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Berserker's Rage

Page 13

by Elle Boon

  “How are your parents doing, ma petite?”

  “Dad is the strongest man, next to you, that I know. I’m the luckiest woman in the world.”

  He didn’t agree. If there was a lucky person in the room, it was him. “No, I am lucky. So damn lucky to have you. I almost lost you, again. I swear I’m going to tag your ass with a GPS locator, woman.” He rubbed soft, round butt cheeks.

  She tugged her plump bottom lip between her teeth. “Hmm, that sounds kinky.” Moving forward, her lips a breath away from his, she brushed them over his.

  Her hands fanned out over his chest.

  They were lying on her big bed, wearing way too many clothes.

  “I’m going to take the lead this time, and you, big guy, are going to just lay there and take it.” She quirked at eyebrow.

  Hal inclined his head and Felicity took that as her approval. She straddled his hips, clad in a pair of yoga capris and a tank top. He swore his heart was pounding so hard she had to be able to hear it.

  Her fingers grabbed the end of his T-shirt and tugged it up. With each bit of his flesh she exposed, Felicity would bend down and kiss, making blood race to his already engorged cock.

  “Let me take your top off, too.” That plump lip disappeared between her teeth, but she nodded. He reached up and tugged the tank up and over her head. The action made her fall forward, her breasts brushing against him. Her hard little nipples became even tighter. God, but he loved her breasts. He wanted to taste her, to suck on her breasts while she rode them both to orgasm.

  “Remember, I’m in charge this time.”

  He shook his head to clear his mind. “What did I do?”

  Even through the lust filled fog he could see the way she flushed. “I saw what you were thinking.”

  The way his dick was throbbing between her thighs there was no way she could miss his intent. He flashed her a grin, then folded his arms behind his head, hoping he could keep them there. In truth he wasn’t sure how long he was going to last. His dick wanted to be inside her. He wanted to be inside her, but letting her have her way mattered more.

  Her breasts lifted on a deep sigh. She was a bombshell in a small package. The tiny waist flowed into hips he could grip while he fucked her long and hard, or slow and sweet. His brain began to shut down as he imagined flipping their positions, his dick already hard, got harder, his balls were ready to explode at just the thought of being inside her. “Baby, please don’t torture me.”

  She got up on her knees, shoving his boxer briefs down. His dick bobbed, leaking pre-come. Her eyes went straight to the slit on the tip. “I’m going to lick you like a lollipop.

  There was a part of him that wanted to see her do just that, and another that screamed no. He almost jerked her forward. It would take him five seconds to strip the bottoms off her, another five to slide inside her tight wet heat. But he didn’t. “You know I don’t need you to do that.” Her jaws still couldn’t handle the type of things he wanted to do to her. His control was barely leashed.

  Shoving her bottoms off and proudly straddling his body, Felicity gave him a wicked smile. “You know some of the women we rescued had special abilities, right?”

  His brain was shutting down. “Yes.”

  “Myra is a healer. I’m as good as new. Well, except that I have titanium for jaws, but I have no pain or anything. It’s as if years have passed or I don’t know, like I never had them broken. I mean I know they were…but, does that make sense.”

  He did reach for her then, covering her lips, his mouth moving over hers. Their tongues dueled, plunging deep. “I love you, Felicity. Everything about you, I love.”

  He rolled them, forgetting he said she could be in control, trailing kisses down her throat, his tongue made swirling forays around her collar bone, tasting every bit of skin he could.

  Her back bowed, head falling back as he tongued first one nipple then the other. He cupped one ass cheek in each of his palms. His hands were so large they held her easily, molding and holding her up for him.

  “You’re mine.” He bit out against her stomach.

  “Yes, and you are mine.” She was his when his berserker had led him to that alley, maybe even before that. His nana had said their other halves were created just for them. Either way he would cherish her for the rest of his life. Her soul called to his, settled his other being. Making him complete.

  “Ma petite, we will be together till death do us part, and far beyond, if you’ll have me.” He looked up to see how she’d taken his words. Green eyes sparkled. He smelled her arousal, a flush colored her skin.

  “Are you asking me to marry you?”

  He should have waited and asked over dinner and candles. “I want you to be my wife more than I want my next breath. I was going to pick out a ring, had even looked, but then I thought this was something you would be wearing every day for the rest of your life. You are too sweet to say if you didn’t like what I chose, so I thought we could pick one out together. If you say yes, that is.”

  She tugged on his hair. “You could give me a ring out of a toy machine and I’d say yes. Yes, I’ll marry you. I love you so much.”

  Sure as shit his dick was nearly ready to split in two, he kissed her again, a sweet binding kiss. God, he loved her. He’d always be grateful that he’d found her in time.

  “I’m going to make love to you now.” He bit her lower lip.

  “No, you distracted me. I get to play first.” Oh, his woman wanted to be in charge.

  Licking at her rosy nipples he bit down on one, and pinched the other. Shivering, she pushed at his shoulders.

  Before he could do any more, her whispered plea had him releasing her breast with an audible pop. “Fuck, you know I’m liable to come in two seconds right?”

  “Well, then you better have some stamina.”

  Nothing mattered to him but keeping the smile on her face. He tucked his arms under her and rolled them.

  He fell back on the high bed, the sounds of her squeal music to his ears. “Do with me what you will, my love.”

  Every inch of her was glorious, and all his. She let him feel her wetness as she slid down his torso. God, he wanted to taste her, but he consoled himself he had the rest of their lives.

  “You’re so damn gorgeous.” Inside and out she was the most beautiful thing to him.

  “So are you.” She scratched her nails over his nipples.

  His cock jerked, need riding him. His hands came out and gripped her hip, spanning her thighs. A slight movement and her ass bumped his cockhead.

  “Oh, no, big guy. I’m tasting you this time.”

  He stifled a groan. She was trying to torture him, but he gave her what she wanted. With a happy little sigh he let her go, one finger at a time, he released her hips.

  She wasted no time scooting down and grabbing his dick at the base. Instead of sucking him inside, her tongue came out, starting at the slit and licking the pearly drop. She swirled back and forth, rolling around the tip like it was her favorite treat. Finally when he was sure he couldn’t stand it any longer, she sucked him inside, the pleasure so intense his spine tingled and his balls drew up.

  “Felicity, I’m going to come. Baby, if you don’t stop…” She was slowly killing him with pleasure.

  A lusty cry rumbled from her throat, traveling the length of his dick, and then she flattened her tongue, moving down further until he felt the back of her throat. That soft spongy part and he lost it. Fighting to control himself, he dragged air into his lungs, loving every second of it.

  “I want to be in you.” He swore.

  Her nails dug into his ass, sucking him further into the heat of her mouth, taking him to the edge and beyond. He gave up, his cock was too hard and ready to deny her what she wanted.

  She swallowed around his cockhead. When Felicity decided to do something, she didn’t do it by half measures, she took him deep, taking all he had to give. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, pleasure rocked through him. Her small h
ands worked his flesh, cupping his shaft and balls, playing with him. Her tongue lapped at him, laving him with affection while Hal guided her up and down, trying not to force her to take too much.

  Felicity moaned as his cock jerked and flooded her throat with his come. She allowed him to take over the rhythm, letting him fuck her mouth.

  He shouted as he came, like he’d never come before in his life, a never ending stream that she drank down.

  Finally, he sank back down onto the bed, limp, completely drained in the most pleasurable way a man could be. Well, he amended, the next best way. The best way would be inside Felicity’s body.

  His woman sat back after licking him clean, a satisfied look on her face, and like a switch, he was getting hard again.

  “Come here.” He tugged her down to him, covering her lips with his own.

  A shudder went through her when he told her what to do. She tasted of him. One day he would have her sit on his face while she sucked his dick, then he’d kiss her and let their tastes mingle. He was never going to deny either of them what they wanted, and he wanted to get inside his future. His Felicity.

  Her flavor was sweet and tangy, the thought had him salivating, and twisting to get her under him. He knelt between her legs, taking her ankles in his hands and moving them further apart. She didn’t fight him when he opened her legs up more, making a place for him to lie between. He covered her mound with one large palm, spreading her open, exposing her clit for him to see. Her labia was drenched with arousal, puffy and pink. He stroked it with his tongue, a slight stroke that made Felicity jump.

  He ran his nose up and down her slit, loving the way she squirmed, the whimpers she made had him ready to go another round. His fingers of his other hand slid through her juices coating them before he pressed one into her pussy. He licked at her clit and pumped in and out at the same time, keeping her on the edge.

  “Oh, god, Hal,” she moaned.

  Her legs fell to the side, shaking.

  Because he couldn’t wait to get inside her, he didn’t make her wait too long. He added a second finger along with the first, and latched onto her clit, sucking hard, rolling his tongue around the hard little nubbin.

  Her body moved against his hand, his fingers drove deep and pulled back.

  She whimpered, fucking herself on his fingers, her hips rotating with the rhythm he set.

  Such a beautiful damn sight.

  When he was certain she, and he, couldn’t take another second, he added a third finger, curling them up, searching for her sweet spot. Her tangy unique flavor flowed into his mouth.

  Felicity’s scream filled his ears, her muscles clamped down on him.

  He continued to lick her as she came, and then removed his fingers from her sweet pussy, waiting until her body stopped shaking, before he crawled up her body.

  “Love you so damn much. Don’t ever leave me, Felicity.” He sealed their mouths together, while reaching down to line his cock up with her opening. He had to work slowly to get inside her, carefully thrusting in small increments. Over and over he pushed inside, gaining an inch at a time until his balls rested against her ass. Finally he was seated fully in her.

  She relaxed, giving him all that she was. He had always been careful, but was even more so with the woman who meant more than his own life. “Fuck, you’re tight.”

  “I think you’re just inordinately large,” she gasped.

  Her skin flushed and then she wiggled her ass a little.

  Gripping her hips, he retreated and started again. “Trust me, I’m perfect for you. You can handle me.”

  “Yes.” She moaned.

  “If I hurt you, you tell me. Promise.”

  Tension wracked him while he waited for her to agree.

  “I’m fine, Hal. We’ve done this before.”

  It wouldn’t matter if they’d done it a million times. Her comfort and safety meant more to him than his own pleasure.

  “If you don’t move, and fuck me like I want, like I know you want, I’ll go pull out Bob and have him take care of me.”

  She was so beautiful spitting fire at him. “I’ll throw BOB out the window.”

  “That might scare the people down below since I live in the penthouse.”

  Her laughter had him pulsing inside her. He was so close to the edge, but he held off because he was not leaving her behind, nor was he going to hurt her. Not mentally or physically if he could help it.

  Putting a little space between their bodies, he rubbed her clit. Her face went from laughing to serious in a blink.

  A sweet little gasp tore from her throat as she climbed the peak to pleasure.

  He slid deep, and pulled out, moving in a slow drag over her.

  She raised her hips, meeting him stroke for stroke.

  “Faster, Hal. I need you…”

  Her hands curled into the bedding as he increased the pace, fucking her like she needed. Hard and rough. His hips rocked back, slamming forward, driving deep each time.

  Felicity met his rhythm, keeping pace with him. Her eyes squeezed shut, her breasts bouncing with each forceful movement of their bodies.

  The pleasure raced across his skin as he thrust in and out, hitting her sweet spot with every driving thrust over and over again. When she shouted his name and her pussy clamped down on him, he gave up, surging into her over and over, and pumped his semen deep into her womb.

  Just the thought they would be making love for the rest of their lives had him peppering her with kisses. He shuddered against her, holding his weight up by sheer force.

  “You will always be safe with me. Above anything and anyone, you will always come first.”

  She pushed his hair back. “You’ll always come first with me too. Well until little baby Hals come along.”

  “Do you want babies soon?” He wasn’t sure if he was scared or not.

  Her eyes were laughing at him. “Not for a few years.”

  He sighed. “I should totally spank your ass, little girl.” Running his palm up and down her soft skin, he knew it was an empty threat. Her shiver let him know she might enjoy a little playing around.

  It amazed him the things he was learning about his woman.

  Chapter Ten

  After she’d been rescued again, it took Felicity a couple days before she could face her mother. Felicity wasn’t sure if her father was aware of the atrocities that had gone on in the underground compound, or if her mom had hidden the truth from him. Once Hal made her call, the words tumbled from her mother, with her dad clearly beside her. Every few minutes her father would murmur something too soft for her to hear, but it gave her mom the strength to continue. They’d offered to do a blood test to see if Rand was her biological father, to which Felicity adamantly denied. In her mind and heart Rand Evans was her father. Blood did not make a man a dad. When she’d told them both that, even thru the phone, she’d heard the relief on both her parent’s voices. They’d ended the call with many tears, and promises to see each other soon.

  “Why are you so nervous?” Felicity asked, laughing as Hal fidgeted in his big truck.

  Her guy’s fingers tightened on the leather steering wheel. He’d had his truck shipped to LA, and they were in the process of looking for a home. They’d told her parents they were engaged, but hadn’t been out to visit them in the last couple weeks, not since they’d bought the rings.

  “We told them we were engaged, but you tricked me into that quickie.”

  She chuckled. “I didn’t hear you complaining about the quickie this morning, Mr. Aldridge.”

  Hal took his eyes off the road, a wicked grin on his face. “Now that I would never complain about, ma petite. However, you know what I’m referring to.” He expertly turned into the gated community where her parents lived.

  “I wanted to avoid the big show. I’m hoping if we show up and be like tada, my mom will scale it back.”

  His blue eyes were disbelieving as they stared at her. “Are you sure you weren’t worried you’d c
hange your mind?”

  She felt shocked by his question, unable to believe he’d think such a thing, yet unwilling to let him think for one second she doubted her love for him. “Absolutely not. Hal, I may be young, but there is not one piece of me that doesn’t love you.”

  Simple and to the point.

  He reached across the console and took her hand in his. The large diamond surrounded by more diamonds sparkled. “Thank fuck, baby. There’s no way I could let you go without a fight.”

  His tone had a crack in it as if he was fighting his emotions. “You would’ve had a hard time letting me go when I was attached to your leg.”

  They stopped outside her parent’s home. He reached over and unbuckled her seatbelt, tugging her over the center and into his lap. His strength still amazed her, even knowing about supernatural beings and the fact he had the ability of the berserker inside him didn’t scare her.

  When they’d finally settled down at her penthouse, and he’d explained about his heritage, she realized he was a real life Viking. He’d gone on to explain his entire team was made up of beings that were not quite human. Felicity was glad he’d trusted her with his secrets and those of his friends. She still shivered at what Brax could do, and worried for her new friend Myra.

  “I love you, Hal.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close for a kiss.

  “Not as much as I love you, wife.” His words were a benediction. They were everything to each other. He stroked his hand down her back. The halter dress giving him access to her skin, making her shiver and wish they weren’t within feet of her parents.

  He took over the kiss, fusing their lips, tangling his hands in her hair, turning the sweet kiss into a passionate one. The man made her melt, and made wearing panties almost redundant.

  She’d never get enough of him.

  Hal gave a slight tug on her hair. “I think your parents are watching.”

  She gasped. “Oh, my, god. They’ll think I’m a right hussy.”

  A little smile curled his gorgeous lips. “You’re my hussy.”

  Slapping his chest, she wiggled trying to get back to her side of the truck. “You were supposed to deny, not agree.”


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