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More Than A Secret (More Than Best Friends Book 3)

Page 3

by Sally Henson

  I get my food in the cafeteria and shove a few fries in my mouth on the way toward the table where my friends are sitting. Tobi waves for me to hurry. She’s in the middle of a story when I take a seat next to her. “He was sooo flirty after we went downstairs.” She wiggles her eyebrows. “Stealing kiss after kiss and—”

  “Okay, okay,” Cam says with a wave of his hands. “We don’t need the play-by-play lip action.”

  I cover my full mouth and snicker.

  “Oh, shut up,” Haylee rumbles to Cam. “I want the details.”

  My eyes meet his. Cam’s grin grows even wider.

  Tobi waves her hand, dismissing their bickering. “He described how beautiful Montana is in the winter with the snow, a fire crackling in the fireplace, and sleigh rides. I was turning all gooey, oohing and ahhing over everything. And then he said, Christmas with me was going to be so magical.”

  “I’m out.” Cam grabs our trays and heads toward the trash can.

  “It was seriously so romantic.” All three of us girls sigh a swoony sigh at the same time.

  Rex is the first guy she’s dated since Jack the jerk last year. Thankfully that relationship ended the night of Lane’s graduation party.

  “This is so exciting.” I give her a side hug. “I can’t believe your parents are letting you go on vacation with your boyfriend.”

  Her eyes bulge out when she says, “I know.”

  “I wish I could find a guy like that,” Haylee says as Cam returns.

  He ignores her comment and asks Tobi, “When are you leaving?”

  “After my exam in the morning,” she says with a huge grin. “Already turned in my business paper for that class.”

  Haylee juts her lip out in a pout. “Lucky. Who am I going to hang out with over Christmas now?”

  “Sorry, girl,” Tobi says. “Romantic sleigh rides are calling me.”

  “Maybe it’ll snow here.” Haylee props her chin in her hand. Her chocolate drop eyes glaze over as if she’s daydreaming.

  Cam chugs his water and releases out a loud belch. “Santa Claus could give you a sleigh ride.” He winks at Haylee.

  She snarls, scrunches her nose in disgust, and puts more space between them.

  Tobi asks, “What’s up with Miss Braun hauling you to her office?”

  “Nothing. She wanted to show me some summer camps.” I finish my drink as the bell rings. I toss my water bottle and head into the hallway behind my friends.

  Tobi turns in the crowded hall and asks, “What camps did Miss Braun have?”

  “Marine science. I didn’t even know they had those.” I stop in front of my locker.

  Tobi gives me a look as if she’s waiting for the details.

  I turn, twirl my combination, and give her an explanation that should keep her from pushing the subject further. “You know Dad will never go for that. I’m lucky I even get to go to volleyball camp.”

  Tobi takes a few backward steps. She looks extra nice today. Skinny jeans, pink off-the-shoulder sweater, and cowboy boots to match. It probably has something to do with Rex, Christmas in Montana, and a dreamy make-out session on her sofa last night.

  “Love the boots,” I say with a grin.

  She winks. “Thanks.” Just before she turns around, she says, “Don’t give up.”

  I nod as if I’m in agreement. Marine science is over for me. My dad has made that perfectly clear. I check my phone to make sure there are no new messages from Lane before I slip it in my backpack.



  The rush of customers kept me from taking lunch. I climb in my truck and read Regan’s text before I get something to eat. Giving her a phone was a brilliant idea. I’m still a little shocked her dad let me. He’s not paying for it though.

  I send her another message.

  Me: Hey, sorry. You wouldn’t believe how many people came through in the last two hours. Would’ve rather talked to you.

  A new message notification pops up as I’m sending that to Regan.

  Lincoln: I need to talk to you.

  I tense up. Crap. Please don’t let it be about making out with Regan on her birthday date.

  Me: Okay

  Lincoln: I need a ride from the airport.

  My muscles loosen. Not about Regan. Whew.

  Me: Rent a car.

  Lincoln: Pick me up?

  Come on, Linc. The closest airport is two hours away. Give me a break. I blow out a breath and stare out the windshield, debating. Who else is he going to ask, his dad?

  Me: Which airport?

  Lincoln: Chicago.

  Chicago? I’m not sure my truck would even make it that far.

  Me: When?

  Lincoln: Tonight.

  Me: Can’t. I’m working. Won’t get off in time.

  Lincoln: Where you working?

  Me: Dry cleaners in Charleston.

  Lincoln: You off tomorrow?

  Me: No.

  Lincoln: Take tomorrow off. I need your help.

  Me: You could have given me a few days’ notice.

  Lincoln: Last-minute flight. Come on.

  I don’t want to bug out on Mr. Paddock. He and his wife have been good to me, letting me off, changing up my hours whenever I need to.

  Me: If they’ll let me off without firing me.

  Lincoln: Find out now. I’ll wait…tell them a family emergency came up.

  I’d forgotten what a ram-rod he could be.

  Me: Give me a minute.

  I head back in to ask.

  Lucky for Lincoln, Mrs. Paddock loves me. I send him a message I’m off, but I have to work until closing tonight.

  Lincoln: Good. Don’t tell Regan or anyone. I’ll call you later.

  I head across the street for a quick sandwich before I starve to death and can’t finish the second shift.


  Cold air blasts my face as I step outside, turning the sweat beads along my hairline into ice crystals. It sends a shiver through my body but feels good at the same time. Thirteen hours in a sweatshop will do that.

  I lock the back door of the dry cleaners and pull my phone out to check for a missed call from Regan’s brother. Nothing. I thought he was going to call me?


  My stomach growls as I step onto the parking lot and head to my truck, checking my messages along the way. The sandwich from lunch is long gone. Guess I’ll order a pizza because I’m not up to going anywhere but the dorm. I unlock my truck and start the engine. For once I don’t mind that the heater doesn’t work that great.

  As soon as I pull my door shut, someone beats on my passenger door. I jump and bump my hand against the steering wheel, honking the horn as a result. Crap!

  I lean over to get a better look at who would be in the employee parking area this time of night. Lincoln Stone stares through the glass, chuckling, getting a good laugh at my expense.

  He pounds again and I unlock the door. “Dude!” I bark and shake my head.

  Linc mutters something to a person in the car next to mine before he opens the door and slides in. I didn’t even notice the car when I came out. “Miss me?” he asks.

  I huff out a breath. “You want the truth?”

  He laughs. “You good with me staying at your place tonight?”

  “Do I have a choice?” I ask.

  He slaps me on the shoulder. “Not really.”

  I shake my head and back out of the parking spot. This is what we do. Give each other a hard time. It is good to see him. I’m just not sure how an all-night visit will go after Regan admitted to parking in the middle of nowhere. My stomach growls again. “You hungry?” I ask.

  He shakes his head. “I’m good.”

  Since I’m in a hurry and don’t really care what I eat, I open the Panther Pizza app and order a medium pepperoni and call it good. “I thought you were in Chicago,” I say, pulling out of the parking lot.

  “I was just screwing with you. My buddy picked me up at the airport last night. He says
he knows you. Even met Regan.”

  I glance over at Linc. His arm stretches along the back of the bench seat. He doesn’t look ticked, but it’s hard to tell. “Mr. Warren? Uh, yeah. Regan’s had questions about you dropping out of school, not coming home. After you made a short appearance this summer, it all came back up.”

  “Hmm.” He rubs his face.

  He doesn’t say much to begin with. Just when I think I’m in the clear, he asks, “How’s the band thing?”

  Wow, I wasn’t expecting him to go this route. “Actually, it’s going great. We have a steady gig on Friday nights. You know Ted’s barn, right?”

  “I don’t give a flip about the band. What I really want to know is what happens in your little parking sessions with Regan?”


  Good grief, is he going to be like this all night?



  Lincoln incessantly honks the horn. The engine roars behind me, pushing my legs to move as fast as possible. I glance over my shoulder to see an evil grin spread across his face behind the steering wheel. It’s one thing to hate my guts for falling in love with his sister, but to run me over with my own truck? That’s where I have to take a stand. I turn around and ready myself for impact. He will have to look me in the eyes when he kills me.


  Something lands in my crotch and causes me to double over.

  “Wake up! Your alarm is freaking loud.”

  My eyes pop open. The overhead light bounces off my white walls, and I catch sight of my girlfriend’s brother leaving my room. What a nightmare.

  “That’s the point,” I rattle off. My throat feels like it hosted an all-night sand storm. I fumble for my phone, shut the alarm off, and head for the bathroom.

  On my way back to my room, I see Lincoln sitting on the futon down the short hall. He’s hunched over his knees, staring at his phone. My hand scrubs down my face for the hundredth time already this morning. I close my door, clear my throat, and chug some water.

  The screen of my phone catches the light just right for me to see my reflection. The smile on my face doesn’t lie. It could be the middle of the night and I’d still wake up smiling if I knew I was about to talk to her.

  I type in my passcode and call her house.

  “Hello?” her mom answers.

  I clear my throat once more. “Morning, Mrs. Stone. It’s Lane. Could I talk to Regan?”

  “Oh, good morning, Lane. Sure, let me get her for you.”

  “Thanks.” I stretch, trying to wake up, while I wait.

  “Hey, you’re actually calling me? I’m honored.”

  I can hear her smile. Is that a thing? Hearing someone smile? I shake my head and get back to the mission. “Morning, pretty girl. Did you get my message about working late yesterday?”

  “Yeah. You sound tired.”

  I cover up my yawn. “It was a long day, but I have some good news. I’m coming home earlier today. How about I pick you up from school and eat dinner at your house tonight?”

  “That would be awesome! I get out at two today though. Can you be there that early?” she asks.

  “I’ll be there. Supper’s okay with your mom?” I need to make sure her mom is expecting an extra person because there will actually be two of us.

  “Oh, I’m sure it will be. My parents like you much more than they do me. But I’ll ask. Hold on.”

  I crash back on top of my bed while I wait. Regan shouldn’t feel that way about her parents. I wish I could change that. Not sure Lincoln being home will make things better.

  “Chicken fettuccini alfredo and all the fixings work for you?” she asks.

  “Mmm,” I moan. “I love it when you talk food to me.”

  She giggles. “I can’t wait to see you.”

  “Me too.” If only I didn’t have to share her with Lincoln. It’ll be worth it.

  “Maybe we can get lost on the back roads on the way home? Or watch starry movies in the night sky after supper?”

  I love doing both. It’s not going to happen today. It would be awkward having her brother there while Regan causes my distracted driving, but I play along. “Yes, please.”

  She giggles. “I know it’s only been a day, but I have a lot to tell you.”

  “Can’t wait. Good luck on your tests today.”

  She groans. “Thanks. I need it.”

  “See you after school, Regan Lee-Ann Stone,” I say her name in that low voice that she likes.

  “Okay,” she whispers. “Bye.”

  I love that I can affect her like that. If she were two years older, she’d be at college with me. Instead of calling her on the phone, she’d be next to me this morning…

  I tap the red button and toss my phone on the bed. Lincoln’s presence will most definitely cause me to miss out on back roads with Regan. A workout this morning is a must.



  Cam and I stroll across the gym after our last test to the parking lot. Our phones buzz one right after the other. He chuckles as I unlock my screen. I glance over and see him staring at his phone.

  Lane already sent me a message he was here to pick me up from school. It’s probably not him. I see a new message from Tobi and open it. She sent me a goofy photo in the airport of Rex holding her waist while she leans forward, arms out as if she’s flying. It’s just like that scene in the movie Titanic at the bow of the ship. All those people staring would mortify me.

  “Tobi?” Cam asks and tilts his phone for me to see. I do the same.

  Our phones ping again. I read her message and tell Cam, “Yeah. Guess they’re boarding the plane now.”

  Cam holds open the door leading to the parking lot, allowing me to step through before him. “Wish I could escape for a couple weeks,” he mumbles.

  I look up and see his frown. It is so out of place for him. My eyebrows knit together and I ask, “Are you okay?”

  He gives me a sideways look, presses his lips together, and his mischievous grin takes over.

  I’m not sure what the frown was about, but every time he gets that look, he tries to drag me into doing something dumb. I start to protest, but he’s faster.

  His arm circles my head and before I know it, he has me in a headlock. Rocks scattering as I trip over my own feet trying to keep pace with Cam. And all the while, my face is smooshed against his coat.

  Yeah, embarrassing.

  I smack his back, push, pull, even punch him in the gut, but I can’t get away. His knuckles continue to scrape against the top of my head—giving me a noogie. My brother used to do this to me.

  All. The. Time.

  Even Lane does this on rare ignorant occasions. I hate it as much now as I did then.

  “What’s the matter Regan?” Cam asks as he feigns concern.

  I shout for him to let me go. With my mouth smashed against his coat, I could scream bloody murder and it would come out a mumble.

  “What was that?” he teases. Cars and trucks roar to life, rock crackles under the tires, and my face is so hot, it might burn a hole in his coat.

  He announces to someone, “I brought you a Christmas present.”

  As if what he’s doing to me isn’t embarrassing enough? I can’t see a thing. He better be talking to Lane.

  Lane chuckles. “Let her go, man.”

  I stop my fight when I hear Lane’s voice. He won’t allow Cam to keep his hold on me.

  “Glad you’re here to take over. She’s been a thorn in my side.” Cam laughs at his own dumb joke.

  “She’s been a thorn in my ass for seventeen years.” My brother’s voice rings out.

  I gasp and get a mouth full of Cam’s coat. It makes me cough and sputter. “Linc? Is that you?”

  “What was that, sis?” Lincoln asks. “I can’t hear you.”

  Cam laughs. “Dude, you're my dude.” He finally releases me and shakes Lincoln’s hand. “Cameron Montgomery. Official tormentor to your sister.”

  I push my hair o
ut of my face and take a few breaths before I punch Cam in the arm. “You know I hate it when you do that.”

  Cam ignores me. “It was good to meet you, Lincoln. Merry Christmas.” They shake hands again.

  “You too, Cameron. I’m glad someone’s picked up the torch.” Linc nods my direction.

  I roll my eyes. You’d think my brother would hug me, say how glad he is to see me, not encourage Cam’s brotherly torment.

  Cam gives Lane his usual bro hug. “Merry Christmas. Let’s get together while you’re home. For once.”

  “Yeah,” Lane says with a chuckle. “I’ll get a hold of you.”

  “Merry Christmas, Regan.” Cam wraps me up in a bear hug, pinning my arms to my sides. “You hit like a flea.” And then he whispers, “Eat something while you’re on break, please. You’re too skinny.” He sets me down and pierces me with his dark, blue-jean eyes.

  The emotion in his voice cause my eyes to sting. I blink the tears away before they spill over my lashes. Lane’s hand finds its way around my waist and breaks the spell binding Cam and me.

  Cam tosses a wave at the three of us before he struts toward his truck.

  Lane mumbles, “What was that about?”

  I shrug and meet Linc’s open arms. “I can’t believe you kept your word!”

  Linc squeezes me too tight. “Ouch.” He’s crushing my lungs. “Ugh, can’t breathe.”

  Linc pulls back and looks me up and down. His eyebrows hang low, making his eyes look dark.

  “What?” I ask.

  He presses his lips into a tight line and scowls at Lane.

  Lane sighs and slips his hand in mine. “Come on.”

  Linc tugs me his way.

  I look back and forth between them, trying to figure out what’s going on. The rumble of Cam’s truck nears. The train horn he has installed blasts and causes me to jerk my hands to myself. For once, his knack for irritating me works to my advantage.


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