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Tuck's Wrath

Page 11

by Jenika Snow


  He had to do this, had to make this right, no matter what. He held his cell to his ear, listening to the curses coming from Lucien. Some time had passed since he’d taken the hits from the club, been dealt his punishment for going against his MC. He hadn’t deserved a second chance, but having each of his brothers take a swing at him, exacting blood and flesh from him, had made things right with them all.

  He was nearly healed, but he’d had to see Jana when he’d been beat. He’d only told her he’d done this to make sure he’d paid up with the club for what he’d done. Fortunately, she’d left it at that.

  “I just wanted to let you know what I was doing, because I have to try and fix this, Lucien,” Tuck said and stared at the strip club that M owned, about to go inside and straighten this out.

  He’d talked to the club about this, and although they hadn’t wanted him to come because it might stir shit up even more, they’d all agreed that if he really wanted to come and try to work this out, then he should do what he wanted. Tuck wasn’t going to lie, he already knew that M was a stubborn and hard as nails motherfucker, and that he’d turn Tuck away without even thinking about what he was going to say. Tuck didn’t care though, because if he didn’t try he couldn’t say that he’d done everything to make this right.

  “Be careful, brother. Rook and Pierce are there with you, so if you need them use them as your backup. I’m not going to lose you over this.”

  Tuck nodded, even though Lucien couldn’t see him.

  “You’ve already paid your price of flesh to the club, brother,” Lucien said, referring to the hits he’d taken from each member.

  He hadn’t wanted to bring the other members with him, but Lucien had insisted. They’d stay in the SUV, and if he needed them at least he’d know they were close by. But Tuck didn’t want shit started. He just wanted to go in there and try to make this right.

  He got off the phone and placed the cell inside of his cut.

  “You sure about this, brother?” Rook asked.

  Tuck nodded without turning his attention away from the club. “I am. I need to at least try, and if M doesn’t take it, which I’m sure he won’t, at least it was put out there.”

  “We’re here if you need us,” Pierce said.

  Tuck got out of the SUV. He went inside, and bypassed the bartender and the old men sitting in front of the stage where a barely legal girl was bending over and grabbing her ankles. He headed down the nasty fucking hallway, and without knocking pushed the door open to M’s office. M was in a chair in the corner, another hardly legal aged girl on his lap, rising up and down on his cock, and her small tits barely even moving.

  “What the fuck?” M shouted, looked around the girl’s arm, and then lifted his eyebrows. “Well, damn, twice in such a short fucking time, Boston?” M said, but didn’t stop fucking the girl on top of him.

  It took another five minutes before M finished. Then he pushed the girl off, and she fell to the ground, quickly adjusting her skirt before hauling ass out of the office. Once the door was shut and M had his cock back in his pants, Tuck crossed his arms and waited for him to get back over to his desk.

  “So, what do I owe the pleasure of another visit? Or do you need another favor?” M smiled. He sat down behind his desk, lit up a joint, and grabbed a baggie of white powder from his desk. Tuck didn’t respond right away, just watched as M smoked his joint, and cut three lines of coke on his desk. He set the now roach on the table, grabbed a rolled up one hundred dollar bill, and held it out to Tuck.

  Tuck shook his head, although he would be lying if he didn’t admit the temptation and urge to do a bump wasn’t always with him. But he was stronger than that, had a woman and a little boy to take care of, and that was his world now, right along with making his club right.

  “More for me.” M snorted the three lines in succession, made this low sound, and leaned back in the seat. He rubbed his nose, sniffed, and then grinned. “So, what the fuck you want?”

  Tuck didn’t beat around the bush, because the sooner he did this, the sooner he could see where he stood with M and the club. “I want to offer that favor, and let it known that it’ll be me that delivers on it, not the club.”

  M was silent for a moment, staring at Tuck, then flicking his hands to the two men that stood in the corners of the room.

  “Leave us.” They left, and when it was just M and Tuck, M grinned. “That’s not what we agreed.”

  “The club didn’t have anything to do with this deal. I asked for the help, and you gave me the information I needed. I will give you the favor when you need it, but the club is out of it.” He had to be firm, had to make it known that he wasn’t going to back down, even if M didn’t take the offer.

  “The club can give me a bigger payout than you on your own, Boston.” M shook his head, leaned forward, and did another line of coke. “You know, this shit is straight from Columbia, perfectly cut, no fillers, and really puts the zing in your balls.” M licked his finger, ran it along the white residue that was on the table, and rubbed the powder on his gums. He sucked his mouth for a few seconds, then steepled his fingers under his chin.

  “I made the deal, M, and I’m offering me to deliver on that favor, not the club,” Tuck said again, this time with a little more force.

  “Do you remember how we met, Boston?” M asked.

  Tuck gritted his teeth, not wanting to get into this reminiscing about the bad shit that happened just because M wanted to be a bastard. “Yeah,” he said through clenched teeth.

  “You were this punk ass twenty-something year old, fucked up on drugs, and needing some help.” M leaned his forearms on the desk. “And I helped you, Boston. I helped you—”

  “You made me worse off than I was, Maris. You got me hooked on the hard stuff, the shit that ate me away from the inside out.”

  M started to look pissed. He clenched his hands on the desk, slammed them down, and then the door opened and his goons came in. “I fucking saved you, Boston, made you the hard as hell, take no shit man you are today.” M waved his hand. “Get the fuck out and leave us alone.” The goons left after M shouted. M slowly stood, glared at Tuck, and said in a low, dangerous voice, “Your club will be the one that gives me the favor, Boston. You know the connections I have, the men I have hired and under my thumb. I can have every single one of your guys dead within the week if I wanted.” M slowly sat back down. “But even if I could get someone else to do this for me, knowing that your club will do what I say when I say it, without payment needed, makes this very pleasing to me.”

  Tuck wanted to tell M that the club wasn’t some pansy ass motherfucking Boy Scout troop. They did shit that ensured the club stayed safe, and also the men within the club. They killed, maimed, and took down anyone that threatened what was theirs. No, Tuck didn’t say shit, because even after thinking all of that Tuck knew M had connections the club didn’t, connections that dealt with drug cartels, very dangerous men, and thugs that had nothing to lose.

  “You know the power I have, even if I am running this shit-for-brains tittie bar.”

  Tuck knew this club was only for a show, a front for what M really did, how he really made his money. The man was an extortionist, a man that was also into the sex-trafficking ring. That was how he’d known how to find Jana, and that was why Tuck had come here, because he knew M had connections that would get results faster than the Brothers could get. And now he was in this fucking deal with the devil himself, trying to make it right, but knowing he was screwed. The only way to stop this, to make M back down, was to kill him, and that would be hard seeing as M was protected like Fort-fucking-Knox.

  “No, go on back to your little club, tell your prez that shit stays the same, and that I’ll be collecting on that favor soon enough. Sometimes having a biker club in my back pocket is a good damn thing, Boston.”

  Tuck clenched his jaw. M might have connections, but there were things the club could do that would have M totally out of the line of
fire. It would be a favor that put the club at risk, not only with the lives of the members, but also risking a lot of fire being rained down if they were caught. It would leave M completely out of the loop, out of the line of fire, and because of that Tuck reminded himself he’d fucked up royally.

  “I hope it was worth it all, Boston,” M said and sat back down. “I hope that little cunt was worth putting your club out like that, betraying them, and having you crawl to me for help.”

  Tuck didn’t respond, just turned and left, hearing M chuckling. It was worth it to have Jana with him, safe and healing, but now he’d have to clean this up, and he hoped the club wouldn’t have blowback that crippled it.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Are you sure about this?” Jana asked. She held Braden’s hand in hers, and stared up at Tuck. They’d just gotten out of his truck, and were currently standing in front of his daughter’s house, which was four hours away from River Run.

  Tuck turned and faced her, cupped her cheeks, and leaned down to kiss her on the forehead. He moved his mouth to her ear, and whispered softly, “I don’t have a lot of things in my life that I hold dear, but two of the most important things I love are in that house, and two of the most important things that I love are right here.”

  Her heart thundered at his words.

  “I want you to meet my son and daughter, and I want them to meet the woman and little boy that are now my world.” Tuck kissed her on the forehead again, and got down on his haunches in front of her son.

  Braden looked at him, his big blue eyes even wider as he took in the size of Tuck. Over the last week or so she’d been trying to get Braden comfortable with the idea of Tuck in their lives. Her son was a strong, resilient little man, and had taken to Tuck right away. But there were still times he was so shy. All of this would take time, and they’d have to go slow with him.

  “You ready to have some fun?” Tuck asked and ruffled Braden’s dark hair.

  Her son nodded, but moved behind her leg some more.

  “I know you’re probably scared to meet new people, but inside that house are my little girl and little boy. Well, they’re not so little anymore, but they used to be your age, and they were afraid of meeting new people, too.”

  He moved out from behind her leg. “They were?” Braden asked softly.

  Tuck nodded. “They were. I wish I had been there to help them through that fear … but I wasn’t.”

  “Why not?” Braden asked in a soft voice again.

  “Braden, honey—”

  “No, it’s okay, sweetheart,” Tuck said and looked up at her, a smile on his face. He looked back at Braden. “I wasn’t the best dad to them, missed out on a lot of time, but I’m trying to make up for that.”

  Braden looked at the house again, then up at her, and when he looked at Tuck he smiled. “Okay, I’m not so scared now.”

  Tuck grinned, stood, and grabbed Braden’s other hand. “You’re a brave little man,” Tuck said, ran his hand over her son’s head, and her heart melted right then and there.

  They made their way up to the front of the house, and before they could knock the front door was opening, and a younger woman, probably not much older Jana, was standing on the other side. She stared at Tuck, then turned her attention to Jana and Braden. The tension was a little high, but then when the woman smiled, her resemblance to Tuck strong, Jana felt an ease settle inside of her.

  “You must be Jana and Braden,” the woman said, and bent down to look at Braden. “Wow, you look like your mama.”

  That had Jana smiling.

  The woman smiled again, held her hand out, and grinned even wider. “I’m Aspen, and welcome.”

  Jana took the woman’s offered hand, and then Aspen turned to her dad, gave him a hug, and Jana was so happy to see that there wasn’t any awkwardness between them. It was hard enough that Tuck had to live with the fact he didn’t believe he had been a good father. To see that his daughter embraced him, and loved him for the good man he really was, made Jana immensely happy.

  They stepped inside of the house, and she smelled the scent of vanilla and chicken. It was a strange combination, but strangely comforting. The sound of people talking in the kitchen led them into that room, and Braden held onto her hand tighter. Tuck reached out, grabbed her hand again, which he’d let go when he embraced Aspen. She smiled, loving that this man didn’t care if showing affection might make him look weak to his biker brothers, or anyone else for that matter. He just didn’t care, and she loved him so much for that.

  “Leif, this is Jana, Dad’s…” Aspen looked at her, and her cheeks turned red, as if she were embarrassed that she didn’t know what to call Jana in reference to being with her father.

  Jana looked at Tuck, but saw he was already watching her, a smile on his face. “Just Tuck’s. Jana is Tuck’s.”

  Her heart skipped a beat at those words.

  Aspen groaned, and that had everyone laughing.

  “Hey, I’m Leif.” Tuck’s son came forward, and Jana was surprised at how identical he looked to his father. “This is my girlfriend, Marianne.”

  The young woman came forward, flour on her cheeks and her smile wide. “Pleasure to meet you. I hope you all are hungry, because I’ve been cooking all day.” Marianne smiled wider, and pointed them to the table.

  For the next few hours Jana enjoyed being around Tuck’s family. Hearing his children talk about their lives, about the good memories they had with Tuck, had her feeling so happy for her rough biker. He was so hard on himself, and although she knew he’d had these two children with a woman he hadn’t been in love with, but one that had taken care of his kids when he’d been deep in drugs, told Jana that he did have a good heart. If he didn’t he wouldn’t have cared what happened to them, or if he ever saw them again.

  Braden warmed up fast to everyone, and when Leif told him he had a collection of trains when he was Braden’s age, well, her son hadn’t even looked back as he raced out of the room. She was glad the past hadn’t harmed her son, glad that William hadn’t taken his childhood away. It wasn’t just that everything had fallen down before it righted itself, it was that she’d found a home amongst men that had frightened her at first, and a town that had been so new to her she’d just wanted to run away again.

  She looked at Tuck, watched as he laughed and talked with Aspen and Marianne, and fell in love with him all over again. God, did she love him, and she was so glad he was in her life. Before she’d thought she was strong, knew that if the time called for it she’d be able to handle herself and take care of her son, but having Tuck with her made her feel stronger, like she could conquer the world.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Oh my God, Tuck, is it really ours?” Jana asked, her focus on the three-bedroom house they’d gotten together. It had only been a few months, a short time that had been so wonderful Tuck felt like he was dreaming at times. How in the hell had he gotten so fucking lucky?

  “It’s ours, baby,” Tuck said, pulled her in closer, and kissed her before she could even respond.

  Braden was spending the day with Bobbie, and as they pressed together, Tuck was thinking some pretty fucking filthy thoughts since they were alone.

  “I know what you’re thinking, Tuck, and you’re a bad boy,”

  He growled, and he felt her shiver in response.

  “Then let’s stop talking and get on with it, Jana baby,” he said and grinned. He made a deep noise, lifted her easily into his arms, and strode inside. The house wasn’t anything fancy, but it was new, clean, and all theirs. Maybe some people would say they were rushing into all of this, but as Tuck would say whenever someone tried to tell him differently than how he felt, “Fuck them”.

  They crashed through the front door, their mouths pressed to one another, and their tongues dueling together. He set her down, pressed her back to the wall, and speared his hands in her hair. He tugged at the strands, and she made these small noises in the back of her throat.

  He swallowe
d the sound, needing more, and wanting her to surrender every part of herself to him. She felt good in his arms, really good, in fact, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to let her go. Ever. She’d given herself to him, and he’d claimed her. But having her in every way imaginable was like the first time every damn time.

  She broke the kiss and looked at him. Her lips were swollen, red, and wet from his ministrations. “Don’t hold back.” She looked at his mouth, and he couldn’t stop his groan.

  “Never.” He slipped his hand between them, right between her thighs, and pressed his open palm to her pussy. “Does it feel good, baby?”

  She nodded and moaned softly when he moved his thumb on his other hand along her cheekbones. He didn’t stop himself from kissing her again, or adding more pressure to her pussy, loving that even though she wore panties under her skirt he could feel how wet she was getting.

  “It feels so good.”

  “God,” he groaned. “I love when you say shit like that,” he said against her mouth. “You’re so gorgeous and intelligent, so smart and strong. You’re my old lady, and I fucking love you, baby.”

  She moaned softly. “I love you, too.” She grabbed hold of his hair and said, “Fuck me, Tuck. Fuck me like you own me.” She slammed her mouth on his, sucked at his tongue, and pressed her chest to his.

  “Fucking hell, baby,” he murmured, grabbed her hair, and tilted her head back. “I own you, just as you own me. We’re in this together,” he said in a gruff tone, pulled back, and looked at her face.

  Her mouth was parted, her pupils dilated, and when she licked her lips he let his beast free. He kissed her again and again, hard, consuming kisses that had her gasping against him.

  “You’re in my life, and I won’t let you go,” he said, and grunted in arousal when she made a small noise.

  “And I won’t let you go,” she murmured against his mouth, and kissed him harder, with more desperation.

  Their tongues slid along each other, frantically, heated, and full of need. He was hard, so fucking hard that he had to grind his erection into her belly to ease the ache. He felt this carnal need for her, one that wasn’t just about wanting to feel himself buried balls deep inside of her, but one that wanted to know what it was about this woman that had him acting so out of character.


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