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Hunger of the Heart (White Buffalo MCs Book 1)

Page 11

by Trinity Blacio

  She pressed some buttons and held the phone up to him. What he saw made his stomach knot. The woman in the video had the Irons’ mark craved on her face, her eyes were swollen shut, her lip busted open, and blood trickled out of her mouth.

  A shadow fell over them. A cop and two others helped Mark stand. One carried the baby carefully to a waiting ambulance.

  “Officer Neil, I know you are watching this…” The woman in the video coughed and more blood came out of her mouth. Kizzy whimpered, and Running Wolf wrapped his arms around her. “My husband did not do this. Two bikers. Not Mark’s fault. Please, Miranda needs to go to the woman called Kizzy. She’ll raise her right. It’s my dying wish.” Her head moved to the person holding the phone, her husband. “Take the baby out of me, Mark. Save her.” The phone fell and they heard Mark pleading with her not to do this, but she said she had made him promise. “Even I know I’m dying, baby. Soon we’ll be together, and we can watch our daughter grow to a healthy beautiful soul with this woman.”

  The phone video went dead, and Kizzy tried to give it to the police officer, but she was shaking so much she almost dropped it, twice.

  “Here, let me take it. I gather you are Kizzy?” the officer asked. “You recognized something in the video? I think the two of you need to come with me, please. My name is Neil Brown.”

  Dark Horse and Sun Bull followed them to the police station where, for the next two hours, Officer Neil questioned them both, separately, which really pissed Running Wolf off. He didn’t like leaving Kizzy alone with anyone.

  “I’ve answered all your questions, but I would really like to see my wife, please,” he said.

  The officer sat back in his chair. “She’s being brought in here. So you really believe this Iron group did this, Mr. Running Wolf?”

  “Yes. I don’t know why, but it seems the president of the Irons knows we are coming, and I’m afraid it was a warning to me. If you—”

  The door flew open and another officer rushed in.

  “Mark is dead. We thought he laid down to get some rest in the ambulance, but the paramedics are saying his heart stopped and they couldn’t get it going again.”

  Neil rose. “I knew it wouldn’t take long. He had been holding on for her. He had brain cancer, and the doctors didn’t know how he could be walking around.”

  Kizzy came in and approached him, wrapping his arms around him. “He’s gone. Mark has joined his wife. What do we do?”

  Running Wolf placed a kiss on her forehead. “We get the things we’ll need for our new daughter,” he said. “Do we know how long the paperwork will take, Officer? We really need to get to Texas.”

  “Two days, max. I’ll make sure of it. The judge is already going over the tape and crime scene now. Check into a hotel room, and I’ll get word to you as soon as I know. Thank you, both of you. You are free to go.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Each child has a soul, seeking knowledge and love. It’s up to us to share the best of us with it.” Running Wolf, President White Buffalo MC

  Kizzy stared in the bathroom mirror. Running Wolf had gone all out and gotten them a suite with a huge garden tub, and, right now, Kizzy couldn’t wait to climb in. She was going to be a mother. No, she was now a mother.

  She turned on the faucet and cupped some water in her hands, splashing it into her face, washing it. When she lifted her head, Running Wolf stood behind her, undoing the braid in her hair. “Everyone is settling in. We’ll be driving the truck and towing my bike.” He leaned down and kissed the side of her neck. “Maybe after the soak in the tub, we’ll get to check out some stores and pick up baby things before we meet everyone for supper.”

  “Do you really believe we’ll be given Miranda? Are we ready for a child? We just came together, and that was under stress.” She so didn’t feel like she deserved this little girl.

  Running Wolf placed his fingers under her chin, adding a little pressure until Kizzy looked into his eyes. “We will give her a chance to live, love her, and tell her how much her parents loved her to give her life. All we can do is give our best and hope the child takes the good and learns from our bad habits, but we will be beside her as long as we can. Trust your heart, Little Gypsy.” He kissed her nose before sweeping her up in his arms and carrying her toward the tub.

  Slowly, he lowered her feet to the floor, his attention never leaving her. Running Wolf stepped back. “Strip, Little Gypsy, and get into the tub.” His voiced dropped, and the sexual tension rose. “I want to make love to my wife.”

  It took her seconds to get her clothes off because Kizzy wanted the same thing. Kizzy stepped into the warm, bubbling water. At once, the pulsing jets worked their magic on her muscles. She laid her head back against the rim of the tub. Running Wolf stripped out of his clothes and joined her.

  He sank down next to her and dragged her up onto his body. “Do you know how beautiful you are? I could just sit all day and stare at what the Great Mother has given me.”

  His kisses were like a drug Kizzy could never get enough of. She slid her arms around his neck and opened her mouth for him. His tongue slid up and down hers, as if memorizing each little bump and line. When he curled his tongue as if trying to hug hers, she moaned, grabbing onto his now loose hair.

  He slid his hand down her wet body. Lifting her hips, he broke their kiss. “Are you wet for me, Little Gypsy?”

  Kizzy licked his bottom lip. “I’m in water. Yes, I’m wet,” she teased.

  “Put me in you, Kizzy,” he ordered. He was thick and large, at least to her.

  She pumped her hand up and down, hearing his gasp, but too soon he grabbed her wrist.

  “I’m too close,” he ground out.

  “Party pooper.,” S lifted then lowered herself on him. He stretched her, but there was no pain, just pleasure as he slid inside her body, joining them. “So amazing.”

  Running Wolf cupped her breasts before, sucking a nipple into his mouth, nipping and scraping his teeth across it. “I’d like these to be pierced soon,” he said, releasing it. “I’d love to put clamps and weights on them. Your body is so sensitive to my touch.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and flipped them in the water, sloshing some of it over the edge of the tub. “Grab the rim behind you,” he growled as he lifted her legs and placing them over his shoulder.

  Kizzy couldn’t believe how much deeper her husband got with her legs lifted. She swore he touched the edge of her inside, the little pain only bringing her closer to the edge. “Harder!” she pleaded, her eyes closing as his thrusts became quicker and harder.

  They would have a mess to clean, up, but, right now, his possession of her was complete. There would never be another man in her life, just her husband. Her body trembling, she opened her eyes and focused on the warrior between her legs.

  “I love you,” she screamed as her orgasm exploded. Her toes curled, muscles cramped as his warm seed filled her, his orgasm just as powerful.

  Gently, Running Wolf took one leg lifting it off his shoulder, placing a kiss on her leg as he rubbed the muscles before lowering it into the water.

  She moaned, her body feeling like Jell-O. “I can’t move,” she grumbled, releasing the rim of the tub and lowering her arms under the water.

  “You’re bleeding.” He lifted her hand and licked a trail of blood from her finger. “I think there is a rough edge on the tub.” He reached over, ran his fingertip along the edge.

  “Damn it. You could have been hurt worse. This thing is sharp.” Running Wolf got out of the tub and rummaged through his bag.

  She sat up. “What are you doing?”

  “We need to clean that so it doesn’t get infected.” With some peroxide and cotton balls, he waited for her. “Come on, out of the tub, Little Gypsy. I want to wrap that finger.”

  “But I didn’t get to soak.” She pouted but realized he wasn’t going to budge when he gave her that look again.

  “Fine, but tonight I get to soak, dammit.” She st
ood and grabbed a towel from the rack above the tub.

  “We’ll be getting a new room. I won’t risk you hurting yourself with that thing poking out like that.” Running Wolf applied peroxide before he reached for the Band-Aid he had placed on the dresser. “There, now why don’t you get dressed and we’ll go to the hospital and see the little one before we go shopping for her.” He leaned over and kissed her.

  “Do you think they’ll let us hold her?” Kizzy asked, opening her bag and searching her clothes. She pulled out a dark-blue skirt and a white peasant blouse to go with it.

  “I’m sure they will.” He stared down at the clothes she’d picked out. “Why do I get the feeling this outfit is going to have me moaning, too?”

  “I have no idea. Maybe you’re just a sex fend,” she teased, pulling out her blue panties and bra. “Now, if you will excuse me, I’ll get ready.” She stood on tiptoe and placed a kiss on his cheek. “Thanks for coming into my life, Running Wolf.” Grabbing her clothes, she moved toward the bathroom. Knowing he watched her, she dropped the towel right before stepping into the bathroom and shutting the door.

  “You, Little Gypsy, do not play fair,” Running Wolf yelled, his cock hardening again. He heard her laughter as he grabbed his jeans. It would be a bitch stuffing his cock in them, but he would do it.

  He couldn’t wait to meet their new daughter. He just wished they were already on their way to their destination, but he would not leave his friend hanging. They’d take care of the threat then proceed on to their new home.

  “Running Wolf, are we going to stop by your home to get your things before we move up to Canada?” Kizzy came out of the bathroom brushing her hair.

  “Come here.” He held out his hand for the brush. “Allow me the pleasure.”

  “Are you having difficulties there?” she asked, pointing at the stiff cock poking out of his jeans.

  “I have a feeling I’m going to be hard all the time when it comes to my wife, especially when she wears clothes that enhance her beautiful body.” He proceeded to brush her long, thick hair. “Yes, I think we’re all going to have to pack up our belongings. I’ll talk to Dark Horse about his house after we hit Texas and settle things there.”

  Someone pounded on the door.


  “You go fix yourself. I’ll get it.” She reached toward the door, but he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her back.

  “Oh no, you don’t. The way my luck’s been going, there will be some nutjob there.” He painfully zipped his jeans up and grabbed his black T-shirt. He checked out the peephole. Officer Neil stood there. “You’re lucky.” He moved away from the window to see his wife glaring at him.

  “I take it it’s okay to open the damn door now?” she snapped and did so. “Come on in, Officer Neil. Is there some news?”

  Neil whistled, checking out his woman when he stepped into the room. Running Wolf suppressed the urge to deck him.

  “Judge Anderson, who took the case, wants to meet with you both before you sign the papers. You’ll also need your Ids,” Neil explained.

  Running Wolf grabbed his wallet out of the desk drawer as a man and woman came into the room. The woman set a briefcase on their small table. Running Wolf knew Judge Anderson was sizing them both up.

  “First, I’d like to thank you both for trying to help Mark,” the judge said, sitting at the table. “I had to deal personally with him a few times since he came back from Iraq. We knew he didn’t have long to live, but to take the love of his life away from him before…and to have to save his child this way.” The judge sighed. “It’s no way for anyone to suffer like that.”

  “My license still has my maiden name. We were recently married, and I haven’t had a chance to get a new one. Kizzy stepped forward, placing her license on the table, and touched the judge’s shoulder. “I’m deeply sorry for everyone in this situation. Violence never leaves anyone better off and it affects more than we know.”

  “My wife’s parents were murdered a few years ago, so she understands the child’s position and will be able to help when the time comes.” Running Wolf set his license next to hers and wrapped his arms around her.

  The judge studied Kizzy for a few seconds. “You have a gift just like Mark’s wife had. Miranda will be in good hands.” The judge looked at him. “I take it you’ve already had strangers come up to her? It took everything in Mark, with Neil’s help, to protect his wife. She also told us our world as we know it will be changing soon. Is it true?”

  Soaring Eagle stepped in the room. “It is. This man’s wife wasn’t the only one gifted if I’m not mistaken.”

  The judge smiled at the medicine man. “Yes, but it does not hurt to make sure before I place an innocent child into their hands.”

  “Of course. You are making a stand here?” Soaring Eagle took a seat across from the judge.

  “I’m too old to go moving around, and my wife isn’t in good health, so I’ll make do with what I can here. A few of us have already started preparing. If we are lucky, we will be spared. Do you have one of those old-fashion CB radios yet?”

  “No,” Running Wolf said. “But we should probably pick one up. We have business in Texas, and then we’ll be heading North up into Canada. You are welcome to join us if you change your mind. Soaring Eagle has identified four places where we will station ourselves.”

  “I’m sure there will be a few safe havens on the North American continent.” The judge handed their licenses to the lady who took all the information down and returned them along with a stack of papers. “I’ll need your signatures. You first, sir, then your wife.

  “It will take strong men and women to make it through what is coming. It has already started here in Ohio, and I’ve heard a few other states are having troubles, too. From what I can make out, the more polluted areas will be affected first.”

  Soaring Eagle tapped his fingers on the table. “I had a feeling that would happen. We must get our business in Texas finished quickly. I have a feeling soon the ground will separate, so travel from the south to the north will not be easy.”

  The judge stood and stretched. “I have four CB radios. My father was a collector. I will give you one, but as you travel, pick up what you can. I suggest purchasing four-wheel drive vehicles when you reach your destination. Bikes will also be good to make quick trips.” The judge picked up his briefcase. “My wife is a list person. I’ll have her copy her list of things she believes we need.”

  Running Wolf snorted. “I’m just learning my Little Gypsy is the same way. We’re all going to need help eventually.” He rubbed his chin on the top of Kizzy’s head. “You know, I might let Dark Horse take the truck, and we can purchase an SUV now. With the child and all, it might be better. We can haul a trailer behind it.”

  “I’ll send Dark Horse in to you.” Soaring Eagle moved to the door with the judge. “If you wouldn’t mind, I would like to check out the place you have picked out. I might offer some suggestions?”

  As they reached the door, Running Wolf called after them, “Let’s all meet at the hotel for dinner tonight.”

  The judge nodded and they stepped outside.

  The woman rose and handed him an envelope. “In there you have all the papers you’ll need for Miranda. She now has the last name of Wolf. Did I do that right?”

  “Yes, that’s fine.”

  “Will you come back this way on the way back from Texas?” Neil asked.

  Running Wolf shrugged. “We will most likely be going up the coast. Why?”

  “I was thinking about going with you if you don’t mind. Me and my daughter. But I need time to get things together here.”

  “You would be welcome. I will have one of my men give you a map of where we are going,” Running Wolf said.

  “Thank you,” Neil replied. “Be sure to take your paperwork with you to the hospital when you pick up Miranda. They will also be sending a care package to help you get started with her.”

  Chapter Eighteen<
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  “How do we prepare for end of everything we know? We don’t. We follow our heart and hope the Great Mother will guide us.” Sun Bull, White Buffalo MC

  Kizzy inhaled the baby smell of her new tiny bundle in her arms. Big blue eyes stared up at her as she held the bottle to the baby’s lips. Running Wolf and she had come at the perfect time, her feeding time.

  Each nurse had given her a hug with tears in her eyes, telling them how perfect they were for this special little girl, and she was special. Already, Kizzy knew the little one had been born with something extra, like her mother and her.

  “We are a lot alike, are we not, Miranda, my little angel?”

  “Are you sure?” He placed a kiss on her curly black hair.

  “Yep, and she’s going to be a looker, too. Boy, are you in trouble,” she teased.

  Running Wolf nipped Kizzy’s ear. “Keep it up and I’ll spank that cute ass of yours. Don’t think I forgot you glaring at me earlier.”

  “Right now is not a good time to bring that up.” Miranda squirmed in her arms as if sensing her mood. “Easy, little one, your mommy is just a little pissed at the overbearing man sitting next to us.” She whispered, “I mean, really, I don’t mind the bossiness in the bedroom, but to tell me not to open a door? Please. Your new daddy and I are going to have some words tonight.

  “But don’t worry when daddy gets mad. Maybe Momma needs to get some handcuffs. We can lock him in the bedroom. What do you think?” She leaned down, placing a kiss on the tiny hand that patted her nose.

  “I’m glad you agree, Miranda, because our warrior is a fierce one, and we’ll need all the help we can get.” Kizzy slowly lifted her eyes, scanning his body, but stopped at his cock, noticing once more the outline of a very hard, long…

  “Keep staring at it and I’ll find a damn empty room here, Little Gypsy, and I will be the only one owning handcuffs. Now, let me hold our daughter before we have to leave.”


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