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The Golden Bell

Page 6

by Autumn Dawn

  “What is it? Are you allergic to Haunt?”

  “Dog fur!” she gasped, then sneezed again mightily. Her eyes were watering.

  Fallon choked on a laugh. “You’re serious?”

  She sneezed in answer. “Within two feet, I…ah..ah…”

  He coughed, clearly dying to laugh. “Okay, we’ll take you to the medics and get you something for this. We can’t have you running around sneezing all the time. You might blow off your nose at this rate.”

  “You’re not funny!” She was really miserable, and it was hard to breath.

  He sobered. “Come on. You need medicine.”

  Rain balked. “I don’t like doctors.”

  One arm behind her back, he moved her relentlessly on. “You’re getting one anyway. Get used to it.”

  “I hate you,” she muttered, and sneezed again for good measure. She was getting light-headed from lack of air.

  “Do I need to carry you?”

  “You do, you die,” she promised.

  “Feisty, aren’t you?”

  She made it to the medics on her own. To her disgust, she was too winded to argue with him about the bitter medicine he made her take. It did ease her breathing, though.

  The medic looked at her, a smile lurking around his mouth. “An unusual allergy, but one we can treat. Repeated exposure should build up immunity, and we have several herbal mixtures that will help. We’ll try the mildest one first and work up to the more powerful doses as needed. Be sure to note any uncomfortable side effects; we want to make sure the medicine isn’t worse than the disease.”

  “That’s a first,” Rain muttered.

  The man smiled. “Is there anything else I can help you with today? No? Then take care, and have a good day.”

  She sulked all the way back to her room. “I hate medicine. I don’t need to take it unless I run into any more walking carpets.”

  “You’ll take it. The doctor said it would help you to build up immunity.”

  “So he claims.”

  “And we’re going to test those claims. I’ll watch you take them with every meal if I have to. If I can’t be there, then I’ll make sure Malian sees you do it.”

  “You’re awful bossy,” she sniffed. Her eyes were still a little watery.

  He opened the door to her room for her. “As you pointed out, I am your guardian. You look tired. Would you like a nap before dinner?”

  “I guess.”

  “All right, then. I’ll see you after you rest. Pleasant dreams.” He dropped a kiss to her lips and let himself out.

  Rain stared at the door, too tired to chase him down and yell at him…as if it did any good the last time. If Fallon wanted to kiss her, he was going to kiss her. Maybe her best defense was not to react.

  Pondering her new strategy, she changed into the linen pajamas laid out on the bed and fell asleep.

  Someone was stroking her hair. Vaguely annoyed because it tickled, she snuggled deeper into the covers.

  A man chuckled. Fallon. The man was always laughing, smiling…you’d think his life was all roses. “Go away.”

  “It’s almost dinner time.”

  Food. Dinner was a good thing. She sighed sleepily. “Five more minutes.”

  He laughed again. “You’ve slept for an hour already. We’re having fresh bread, a roast with herbs, tender young vegetables…I think there’s dessert, too.”

  “Okay. You’ve convinced me.” She didn’t move right away, though. She liked to get her brain in gear before she climbed out of bed.

  His hand moved deeper into her hair, massaging until she looked at him with sleepy eyes.

  “Rain? May I kiss you?”

  A ‘no’ hovered on her lips, but the way he looked at her stilled it. It was the first time he’d asked.

  Her gaze dropped to his lips. Could it be that bad? Curiosity stirred. “I guess.”

  His lips curved at her uncertain answer. Gently, he brushed his mouth against hers, not once, but many times, until she found his light touch a tease and sought his lips, seeking deeper contact. Obligingly, he gave her more…but not enough.

  She made an impatient sound. While she’d never liked kissing, if he was going to kiss her, he should kiss her. This game was frustrating. Grabbing his head with one hand, she pulled him closer.

  This time his mouth opened over hers, gave her full contact. Now his tongue swept inside, surprising her with his controlled passion. This wasn’t like the others; it felt good. Really good. So good, she started to lose her head.

  His hand cradled her head, gently holding her steady. When his body joined hers on the bed, she blinked in surprise, but the kisses soon dragged her back down. There were covers between them, after all. One hand curved behind her back, pulling her closer, showing her how good it felt to press against him. She whimpered her encouragement.

  Boldly, he swept down the covers and snuggled closer. The kisses alternated on her lips and ears, trailed down her jaw and caressed her neck. The hand on her back slid down to cup the curve of her behind, massaging, pulling her closer.

  She should have objected. Should have said no. Instead she gasped, unable to remember why this was a problem. It had just been so long since she’d felt pleasure of any kind, and he was giving her his full attention. Pitiful, but she was starving for his touch…any touch.

  If she couldn’t have love, then at least she could have this.

  Heaven help her, the man was gorgeous, nice, and he wanted her. It was all she could ever hope for, and she would take it.

  Her sleeveless linen shirt twisted around her, the soft fabric suddenly chaffing. Fallon sat up and pulled it off her, sinking back down into a kiss before she could object to the exposure. His weight was so good, the sensation of his leather vest on her naked breasts exciting, scary in its newness. She didn’t want to stop.

  He lifted from her slightly and stared at her breasts, then slowly licked his lips.

  She shivered and covered them.

  Smiling wickedly, he covered her hands with his and rotated.

  Shocked, she yanked hers away and gasped as his hands took over, massaging, pinching her nipples, causing a wicked fire to race through her blood. She arched under his hands.

  He kissed her, took his time to deeply explore her mouth and lifted to watch her. “Want it, sweetheart? Need it?” he whispered rakishly. “Have some.” His mouth closed around her nipple, gently bit.

  Rain’s body arched off the bed. She moaned his name and closed her eyes as his hands reached under her to grip her butt.

  Bursts of pleasure raced through her, causing white hot flashes of light behind her lids. What was this? It went on and on and ebbed, only to rise again and consume her.

  She was so hot. Couldn’t get enough, but when she tugged at his vest, wanting closer contact, he slipped down her body instead.

  “No, love. Tonight is all about you. You want to invite my pleasure another night, I’ll be happy to oblige. For now…just enjoy.” His tongue caressed her belly, lapped at her navel, dipped inside. Kissed the skin just above her pants. Taking his time, he untied the bow of her drawstring trousers.

  Rain knew what came next, trembled in anticipation. She’d heard about it, wanted it. Wasn’t about to tell him no if he wanted to do it. This was better than the Bell, better than…wait! What was she thinking? The Bell was safe, in its way. He wasn’t. “Wait! Uh. Oh. Ahhh….” His fingers had slipped below the pants, which he’d inched down. He had her clitoris in between his thumb and fingers and was gently massaging.

  “More?” he said suggestively, and lowered them a fraction. “Do you want my kiss there, too, baby? Say it.”

  “Say what?” She couldn’t think.

  “Tell me that you’re wet, dreaming of my kisses. Tell me that you want my kisses there.”

  “I can’t!”

  “Yes, you can. Say, ‘Fallon’.”


  “I want your kisses.”

  “I-I want your kisse
s.” She moaned in pleasure as he rewarded her, then squirmed when he stopped.

  “Fallon, I’m wet, dreaming of your kisses.” His voice was low, seductive. It was nearly as bad as his stroking fingers.

  “That’s embarrass…” she broke off with a squeal as he dipped a fingertip a fraction into her. Sadly, he stopped again.

  “Say it. Say it all, or I’ll stop now.”


  “Say it.”

  “F-fallon. I…I’m so wet, dreaming of your kisses there.” Just saying it made a gush of liquid heat wet her thighs.

  “That’s my sweet kitten,” he murmured. Deftly, he flipped her onto her stomach and tucked a pillow under her hips, raising her up. He stripped off her pants, leaving her totally exposed, totally naked to his vision.

  She tried to sit up. “What…”

  He spread her thighs and licked her, right where she’d told him she needed it.

  It was too good, but she couldn’t get away, couldn’t stop him with her hands. The more she squirmed against the sheets, the worse the friction teased her. Her butt was high, her thighs clamped in his big hands, spread wide for his pleasure…and hers.

  It was such sweet pleasure, such a relief to surrender. She couldn’t fight him, didn’t want to. Could only buck and squirm as his tongue sank deep into her, crying out when his deliberate moan vibrated inside her.

  Fallon knew he could have anything he wanted at that moment, but he wasn’t about to take it. She was passionate and hungry, needing a lover who would put her needs first. This first loving was about healing, about teaching her the power of pleasure. It was also a binding, though she wouldn’t recognize his power over her at first. They would have plenty of time for more, and he was a man with self-control. So instead of bringing her higher, driving her mindless, he brought her down easy, left her floating on a plain of pleasure. When she had drifted down enough not to hurt when he stopped, he got off the bed and pulled her up. “Come on. It’s time for dinner.”

  She wobbled in his arms. “W-what?”

  “Dinner. Oddly enough, having dessert first always whets my appetite.”

  She blushed and looked around for her clothes. Happy to keep her off balance, because he didn’t want her to think, it was always a headache when women thought in these situations; he helped her into her dress. Mm, he liked that blue outfit on her. He was tempted to buy her that style in every color of the rainbow.

  She still looked dazed when he brought her to his suite and seated her at the long table. Larger than her own apartments, his was furnished in soft greens, bronze and tan leather. It had three bedrooms, suitable for the family he’d one day have. The houseplants were few, but well cared for thanks to his housekeeper. He looked at Rain, but whatever she thought of the place, she seemed too unsettled to comment.

  The meal had just been laid out on the table. Content to leave the unfocused expression on her face, he filled her plate and poured her wine before serving himself.

  She ate, but kept her eyes on her plate. He let her have silence for a little while, then said casually, “I thought we could fish on the bay in the morning. I’ve arranged to borrow a small sailboat, and the weather promises to be fine. We should enjoy it before the storms come in the fall and we’re forced indoors much of the time.”

  She risked a glance at him. “Storms?”

  “Fierce electrical storms. How do you like your dinner?”

  She looked down at the half-eaten roast. It’s good.”

  “And did you enjoy making love with me, too?”


  Rain looked at him with a stricken expression. “You’re so casual about it.”

  “Not casual. Frank. I enjoyed it. I don’t want it to be swept under the rug. Preferably, I’ll like to share it again with you…at your invitation, of course.”

  She remained silent, her eyes on her plate.

  Fallon waited.

  “I think you’d better find someone else,” she whispered.

  “I’ve no interest in somebody else.”

  “Today.” Her voice gained strength.

  “You’ve decided I’m some sort of playboy.”

  “Aren’t you?”

  He considered that. “In the past, I’ve been as wild as any youth. Trust me, the lifestyle pales as a man gets older. I’m thinking differently these days, planning differently. You have nothing to fear from me.”

  She met his eyes with apparent difficulty. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It means I’m looking for a wife. My friends have settled down and I like what they’ve done with their lives. They’ve got a good thing going.”

  “Well, if you’re looking for a wife, we know you won’t choose me,” she said bitterly. “Besides, you barely know me. Like I said, find someone else.”

  He continued doggedly, “There’s an appeal to coming home to a house with someone in it. I like the idea of a wife lighting up my home.”

  “You want kids,” she accused him.

  He shifted uncomfortably. “Not really. Not right now, at least. Don’t misunderstand, I like playing with my cousin’s children, but it’s a relief to know that they’re his at the end of the day.”

  She raised a skeptical brow. “You’re going to have a hard time marrying a girl who doesn’t want kids.”

  “Do you?”

  That caught her off guard. “Well, no. Not really. I mean, I don’t think I’d be a bad mom, I just don’t have the urge, you know? I don’t like the idea of being pregnant, or childbirth, or diapers. I think it would be better to adopt a kid. Someone else has already done the worst stuff, that way.”

  “What about the teenage years?”

  She shrugged. “I’m not afraid of teens. They’re easy to talk to.”

  He smiled. “You see? We’d be perfect, not that anything’s decided now. Here, try these fruit jellies. They’re delicious.

  “Did I tell you I’ve officially retired from my post as ambassador to Earth? Kirk took it over. Not that there’s much traffic these days. There are only a few families left on Earth, most of which are making noise about crossing over. Some of the Elders are retiring, acknowledging that their roles are being phased out. Elders Azion and Traforte should arrive in a couple of days.”

  She stiffened. “Really?” That couldn’t be coincidence. She was a sitting duck, nicely boxed in by Fallon’s protective care.

  She suddenly realized that Fallon hadn’t asked her any more questions about her father’s death and the Haunt involved. He’d seen how much the experience still affected her. For all she knew, even her allergy to Haunt fur could be psychosomatic.

  Granted, he sometimes came off as a flake and a playboy, witness his talk about marrying her…but how much of that was real? Someone had put him in charge of the portal, and that was no position for a fool. He might be easygoing around her, but she remembered her first glimpse of him, wreathed in dust from the bomb. This was a dangerous man. Relaxing around him was hazardous.

  Becoming his lover was the act of a madwoman.

  “There’s going to be a party for them in a couple of days. We’re invited, of course.”

  “Not interested.” She picked up her wine and took a slow sip, just to have something casual to do. She had a poker face when she wanted, and these weren’t thoughts she wished to share.

  Her father had talked to both Elders Azion and Traforte within days of each other. Soon after that they were swarmed with murderous Haunt. For a girl who hadn’t known about them until her teens, nor ever seen one transformed, it was a horrific experience. If she hadn’t wanted to be one of them before, she really wasn’t happy about it then.

  One of them wanted the Bell, and they wanted to keep quiet about its existence. She wasn’t eager to reveal it, either. It was her ticket out of there…she thought. After all, it hadn’t been tested yet.

  “You’re still angry at them for sending you here?”

  Fallon’s casual question made her refocus. “I h
ave no use for the council,” she said coolly. “Like I said, I’m a US citizen. I’m here under protest.”

  He watched her. “You’ve been very quiet about your protests.”

  “Who’s listening to me? I said it to the council and my stance hasn’t changed.”

  “You enjoyed the market and seemed to like your new garden.”

  Rain shrugged. “I learned a long time ago to make the most of the moment. Yeah, they were cool. I enjoyed parts of Ireland, too, but I wouldn’t want to live there permanently.”

  “What would change your mind?”

  She looked away, toward the glass patio doors, and blinked. There were three moons in the sky. “Whoa!” Unable to resist, she crossed the room and stepped outside, his question forgotten.

  Moonlight bathed Fallon’s private garden, making it almost twilight. Why did they call this place the Dark Lands?

  Fallon followed her out, lounging against a tree trunk. “Pretty?”

  “Beautiful,” she agreed, soaking it in.

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  She sighed. “What would make me stay here? I don’t know. Whatever it is, I haven’t seen it yet.”

  His eyes glinted in the moonlight. “Haven’t you?”

  She considered a moment, then answered honestly. “You haven’t shown me yourself yet. I don’t really know you. Maybe you really do want a wife, but you’re blowing smoke. Whatever you are, it’s not what you pretend to be. You’re different since we came here, but I remember what you looked like when you shot Rory.”

  He looked down with a slight smile. “They said you were a genius.” When he looked back up, his eyes were smoky, with flashes of hot embers. “So you want to see the real me, do you?”

  “No.” She had a feeling that it wasn’t pretty. No one who did the things he had to would be all sweetness and light. “You want to know what I want? A boring, suburban existence. I want to fight with the cable repairman, go grocery shopping early to avoid traffic, pay a mortgage. I’ve lived a life of adventure, and you know what? It’s not all it’s cracked up to be. I want to sleep in the same bed every night with sheets that I’ve washed and not have to worry about bedding down in an alley where a drunk might stumble in to harass me. I don’t want to have to kill anyone else.” She looked away. “I’m tired of them trying to kill me.”


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