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Master Zane: The Rogue Aristocrat (Alpha Male Master Series Book 3)

Page 6

by Maggie Carpenter

  Stretching his arms above his head he wandered across to the window, and moving aside the drapes he spied light snow softly falling from a moonless sky. It was a calming sight, and letting out a yawn he decided to move to the drawing room for a late night brandy and a quick scan of the day's newspaper still waiting to be read.

  Ambling into the foyer, he picked it up from the silver tray and continued on to the drawing room. The fire was almost out and he gave it a stoke, then decided to open the drapes so he could glance up and watch the snowfall at his pleasure. Moving to the drinks cabinet, he splashed some brandy into a snifter and carried it with him to the leather armchair near the fire. The house had the most modern of conveniences, including electricity, and resting his paper on his lap, he switched on the lamp that sat on the table next to the chair.

  He was tired and he could feel tension in his shoulders, but as he sipped the smooth amber liquor he could feel it instantly relaxing him. Placing the glass on the table, he opened up his paper, and finding nothing he found interesting on the front page he turned to the next; what he saw made him catch his breath.


  Heart racing he quickly began to read.

  The only daughter of Lord Braithwaite, the Earl of Whittenham was last seen—

  A scream suddenly pierced the quiet night. It was high-pitched and sounded like a woman on the street in front of the house. Dropping the newspaper he raced to the window, and to his horror he saw Flora dressed in one of his long coats fighting with a man wearing a cape. They were both slipping on the snowy pavement, and sprinting from the room he dashed out the front door, but as he hurried down the steps he was confronted with his third surprise of the night. The man was laying on the ground, curled up and groaning.

  "Perhaps now you'll think twice about attacking ladies on the street, you cad!" she barked. "I hope my knee leaves you disabled."


  Spinning around she stared up at Zane with wide shocked eyes, and as he moved quickly but carefully down the slippery steps, she tried frantically to think of an excuse for being there.

  "Mon dieu!" he exclaimed grabbing her elbow. "Are you all right? What are you doing out here?"

  "I, uh…"

  "Get inside, get inside right now," he said sharply, his fingers gripping her arm as he helped her up the steps. "You have a great deal of explaining to do, young lady."

  "That man, he tried to attack me," she said breathlessly as they made it inside.

  "I don't care about that man!" he said sternly as he locked the door.

  "But I got the better of him. A friend showed me what to do," she continued as he quickly removed the coat and hustled her towards the hallway. "I brought my knee up and—"

  "It is obvious what you did and I'm sure he's very sorry he crossed your path, but as I said he is the last thing on my mind."

  Though Flora could understand why he was being short with her, she had no idea why he was hurrying her through the house, and as they turned down a hallway with which she was unfamiliar she tried to wrestle her arm away from his grasp.

  "You are a very foolish young woman," he scolded, tightening his grip.

  "I was just—what is this?"

  He had come to a stop in front of an arched door. It looked solid and old, and didn't fit with the house's overall decor.

  "This is my special room," he declared, lifting an urn on a nearby pedestal and withdrawing a key. "You have an overdue appointment."

  "Appointment? What are you talking about?"

  Ignoring her question he unlocked the door and bustled her into the room, hitting a switch on the wall as he did. Dim light flooded the space, and releasing her, he closed the door and locked it behind them.

  Panting and bewildered Flora scanned her surroundings. The room had no windows, there was a four post bed in the corner, several chairs, a couch, and oddly, chains and ropes were hanging from the ceiling.

  "I don't understand. Where are we?"

  "It's completely soundproof in here so you'll be able to scream all you want."

  "Scream?" she muttered, a sudden chill rippling through her. "What do you mean? What are you going to do to me?"

  "I'm going to spank you!"


  "Zane, you can't," she protested. "You just can't."

  "I can and I will," he said sharply, and grabbing her wrist he pulled her to the closest chair, yanked her over his lap, and placed his leg over the backs of her knees.

  "NO! Let me go, please, I beg you, let me go."

  "You are a willful irresponsible young woman and this is long overdue."

  Smoothing his hand over her upturned bottom he discovered she'd not bothered with her petticoats; the thin silk dress and knickers underneath would offer little protection.

  "Prepare yourself. This will hurt," he warned, and immediately launched into the discipline, rapidly moving his flattened palm from cheek to cheek.

  "OW! NO! STOP! NO! OW!" she wailed squirming frantically.

  "Do I have your attention?"

  "Yes, yes, yes," she said breathlessly. "You do, please, no more."

  "There will most definitely be more," he said sternly, landing several hard slaps to underscore his decree, "but for the moment you will listen to me. Understood?"

  "Yes, yes."

  "Yes, sir!"

  "Yes, sir, I will listen, I swear."

  "What were you doing out in the street?"

  "I was going to my friend's place."

  "Your friend? Who is this friend and why were you going there? Were you planning to come back, or were you going to leave me to worry as you've left your family to worry?"

  "I was going to let her know I was safe then come back here right away. I was going to tell you about it in the morning. I was, I promise I was."

  "I cannot believe my ears. You decided to go out late at night by yourself, then come back again? You foolish girl," he scolded, abruptly delivering several more swats. "You see what happened? No sooner were you outside than you got in trouble. Had I not been in the drawing room I would not have heard you scream."

  "OW, OW."

  "You will never again do something so reckless, do you hear me?"


  "You should have told me about this friend of yours when I asked earlier," he admonished, resting his hand on her hot backside and giving it a squeeze. "Why didn't you?"

  "I, uh…ouch!"

  "You what?"

  "I'd rather not tell you."

  "You most certainly will tell me," he declared immediately sending his hand back to work. "You're going to tell me and it's going to be the truth."

  "OWW, yes, all right, I will, but can I catch my breath for a minute?" she panted. "I need to, uh, gather my thoughts."

  "NO! You'll tell me now!"

  "All right, I will. Just don't spank me anymore."

  "That's up to you. Start talking."

  "My friend, her name is Anne, she would have insisted I leave here and stay with her until things are sorted out and I don't want to do that. I want to stay here with you."

  Zane shook his head. Would the girl never stop surprising him? Confessing that she wanted to stay with him had taken courage.

  "That must have been difficult," he murmured. "Thank you for being brave and honest. You're done for now, but you'll find yourself back here if you don't behave. Is that clear?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "We still have some matters to discuss but it's very late," he said helping her up. "I'm tired and I'm sure you are too."

  "I am, and my bottom is stinging like mad."

  "If you do foolish things around me that's what will happen. Knowing that, do you still want to stay here?"

  "Uh…can I answer that later?"

  "No, you must answer me now."

  "You're so hard."

  "I'm not hard, you're just spoiled. Do you still want to stay knowing you'll be subject to my discipline?"

es," she mumbled staring at the floor.

  "I'm delighted to hear it. We'll talk in the morning, but before I take you back to your room there's something you need to know."

  "Is it serious?"

  "Yes, very, there was a notice in the paper about you."

  "WHAT?" she gasped, her head darting up.

  "The headline said, Lady Flora Braithwaite Missing, and I'd just started reading the report when I heard your scream."

  "Oh, my, goodness!"

  "Exactly. Even though it's late I'm going to send my first footman to your house with a note saying that you're safe, that you lost your memory from a fall, and will be in touch tomorrow morning. I won't use my embossed paper and they won't know you're here. I doubt it would help your cause if they knew you were staying with a gentleman, especially not me."

  "Why especially not you?"

  "In Paris I have a less than stellar reputation. If your parents make certain inquiries they may hear things about me. You must not mention my name. I don't mind but you might."

  "Is this a case when a lie might be better served than the truth?" she asked softly, looking up at him with a twinkle in her eye.

  "Are you being cheeky?"

  "Sort of, but not really."

  "You'll simply say you don't wish to talk about it. Or perhaps your friend…what's her name?"


  "Perhaps your friend Anne will have a suggestion, but you mustn't tell them you were staying with me. Clear?"

  "I understand, but I'd like to know about this reputation you speak of."

  "Doubtless you will soon enough. Come to my office and write down your address. I assume it's not far."

  "Just around the corner and down a couple of blocks."

  "Over breakfast you'll tell me the whole story."

  It had been a statement not a request, and lowering her eyes she nodded her head.

  "You know you deserved that spanking, don't you?"

  "Um…I suppose."

  "You suppose? Going out by yourself so late at night and in the snow? I should spank you for not realizing how totally irresponsible that was."

  "NO!" she exclaimed, "I do realize, I do. I'm sorry."

  "You just didn't want to admit it?"

  "I didn't, but I do now."

  "Bien. Come along, you'll give me that address and I'll rouse my footman."

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  A short time later Zane was escorting Flora to her room, but as they approached she didn't want to say goodnight. She was aching to feel his arms around her, and though her bottom was still smarting, in a strange way the spanking had made him even more compelling. He opened the door for her, but as he wished her a good night's sleep and turned to walk away she grabbed his arm.

  "Yes, Flora?" he asked turning back around. "You look anxious. What is it?"

  Impulsively she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. Zane knew he should push her away, but he could smell the soft sweet fragrance of her hair, and her body was pressing urgently against his. Closing his eyes he surrendered to the moment, bringing his arms around her and hugging her back. She felt sublime, and his cock agreed, immediately stiffening in his trousers.

  "Thank you for everything," she bleated. "You brought me in here and took care of me, and I think you're wonderful."

  As if of its own accord his hand moved into her long loose hair, and clutching it he gently tugged. Her head came back, and without hesitation he lowered his lips on to hers. As their mouths met he felt his heart swell, and the kiss suddenly took on a life of its own. She was responding with a fervent need, and he wanted to sweep her up, take her to her bed, and utterly possess her. Her muffled moans fired his fever, and drifting his mouth to her neck he tongued and kissed and nibbled, then took his lips to her ear.

  "I want to own you," he whispered. "I want to lick every inch of you, I want to tie you to my bed and have you at my mercy, I want to show you what it's like to have your body controlled by me, teased and tormented, your skin pinched and slapped, then pleasured with my soft caress. I want to teach you how to please me, how to worship me, how to serve me. I want to be your Master."

  As he'd breathed his hot desires she'd felt weak in his arms, and a fresh flood had soaked her sex. She wanted everything he offered. She wanted to kneel on the floor as he sat in a chair and rest her head on his knee. She wanted to be naked with him as he explored her body. She wanted to be in bed with him all night, and every night after that.

  "I must go," he muttered suddenly breaking away. "You are intoxicating and if I don't leave now I may find it impossible not to."

  "No, don't, please don't. Please lay down with me?"

  "I want to more than words can say but I cannot. It would be wrong."

  "Wrong? But nobody would know. Please?"

  "Perhaps one day we might have that great pleasure, but it will not be tonight."

  Releasing her, he swiftly turned and strode down the hall, and as she stared after him she knew from the depth of her soul that she loved him, that he was the man with whom she should spend her life. Disappointed yet exhilarated, she moved into her room, quickly undressed, then slipped between the sheets and sent her fingers between her legs. Closing her eyes she imagined he was next to her, his hand was roaming over her body, and his mouth was moving ever closer to her nipples to take them in and softly suck. Her finger was rubbing her small sensitive button, and as the sparkling tingles threatened to spasm through her body, she recalled his hand slapping her bottom. The orgasm suddenly fired, sweeping her into the spasms, and as they waned leaving her aching for his arms, she whispered into the silence.

  "I'll do anything to have you. I will not rest until we are together."

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Zane had written a short note to Flora's parents and a similar letter to Lady Anne Barkley, but in Anne's he had added that he would call on her in the morning at nine-o'clock with further information and he hoped she would be able to receive him. As he handed the envelopes to his footman he gave him a solemn warning.

  "You will hand these off and leave immediately. You will not answer any questions. Is that clear?"

  "Yes, your lordship."

  "The houses will probably be asleep, but even so you must make sure you're not followed back here."

  "I'll keep checking, and if I think there might be someone behind me I'll duck around until I know it's safe."

  "Good lad. Hurry now, but tread carefully. Snow is on the ground and it will be slippery. Use the front door. It will be faster. I'll open it when you return. Knock though, don't ring the bell."

  "Yes, your lordship."

  Closing the door behind him, Zane immediately started towards the stairs. His semi-stiff member was demanding attention and he estimated it would take the footman about thirty minutes to deliver the envelopes and get back to the house. He was about to head up to his bedroom, but changing his mind he moved swiftly down the hall to the decadent room where he'd chastised Flora. She was the first woman he'd taken there, and as he unlocked the door and walked inside the delightful memory washed over him. Moving to the chair in which he'd sat and pulled her over his knee, he settled in, released his cock, and began to stroke.

  Her lovely bottom had been wonderfully round, and as his palm had delivered its smacks he had felt the full plumpness of her cheeks. She had wriggled in the most deliciously lewd way, and as he fervently rubbed himself he almost wished he'd lifted her dress, lowered her drawers, and bared her backside. Just the thought sent fresh energy to his loins, and only moments later his manhood erupted, sending its hot essence across his hand. Taking a long breath, he opened his eyes, let it out slowly, and felt his head begin to clear. Flora was utterly unique, he adored her, but he had to be honest with himself; he could be the ruin of her.

  "You are touching my heart as no other ever has," he murmured solemnly, "but surely any notion of being with you is impossible. I am not one to marry, and even if I was I'm known as a rogue. You
r father wouldn't approve and I wouldn't blame him. It is a painful place in which I find myself. My beautiful flower you have confounded me yet again."

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Flora's mother Margaret had taken to sitting in the drawing room and drinking brandies until the early hours of the morning. Walter would sit with her, hold her hand, and try to say the right things, but there was only one thing Margaret wanted to hear and it wasn't anything Walter could say. It was the sound of her daughter walking in through the front door. The hour was late, and studying his bereft wife, Walter guessed he'd soon be able to help her up the stairs and into bed.

  Margaret blamed him for Flora's vanishing act, and while he agreed he might have put too much pressure on their daughter, he only did so because Margaret needed someone to blame. George had suggested Anne Barkley's influence contributed to Flora's impulsive behavior, and though Walter listened and grimly nodded, inwardly he believed there was only one person responsible for the drama that was sweeping through the house and breaking his wife's heart, and that was Flora herself. Though he was deeply worried about her, he was also furious. There were many other ways she could have made her feelings known besides running away and bringing scandal to the family and causing her mother so much grief.

  "Are you ready, my dear, or do you need another brandy?"

  "I think one more and—"

  The unexpected sound of the doorbell chimed through the house. They stared at each other. Good news? Terrible news? It had to be about Flora.

  "Stay here," he said firmly, and rising to his feet he marched into the foyer.

  Reeves was already opening the door, and as he accepted the envelope from the young man Walter hurried forward.

  "Who was that?" he asked taking the envelope from his butler and ripping it open. "Did he say where he was from?"


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