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Adrift in New York: Tom and Florence Braving the World

Page 37

by Jr. Horatio Alger

  Chapter XXXVII.The Diplomacy Of Mrs. O'Keefe.

  Mrs. O'Keefe was a warm-hearted woman, and the sad, drawn face of Mr.Linden appealed to her pity.

  "Why should I let the poor man suffer when I can relieve him?" sheasked herself.

  So the next morning, after Curtis had, according to his custom, gonedowntown, being in the invalid's sick chamber, she began to act in amysterious manner. She tiptoed to the door, closed it and approachedMr. Linden's bedside with the air of one about to unfold a strangestory.

  "Whist now," she said, with her finger on her lips.

  "What is the matter?" asked the invalid, rather alarmed.

  "Can you bear a surprise, sir?"

  "Have you any bad news for me?"

  "No; it's good news, but you must promise not to tell Curtis."

  "Is it about Florence? Your messenger can hardly have reachedChicago."

  "He isn't going there, sir."

  "But you promised that he should," said Mr. Linden, disturbed.

  "I'll tell you why, sir. Florence is not in Chicago."

  "I--I don't understand. You said she was there."

  "Begging your pardon, sir, it was Curtis that said so, though he knewshe was in New York."

  "But what motive could he have had for thus misrepresenting matters?"

  "He doesn't want you to take her back."

  "I can't believe you, Mrs. Barnes. He loves her, and wants to marryher."

  "He couldn't marry her if she consented to take him."

  "Why not? Mrs. Barnes, you confuse me."

  "I won't deceive you as he has done. There's rason in plinty. He'smarried already."

  "Is this true?" demanded Mr. Linden, in excitement.

  "It's true enough; more by token, to-morrow, whin he's out, his wifewill come here and tell you so herself."

  "But who are you who seem to know so much about my family?"

  "I'm a friend of the pore girl you've driven from the house, becauseshe would not marry a rascally spalpeen that's been schemin' to getyour property into his hands."

  "You're a friend of Florence? Where is she?"

  "She's in my house, and has been there ever since she left her home."

  "Is she--well?"

  "As well as she can be whin she's been workin' her fingers to the bonewid sewin' to keep from starvin'."

  "My God! what have I done?"

  "You've let Curtis Waring wind you around his little finger--that'swhat you've done, Mr. Linden."

  "How soon can I see Florence?"

  "How soon can you bear it?"

  "The sooner the better."

  "Then it'll be to-morrow, I'm thinkin', that is if you won't tellCurtis."

  "No, no; I promise."

  "I'll manage everything, sir. Don't worry now."

  Mr. Linden's face lost its anxious look--so that when, later in theday, Curtis looked into the room he was surprised.

  "My uncle looks better," he said.

  "Yes, sir," answered the nurse. "I've soothed him like."

  "Indeed! You seem to be a very accomplished nurse."

  "Faith, that I am, sir, though it isn't I that should say it."

  "May I ask how you soothed him?" inquired Curtis, anxiously.

  "I told him that Miss Florence would soon be home."

  "I do not think it right to hold out hopes that may proveill-founded."

  "I know what I am about, Mr. Curtis."

  "I dare say you understand your business, Mrs. Barnes, but if my uncleshould be disappointed, I am afraid the consequences will belamentable."

  "Do you think he'll live long, sir?"

  Curtis shrugged his shoulders.

  "It is very hard to tell. My uncle is a very feeble man."

  "And if he dies, I suppose the property goes to you?"

  "I suppose so."

  "But where does Florence come in?"

  "It seems to me, Mrs. Barnes, that you take a good deal of interest inour family affairs," said Curtis, suspiciously.

  "That's true, sir. Why shouldn't I take an interest in a nicegentleman like you?"

  Curtis smiled.

  "I am doing my best to find Florence. Then our marriage will takeplace, and it matters little to whom the property is left."

  "But I thought Miss Florence didn't care to marry you?"

  "It is only because she thinks cousins ought not to marry. It's afoolish fancy, and she'll get over it."

  "Thrue for you, sir. My first husband was my cousin, and we alwaysagreed, barrin' an occasional fight----"

  "I don't think Florence and I will ever fight, Mrs. Barnes."

  "What surprises me, Mr. Curtis, is that a nice-lookin' gentleman likeyou hasn't been married before."

  Curtis eyed her keenly, but her face told him nothing.

  "I never saw one I wanted to marry till my cousin grew up," he said.

  "I belave in marryin', meself. I was first married at sivinteen."

  "How long ago was that, Mrs. Barnes?"

  "It's long ago, Mr. Curtis. I'm an old woman now. I was thirty-fivelast birthday."

  Curtis came near laughing outright, for he suspected--what was true--that the nurse would never see her fiftieth birthday again.

  "Then you are just my age," he said.

  "If I make him laugh he won't suspect nothing," soliloquized the wilynurse. "That's a pretty big lie, even for me."

  "Shure I look older, Mr. Curtis," she said, aloud. "What wid the worryof losin' two fond husbands, I look much older than you."

  "Oh, your are very well preserved, Mrs. Barnes."

  Curtis went into his uncle's chamber.

  "How are you feeling, uncle?" he asked.

  "I think I am better," answered Mr. Linden, coldly, for he had notforgotten Mrs. Barnes' revelations.

  "That is right. Only make an effort, and you will soon be strongagain."

  "I think I may. I may live ten years to annoy you."

  "I fervently hope so," said Curtis, but there was a false ring in hisvoice that his uncle detected. "How do you like the new nurse?"

  "She is helping me wonderfully. You made a good selection."

  "I will see that she is soon discharged," Curtis inwardly resolved."If her being here is to prolong my uncle's life, and keep me stillwaiting for the estate, I must clear the house of her."

  "You must not allow her to buoy you up with unfounded hopes. She hasbeen telling you that Florence will soon return."

  "Yes; she seems convinced of it."

  "Of course she knows nothing of it. She may return, but I doubtwhether she is in Chicago now. I think the family she was with hasgone to Europe."

  "Where did you hear that, Curtis?" asked Mr. Linden, with unwontedsharpness.

  "I have sources of information which at present I do not care toimpart. Rest assured that I am doing all I can to get her back."

  "You still want to marry her, Curtis?"

  "I do, most certainly."

  "I shall not insist upon it. I should not have done so before."

  "Have you changed your mind, uncle?"

  "Yes; I have made a mistake, and I have decided to correct it."

  "What has come over him?" Curtis asked himself. "Some influencehostile to me has been brought to bear. It must be that nurse. I willquietly dismiss her to-morrow, paying her a week's wages, in lieu ofwarning. She's evidently a meddler."


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