasts.

  His penis lay in the valley between them, so she used her hands to gently
squeeze the creamy globes together around him. The swollen purple head thrust up from her cleavage and she bent her head enough to kiss it.

  “Sara,” he gasped.

  “Like that?”

  He groaned his answer when she wrapped her lips around the head again. He tasted strong, masculine, a heady mixture of musk so different from her.

  Releasing her breasts, she moved down farther on his legs so she could take his cock properly into her mouth. Her hands cupped his balls as she sank the head into the eager heat of her mouth.

  His skin felt cooler than hers. She was only too happy to warm him up.

  She nibbled his cock, then swallowed him whole. He was growing harder in her mouth and his thighs quivered beneath her body.

  She released him and rose up onto his body, her hands splayed out on his chest.

  “How long’s your recovery time?” she asked.

  “For you? Not long.”

  “Good. ‘Cause I went too long without you. We’re staying up all night.”

  If only she knew.

  She reached for the condoms scattered on her nightstand, deftly worked one onto him, then lowered her straddled body back toward him.

  She shifted her pelvis enough for the tip of his penis to prod against her sensitive nether lips. Then she slid down, her thick labia parting eagerly around him, as if she couldn’t get enough.

  And she couldn’t. The feel of him entering her, filling her and making her his was nearly too much sensation and she fought to control her emotions. She could barely control a shiver that began in her body and echoed throughout her womb and she paused, trying desperately for it to not lead into orgasm.

  Aric gasped at the feel of her slick passage swollen around his cock, tightening around him like honeyed velvet. It had been so long since he’d had his Seraphina and here she was, slightly different yet totally the same.

  Even her movements were identical, deep and sensual. And she’d always been impatient, as tonight. Dessert first, dinner later. He’d been the one to teach her patience to prolong pleasure, while the bastard Beau had always just let her have her way.

  Later though, he’d re-teach her patience. Re-teach her all of the pleasure she’d forgotten. For now…


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