Book Read Free

Isla and Buttercup

Page 3

by Julie Sykes

  “Are you OK?” asked Isla.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” Valentina said sharply.

  “Who was your letter from?”

  “None of your business!” Valentina glared at her. “You won’t share your secrets with me so I won’t share mine with you!”

  Not fair! thought Isla, stung. I’m trying to protect Unicorn Island. Can you say the same?

  The bell rang and everyone left together to go to afternoon lessons. Isla pretended that she’d forgotten her pencil case and ran back to the dorm. When she got there, she pulled out the letter Valentina had just received from the top of the pile. It simply read:

  Tonight, I want to help you. It is time to prove your loyalty.

  A feeling of foreboding shivered down Isla’s spine. What should I do? she thought. If I tell the others, they might confront Valentina and she’ll know I’ve read her letters. And what if it’s nothing? I’ll have falsely accused Valentina of something bad…

  Isla hesitated a moment longer, before pushing the letter back in the drawer and running to her lesson.

  Later, as Isla got ready to practise the drill ride her dorm would perform in front of the parents, she watched Valentina through the partition that separated Buttercup’s stable from Golden Briar’s. Valentina was whispering and Golden Briar was shaking his head emphatically. Isla moved closer to the partition.

  “We’ve got to go, Golden Briar,” she heard Valentina plead.

  “No, Valentina, we can’t!”

  “But this could be our only chance to—”

  “What’s up, Isla?” Buttercup called out. “Why are you standing over there?”

  “No reason,” said Isla, hurrying back to her. She thought about what Valentina had said: We’ve got to go. Go where? She bit her lip. If the letters were from Ms Willow, did that mean Valentina was planning on meeting with her? Another shiver ran down her spine as she remembered the letter she had read: Tonight, I want to help you. It is time to prove your loyalty.

  “Are you sure you’re all right?” Buttercup nudged her. “You seem distracted.”

  Isla bit her lip. “Buttercup, if you suspected someone was going to make a really big mistake would it be right to tell your friends? Even if there was a chance you were wrong and might be falsely accusing that person, as well as making yourself look stupid?” Isla suddenly realised she trusted Buttercup’s opinion. They were very different but together that made them stronger.

  “You should definitely tell your friends,” said Buttercup immediately. “Imagine if you didn’t and something bad happened as a result. You’d feel awful. If the person has nothing to hide then they shouldn’t mind explaining themselves. I think it’s better to risk looking silly than to let someone make a big mistake.”

  Isla hugged her. “You’re right. Thank you. I’m so lucky to have you as my unicorn.”

  “And I’m lucky to have you as my rider!” Buttercup said, nuzzling her.

  Isla and Buttercup left the stables to go to the drill ride practice.

  I’ll tell Diamond dorm about Valentina’s letters just as soon as I get a chance to speak to them on their own, thought Isla.

  Diamond dorm were ahead of her, laughing with the boys from Topaz dorm as Matilda and Miki tried to trip each other up.

  Ms Nettles came marching towards the stables. “Matilda! Stop that this instant!” she shouted.

  “Sorry, Miss,” said Matilda, giving her an apologetic grin as Miki stumbled.

  “It was my fault too, sorry, Miss,” said Miki.

  Ms Nettles ignored him. “Matilda, you will not ride this afternoon. Instead you’ll write out a hundred lines saying I must behave more appropriately.”

  Matilda gaped in shock. “But … I said sorry and we’re about to practise the drill ride…”

  “Silence or I shall make that two hundred lines!”

  Isla and Violet exchanged astonished looks. The teachers were all uptight about finding Ms Willow, especially Ms Nettles, but she was never usually so fierce or unfair. Matilda looked close to tears.

  “Please, Ms Nettles. We’ve so little time left to practice,” Rosa begged. “Can’t Matilda do lines later?”

  “One hundred lines for the whole of Diamond dorm!” Ms Nettles barked.

  Everyone gasped.

  Ms Nettles looked around. “Anyone else?” she enquired. No one dared to move. She nodded. “Diamond dorm, take your unicorns back and go inside now. The rest of you get on with your practise. Oh, and Valentina?”

  “Yes?” Valentina looked at her warily. Ms Nettles was her aunt, but she never showed Valentina any special favours.

  “I would like you to have a starring role in the drill ride.”

  Valentina blinked. “But I’m not ready to graduate.” Isla knew that at the start of the year, Valentina would have loved to have a main role. Now she looked almost upset. “Shouldn’t I just do what everyone else does?” Valentina went on.

  Ms Nettles smiled at her. “Always so modest, Valentina. No, you deserve this role. Come to my study straight after dinner and we’ll have a quick chat about it.” She turned and strode away.

  As soon as Ms Nettles was out of earshot everyone started to talk at once.

  “What’s going on?” hissed Himmat from Topaz dorm. “I’ve never known the Nettle Patch to be so prickly!”

  “It’s not fair,” said Miki. “I’m as much to blame as Matilda and Ms Nettles didn’t give me lines.”

  “I’m sure she’ll give you some if you want,” said Jake with a grin. “Just go and ask her.”

  “Maybe not,” said Miki, rolling his eyes. “But I do feel bad for Diamond dorm.”

  Isla glanced at Valentina. Did she know why her aunt was in such a bad mood? Valentina looked up.

  “What are you staring at?” she demanded.

  “Nothing,” Isla said hurriedly.

  When afternoon lessons were over, Isla went to the barn to meet up with Diamond dorm. “Did you get your lines done?” she asked them.

  They all nodded.

  “I still don’t understand why Ms Nettles was so mean,” said Violet.

  “It was very weird,” Rosa agreed, “but we’re here to discuss Ms Willow and how we’re going to find her. We’re running out of time.”

  Isla felt suddenly hot. This was her moment to tell the others about Valentina’s letters and the conversation she’d overheard between Valentina and Golden Briar. But now the moment was here, doubts filled her mind again. What if she’d made a huge mistake? She’d look like a complete idiot!

  “The good thing is, Ms Willow can’t get into the school grounds,” said Ariana. “The teachers have put protection spells on the boundaries to keep her out.”

  Isla hesitated. If Ms Willow couldn’t get into the grounds then how could Valentina be planning on meeting her? Ms Willow couldn’t be the mystery letter writer. Isla swallowed and kept silent.

  After dinner, Isla left the table at the same time as Valentina.

  “We’re going to the barn with the unicorns,” said Violet, as Isla passed her. “Are you coming?”

  “I’ll join you in a bit,” said Isla. Valentina had been unusually quiet over dinner and she wanted to see if she could find out why. Maybe she’d had another letter?

  As Isla followed Valentina up the stairs, Ms Nettles appeared. “There you are, Valentina. Are you ready for our meeting? I hope so. Tonight, I want to help you.”

  Valentina smiled as she and Ms Nettles went down the teachers’ corridor together. Something bothered Isla as she watched them. What was it?

  Tonight, I want to help you.

  The words echoed in her head. They were the exact same ones that had been written in Valentina’s mystery letters. Could it be a coincidence? Surely Ms Nettles couldn’t be the letter writer, could she?

  Isla hurried along the corridor, tiptoeing the last few metres up to Ms Nettles’ study. The door was slightly ajar and she could hear Valentina’s voice.

  “You might as well s
top pretending. I know you’re not my aunt!” she heard her say.

  Isla’s eyes widened.

  “Clever girl,” a voice purred. “I knew I was right to trust you and send you those letters! You’re so much smarter than everyone else, Valentina. How did I give myself away?”

  “My aunt would never show any favouritism to me like you did over the graduation display ride,” said Valentina. “So, who are you?”

  There was a faint flash of light. Isla pressed her eye to the crack in the door and smothered a squeak. Ms Willow was suddenly standing in Ms Nettles’ study!

  “Ms Willow!” exclaimed Valentina triumphantly. “I knew I was right. I suspected that you sent the letters and when my aunt started behaving strangely today, I guessed it wasn’t really her but you in disguise!” Isla was astonished that she didn’t sound scared. “How did you disguise yourself and get around the protection spells?” Valentina asked.

  “Prancer cast a glamour, making me look like Ms Nettles. As for the protection spells –” Ms Willow waved a hand – “with the magic I’ve stored in the lagoon and with Prancer’s powers, they were easy to break.”

  “Where is my aunt?” asked Valentina, and now Isla was sure she heard a tremor in her voice.

  “Safely out of the way, imprisoned in a secret place. I sent her a letter inviting her to an urgent meeting about Ms Willow and as she rode out of the school, I captured her and her unicorn. Now I shall I bind all the unicorns in this school to me and then they shall become my army and help me take over the island!”

  “How?” said Valentina.

  Ms Willow laughed and clasped her hands in delight. “A girl after my own heart. Always asking questions. There is enough magic stored in the Frozen Lagoon to make binding ribbons for every unicorn at the academy. Once the ribbons are in their manes they will obey me, just as Prancer does!”

  Isla’s heart clenched as Valentina chuckled slyly. “So where do I come into all of this and, more importantly, what do I get in return?”

  “Money, power and of course you’ll get to graduate from the academy. Not that you’ll need to after tomorrow night. First, you must prove your loyalty by binding Golden Briar to you. Then we shall work together to bind all the unicorns. We can do this if we work together. What do you say?”

  Say no, Isla thought fiercely. Don’t agree!

  Her stomach sank as she heard Valentina say firmly, “Yes, I’ll do it.”

  “I knew I had made the right choice!” said Ms Willow. “Fetch Golden Briar, then meet me by the lake. Do not breathe a word of this to anyone, especially not Golden Briar. Once he is bound to you, my quest – our quest – to take over the Unicorn Island will begin!”

  Isla didn’t stop to listen any more. She raced back along the corridor and up to the teachers’ lounge, but as she got closer her courage failed. What if none of the teachers believed her? She didn’t have any proof. They might just shoo her away or, even worse, they might laugh at her.

  So, what should she do?

  Diamond dorm! If she told them, they would help convince the teachers. She was sure of it! Remembering that they were going to the barn, Isla charged back along the corridor and out into the dark night. As she got closer to the barn, she heard laughter coming from it. She had just reached the door when she caught a movement from the corner of her eye – it was Valentina leading Golden Briar out of the stable block.

  Isla felt a rush of fierce anger. How could Valentina be so evil as to work with Ms Willow?

  “Valentina!” she yelled furiously, changing direction and running straight towards her dormmate. But Valentina didn’t hear her. She vaulted on to Golden Briar’s back and cantered straight towards the lake – and Ms Willow.

  Isla charged after her, as fast as she could. “Valentina! No!” she screamed.

  Isla ran faster than she’d ever run in her life. I have to stop Valentina. The thought drummed through her brain, over and over again. Getting closer to the lake, Isla saw Ms Willow on a tall unicorn with a golden mane. Golden Briar had stopped next to Ms Willow’s unicorn, and Ms Willow was smiling at Valentina and reaching for her hand.

  “Come with me, my dear.”

  “I didn’t realise we were going somewhere.” Isla thought she could hear an edge to Valentina’s voice, a sudden quiver of concern. “Where are you taking me?”

  “To the Frozen Lagoon!” Ms Willow’s fingers closed on Valentina’s.

  “No!” shrieked Isla, bursting out of the shadows and grabbing Valentina’s foot.

  For a second, she saw Valentina and Ms Willow’s shocked faces, and then there was a flash of green and the world fell away. Isla hung on to Valentina with all her strength. She spun round and round and then suddenly dropped to the ground, landing with a thud on a glassy, freezing surface. The sky was packed with glittering stars. Isla blinked, realising she was on a thick layer of ice above a lagoon that swirled eerily beneath it. This had to be the mysterious Frozen Lagoon where Ms Willow was storing the magic stolen from the island. Isla scrambled towards the bank.

  “You!” Ms Willow hissed. “What are you doing here?” She swung round to Valentina. “Did you tell her about meeting me?”

  “No!” Valentina exclaimed, looking at Isla in astonishment.

  Ms Willow flicked a bolt of magic at Isla. Isla cried out in pain as it smacked into her and sent her flying backwards across the lagoon. As she landed all the breath was knocked out of her.

  “Isla!” she heard Valentina cry.

  “Ignore her!” snapped Ms Willow. “She is no threat to us. I’ll deal with her in a minute. Prancer, make sure she does not leave the ice until I am back.” The golden-maned unicorn nodded obediently. “I’ll go and fetch the ribbons so that you can bind Golden Briar to prove your loyalty.”

  It was Valentina’s turn to nod, and Isla felt a rush of hatred as Ms Willow stalked away towards a hut near the lagoon.

  As soon as Ms Willow disappeared inside, Valentina slid from Golden Briar’s back. She looked briefly towards where Isla was scrambling to her feet and then ran over to Prancer. Pulling something from her pocket, she grabbed Prancer’s mane. Isla saw a flash of moonlight on metal.

  “Valentina! Stop! Don’t, whatever you’re doing! You mustn’t help Ms Willow!” she cried.

  “Help Ms Willow!” Valentina spluttered. “For goodness sake, Isla! As if I would!”

  “What? You can’t deny it!” said Isla. “She’s getting the binding ribbons right now!”

  “I had to agree so I could do this!” Valentina held up a pair of scissors triumphantly and a clump of ribbons fell to the ground. “It was my plan all along.”

  “I’m free of the binding!” whinnied Prancer, shaking her mane. “The ribbons are gone! Oh, thank you, Valentina!”

  “Did you really believe that I would bind Golden Briar to me?” Valentina exclaimed. “I’d never do that!”

  “Oh!” Isla’s eyes were wide as she scrambled off the ice. “So, you aren’t in league with Ms Willow?”

  “Don’t be silly! I was stringing her along. I thought if she believed I would join with her then I could find a way to trap her. I wasn’t expecting her to bring me here though!” said Valentina.

  “It’s true!” Golden Briar agreed. “I didn’t want Valentina to meet her at first, but she insisted.”

  “I was sure I could find a way to stop her,” said Valentina.

  “Oh,” said Isla, realising she had misjudged her. “I should have trusted you.”

  “Yes, you really should’ve!” said Valentina. She turned to Prancer. “Do you know where my aunt is imprisoned, Prancer?”

  “Ms Willow shut her and her unicorn in a shed in the grounds of the academy before transporting them here to a cave in the woods. I can show you the way there. Get on my back, Isla – it’ll be faster if you ride.”

  Hardly able to believe her eyes, Isla scrambled off the ice and on to Prancer’s back. She’d never ridden another unicorn before and tall, strong Prancer felt very differen
t from little Buttercup. Isla’s heart twisted. She wished Buttercup was there with her. But at least she’s not in danger, she consoled herself as they began to gallop around the lagoon. She cursed herself for not trusting Valentina earlier and for not having told the teachers about Ms Willow when she’d had the chance. She shouldn’t have worried about looking silly. She should have just burst into the staffroom. She glanced behind her, half expecting to see Ms Willow racing after them.

  After a few minutes, Prancer skidded to a stop. “Ms Nettles and Thyme are in that cave,” she hissed, motioning towards an opening in the grey stone in front of them.

  Three wolves were guarding the entrance. They lowered their heads and began to snarl. Their eyes glowed red.

  “Ms Willow has enchanted them to attack anyone who gets too close,” warned Prancer.

  “Can you lift the enchantment?” asked Valentina.

  “Not on my own. It takes both a spell-weaving unicorn and their partner to undo enchantment spells.”

  The wolves inched forward, their eyes fixed on the unicorns, their wide open mouths revealing razor-sharp teeth.

  Isla saw the wolves’ muscles bunch. They were about to spring! She tensed, and then suddenly a little unicorn came bursting out of the nearby trees and charged recklessly at the wolves.

  “Buttercup!” Isla shrieked, her head spinning. Whatever was her unicorn doing there?

  “I won’t let you hurt Isla! I won’t!” whinnied Buttercup, fiercely galloping straight towards the snarling wolves!

  The lead wolf leapt at Buttercup. Isla screamed as she saw its open mouth and its sharp fangs, but a second later it was flying sideways through the air. It landed with a howl, Freya and Honey standing beside it. Using Honey’s super-speed, they’d galloped flat out into the wolf, knocking it off target. Buttercup was safe from the wolf – for now!


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