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Unexpected Company: #2 of Company Men

Page 7

by Crystal Perkins

  "I knew you had them, but I didn't know your daddy's was so big."

  "Grace," Keir implores.

  "Have you seen one before?" Connor asks.

  "Kill me now."

  "Yes," I tell him, thoroughly enjoying this.

  "Okay, good. You won't be scared of it."

  "No, honey, I definitely won't be scared."

  "My teacher said boys shouldn't show them to girls," Trevor tells me.

  "Not unless the girl wants to see it, and you want to show it to her."

  "I cannot believe this conversation is happening right now."

  "Can I see your vagina?" Connor asks.

  "No!" Keir yells, as I choke on the sip of water I just took.

  I compose I can answer. "It's not polite to ask a girl to see her vagina, Con."

  "Oh. Sorry. I didn't know."

  "It's okay."

  "No. No, it is not okay. None of this conversation is okay. You're supposed to be like thirteen when we have these conversations."

  Keir looks like he's going to pass out at any second, so I reach across the table, and place my hand over his. I'm amused, and not embarrassed by his boys, and I need him to know that.

  "They're just asking about body parts, Keir, and not how to use them. You can save that for later, although I'd say you're probably looking at ten, and not thirteen, for that talk."

  "I know how to use mine," Trevor says. "I pee with it."

  "Yep. That's it. All you need to know now," Keir tells him. "We are officially done with this conversation."

  "Are you going to have your talk with Grace now?" Trevor asks.

  "After I do the dishes, yes. You guys are excused."

  "If I need help with my homework, I'll wait until you're done talking."

  "Thanks, Trev."

  The boys practically bounce out of their seats, which is truly adorable, but also a little sad, because they told me they know our talk is important. They want us to be okay, and I realize part of that is because there's a good chance they saw their parents not getting along before their mom left. I'm not going to pry, but I hope Keir opens up to me about what happened.


  I insist on Grace going to relax in the family room while I do the dishes. She cooked, so the least I can do is clean. I put the leftovers in containers she must've brought with her, and wipe down the counters once the dishwasher is loaded. I'm not going to lie, and pretend I don't take a little extra time, trying to think of where to start.

  "You scared to come over here?" she finally asks, and I drop the dishtowel I was using, and man up.


  "I only bite when I'm aroused...or provoked. And right now, I'm neither."

  "I hope to change that, but for now, I just don't know where to start."

  "Wherever you want is good."

  "Jacky and I were the cliché. College sweethearts turned young married couple. She was happy with me when I was off in war zones, and photo studios, making a big chunk of money. When I got tired of traveling, and wanted to spend more than a few days at a time with her and the boys, our problems began."

  "I really don't like her."

  "Join the club. Anyway, I started doing the undercover jobs, checking out local businesses, while shooting weddings, and portraits. It was enough money for us to live comfortably, but not at the level she'd gotten herself accustomed to. She started putting me down every chance she got, and trying to force me to take better jobs."

  "Force you?"

  "She withheld sex, stopped cooking and cleaning, and attempted to make my life a living hell."

  "Oh my God."

  "It didn't work, because I had the boys and they made me happy enough to not care about what my wife was doing. That infuriated her even more, until she finally just walked out. I was in denial that she was actually gone for about a week, and then I got the paperwork from her lawyer."

  "Divorce papers."

  "And papers giving up her rights to the boys. When I wasn't good enough, she didn't want them, either."

  "I could kill her right now, and not feel bad about it."

  "For me, or for the boys?"

  "Both. You are great at what you do, and if she wanted to live like a queen, she could work like one. And those boys are the epitome of love."

  "They are, and thanks. So, when she pulled this shit, I was a mess. Not on the outside, because my boys didn't need to see that when they'd already lost their mom. I was broken inside over what she'd done to them, and how inferior she made me feel."

  "Don't forget your broken heart."

  "There wasn't one of those. I think she'd spent too much time trying to break me, and somewhere along the way, I realized I wasn't in love with her. Had we divorced amicably, I'd probably still love her as the mother of my children, but with what she did, I feel nothing but disgust."

  "You're sure? Because I really don't want to be a rebound for that being I saw at the game. A rebound in any way is never good, but to her? I would rather never date again in my life."

  "Don't hold back," I tell her with a smile. "And yes, I am completely sure."

  "I'm choosing to believe you."

  "I appreciate it. To continue my sad and embarrassing saga, I didn't want to live in my hometown anymore, but I wasn't sure there were a lot of options for me. Ainsley offered me a place to stay, so I took it. I didn't know it included setting me up with her friend for one of the most disastrous dates in history, or that she'd orchestrated a job for me. So yeah, I'm still embarrassed about both, and because of it, I made some wrong choices with you that hurt you, and cost me my first chance with you."

  "Two things about what you just said. One, I want to know about the disastrous date, because Harlow is beyond hot, and I can't imagine you not giving your all with her. Two, I hired you, not Miles. Since you already know I didn't have any clue she was your sister, you can be secure in the knowledge that you got this job on your own."

  "She still got me the interview, and put the idea in Miles head about creating the job for me."

  "Maybe so, but if you'd sucked in your interview, or not been qualified, I wouldn't have hired you. Miles left it up to me, because he knew you'd be working directly with me, and not him."

  "He had no input?"

  "Of course, he had input. His name's on the building, and I was just a little upset with you after the water incident. He talked me down from wanting to punch you, because he knew I wanted to hire you before we met."

  "You can still punch me if that helps."

  "I don't want to punch you, Keir."

  "What do you want."

  She looks away, and it breaks me a little, knowing she can't look me in the eye when she tells me her truth. "I need you to value me, and treat me like your equal."


  "What?" she asks, whipping her eyes back to mine.

  "I'm not your equal, Gracie. You are strong, fierce, and incredible. I'm just a single dad who can't do much right. I know that's not a good endorsement, when I'm trying to convince you to give me another chance, but it's the truth. I'm barely hanging on over here, but I'll give you everything I can. I promise."

  She gets up from the other side of the couch, and walks over to me. I look up at her, seeing the determination on her face. I'm scared of what it means, until she shocks the hell out of me by climbing over me, and straddling my lap.

  "You listen to me, Keir Martin."

  "I'll try, but I'm a little distracted."

  She smacks my shoulder, and I smile at her. "You are an amazing dad, and that alone makes you special. I'm pretty sure you're a good brother, and I know you're exceptional at your job. All those things alone would be enough for me to like you, but then there's the way you were with me in Phoenix; sexy, and romantic. Your kisses aren't too bad, either."

  "Forgive me if I'm wrong, but does this mean I get another chance."


  I reach up, and pull her down to me, kissing her hard. I w
ant so much more than just her kisses, but my boys are upstairs, waiting for their baths, and it's too soon to explain to them why she'd be here in the morning. So, kisses it is. Lots of them.



  "Please have a seat," I say, when one of my employees knocks on my door.

  "What now?" he asks.

  He's been in trouble more than once for a variety of misdeeds. Lying on reports, insubordination, and now, sexual harassment. I've written him up, but now he's going to be sent home, and then fired. Matt is on a trip, and he likes to be present for any terminations, so we're giving him the rest of the day off with pay.

  "You're going home for the rest of the day."

  "Excuse me?"

  "A complaint has been filed against you, and while it's being investigated, you'll need to stay out of the building." I don't tell him Scott Griffin has already locked him out of every piece of technology connected to C&C, because I know he's going to try, and it'll piss him off more to find out on his own.

  "That bitch can't take a joke."

  "As I said, Human Resources is investigating the complaint. You have an appointment with them at three tomorrow afternoon."

  "What if I don't go to the meeting?"

  "Do you really need me to tell you?"

  "I can't believe I'm being punished because you women have such thin skins."

  "I assure you, my skin is pretty thick."

  Security shows up as I stand, and I have to fight to keep the smirk off my face when I see Jyn is there with Theo. She's a badass, even after giving birth recently, and she'd love nothing more than to take down this misogynistic ass. Unfortunately, he doesn't fight.

  I call HR, and let them know he's on his way out, and fill out the form they emailed me. I've just sent it back when Jyn steps back into my office.

  "That was fun."

  "For who?"


  "The baby isn't keeping you entertained enough? Or is it Noah who's boring you?"

  "My girl is wonderful, and my man is amazing. I just like kicking assholes out of my building."

  "Your building, is it?"

  "Just shut it, and tell me why you and Keir Martin were steaming up the windows of your car this morning."

  "We're dating."

  "Come again?"

  "Not yet. Or even once. It's new."

  "You don't date men from C&C. Or really, any men, but especially not employees."

  "He's not really a C&C employee. He's a consultant. Kind of."

  "If that's what it takes to get you laid, I'll go for it...even if he has an employee badge, and parking spot."

  "Smart ass."

  "Smart boobs."

  "What?" I ask, bursting into laughter.

  "Didn't work, did it? I was thinking we're both smart, but we need different body parts. You have great boobs, so..."

  "I am so glad we're friends."

  "Me too. I have to get back to work, but let's do lunch this week."

  "Definitely. Just let me know when you'll be in, and I'll make it work."

  "Will do."

  She goes back to work, and so do I. Miles calls me in for a briefing before lunch, because he wanted to let me do the firing on my own. He respects me, and wants everyone else to do the same. He tells me he won't be there with Matt tomorrow, either. I'm surprised, but grateful, knowing he's doing this because he knows I can handle it on my own. Or at least as much on my own as Matt will allow.

  I've just returned to my office when my desk phone rings, and I see Ainsley's name on the display. "Hello," I say, amused because I know she's a tech goddess, and probably hacked into the security system to see where I was.

  "Your calendar says you’re free right now, so do you want to come and have a strategy lunch? We have a whole buffet going in our breakroom."

  "Hmm...a chance to see the inner circle of the Foundation? I'll have to think about that."

  She simply laughs. "See you in a few."


  An elevator is waiting for me when I get to the hallway, and that's not creepy at all. I wonder if Matt knows Ainsley's hacking into his whole company instead of just playing in the Foundation. Maybe he does, and just doesn't care. Either way, I'm not going to be snitching on her.

  Alex is at her desk in the Foundation lobby when I walk in, and I have to smile at how cute she looks with her baby bump. "Hey Grace, you need to stop hiding in your office, and visit me more often."

  "The whole point of hiring me was so I'd take on some of Miles workload so he could spend more time with you, so I kind of have to be in my office."

  "Logic has no place in my lobby."

  "Logic always has a place," Ainsley says, coming out of the hallway behind her, and hugging me.

  "Only for the logical."

  "Put the phones on after-hours, and come to lunch, Mrs. Free Spirit."

  "Only because my baby's hungry, and I know you got desserts from Drago Sisters."

  I laugh, and follow them down the hall. There are rooms on the sides of the hall, but only a few, and from what I can see, they are massive. Very different from each other, too. An old-fashioned library, a science lab, and a giant closet I know belongs to Stella, are just a few of them. My office downstairs, while designed for me by Chloe Griffin based on what I like, seems boring now.

  "I may not want to leave," I say, honestly, when I walk into the giant break room, where a large group of women are comfortably gathered, and see all the food on display.

  "I'm sure Reina wouldn't mind keeping you, but Miles would fight her for you," Alex tell me.

  "I wouldn't leave Miles, but maybe I can come over and visit?"

  "You're always welcome," Ainsley assures me.

  "Can I see where you work?"

  Conversation seems to stop as Reina walks in and answers for her. "I'm sorry, Grace, but some areas of our offices are off-limits. We're involved in situations with sensitive and confidential information sometimes."

  "Oh. I didn't think of that."

  "It's okay. I'll be happy to show you all the other offices after lunch, if you'd like."

  "That would be great."

  Lunch with these women turns out to really be a working one. Ainsley and Sierra combined their ideas for Connor's party into a packet we all look over. Everyone gives opinions, and while some are more passionate than others, all of them are respectful. The things they are planning are insane, and I'm definitely in awe of them right now. I know I can't help with some of the stuff, but they include me in everything I can handle, and I'm grateful for that. I was already convinced I was wrong to have complained about them, but now I know I'd like them to be my friends.


  I never thought I'd be entering a Lush store with my two sons, to buy things for both them and me. I might have come in to buy something for Ainsley, Sierra, or my mom, but not for myself. Yet, here I am.

  "Are you looking for something particular today?' A young woman in a black apron asks me.

  "Bath Bombs!" Connor yells.

  "Good choice," she tells him with a smile.

  "My friend bought them one, and they loved it, so we thought we'd pick up a few more."

  "Grace is your girlfriend, not just your friend," Trevor says.

  "I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet, so we'll just keep calling her my friend."

  "I can ask her," Connor tells me."

  "No. Please don't. I'll ask her when it's the right time."

  "Tomorrow night when you have your date?" Trevor asks.


  "You have your hands full," the girl tell me with a laugh, leading us to the bath bombs.

  "You have no idea."

  The boys pick out several they like the smell of, and also some she recommends to them. I turn around to the Bubble Bars, and make a few of my own choices, because I wasn't entirely joking when I said I'd like to take a bath with Grace. Her curves, bubbles...yeah, sign me up.

  "Would you like to see anything e
lse? We have shampoo, shaving stuff, and soaps as well."

  "Why not?"

  I end up spending a small fortune in the store, but I don't feel bad about it. The boys are looking forward to baths a couple times a week, I'm looking forward to some bubbles, and we all got stuff we can use every day. I'm actually feeling like a great dad at the moment.

  "Lush, huh?"

  I turn to see Joel walking up to me, shaking his head. "Wipe that smirk off your face, because I have no doubt you've shopped there before."

  "I'm not ashamed to admit I'm a regular, as are several of the guys I know, but I didn't know you'd been converted already. Welcome to the club."

  "Grace bought us a bath bomb that made the whole tub look like the night sky," Connor tells him.

  "Sierra and I have used that one before."

  "You take a bath with her? I didn't know boys and girls took baths together? Are you taking a bath with Grace, Daddy?" Trevor's rapid-fire questions hit me like bullets to the chest, because I don't know how I'm going to answer them.

  "Oops," Joel says, looking as panicked as I feel.

  Here goes nothing. "Sometimes when people love each other, or even just like each other a lot, they take baths together, and sleep in the same bed together."

  "Boys and girls?"

  "Men and women, men and men, and women and women all do it."

  "So, you and Grace are going to sleep in the same bed?" he asks, not questioning the same sex pairings I mentioned. I feel even better about my parenting skills right now.

  "Yes," I answer honestly, because it is going to happen.

  "And take baths?" Connor adds.


  "Okay," they both say in unison.

  "That was easy," Joel tells me with a laugh.

  "I think they like her more than me."

  The two little traitors just smile at me, denying nothing. I know they love me, so I ruffle their hair, and laugh along with Joel.

  "You heading home, or did you want to catch a bite to eat?"

  "I want to eat with Uncle Joel! "Connor informs me.

  Trevor chimes in as well. "Me too! Please!"

  "Let's eat," I say.

  The four of us walk down the outdoor mall to Lazy Dog Café. It's got a menu with something for everyone, and the boys love seeing the dogs people bring. We can't sit outside this time, because Joel would be hounded by baseball fans, but the hostess finds us a quiet corner inside. He still gets approached, but when he asks people to wait to post the photos until after he leaves, they all agree.


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