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Fine Line (Crossing Lines Book 1)

Page 13

by A. D. Justice

  But I threw that little black book in the trash. With her around, I know I won’t need it again.

  Fuck if I don’t need a cold shower right now, with her warm body pressed against mine. The way she wraps herself around me when we sleep is a complete turn-on—even unintentionally. When she’s healed and able, I have so many plans to ravage her perfect body, count how many times she screams my name in one night, and wipe her memory clean of any man she knew before me. She doesn’t realize the depths of my feelings for her yet. But she will.


  “Darlin’, I need to take you to bed.” That’s the fucking understatement of the year. I need to do a whole lot more than that, but for tonight, holding her in my arms will have to do.

  “Mmm, do we have to move?”

  “I’m afraid so. If I leave you lying here like this all night, you’ll be even sorer in the morning. You need to stretch out, my love.”

  Her eyes flutter open, and she cranes her neck to look up at me. “My love?”

  “That’s right. You are, aren’t you?”

  Her beautiful smile lights up her sleepy eyes. “I am. And you’re mine.”

  “No question about that, darlin’. I’m all yours.” After working my way out of her grip, I help her up, and we walk hand in hand to the bedroom. She steps into the bathroom to wash her face, and I climb into bed, keeping the covers turned back until she’s held closely in my arms again. When she finds her comfortable place again, I release a long, relaxing breath. Now I can sleep.


  “Yeah, babe?”

  “I know you said you didn’t care about my past and didn’t need to know any of it, but there is something else I want to tell you. Something I think you need to know.”

  “Okay. Hit me.”

  “When I first met Butch, I didn’t know what he was. He rode a motorcycle, but a lot of men ride them. They’re not all criminals. But it didn’t take too long to realize exactly what kind of man he was, and our relationship, if you can even call it that, deteriorated quickly. A few weeks ago, when I moved to get away from him, it wasn’t because we’d just broken up and I had to find somewhere else to live. He and I haven’t been…together…in more than three years. He showed up now and then when he ordered me to go somewhere with him. But we haven’t been in an intimate relationship since long before I moved here from LA. You know how the gang treated women…so I didn’t want you to think I was one of their sheep.”

  “Darlin’, I never thought you were one of their women. But I have to tell you, I’m more than a little pleased to know it’s been a long time since you were last with him. On the other hand, thinking about being the last man you’ll ever be with will keep me up all night now. Visions of your beautiful body underneath mine, screaming out my name until the neighbors call the cops, and watching you fall asleep in the afterglow of your multiple orgasms will haunt me all fucking night.”

  “Thanks for that visual. Like I said, it’s been more than three years since I’ve had sex. Now we’ll both be awake all night with no way to cure what ails us. How much longer will it be until my ribs are healed again?”

  “Considering it’s only been a couple of days since they were injured, five weeks, five days, and three hours. I can figure out the exact number of minutes when all my blood returns to my veins. Since I’m a nice guy and a very giving lover, I’ll put you out of your three-year misery first. Lie back, darlin’. I’m going to take care of you right now. There’s just one thing I need you to take care of for me, though.”

  “What’s that?” Her words come out breathy, the excitement building inside her as I fold back the covers and slide down her body.

  “You have to count how many times you scream my name for me. I’ll be a little preoccupied down here and may miss one. If you lose count, I’ll have to start all over again.”

  “Oh…my…” Then my tongue goes to work. “Nick!”

  “Mm-hmm…that’s what I want to hear. That was one. Keep going, darlin’. The night is still young. You’re so fucking sweet.”

  Chapter 13


  Our first date changed our relationship in so many ways. When Nick met my best friend and they actually got along, I knew he was a special man. When his boss basically ordered him to stop seeing me, or at least being seen in public with me, and he refused, I knew he meant it when he said he loved me. But when he said he was adamant about erasing any other man from my memory, I thought it was mostly macho talk.

  Until he proved it to me. Over and over. All night long. Until I begged him to stop because I couldn’t take anymore. He was more than pleased with himself, and I was more than pleased with his performance. I did feel guilty because I didn’t get a chance to perform for him, but when I moved to try, he wouldn’t let me.

  “Not until you’re well, darlin’. I’m a big boy. It won’t kill me to wait a few more weeks until I know it won’t hurt you. Trust me, the forty-six times you screamed my name was more than enough satisfaction for me.”

  I actually did keep count. Not because he ordered me to—although I momentarily contemplated “accidentally” losing count so he would have to start over—but because I was genuinely curious too. Turns out, forty-six was technically past my limit, but he wanted to see if we could make it to fifty. My body couldn’t take it…and neither could his neighbors, because they started banging on the wall and yelling for us to shut the hell up.

  We fell asleep, completely exhausted, after an uncontrollable laughing spell.

  In the days since then, we’ve grown so much closer. We talk about everything—no topic is off-limits—he wants to know my thoughts, he wants to hear what I think, and he wants to share everything with me. What a novel idea—a relationship is a partnership is a relationship. I love this connection we have, where even the silence is comfortable and the atmosphere is nurturing.

  These are the thoughts that I cling to as we drive to my apartment to meet his security friends. They’re going to install new protective measures, including meeting with the superintendent about making the main entry and the enclosed garage more secure. Nick says they’re very persuasive men, and when the super sees the extent of my injuries after a lunatic broke in and managed to get up to the fifth floor undetected, he thinks the building’s board of directors will invest in additional measures.

  That’s all well and good, but in the back of my mind, I know it means I’ll be moving back in to my condo soon. Alone. Without Nick. Sleeping single in my queen-size bed. No hard body that scares the monsters away and keeps me warm all night to cuddle against. I’m well aware that I’m too old to react like such a juvenile over the situation. I’m also well aware that staying at Nick’s brownstone was only a temporary solution to help me until I’m healed enough to be on my own again.

  That doesn’t make leaving him any easier.

  He must sense my apprehension as we near the building, because he squeezes my hand before bringing it to his lips. “Don’t worry, darlin’. I’m here with you, and I’m not going anywhere. They will fix the breaches—to my satisfaction—one way or another. You won’t fight this battle alone.”

  That’s not the battle I’m concerned about fighting alone, but I hold my tongue. One step at a time. It’s not as if he’s kicking me out of his apartment and his life. Two weeks is more like a vacation, not a marriage. Apparently, I just become attached way too easily, and I’m definitely attached to Nick.

  “For fuck’s sake, did you see that?” I shield my face with my hand, wishing I had a wide-brimmed hat to hide under.

  “Yeah, they’ve been watching us for a while. It’s aggravating, isn’t it?”

  Another aspect of his job hits home with his reply. His sixth sense is much more honed and refined than mine. I only noticed the person snapping pictures of us as we passed because the sun reflected off the chrome on the car and caught my eye. But Nick knew we were being followed and photographed well before I realized it. We’ll be fodder for the local n
ews again. I never thought I’d say this, but I’m starting to miss all the political mudslinging between the opposing parties that kept them busy before Nick and I became household names.

  “Your director will be thrilled to see all these pictures on the news tonight.”

  “Babe, I’m not worried about it, so you shouldn’t be either.”

  “I feel responsible. If I’d gone to Karen’s house instead of yours, none of this would be happening.”

  “There was a reason you came to me, Savannah. We’re meant to be together. I never believed in fate and finding that one person I’m supposed to be with until I met you. Now I can see everything that happened, happened for a reason. If that means my director gets pissed and yells at me again, I can guarantee it won’t be the last time. He’ll get mad about something else after this blows over. That’s his job—staying on his agents’ asses to keep all of us in line.”

  “You’re pretty laid-back for a Special Agent. I thought you were all type A personalities.”

  “Oh, I am definitely type A. I’ve just learned how to control it when needed, and how to release it when I need to let all hell break loose on someone.”

  We arrive at my building, and he pulls into one of the surface-level parking spots in front of the building. He gets out of the truck and walks around to my side. I sit still, not because I expect him to treat me like a porcelain doll, but because the memories of this place are so vivid, I can still taste the blood in my mouth. That old anxiety I thought I’d left behind, with Nick’s help, starts building in my chest and threatens to emerge as a strangled scream. I push it down, focusing on my breathing as I work to calm my racing heart.

  Then I feel Nick’s hand slide around my waist, keeping his grip loose but letting me know he’s there. I didn’t even realize he’d opened my door yet. “Darlin’, tell me if you can’t do this. I’ll take you away from here right now, and I’ll handle this myself. At first, I thought it would help if you heard the changes we’re demanding, but now I’m not so sure anymore.”

  Somewhere in my logical mind, I hear his words and process them. He’ll take me away for now, but the changes will still be implemented. The security will still be put into place. I’ll still move back into my condo alone. Whether it’s today, tomorrow, or next week, I will have to face the fact that I’ll be here alone again at some point.

  Maybe I should’ve realized this sooner, but the weight of my thoughts changes my view of everything. I’ve allowed Butch to rob me of my independence, of my freedom, of my right to live in my home without fear of him. If I don’t woman up, go in there with Nick, and make my own demands heard, I’m essentially allowing Butch to win. He wins at ruining my life, making me completely dependent on someone else for my sense of security, and taking away what I’ve worked for my entire life.

  “No, I’m ready. Let’s do this. I’m glad you’re here with me, but they’re going to listen to what I have to say, too.”

  Nick smiles, genuinely and warmly, before kissing me softly. “That’s my girl. I knew that feisty fighter in you would regroup and show up sooner or later.”

  “She’s here now, and she’s ready to kick ass.”

  When we reach the main door, a large, imposing figure steps into view just inside. Nick feels my hesitation in my faltering steps. “That’s Silas Steele, Noah’s brother. He’s one of the good guys. Noah said he’d call Silas to see if he was in town to help us out with Operation Bitch.”

  “Was he undercover with you?”

  “No, but he helped resolve the case in his own way. He’s an officer with the CIA, so he’s very skilled at interrogation techniques and extracting needed information from people. Since my case involved international arms dealers, the DEA was able to pull in Silas to help through interagency cooperation. The fact that he’s the brother of one of the best friends I’ve ever had didn’t hurt either.”

  “If you like him, then I’ll like him. Butch should take off running in the opposite direction if he sees you two men walking toward him.”

  Nick chuckles darkly beside me, the low timbre of his laugh rumbling through his chest over the mental images of Butch tucking tail and running. “Nah, we don’t want him to do that. We want him to stand and fight so we can end this once and for all.”

  Nick opens the door for me, and I step into the lobby of my building. Silas smiles at me, instantly changing his appearance from daunting and intimidating to warm and friendly.

  “You must be Savannah. My brother Noah told me all about you. Seems you’ve captured the heart of our elusive Special Agent Friskme. Millions of women claim to have drugs hidden somewhere on their person, so he’ll frisk them until he finds the contraband.”

  “Not you too, Silas.” Nick shakes his head. “Noah, Brianna, and Bull already gave me enough shit over the pet names I’ve been given.”

  “Dude, the comments on social media posts about you are gold. Pure gold. I’ve laughed my ass off. You should’ve known better than to let your cover get blown by one of those shitheads. You’ll find no sympathy here.”

  “Yeah, you just remember you said that, Silas Steele. What goes around, comes around, my friend.”

  Silas laughs, shrugging off Nick’s warning like it’s nothing. “Noah’s men are already upstairs. You can fill me in on the plan to lure this Butch character in so we can trap him and kill him.”

  “Silas. Really? You sound like Shadow. Is that how the CIA trains you? Just kill everyone who gets in your way?”


  Silas’s reply makes me laugh, even though I doubt he’s kidding. When we exit the elevator on the fifth floor, two men are standing outside my door. Since neither Nick nor Silas flinches, I assume these are the two men we’re here to meet. Silas reaches them first and extends his hand toward the one nearest us.

  “Roman, how are you?” He claps one hand on Roman’s shoulder, while shaking hands with the other.

  “Good. I didn’t know you were back in the States. When did you get home?” Roman replies to Silas, giving me a moment to silently assess him. He’s not as thick as Nick, but he’s tall and muscular, nonetheless. His hair is a lighter brown, and he has that playboy vibe some men just naturally exude. But his eyes are kind, showing the good guy underneath.

  “You know I never let anyone know my travel plans ahead of time. My whole family sics Liz on me when I do.” Laughter fills the hallway, all at Silas’s expense.

  Nick turns to me to explain. “Liz is a friend of Noah’s wife, and she has taken quite a liking to Silas. Even though she’s old enough to be his mother.”

  “She wants to be a super spy with me and regularly makes my life hell when she’s around. No one tell her how much I secretly love her, though.” Silas grins then turns to the second man. “Brad, it’s been a long time, brother. Are you here with all the latest technology gadgets for Savannah’s condo?”

  “Hey, Silas. You know I am. When I’m done, she’ll be better protected than Beyoncé and Fort Knox combined.”

  “I like Brad,” I chime in. “Brad is my new best friend.”

  “Savannah, I hope you don’t mind, but we’ve already broken in to your condo several times, trying out new ideas and testing our equipment. We also took out all the broken furniture and the garbage for you. Everything is as good as new in there now.” Roman holds out a set of keys toward me, and I immediately notice how few there are on the ring.

  “Don’t worry. We added a biometric lock that only opens for you and a digital lock that triggers a complete security shutdown if the wrong numbers are attempted too many times. We have cameras in the hallway and elevators now, and everything is monitored from a central, secure location with facial recognition technology. You also have a new secure door and a panic alarm inside.”

  “You and I are going to be BFFs too.” The men laugh, amused by my commentary.

  Brad asks for my hand and places it on a scanner in a large metal case. After he scans my entire hand into the system, we try out the b
iometric locks. I’m like a kid in a candy store with all the new gadgets and upgraded security. Locking my door will be much more fun with these new toys than my old, no-tech dead bolts.

  “Have you already had words with the super?” Nick asks, looking between Roman and Brad.

  “We did. When we were able to get into the lobby without any trouble at all, we paid him a visit. He was more than a little taken aback when we walked into his ‘secure office’ with no forewarning. Then I explained what happened to Savannah, and I may have insinuated I’d be back to visit him if anything else happened to her. After that, he was very receptive to our suggestions and upgrades. He even assured us he’ll take care of getting funding approved through the board of directors. Seems the owners are sensitive to being sued over breach of contract after they lost their last lawsuit.” Roman’s smile is downright devious, but if that’s what it takes to create a cone of protection around my building, I’m all for it.

  “So, are you moving back in to your condo tonight, Savannah?” Silas asks, genuinely interested and not just fishing for information.

  “No, she’s not.” Nick replies for me, and I cut my eyes up at him, raising my eyebrows in silent question. “What? It hasn’t even been two weeks yet, and your doctor has you out of work for six weeks. You’re still under my direct care and supervision right now.”

  “Man, you’d be better off just admitting you don’t want her to leave than trying to pull the old ‘doctor’s orders’ routine.” Silas laughs and playfully punches Nick’s arm. “Admit it, you are wrapped around her little finger, my friend.”

  “I have no reason to deny it. She knows it. I know it. You know it. Every news outlet in DC knows it, even though they accuse me of beating her up. Still, it’s only been about a week since she was hurt initially, and I’m not taking any chances with her being reinjured.”


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