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Rock n Roll Promises (YAE) (Rock n Roll Paraphantasy Series)

Page 9

by Ambear Shellea

  “A few more feet and I won’t. The smell is faint.”

  “So, why a few more feet?”

  “I just want to be sure it’s covered completely. The last thing we need is a pack of his friends showing up.”

  “I have been thinking about that. I think we need to call Jaxson.”

  Paige stopped shoveling and stared at the man in front of her. She let the wooden handle slip from her grip as she studied the grim expression on his face. His brows were furrowed and his eyes had darkened. That was the trigger. Fear seemed to crawl up her spine like a spider on its web: slow and determined.

  “You think they will come for Anna, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I do. From what I have learned from hunting them, they share some kind of connection with other pack members. How powerful that connection is depends on rank. For example, their link to the leader will be the strongest. However, they will feel it, whether in human form or wolf, if a member is killed or dies. The question is, whether or not they will avenge the death, and again, that risk rides on rank.”

  “By the look on your face, you think Perry sits high in rank?”

  “Paige, I fear he is the leader. As I said, my team and I have been monitoring him and his pack. From what we can gather, if he is not the head honcho, he is the highest in this area. He is the biggest of the bunch and they have been following his orders.”

  “Why hasn’t your team done away with them yet?”

  “Because we haven’t seen them do anything that endangers humans yet.

  We suspect they are behind more than the kids at the cliffs, but we don’t have proof. For all we know, it could have been a rogue pack passing through the area. We didn’t even know to look for any pack in this area until those kids died. It was obvious they were killed for sport by werewolves.”

  “Are there any other werewolves in the area?”

  “None that we found, just Perry’s, but we can’t prove they did it.”

  “Do you believe that?”

  “No, I think he is responsible, but without proof…I don’t relish killing. I believe all creatures deserve to live, and werewolves can live without taking human life. That is why I wait until I have solid proof. It would hurt me too much to go on what I think and kill them, only to find out later it was someone else. I would be the same as the mindless murderers I hunt.”

  Anger flashed across her skin as her protective nature took over. She stormed over to him, hands flying in every direction. “He tried to kill Anna! Isn’t that proof enough?”

  “It could be explained away as a need to get rid of a rival.”

  “Why are you protecting and defending him?”

  “I’m not protecting him, as you recall I did shoot him and it killed him. I did it without blinking. I am not trying to defend him. I’m trying to be objective. I did not say he didn’t get what was due him. Listen to me. What if the two incidences are not related? My point is, I had not killed him to this point because I didn’t have proof of his offense. However, that doesn’t change the fact that his pack may come for us.”

  Sighing, she let her anger go and reached up to kiss him. She was on her toes with her mouth a few inches away when the buzzing from her phone vibrated her leg from inside her pocket. She gave him a quick peck and pulled out her phone.

  “Speak of the devil. It’s Jaxson.”

  The metal was smooth and cold under her finger as she slid her hands across her phone to answer it. “Hey, we were just talking about you.”

  “Really? Have you heard from Anna? I have been calling her phone for hours and she won’t answer. Is she still mad at me?”

  “Oh she ticked at you, but that is not why she didn’t answer her phone. She invoked her trance.”

  “What? Why did she do that? She knows not to do that without protection, what—”

  “Hey, hey, hey, take a chill pill. She’s doing what you asked her to do. What am I, chopped liver? Ozzie and I are here watching over her. What help could you offer her more than that?”

  “I will be right over!” The dial tone hung in her ear as she looked at the phone. “What crawled in his pants today?”

  “He’s just worried about her; that is all. He loves her, you know?”

  “I take it you heard the conversation?”

  “Yes, that phone is very loud. Well, look at it this way; I was going to have you have him come over here anyway. Now he is.”

  “Yep. How do you know so much about him anyway?”

  “He’s part of my Monday night poker crew.”

  “Oh, you mean guys night in?”

  "Exactly! Plus we hang out quite a bit.”

  “I knew you were friends, but I didn’t know you were close friends.” She wrapped her arms around his frame when he pulled her close. She always felt warm and safe in his embrace, as if to confirm she belonged there. She turned her eyes up to him as his soft voice filled her ear.

  “Does that bother you?”

  “Not at all. He’s obviously never going away. Can I ask you a question, a serious one?” “Sure.”

  “If I left, would you go with me?”

  “Why would you leave, is something wrong?”

  Tightening her arms, she pulled him back when he tried to pull away as the situation got serious. “Answer my question first, and then I will explain. I just have to know.”

  “I would think you would already know the answer to that question. My life is here, always has been—”

  Tears welled up in her eyes and dropped from her cheeks. Pain seared in her chest as a theoretical knife plunged deeply into her heart.

  Is he about to tell me he won’t leave? I can’t stand to hear it. I won’t hear it.

  She placed her hand over his mouth and stopped him from speaking.

  “Don’t say it.” She noticed her wrist looked very tiny in his grip as he removed her hand.

  “Don’t say what? That I would follow you to Hell and back? Paige, why…are you serious? Did you think I was going to say no?”

  “For a second there I did. It’s your own fault. You should have started with the following me to Hell and back. I had to ask because there was a small chance you wouldn’t. I mean, it’s not as if my life is normal.”

  “Woman you are crazy, but God knows I love you. I know all about your life and I am still here, I love you, all of you. Why would I want normal? Normal is boring and overrated. I mean really, who is normal? Even we humans aren’t completely normal.”

  “But you are normal.”

  “You think so? A family line dating back centuries of supernatural hunters is normal? Besides that, I am a special breed of human. Not all humans have my family’s strength. We are like the Hercules of humans.”

  “Is that why you are so strong? I thought it was because you worked out.”

  “Nope, just keeping up appearances.”

  Her mouth covered his. Heat flashed across her skin as desire filled her body and fueled her craving. Hands in his hair and a leg wrapped around his, she pressed herself into him. She talked around his kiss.

  “I think I need more of you, now!” She felt him break the kiss and she saw the lust in his eyes when she looked at him.

  “You wanna do that here over a grave, or you wanna go inside? I would prefer not over the grave, but hey I am not picky.”

  She placed a wicked smile on her face. “I’ll race you!”

  “To where? The house or your room?” “The house.” She turned and bolted, laughing the whole way.

  Chapter 10

  She felt her heart beat against her chest and the air pull through her lungs as she started the awakening process. Her muscles unlocked and flexed, giving her mobility and free movement. At last her eyes fluttered open and her ears picked up the sounds of music and moans. Bent at the waist and hands in her lap, she sat up in bed. A little confused and bit disoriented, she wiped the matte from her eyes and shook her head slightly.

  I wonder how long I have been out. The candles are still b
urning, but knowing Paige, she could have replaced the burned out ones with new ones.

  She threw the covers back and flung her feet over the bed. She got up and shuffled through the door. With her arms at full length and mouth open, she stretched and yawned as she walked to the living room.

  Oh that feels good. My muscles are always so stiff after the trance.

  She rounded the corner. As she stepped into the living room, a huge surprise awaited her. Stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes bulged a bit, at the scene before her. There on the floor, buck naked, were Ozzie and Paige doing the nasty.

  Really? Ugh. I am going to have to replace my carpet!

  A wicked idea crept into her brain and made her smile.

  Huh, a bit of revenge, I think.

  “That is way more of you than I wanted to see, Ozzie.”

  She tried to keep a straight face as the two on the floor jerked their heads around wearing shocked and embarrassed expressions. To her surprise, not only were their bodies locked together, but apparently so were their comments as they both spoke.


  “Busted! I am going to turn up the radio and go make some coffee. When I return I sure hope Ozzie is wearing some clothes. Although, I have to say, Paige, you were right. He is well proportioned in all the right places.”

  She almost laughed out loud at the expressions they wore. Ozzie was embarrassed and Paige was, well, she looked a bit confused. The sparkle in her eyes seemed to say ‘I know, right?’While the rest of her expression said, ‘Shut up now!’

  The sound of the door being flung open caught her attention, and she noticed as she raised her head that the two on the floor did so as well. The sunlight burst through the open door, and she had to cover her eyes and shade her face. With her hand on her forehead, she peered at the large shape in the room. It stood tall, breathing heavy and still held onto the door, taking in the scene. His eyes went from face to face. Her eyes met his and she just about blew a gasket.



  “Jaxson! What are you doing here? Sweet Jesus! There is too much going on before I have had my coffee.” She dropped her hand. Soft, plush carpet formed around her feet as she walked around the still naked couple on the floor and passed the man at the door. Standing in front of the radio she demanded, “Jaxson, close the dang door!”

  She watched his face go from her to the couple on floor and back. She turned away, ignoring it all and turned up the radio. “Crazy on you” by Heart blared through the speakers and vibrated the windows.

  An oldie but a goodie. Now, time for coffee.

  Her back to the commotion in the room, she strode to the kitchen. Skirting the countertop, one hand on the handle and the other on the water knobs, she grabbed the glass pot and placed it under the running faucet. Water splashed her hand when she slammed the glass pot on the counter because someone had touched her radio and turned down the music. Storming into the living room, the scene had changed, thankfully. The naked couple had disappeared and Jaxson stood with his hand on the remote.

  “What in the world do you think you are doing?”

  “We need to talk.”

  “Well, I need music and my morning coffee.” She walked over and snatched the remote from his hand. “Don’t touch my radio. I will hurt you over that!”

  She tried not to, but she laughed when he raised his arms in surrender and laughed.

  “I will keep it low enough we can talk in the kitchen, but it has to stay on.” She pressed the button on the remote and raised the volume some, but low enough to carry a conversation.

  “I know! I remember. I wasn’t turning it off, just down a bit.”

  “You remember what?”

  “That your vampire craving is music. Instead of blood, lust, or sex, for you, you feed off music.”

  “Since you remember, give me a dang minute.”

  She closed her eyes and let the beat of the music seep through her pores and into her bones. The tempo traveled through the air and played in her ears, snaking its way down to her core. It swam in her veins and strengthened her might. Her feet tapped to the music and her muscles flexed with vitality and life. It was glorious. She felt stronger by the second and happier with each note. She inhaled deeply and slowly, as if to meditate. Her heart beat steadied and pulse pounded against her skin. Finally, she opened her eyes and exhaled once before she looked at the man next to her.

  “Do you feel better?”

  “Yes. Now it is time for coffee and conversation. You are right, we need to talk.”

  She strode to the kitchen and the smell of fresh brewed coffee wafted into her face. She stopped and took in a big breath, savoring the scent of French Vanilla and fresh coffee.

  “I decided to finish the coffee while you feasted on the music. You are pretty grumpy, and I know how much you need both. You need the music for your cravings and the coffee to chase away the drowsiness of sleep.”

  “Thank you, that was very thoughtful.”

  Opening the cabinet, she pulled down two coffee mugs and filled them with coffee. Handing over one of the mugs, she sipped her coffee one handed. The hot, smooth taste of coffee was just what she needed.

  Aah, that’s what just what the doctor ordered.

  She turned her eyes to Jaxson and walked to the table. “Sit. I have questions.”’

  She watched his muscles flex as he moved to the table.

  Man, I swear he is going to burst out of that shirt. I like it. Nothing like a cotton shirt stretched over a muscled chest and arms.

  Smiling inwardly at her lusty thoughts, she sipped more of her coffee and tried to focus on the now. It wasn’t too long before his question brought her back.

  “Paige said you went into your trance. Did you find what you were looking for?”

  “I found out who you are, if that’s what you mean.”

  “And who am I?”

  “A pain in my ass, as usual.” She smiled around her coffee cup. “What were you expecting me to find?” She sipped her drink waiting for his reply.

  “Why these games, Anna? Why not just answer the dang question?”

  She set her cup on the table and responded, “It sucks when someone talks in riddles and answers cryptically, doesn’t it?”

  “So this is what…payback?”


  “Then what is it?”

  “OK, yeah, it is a little payback, but you deserve it. Why didn’t you just tell me? I mean, why the secrecy? I hate that. You know that is why I left Australia in the first place and came back home. I despise Sebastian for what he turned me into, but he drove me crazy with all his secrets and lies and you know that!” She pointed her finger at him. “Why did you change your appearance and modify your name? Why not just tell me who you were from the beginning when you met me at the airport? Instead you introduced yourself as a taxi driver and offered me and Paige a ride here. I don’t understand.” She dropped her arm on the table and cupped her hands around her mug.

  “Before I explain all that, I want you to tell me exactly who I am and how you figured it out. How far back did you go and when did you find me?”

  “I went back to the night I met Sebastian, where this life began. It took me until the night before Paige and I left to come home to figure it out; the night Sebastian told me about my guardian.”

  “And who is your guardian?”

  “You, or Jack as you were known to me back then. Now it is your turn.”

  “Well as you will remember, I, as your tattoo left you that night. Sebastian called to me while you were sleeping. I removed myself from your back and went to him. He told me of your conversation and I completely freaked out. I knew I had blown my chance.”

  “Blown your chance for what?”

  “I rescued you once before, do you remember?” “Sort of, yes, but still, don’t know how…oh, right. You were on my back.”

  “Exactly. I was terrified for you. I was afraid I had surfaced too late. That
is why those men didn’t die right then and there. I got them off you and rushed you away. But you barely remembered I was there at all. I had hoped that one day you would see me as your knight in shining armor, so to speak, but after Sebastian taught you how to pull forth your vamp powers and fight for yourself I really wasn’t necessary. I stayed on your back anyway, just in case. Then when he told me about telling you, he said you flipped your lid and you were leaving. I was afraid if I revealed who I really was to you, as in Jack your guardian, that you would shun me as well, so I cut my hair, changed my style, which, by the way, I am so glad you know now because I hated wearing those preppy boy’s clothes. Baggy pants, polo shirts with the sweater draped over my shoulder, and glasses. It really isn’t me.”

  “I can see that. I have to say, I much prefer this jeans and T-shirt look you got going. The shirt is tight, but the jeans have a snug fit to them. I like it. Anyway, finish what you were saying.”

  “So I changed my looks and followed you here. Anna, I am in love with you and I always have been from the first moment I saw you. That is why I was furious when Sebastian targeted you. That’s what we were arguing about when you first woke up as a vampire. I was angry he turned you, but I felt betrayed because he knew how I felt about you and he slept with you anyway, and to top it off, he had to give me all the details.”

  “Is that why you were always in and out for months at a time?”

  “Yes. I couldn’t stand to see you two together, but I always came back because it was torture to be away from you.”

  “See us together…Jaxson, we weren’t together as in boyfriend and girlfriend. I had to stay. I had nowhere to go and for a long time, I had a lot to learn.”

  “I know that, but at the same time, you seemed to get where you tolerated him, and for a while maybe even liked him. I was afraid you would change your mind and…at worst I thought you might date him or even sleep with him again. I couldn’t stand to see that.”

  “OK, but it still doesn’t explain why you just didn’t tell me when we were at your house. Why not explain it then? Why this charade?”

  “Because, I figured if you did it this way, when you found me, you would know that when I say I love you, I mean it. I wanted you to see there has only been you. I wanted this to prove what I said is true, I will always be here for you and I always have. If I had just told you, would you have believed me?


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